祝福大家,西洋情人節快樂! . 2月14…


Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you!
February 14 is the day of romance in the Gregorian calendar – Valentine’s Day. It is also a day to be treasured.
Treasure the one who has remained at your side through it all…
Treasure the one who loves to wrangle and quibble with you so that you would never feel alone.
Think about the time when you first started dating – you were so touched when your partner brought you supper or breakfast that you took a picture and uploaded it to social media immediately. But somewhere along the way, you take for granted the care and concern that your partner shower on you every day.
Every single thing that your partner does for you has become something that you expect. You have forgotten to treasure the person that is closest to you. Please remember that it is really not easy to meet someone who is willing to be give selflessly to you. Treasure it.
Learn to treasure what you have, and you will enjoy the simplest and purest joy!!

To learn more about the ways to attain happiness, click here ? “Q&A Series of Love” – The Golden Key to Happiness ?

#Valentine’sDay, #Warmth, #Happiness, #Treasure, #GoldenKeyToHappiness
#西洋情人節、 #溫暖、 #幸福、 #珍惜 、#幸福的金鑰匙


新春_回家過年啦~ . . 對中國人來說…

Spring Festival – It is time to go home for Chinese New Year celebration~

Home is our blissful and happy haven!
Home is a place for mum’s delicious and tasty cooking!
Home is a place of leisure to unwind and rest
Home provides us with warm embrace!
Home holds an unforgettable place in our hearts!

Home is the source of nourishing love, it waters our growth so that we flourish and become sturdy and strong!!
Home is the source of our hopes and dreams, it nurtures and provides us with a pair of soaring wings.

The Chinese has always been more subtle and restraint when it comes to expressing love, affection, care and concern for each other. Parents would quietly support their children in all their endeavors.I Their only wish is for their children to lead a smooth, healthy and safe life and attain career success. Even if they did not see their children for the whole year, they feel happy and contented just by listening to their children’s voice and this happiness lasts for days.

Hence, regardless of your dream, where will you go?
Always remember, our life’s primary love can be found only in our home, home is our happy haven.
Go home quickly, mum and dad are waiting for you…

If possible, please bring your parents to Bodhi Meditation on this auspicious festival to offer a light or venerate before the Buddha to seek blessings for them or light an incense to wish them longevity. May our parents be blessed with auspiciousness, great health, longevity and be free from illnesses and calamities. Our parents’ health and happiness is the most precious gift.

May all:
Enjoy an auspicious Spring Festival! May Buddha and Bodhisattvas shower everyone with bountiful blessings, let us all usher in good luck and fortune for ourselves and our parents.
Blessings of good health, longevity and happiness!

#SpringFestival, #GoHomeForChineseNewYearCelebration, #KindThoughts, #Auspicious, #Happiness, #Longevity, #SafetyForEntireFamily, #UsherInGoodLuck


【緬甸_大金石】 . . 看見信仰的力量…

緬甸_大金石(Golden Rock)位於緬甸南部_孟邦(Mon State),位在海拔1100多公尺的山頂上,這顆大金石身長長約8公尺、有上百噸重,以令人難以置信的姿態,佇立於懸崖峭壁間,彷彿一不小心,就會滾落山崖。
石頭上面建造了一座_吉諦瑜佛塔(Kyaiktiyo Pagoda),約7公尺。傳說因為塔下埋著佛祖的兩根頭髮,所以才能撐住這顆大石不會滾落,信眾們深信不疑,將金箔貼滿了整顆石頭,因此變成一顆大金石。
【The Golden Rock – Myanmar】
Witness the power of faith! Even if poor, one should offer the best before the Buddha.
The Golden Rock is located in the Mon state to the south of Myanmar. With an altitude of more than 1,100 meters above the sea level at its peak, the stone measures about 8 meters long, with a weight exceeding hundreds of tons. It is perched in a remarkable (yet treacherous) position against the cliff, where it seems a careless move can cause it to plunge into the abyss below.
Built atop the rock is the Kyaiktiyo Pagoda, of about 7 meters. Legend has it that due to two strands of the Buddha’s hair buried under the pagoda, the rock is well secured and thus has not tumbled down the cliff. Followers unwaveringly believe in it, and have used gold foil to plaster the whole stone, honoring it as the Golden Rock.
Myanmars believe that if one makes 3 pilgrimages to the Golden Rock in a year, he/ she will not be poor in this life. Thus, the monument will be crowded with followers from diverse places every morning. They reckon, “the hair of the Buddha represents the Buddha’s head. To have the opportunity to sleep by the Buddha’s head, is indeed very rare!” So, around the compound of the rock, there would be many people and families alike, laying mats, lying down and taking a nap – relishing with much pleasure despite the inherent risk.
Everyone is welcome to visit this monument, and if there’s time, take a stroll, pay homage and venerate the Buddha!!
Lastly, I wish everyone;
May the compassionate radiance of the Buddha illuminate every corner of the universe!
May the Buddha bless you with prosperity, auspiciousness, happiness, peace and serenity.
May you attain unparalleled wisdom, expertise and achievements.
Many thanks to our online friends in Myanmar who helped to source for beautiful photographs.
References – http://www.chinatimes.com/newspapers/20140607000699-260116
#Myanmar, #GreatIllumination, #Prosperity, #Auspiciousness, #Longevity, #Healthy, #Happiness, #GoldenRock
#緬甸、#光明、 #富貴、#吉祥、#長壽、#健康、#幸福、 #大金石


爬上天梯的伏羲 . .   傳說,以前有…



He who climbed the stairs to Heaven – Fuxi
According to legend, there used to be a place called Hua Xu Guo, where the people were happy and lived long lives. It was like heaven on earth. However, due to the lack of hardship, the people there were lazy – they did not have the motivation to work or to create things.
However, there was a young lad named Fuxi who was different from all the others. He felt that the life in Hua Xu Guo was too mundane and he found the lack of creativity boring. Once, he chopped down a Phoenix tree and made a musical instrument by attaching fifty strings to it. This musical instrument was called a Se (an ancient Chinese plucked zither). The sound of the Se was crisp, clear, and so heavenly that it seemed to soar through the clouds into the sky.
One day, as Fuxi was playing the Se as usual, he heard the sound of thunder in the distance. He looked up at the sky and thought to himself: “My father is supposedly the Thunder God who lives in heaven. How I wish that I can go up there to take a look. I’ve heard that there is a magic tree south-east from here. Supposedly it rises up into the clouds, like a staircase to heaven. As long as I climb along the magic tree, I should be able to go up into heaven!”
With that thought, Fuxi took his beloved Se and left Hua Xu Guo in search of the staircase to heaven. Along the way, he encountered chilling scenes. He quickly learned that people outside of Hua Xu Guo lived very barbaric lives. He witnessed many brutal scenes of the strong preying on and devouring the weak.
Suddenly, Fuxi emerged into a wide, open grassland, where he saw a beautiful lady pacing sorrowfully. He found out that she was the Goddess in charge of all the wildernesses, Sunu.
“Excuse me, do you know where I can find the magic tree that goes up into heaven?” Fuxi sked.
“Why don’t you remain on the ground? Why do you want to search for the magic tree to heaven?”

Fuxi replied: “Because there are beautiful palaces and flowers up in heaven. And my father, the Thunder God, lives there.”

“Alright, I can tell you where the magic tree is. But you have to remember this: As you climb up the tree, you must never look downwards!”
Fuxi looked in the direction pointed by the goddess. Right in the center of the grass plains, he saw a gigantic tree rising up into the sky like a column of smoke! He took down the Se which he had been carrying all this while, and gave it to the goddess as a gift. Then he started his climb up the huge trunk.
As he climbed, he heard the sound of someone tuning the strings on the Se. The goddess was playing a farewell melody for Fuxi.
As he climbed to the top of the tree, he was not far away from the heaven. Suddenly the song played by the goddess floated into his ears. The melody was hauntingly hopeless and sad, reminding him of the wails of the animals which he witnessed being devoured earlier. The haunting melody tugged at Fuxi’s heart. Forgetting the warning from the goddess, he glanced downwards.
Immediately his hand slipped off the smooth trunk and he fell, head-first. Fortunately for him, he was saved by a thick carpet of grass which cushioned his fall. Fuxi was furious: “Why did the goddess play such a haunting melody to distract me? I must talk to her!”
However, the goddess was nowhere to be found. Disappointed, Fuxi stared moodily into the dark waters. Without warning, the water parted, and a mythical creature that resembled a dragon and a horse at the same time emerged. There was a picture of an octagon on the back of the creature. The creature spoke: “I know that you are looking for the goddess. You won’t find her, as she has already left. She asked me to pass you a message – There are so many people who are suffering in this world. They are uneducated and uninformed. They need a wise person to lead them, to help them. How can you bear to desert them and enjoy life on your own in heaven? You did not fall because of the goddess’ sad music. You fell because you still have empathy and sympathy for the people who are suffering. Your wish is to help these people!”
After hearing the words of the creature, Fuxi had a realization: “I am smart. I can use my wisdom to help improve the lives of these people!”
From then on, Fuxi stopped thinking about climbing up the staircase to heaven. He returned to his hometown, where he led his countrymen to build up an empire. He also led in the creation of the calendar system, and taught his people to tame wild animals. That was the start of animal domestication. He also taught his people to create stone tools, to start fire through drilling of wood, and to start the habit of cooking food before consumption. This greatly reduced the occurrences of diseases as a result of eating unclean raw food, and also reduced the incidence of people getting hurt by wild animals.
Most importantly, he was inspired by the prints on the mythical creature and invented the eight trigrams commonly known as Bagua. This increased mankind’s general knowledge about the world of nature and introduced order into the society. This was how a barbaric place in the east was eventually transformed into a happy kingdom.
#Fuxi, #Bagua, #Invention, #Happiness, #FirstDayOfTheTwelveLunarMonth


感恩_來到自己生命中的一切 . . 人生…



Be grateful for everything that you encounter in your life
Three important things in life:
1. Have 「tolerance」 for the world and in life’s encounters.
2. Shape the world and transform the future with a 「happy」heart.
3. With「gratitude 」, feel the world and share your life.
Say thanks ~
There is no complaint about tiredness throughout the year; no greeting too trivial.
No concern is too vexing, a life of predestined affinity is not too long.
Express your thanks to all the people around you!
In the United States and many other countries, today is “Thanksgiving Day.” Let us give thanks regardless of time and nationality. May we all be grateful every day. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Welcome to share this 「Thanksgiving」 positive energy with the world.
May the world, together with you and I, be forever auspicious and happy. The more you share, the more you gain!
#Gratitude, #Happiness, #GiftsBestowedByBuddha
#感恩、 #幸福、 #快樂、 #佛賜予的禮物


生命的平衡 . 人生好比如天平,平衡貫穿…

Balance in Life
Life is like a scale – the objective is to attain balance between the two extremes of life. We must love ourselves, love others, and extend that love even to all living beings in this world.
When you views are no longer extreme,
We will be able to reach an equilibrium.
Naturally, we will find a balance in life.
Learn to attain a balance between reason and emotions. In this way, we will be able to achieve balance in our lives and any problems we encounter will be easily resolved.
#BalanceInLife, #Health, #Happiness, #Bliss


做自己的主人 . . 無論你今天來的目的…

You control your own destiny

What is the reason for you coming here today?
Perhaps its for happiness, health, self-liberation, career or maybe to find a better path for your future. Everyone has a long and broad path ahead.

However, I would like everyone to remember, “You reap what you sow”.

When you set a goal for yourself, make sure you follow it through.
By using kindness to deal with the daily happenings in life can turn bad things into good and make our lives more pleasant. Hence it’s imperative to cultivate a kind and compassionate heart.

You must have faith that you control your own destiny; you alone call the shots as to the kind of future you want for yourself!
#YouControlYourOwnDestiny, #KindThoughts, #GainOnlyComesWithGiving, #Happiness
You control your own destiny

What is the reason for you coming here today?
Perhaps its for happiness, health, self-liberation, career or maybe to find a better path for your future. Everyone has a long and broad path ahead.

However, I would like everyone to remember, “You reap what you sow”.

When you set a goal for yourself, make sure you follow it through.
By using kindness to deal with the daily happenings in life can turn bad things into good and make our lives more pleasant. Hence it’s imperative to cultivate a kind and compassionate heart.

You must have faith that you control your own destiny; you alone call the shots as to the kind of future you want for yourself!
#YouControlYourOwnDestiny, #KindThoughts, #GainOnlyComesWithGiving, #Happiness


「時尚禪修」—流行、健康、快樂。 . ….

緊張、疲憊,使現代人尋求很多方法來放鬆,像出去打球、或者到戶外運動等等。 但這些方法都不如在那兒靜靜地去坐上一個鐘頭,能夠使你的疲勞很快消失,快樂、正面、健康的能量就會充滿全身。
“Meditation in modern times” — Popular, healthy, blissful.
The fast pace of modern life often makes city dwellers exhausted and drained…
There is a new, healthy approach to physical well-being that is increasingly popular and trendy….. “Meditation”.

Can “meditating” brings happiness?
Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry of University of Wisconsin’s Madison School (also Founder and President of Waisman Center’s Mental Health Research Center) has published relevant papers in the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this.
The research shows, “meditation can transform our mood, and make us happier.”

Stress and exhaustion drives today’s man to search for ways to relax, activities like ball games or outdoor exercises, and so on. However, such efforts pale in comparison to an hour of quiet meditation that rapidly dissipates one’s fatigue and brings about bliss, positivity, and abundant healthy energy to the whole body.

“Meditation” is like when one draws a bucket of water from the river; initially muddy, then the sediment, leaves, and heavier particles sink to the bottom, leaving the centre section relatively clearer, transparent and permeated. With less impurities, the water becomes more transparent.
Thus, people practice meditation as a means to calm down, allowing stale energy to sink and gradually be removed from the body through various channels such as respiration, perspiration, and excretion. The subtle energy rises from within; where does it elevate to? It elevates to our consciousness.

Once the body and mind enter into this calm meditative state, one can naturally filter out the many unnecessary anxieties that are caused by one’s attachment, and come to comprehend the underlying truth in matters easily. This is the miraculous aspect and phenomenon of the Dharma.

“Meditation” transforms our mind, making it calm and clear, allowing bliss to elevate naturally from within. Thus, a conscientious practitioner usually experiences more bliss and happiness than a non-practitioner.
#Meditation, #Delightful, #MeditationInModernTimes, #Happiness, #SettledDown, #LessVexed

Source of reference: http://zzic.org.cn/News/1/201606/1606Y_14665326381139.htmlrnrn「時尚禪修」—流行、健康、快樂。
緊張、疲憊,使現代人尋求很多方法來放鬆,像出去打球、或者到戶外運動等等。 但這些方法都不如在那兒靜靜地去坐上一個鐘頭,能夠使你的疲勞很快消失,快樂、正面、健康的能量就會充滿全身。
“Meditation in modern times” — Popular, healthy, blissful.
The fast pace of modern life often makes city dwellers exhausted and drained…
There is a new, healthy approach to physical well-being that is increasingly popular and trendy….. “Meditation”.

Can “meditating” brings happiness?
Davidson, Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry of University of Wisconsin’s Madison School (also Founder and President of Waisman Center’s Mental Health Research Center) has published relevant papers in the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) on this.
The research shows, “meditation can transform our mood, and make us happier.”

Stress and exhaustion drives today’s man to search for ways to relax, activities like ball games or outdoor exercises, and so on. However, such efforts pale in comparison to an hour of quiet meditation that rapidly dissipates one’s fatigue and brings about bliss, positivity, and abundant healthy energy to the whole body.

“Meditation” is like when one draws a bucket of water from the river; initially muddy, then the sediment, leaves, and heavier particles sink to the bottom, leaving the centre section relatively clearer, transparent and permeated. With less impurities, the water becomes more transparent.
Thus, people practice meditation as a means to calm down, allowing stale energy to sink and gradually be removed from the body through various channels such as respiration, perspiration, and excretion. The subtle energy rises from within; where does it elevate to? It elevates to our consciousness.

Once the body and mind enter into this calm meditative state, one can naturally filter out the many unnecessary anxieties that are caused by one’s attachment, and come to comprehend the underlying truth in matters easily. This is the miraculous aspect and phenomenon of the Dharma.

“Meditation” transforms our mind, making it calm and clear, allowing bliss to elevate naturally from within. Thus, a conscientious practitioner usually experiences more bliss and happiness than a non-practitioner.
#Meditation, #Delightful, #MeditationInModernTimes, #Happiness, #SettledDown, #LessVexed

Source of reference: http://zzic.org.cn/News/1/201606/1606Y_14665326381139.html


防落坑里,不貪便宜。 . 「貪」會引發傷…

「貪」會引發傷害。。 。


#認識禪修 #不貪 、 #奉獻、 #一切美好的、 #幸福、 #快樂、 #金菩提禪語、#金菩提宗師11月7日網絡講座
Do not be caught up in our own greed and fall into a pit

(Greed) can be detrimental…

A practitioner asked me: “ How do I ensure my stock prices do not fall?”

I replied:
“Just like the tides, when you sit on a coast near the ocean, you will notice constant tidal fluctuations. This is the law of nature. The same applies to the stock market. Many people participate in the stock market and there are many different factors affecting stock prices. Stock prices are definitely not within anyone’s control, just like the tides. Hence, do not buy any stock if you do not wish to suffer losses in the stock market.

When we are doing things, do not let our greed get the better of us. We will not suffer a loss if we are not greedy. Excessive greed eventually destroys us. In order to gain, we must be willing to give.

We must have the wisdom to know when to stop pursuing for more gains when we are still in a winning position and not continue to let ourselves be pushed by our greed into a pit. Though this is a simple principle that is easily understood, many people still continue to suffer losses. Why is that so? Because of greed; the desire to gain more.”

#IntroductionToMeditation, #DoNotBeGreedy, #WillingnessToGive, #AllTheGoodness, #Blissful, #Happiness, #AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #MasterJinBodhi7ThNovemberOnlineGlobalGroupSeminalrnrn防落坑里,不貪便宜。
「貪」會引發傷害。。 。


#認識禪修 #不貪 、 #奉獻、 #一切美好的、 #幸福、 #快樂、 #金菩提禪語、#金菩提宗師11月7日網絡講座
Do not be caught up in our own greed and fall into a pit

(Greed) can be detrimental…

A practitioner asked me: “ How do I ensure my stock prices do not fall?”

I replied:
“Just like the tides, when you sit on a coast near the ocean, you will notice constant tidal fluctuations. This is the law of nature. The same applies to the stock market. Many people participate in the stock market and there are many different factors affecting stock prices. Stock prices are definitely not within anyone’s control, just like the tides. Hence, do not buy any stock if you do not wish to suffer losses in the stock market.

When we are doing things, do not let our greed get the better of us. We will not suffer a loss if we are not greedy. Excessive greed eventually destroys us. In order to gain, we must be willing to give.

We must have the wisdom to know when to stop pursuing for more gains when we are still in a winning position and not continue to let ourselves be pushed by our greed into a pit. Though this is a simple principle that is easily understood, many people still continue to suffer losses. Why is that so? Because of greed; the desire to gain more.”

#IntroductionToMeditation, #DoNotBeGreedy, #WillingnessToGive, #AllTheGoodness, #Blissful, #Happiness, #AphorismOfMasterJinBodhi, #MasterJinBodhi7ThNovemberOnlineGlobalGroupSeminal


看見幸福的臉龐… . . 練習快樂,…

Saw a Face of Happiness…

Practice being happy in order to be healthy!
“What we know about karma is that’s its an accumulation of all the mistakes we have made in the past. The moment karma manifests, there will be a lot of obstacles obstructing our way forward. However, we can easily overcome these obstacles if we have accumulated sufficient merits and virtues.”

Life is never easy. Not only do we have to toil to feed ourselves, we also have to worry about the challenges faced during the four stages of life – birth, old age, sickness and death. Practicing dharma and meditation brings us the wisdom and energy to liberate ourselves and to face those challenges with a positive mindset.

We only have one chance at this life. We should use this opportunity to learn to be happy, which will help us become healthy and blissful! Let us listen to the touching story of how Xiaomei Li found her happiness…

Xiaomei Li from Vancouver:
I used to bear resentment towards my father due to the quarrels we had in the past. The accumulation of negative emotions in my body caused my health to take a turn for the worse some time back and I began to show symptoms of internal hemorrhage.

One day, when I was at the center to register for meditation class, I happened to hear Master say: “Ingratitude towards your parents will cause bad karma to befall you.” This astounded me and made me realize how poor my attitude has been towards my parents. They love me a lot. They have gone through a lot of hardship to bring me up and put me through school to get my medical doctorate. Yet I have never felt gratitude towards them. I even harbored prejudices against my own father, and rebutted him frequently. Come to think about it, I have been really petty.

Not long after that, I also heard Master say: “I am here to help people; to help petty people become magnanimous, and to help magnanimous people become saints.” Knowing that Master will not give up on me gave me the determination to correct my wrongdoings and to persevere in my practice.

The moment I reached home that day, I made a long distance call to my father. He was gratified by my concern, and was so touched that tears filled his eyes. I couldn’t stop my own tears too. The unhappiness that has lived in my heart for so many years melted away in that instant.

From then on, my mood improved. Whenever I am out, I cannot help but admire the sky that is so blue. The air smelled especially clean and fresh. The flowers are so vibrantly beautiful. Even the birds’ songs are especially pleasant to the ears.

Through chanting and practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my internal hemorrhage was cured. The hard shell that has wrapped around me felt off layer by layer and I became more relaxed and at peace.

I have never felt so touched, grateful and relaxed in my life. I realized there are many other people who are suffering from mental and physical ailments in this world. I would like to learn to spread this joy to them and help them achieve happier and healthier lives.

#Happiness, #Health, #Chanting, #MeditationAndHealth, #Karma, #GratitudeToFamilyrnrn看見幸福的臉龐…
Saw a Face of Happiness…

Practice being happy in order to be healthy!
“What we know about karma is that’s its an accumulation of all the mistakes we have made in the past. The moment karma manifests, there will be a lot of obstacles obstructing our way forward. However, we can easily overcome these obstacles if we have accumulated sufficient merits and virtues.”

Life is never easy. Not only do we have to toil to feed ourselves, we also have to worry about the challenges faced during the four stages of life – birth, old age, sickness and death. Practicing dharma and meditation brings us the wisdom and energy to liberate ourselves and to face those challenges with a positive mindset.

We only have one chance at this life. We should use this opportunity to learn to be happy, which will help us become healthy and blissful! Let us listen to the touching story of how Xiaomei Li found her happiness…

Xiaomei Li from Vancouver:
I used to bear resentment towards my father due to the quarrels we had in the past. The accumulation of negative emotions in my body caused my health to take a turn for the worse some time back and I began to show symptoms of internal hemorrhage.

One day, when I was at the center to register for meditation class, I happened to hear Master say: “Ingratitude towards your parents will cause bad karma to befall you.” This astounded me and made me realize how poor my attitude has been towards my parents. They love me a lot. They have gone through a lot of hardship to bring me up and put me through school to get my medical doctorate. Yet I have never felt gratitude towards them. I even harbored prejudices against my own father, and rebutted him frequently. Come to think about it, I have been really petty.

Not long after that, I also heard Master say: “I am here to help people; to help petty people become magnanimous, and to help magnanimous people become saints.” Knowing that Master will not give up on me gave me the determination to correct my wrongdoings and to persevere in my practice.

The moment I reached home that day, I made a long distance call to my father. He was gratified by my concern, and was so touched that tears filled his eyes. I couldn’t stop my own tears too. The unhappiness that has lived in my heart for so many years melted away in that instant.

From then on, my mood improved. Whenever I am out, I cannot help but admire the sky that is so blue. The air smelled especially clean and fresh. The flowers are so vibrantly beautiful. Even the birds’ songs are especially pleasant to the ears.

Through chanting and practicing the Meditation of Greater Illumination, my internal hemorrhage was cured. The hard shell that has wrapped around me felt off layer by layer and I became more relaxed and at peace.

I have never felt so touched, grateful and relaxed in my life. I realized there are many other people who are suffering from mental and physical ailments in this world. I would like to learn to spread this joy to them and help them achieve happier and healthier lives.

#Happiness, #Health, #Chanting, #MeditationAndHealth, #Karma, #GratitudeToFamily
