風水師不敢說的秘密 . . 我給大家講一…





#風水、#慈悲、#富豪、#命運rnrnThe undisclosed secret of Feng Shui masters

Let me tell you a true story.

A wealthy man bought a piece of land and built a detached family villa. His large courtyard was also planted with many hundred-year-old lychee trees. His friend persuaded him to engage the services of a famous geomancer. Originally not receptive to geomancy, the wealthy man nonetheless appreciated his friend’s kind intention and paid a special visit to invite a very famous Fengshui master to read the feng shui his house.

After receiving the master, they both went straight to the villa. On the way, the wealthy man would always give way to an overtaking car. The master smiled, “Your driving is most steady!” The wealthy man replied cordially, “.. well, let’s not delay these overtaking drivers, as they could be experiencing emergencies.”

When the car entered the town, the streets were narrower and the wealthy man had to slow down. Suddenly, a child who was laughing dashed out of the alley in front of them. The wealthy man pressed firmly on the brakes. The child smiled and ran past. Thereafter, the driver paused slightly instead of stepping on the gas. Soon, another child sprang out in pursuit of the earlier one.
The master was surprised, and asked, “How did you know that there were children behind?” 」
The wealthy man replied, “Children are typically chasing and playing, otherwise they would not be laughing so happily.”
After hearing this, the master agreed with a thumb-up, elaborating, “You really have a kind heart!”

Upon arriving at the villa, the wealthy man alighted with the key, ready to open the door. From the backyard, a few birds suddenly flew up, accompanied by a burst of laughter. The wealthy man saw the situation, and decided to stop at the gate. Apologetic, he turned to the master, and said, “..(may) the master stay here and wait for a while.”
Master asked, “What’s the matter?”
The wealthy man responded, “Now, there must be kids at my backyard stealing lychees from our orchard. If we open the gate now, the children will panic in a bid to escape, and it will not be good if they fall, so let them have a moment to pick the fruits.”
After some silence, the master said, “You can just send me back to the railway station. There’s no need to read the Fengshui of this house!”
The wealthy man was taken aback. He asked, “Why is that so, master?”
“Sir, wherever you are, the place will enjoy auspicious Fengshui energy” was the reply.

In reality, the general geomancy approach does not allow people’s luck or destiny to be fundamentally changed. Upon hearing this, you must be curious to understand how then can we change our luck or destiny. That should be premised on the energy and merit of compassion in order for a person to enjoy good luck. This is because the energy of compassion can resolve all calamities, change the destiny and usher in good fortune; hence we must perform more good deeds.

#Geomancy, #Compassion, #WealthyMan, #Destiny


在〈風水師不敢說的秘密 . . 我給大家講一…〉中有 31 則留言

  1. 感恩師父傳受秘法、風水、改變命運、運氣大法、慈悲能量、可以化解一切災難、改變命運、迎來吉祥、所以我們要多行善、頂禮感恩大慈大悲金菩提上師。

  2. 感恩师父开示!风水师不敢说的秘密。慈悲的能量与功德具足,人有好运气,慈悲的能量可以化解一切灾难,改变命运,引来吉祥,多行善,多帮人,勤修行。顶礼感恩师父!祝福伟大的母亲,师母生日快乐,吉祥安康!

  3. 感恩上师慈悲分享!非常令人感动的故事!对于超车的人,街道上追逐嬉闹的小孩,在自家后院偷摘荔枝的小孩,富翁都能想到他们的安危,给予他们时间多摘一会,对于他们的行为理解包容,这才是真正的大富大贵,是慈悲心的表现!给我上了非常生动的一课!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!

  4. 感恩师父分享。最好的风水就是慈悲的能量与功德。慈悲可以化解一切灾难,改变命运,迎来吉祥。用慈悲心善待一切,就能征服一切!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!”风水师”的故事。要想风水好,首先多做善事,多积累功德福德;慈悲的心态与言行,会产生慈悲的能量,自然会化解一切灾祸;”改变命运,迎来吉祥”就是风水宝地。谢谢师父教化!弟子记住多做善事,慈悲改变命运,逢凶化吉!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教化!随喜赞叹这位慈悲的富豪!赞叹他的观察力、判断力、宽容度!赞叹他的每一个慈悲的善念!一般的风水方法并不能使人们的运气和命运得到根本上的改变,慈悲的能量与功德才能使一个人有好运,慈悲的能量能化解一切灾难、改变命运、迎来吉祥!以前住的地方,感觉处处不尽人意,很烦,现在还是同一个住处,有一种得天独厚、越住越舒适的感觉,感恩师父的慈悲教化、呵护与加持! 佛光普照,祝福一切有缘都能平安顺利、富贵吉祥!

  7. 师父中午好!感恩师父慈悲开示!最好的風水就是慈悲,对人对事先想到别的利益,風水在自己的心中,感恩师父!叩拜恩师!

  8. 师父分享的故事意义特别深远,因为拥有一颗慈悲的心富豪才能成为大富大贵的人,也因为拥有一颗慈悲心,深受感动的风水师没有做富豪的生意,这就是慈悲的能量,就是改变命运改变风水的秘密。感恩师父分享这么感人肺腑的好故事。合十顶礼师父。???

  9. 感恩师父教化!慈悲的人,心里想的全是别人!慈悲喜舍,智慧通达,厚德载物,福气多多!福人居福地,福地福人居啊!牢记师父教诲???不因善小而不为!不因恶小而为之!守好身口意,行住坐卧皆修行……南无大慈大悲消灾延寿药师佛!南无观世音菩萨!南无金菩提上师!叩拜恩师!弟子永远爱您!

  10. 一般的風水方法並不能使人們的運氣、命運得到根本上的改變。慈悲的能量與功德,才能使一個人有好運氣。因為慈悲的能量可以化解一切災難、改變命運、迎來吉祥。 。。感恩师父的分享!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教化 ! 感恩师父慈悲的分享!赞叹随喜这位慈悲的富豪 ! 最好的风水是一颗慈悲善良的心,它能沟通一切吉祥能量!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!这个富豪心里全都是为别人着想,没有一点自私,他是佛菩萨一样的心啊。佛菩萨在哪里,就会把光明吉祥和美好带到哪里。他有最好的风水那是一定的。从这个富豪身上学到好多,这个故事看着也特别感动。也曾经看过这句话:“善良是最好的风水”。感恩师父!

  13. 佛父您早午晚健康长寿和安好!

  14. 感恩师父慈悲开示!师父总是用大众最易接受的语言来告诉我们人生中的真谛!为自己今生能有缘找到这样的一位师父而感到幸运,今生的健康快乐从遇到师父开始……

  15. 感恩师父慈悲分享!”风水师”的故事。要想风水好,首先多做善事,多积累功德福德;慈悲的心态与言行,会产生慈悲的能量,自然会化解一切灾祸;”改变命运,迎来吉祥”就是风水宝地。谢谢师父教化!弟子记住多做善事,慈悲改变命运,逢凶化吉!
