【週六網路共修】馬來西亞 千人八卦 ──…

【週六網路共修】馬來西亞 千人八卦


【連載之四】馬來西亞 千人八卦 ───我…

【連載之四】馬來西亞 千人八卦


【連載之三】馬來西亞 千人八卦 ───八…

【連載之三】馬來西亞 千人八卦


美容養生長壽茶──普洱茶 . 在《本草綱…


Beauty and Wellness Longevity tea ─ Pu’er

In the ‘Compendium of Materia Medica’, it is recorded that the Pu’er tea has the benefits of clearing excess ‘heat’, detoxification, reducing fats, aiding fluid circulation, easing bowel movement, expelling phlegm, clearing flatulence, anti-cough and soothing respiration, improving vitality, and amongst others, promote longevity and general health effects.

The Pu’er tea by Bodhi Meditation is further enhanced with the blessed vitality of Bodhisattva, so that you are fully revitalized in your everyday busy lives. Let us all consume the Pu’er to recharge ourselves wholesomely, and multiply our energy by several times!

May everyone with the karmic bond to consume the Pu’er tea by Bodhi Meditation be free from illness, be healthy, beautiful, and much lavished with fortune and joyousness!

#PuerTea, #Longevity, #Slimming, #Beautifying


為什麼飲食和心情會影響健康? . 有一次…

首先,在烹調食物的過程中,需要以正面感恩、快樂的心情,用輕鬆的心情來製作,這些食物就會變成了「美食」 ,滋養我們、幫助我們獲得健康。反之,若用憤怒、埋怨的心情烹調,他的味道和作用也會有所不同的。

#吃飯、#快樂的心、#和米飯對話、 #健康、 #長壽rnrnHow diet and mood can affect health?
On one occasion, a female student had stomach ache after a meal. Upon asking, I found out that she had squabbled with her boyfriend during the meal. Based on my past experience, whether it is cooking or eating our meals, our emotions are very important.
According to joint medical research reports, 65%-90% of human diseases are related to mental and emotional issues.
Therefore, if one is restless, angry, tense and full of negative emotions for the whole day, the body immune system will be clogged and damaged, and the cardiovascular system will become vulnerable due to long-term fatigue. Even if we consume abundant health food or products, it cannot bring our health back.
First of all, when we cook, we can have a positive feeling of gratitude, joy and tranquility. The food thus becomes a “delicacy”, nourishing and making us healthy. On the contrary, if we cook with frustration and complaints, the taste and nourishment would be lacking.
The most important point is, to be happy and grateful during meal times; thankful for every grain of rice that gives us health. Eating in a happy state of mind, brings vitality. It is not just a grain of rice, it is a small seedling that binds all connections of life .
By consuming rice with gratitude, the body system receives joyful energy. The food is not only easily digested, most of the nutrition can also be absorbed by the body. On the other hand, when one is angry and depressed, even drinking water or eating can easily cause one to choke, similar to taking poison.
Thus, we must learn to eat with joy and gratitude. In this way, the food will be more nutritious and we will be healthier.
May everyone be blessed with health, happiness and longevity!
Sources of reference:

#Eating, #Joyful, #CommunicateWithTheRice, #Health, #Longevity


健康有捷徑嗎? 給想健康,卻又苦尋不著方…

有一種養生方法,它不僅簡單易學,還能夠快速補充身體 #元氣,而且還能有效幫助人體 #增強免疫力。八卦內功的效果,從實用的角度來說,就是對我們的 #健康有好處。


Short cut to Good Health?
Specially for those of you who crave for good health but have not been able to find the way~

There is a method which is easy to learn and allows the body to quickly replenish vital energy and improve its immunity. Judging from the effects of practicing Energy Bagua, it is apparent that Energy Bagua is beneficial for our health.

Energy Bagua is one of the easiest exercises to learn, and it can be practiced indoors or outdoors, regardless of weather conditions. It is also suitable for people of all ages. If you would like to improve your strength and overall health, or if you would like to get pregnant, you ought to give it a try. Energy Bagua lets you attain good health in a easy and relaxed manner.

【My Suggestions for Good Health】
First of all, for those who need to recover from sicknesses, you ought to practice at least one to two hours of Energy Bagua daily, for 108 days continuously. It is best to practice at the same time every day. For instance, you can choose to practice at 5am, 6am, 7am, 8am, 9am or 10am every morning.
Secondly, morning is the best time to practice. According to energy and cosmology, as we view the sun rising, we are exposed to rising levels of energy, which is beneficial to our health. In comparison, practicing in the afternoon does not yield as much benefit as practicing in the morning.

I welcome all of you to join me to “Walking around a tree brings you longevity”.
May all of you be blessed with good health, longevity, good fortune and happiness!

To gain a better understanding of Energy Bagua, please click on the following:
1. Energy Bagua Practice Music CD

#EnergyBagua, #HealthImprovement, #Longevity, #FirmAndQuickSteps, #WarmingUpTheHandsAndLegs


新春_回家過年啦~ . . 對中國人來說…

Spring Festival – It is time to go home for Chinese New Year celebration~

Home is our blissful and happy haven!
Home is a place for mum’s delicious and tasty cooking!
Home is a place of leisure to unwind and rest
Home provides us with warm embrace!
Home holds an unforgettable place in our hearts!

Home is the source of nourishing love, it waters our growth so that we flourish and become sturdy and strong!!
Home is the source of our hopes and dreams, it nurtures and provides us with a pair of soaring wings.

The Chinese has always been more subtle and restraint when it comes to expressing love, affection, care and concern for each other. Parents would quietly support their children in all their endeavors.I Their only wish is for their children to lead a smooth, healthy and safe life and attain career success. Even if they did not see their children for the whole year, they feel happy and contented just by listening to their children’s voice and this happiness lasts for days.

Hence, regardless of your dream, where will you go?
Always remember, our life’s primary love can be found only in our home, home is our happy haven.
Go home quickly, mum and dad are waiting for you…

If possible, please bring your parents to Bodhi Meditation on this auspicious festival to offer a light or venerate before the Buddha to seek blessings for them or light an incense to wish them longevity. May our parents be blessed with auspiciousness, great health, longevity and be free from illnesses and calamities. Our parents’ health and happiness is the most precious gift.

May all:
Enjoy an auspicious Spring Festival! May Buddha and Bodhisattvas shower everyone with bountiful blessings, let us all usher in good luck and fortune for ourselves and our parents.
Blessings of good health, longevity and happiness!

#SpringFestival, #GoHomeForChineseNewYearCelebration, #KindThoughts, #Auspicious, #Happiness, #Longevity, #SafetyForEntireFamily, #UsherInGoodLuck


【緬甸_大金石】 . . 看見信仰的力量…

緬甸_大金石(Golden Rock)位於緬甸南部_孟邦(Mon State),位在海拔1100多公尺的山頂上,這顆大金石身長長約8公尺、有上百噸重,以令人難以置信的姿態,佇立於懸崖峭壁間,彷彿一不小心,就會滾落山崖。
石頭上面建造了一座_吉諦瑜佛塔(Kyaiktiyo Pagoda),約7公尺。傳說因為塔下埋著佛祖的兩根頭髮,所以才能撐住這顆大石不會滾落,信眾們深信不疑,將金箔貼滿了整顆石頭,因此變成一顆大金石。
【The Golden Rock – Myanmar】
Witness the power of faith! Even if poor, one should offer the best before the Buddha.
The Golden Rock is located in the Mon state to the south of Myanmar. With an altitude of more than 1,100 meters above the sea level at its peak, the stone measures about 8 meters long, with a weight exceeding hundreds of tons. It is perched in a remarkable (yet treacherous) position against the cliff, where it seems a careless move can cause it to plunge into the abyss below.
Built atop the rock is the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, of about 7 meters. Legend has it that due to two strands of the Buddha’s hair buried under the pagoda, the rock is well secured and thus has not tumbled down the cliff. Followers unwaveringly believe in it, and have used gold foil to plaster the whole stone, honoring it as the Golden Rock.
Myanmars believe that if one makes 3 pilgrimages to the Golden Rock in a year, he/ she will not be poor in this life. Thus, the monument will be crowded with followers from diverse places every morning. They reckon, “the hair of the Buddha represents the Buddha’s head. To have the opportunity to sleep by the Buddha’s head, is indeed very rare!” So, around the compound of the rock, there would be many people and families alike, laying mats, lying down and taking a nap – relishing with much pleasure despite the inherent risk.
Everyone is welcome to visit this monument, and if there’s time, take a stroll, pay homage and venerate the Buddha!!
Lastly, I wish everyone;
May the compassionate radiance of the Buddha illuminate every corner of the universe!
May the Buddha bless you with prosperity, auspiciousness, happiness, peace and serenity.
May you attain unparalleled wisdom, expertise and achievements.
Many thanks to our online friends in Myanmar who helped to source for beautiful photographs.
References – http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140607000699-260116
#Myanmar, #GreatIllumination, #Prosperity, #Auspiciousness, #Longevity, #Healthy, #Happiness, #GoldenRock
#緬甸、#光明、 #富貴、#吉祥、#長壽、#健康、#幸福、 #大金石


《牧牛人金花獻佛》 . 我們為何要佛前供…

Why do we need to offer flowers to the Buddha?
What are the benefits of offering flowers to the Buddha?
Let me share a story from the Buddhist scriptures.
Once upon a time, there was a lake that was surrounded by blossoming golden flowers, creating a scenery of beauty and splendor. Faced with this beautiful view, a shepherd was inspired: “Let me offer these magnificent flowers to Buddha.” Hence, he picked baskets of the beautiful golden flowers and started walking towards Buddha’s abode with the offering.
Unfortunately, the shepherd never made it to the abode. Halfway there, he was trampled to death by a raging bull. But because he had the heart to make the offering to Buddha, after his death, he was reborn to Trayastrimsa as an honored celestial being. He lived in the grandest of palaces and was offered precious nectar as refreshment every day. Outside the halls of his palace, fresh golden flowers grew in abundance, effusing brilliant light and showering the palace in dazzling hues.
One day, the shepherd was using his special power to view his past life. He realized that his rebirth as a celestial being was purely due to his sincere intention of offering the flowers to Buddha. He was amazed: “I gained this huge karmic reward simply by having the intention to make an offering to Buddha. What kind of karmic rewards would be awarded to the virtuous ones who practice positive karma accumulation over a sustained period of time?”.
From that day onwards, the shepherd started to pick and collect the beautiful golden flowers every day, hoping to be able to fulfill his wish of making an offering to Buddha.
Other celestial beings were puzzled by what he was doing, and came to ask him: “You were reborn as a celestial being not that long ago. Why are you working so hard at picking the flowers instead of enjoying the fruits of your karmic reward?”
To which the shepherd replied: “When I was alive, I wanted to offer the golden flowers to Buddha. But I was killed before I could fulfill that wish. Even then, simply by having that intention, I was awarded the karmic reward of being reborn as a celestial being and am able to enjoy unlimited riches and glory. I am picking all these flowers now so that I can fulfill my wish to actually make the offering to Buddha, from which I will gain even more karmic merits and wisdom for the future.”
This inspired the other celestial beings to achieve enlightenment. As a result, a total of eighty-four thousand celestial beings came down to earth to make offerings to Buddha. Unfortunately, they were not able to find the Buddha. Instead, they met an accomplished monk who taught them the way of the dharma. From his teachings, the celestial beings discovered dharma joy and accumulated karmic merits. Not long after that, they met the Buddha.
The Buddha personally gave them teachings about the dharma. All of them were enlightened and attained the Sotapanna state.

The shepherd and the other eighty-four thousand celestial beings were, in actuality, spiritual friends who pursued the dharma together in previous lives. In their current life, the affinities and conditions were ripe and so they were able to attain enlightenment.
Classical story extracted from the upper scroll of <>
Buddha Dharma teaches us to practice self-reflection every day: “Continue to cultivate the kind thoughts that have arisen and inspire the kind thoughts that have yet to arise; extinguish evil thoughts that have arisen and eradicate evil thoughts which have yet to arise.” The birth of a kind thought will, at the very moment, eradicate all evil thoughts, just like how a torch will eradicate darkness in a room. Hence we need to constantly remind ourselves to cultivate kind thoughts, which will beget good rewards.
#BuddhasLight, #GoldenFlowers, #OfferingFlowersToBuddha, #KarmicRewardsOfCelestianBeings, #Longevity, #FullOfGoodFortune



1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年11月18日,上午9:00開始 

Why Sima Yi’s 150 thousand troops lost to Zhuge Liang’s 2,500 soldiers?
There is a well-known story “The Strategy of an Empty City” in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms:
During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Sima Yi, the general of Wei’s troops led 150 thousand troops on a battle against Shu’s territory of Xi City. Unfortunately Zhuge Liang had earlier sent his army away and was only left with a handful of weak soldiers. Knowing Shima Yi’s suspicious nature, Zhuge Liang promptly plotted a plan to play against Shima Yi’s weakness.
Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to remove all flags on the city wall and open the four main gates. He also arranged some soldiers to disguise as civilians to sweep the streets. As for him, he went to the top of the city wall, draped on a crane cloak, lit incense and leisurely played his musical instrument gu-zhen with only two child servants by his side.
When Sima Yi reached the city gate, he became suspicious when he saw the gate wide open with some ordinary folks sweeping the floor and Zhuge Liang seated relaxingly at the top of the city wall enjoying his music and incense. He thought, “The opponents must have backup plan!” Hence, he dare not invade the city rashly. Instead, he retreated twenty miles to observe the situation. When he finally realized the truth and returned to the city, General Zhao Yun already led his army back to the city to assist Zhuge Liang. It was then that Sima Yi realized he had been tricked by Zhuge Liang’s strategy of an empty city.
As evident, what we see and hear may not be the truth. Be it true or false, we are often misguided by our five senses and may end up making wrong judgements and decisions.
Hence, only if we can move beyond our physical senses to make judgement can we see things in their natural form. So how do we have better judgement and be sure that we are on the right path? Let’s discuss further in this Saturday’s “Exploring Enlightenment – Part 1”.
If you like this post, please share it. More sharing, more blessings!
May all gain wisdom, health, auspiciousness and happiness!!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Nov 18, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Nov 18, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Nov 17, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Nov 17, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Nov 18, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Nov 18, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Nov 18, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Nov 18, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Nov 18, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Nov 18, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#ExploringEnlightenment, #MasterJinBodhi’sTeachings, #SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #Wisdom, #Longevity
1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年11月18日,上午9:00開始 

Why Sima Yi’s 150 thousand troops lost to Zhuge Liang’s 2,500 soldiers?
There is a well-known story “The Strategy of an Empty City” in the novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms:
During the period of the Three Kingdoms, Sima Yi, the general of Wei’s troops led 150 thousand troops on a battle against Shu’s territory of Xi City. Unfortunately Zhuge Liang had earlier sent his army away and was only left with a handful of weak soldiers. Knowing Shima Yi’s suspicious nature, Zhuge Liang promptly plotted a plan to play against Shima Yi’s weakness.
Zhuge Liang ordered his soldiers to remove all flags on the city wall and open the four main gates. He also arranged some soldiers to disguise as civilians to sweep the streets. As for him, he went to the top of the city wall, draped on a crane cloak, lit incense and leisurely played his musical instrument gu-zhen with only two child servants by his side.
When Sima Yi reached the city gate, he became suspicious when he saw the gate wide open with some ordinary folks sweeping the floor and Zhuge Liang seated relaxingly at the top of the city wall enjoying his music and incense. He thought, “The opponents must have backup plan!” Hence, he dare not invade the city rashly. Instead, he retreated twenty miles to observe the situation. When he finally realized the truth and returned to the city, General Zhao Yun already led his army back to the city to assist Zhuge Liang. It was then that Sima Yi realized he had been tricked by Zhuge Liang’s strategy of an empty city.
As evident, what we see and hear may not be the truth. Be it true or false, we are often misguided by our five senses and may end up making wrong judgements and decisions.
Hence, only if we can move beyond our physical senses to make judgement can we see things in their natural form. So how do we have better judgement and be sure that we are on the right path? Let’s discuss further in this Saturday’s “Exploring Enlightenment – Part 1”.
If you like this post, please share it. More sharing, more blessings!
May all gain wisdom, health, auspiciousness and happiness!!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Nov 18, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Nov 18, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Nov 17, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Nov 17, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Nov 18, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Nov 18, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Nov 18, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Nov 18, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Nov 18, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Nov 18, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#ExploringEnlightenment, #MasterJinBodhi’sTeachings, #SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice, #Wisdom, #Longevity
