【金菩提宗師_灶王爺系列】 ━婆媳關係私…


Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Kitchen God Series
– Tips for Mother & Daughter-in-law Relationship

Mother and daughter-in-law relationship has been such a difficult issue since ancient times until now. If it is properly handled, your married life will be much happier and more harmonious. If not, your marriage may face instabilities and be at risk in the future.

In fact, relationships between mother- and daughter-in-laws, and living in harmony are often not as difficult as we imagine!
Is there any way to resolve this age-old problem?

Now, join me. Let’s discuss about household matters while making some dumplings.

#MasterJinBodhi, #KitchenGodSeries, #TipsForMotherAndDaughter-In-LawRelationship, #Tolerance, #Happiness, #HouseholdMatters


感恩,從身邊最親近的人開始! . 我們要…


Expressing gratitude, begins with the people closest to us!

We have to learn to be thankful, and think of the kindness others have shown to us.
Be more tolerant and loving,
With less sarcasm and criticism.

You reap what you sow!
Learn to be grateful and happiness will come your way!

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Gratitude, #Happiness, #Tolerance


幸福從感恩開始 . 懂得感恩對方才能更幸…


Happiness starts with gratitude

We will only be happy if we start to feel grateful in life. This marks the first lesson of Buddhist teachings.

We will only respect others if we are grateful in life and we will only experience happiness after we learn to respect others.

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #Gratitude, #Happiness, #Respect


大花紫薇 . 在前往禪堂的路上,飄落的一…

The big crepe myrtle flower
As I was making my way to the meditation center, I caught a whiff of fragrance. Glancing up, I was greeted by the beautiful smile of a crepe myrtle flower.

Happiness can be very simple. When your mind quieten down, you might realize that there is no need to deliberately search for the wonderful things in life. Just raise your head, and you might discover that the greatest beauty has been there all along, unnoticed by you!

#BigCrepeMyrtleFlower, #NewTaipeiCityMeditationCenter, #Flowers, #Naturernrn大花紫薇
The big crepe myrtle flower
As I was making my way to the meditation center, I caught a whiff of fragrance. Glancing up, I was greeted by the beautiful smile of a crepe myrtle flower.

Happiness can be very simple. When your mind quieten down, you might realize that there is no need to deliberately search for the wonderful things in life. Just raise your head, and you might discover that the greatest beauty has been there all along, unnoticed by you!

#BigCrepeMyrtleFlower, #NewTaipeiCityMeditationCenter, #Flowers, #Nature

The big crepe myrtle flower
As I was making my way to the meditation center, I caught a whiff of fragrance. Glancing up, I was greeted by the beautiful smile of a crepe myrtle flower.
Happiness can be very simple. When your mind quieten down, you might realize that there is no need to deliberately search for the wonderful things in life. Just raise your head, and you might discover that the greatest beauty has been there all along, unnoticed by you!
#BigCrepeMyrtleFlower,  #NewTaipeiCityMeditationCenter,  #Flowers,  #Naturernrn大花紫薇
The big crepe myrtle flower
As I was making my way to the meditation center, I caught a whiff of fragrance. Glancing up, I was greeted by the beautiful smile of a crepe myrtle flower.
Happiness can be very simple. When your mind quieten down, you might realize that there is no need to deliberately search for the wonderful things in life. Just raise your head, and you might discover that the greatest beauty has been there all along, unnoticed by you!
#BigCrepeMyrtleFlower,  #NewTaipeiCityMeditationCenter,  #Flowers,  #Nature


生命的平衡,就是一種幸福! . 曾經我看…

A balance life is a form of happiness!

I once came across a book titled “Education of Little Tree”. In the story, the grandfather remarked to the Little Tree; “how can humans coexist with nature? By simply taking only what we need.”

Many people have the mindset that nature has unlimited resources that will never run out.
However, the overexploitation of natural resources is the beginning of our Earth’s destruction.
Only by giving yourself and others greater flexibility in using our natural resources can we enjoy the resources sustainably.

This applies to life as well. To maintain a balance life, we should not be greedy or waste our resources. Only then will we learn to be appreciative of the things in life and understand the true meaning of happiness.
What is happiness? It is the feeling of experiencing a balance in life.

#BalanceLife, #CoexistWithNature, #Happy, #Bliss


恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動 . 傳說中,…

恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動
#恭敬不如孝敬、 #孝敬不如行動、#烏鴉反哺、 #感恩、 #幸福
恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動
It is not sufficient to just be respectful or filial to our parents, rather it is how we treat them that is most important

Legend has it that mother crows are the ones who search for food for their babies. When they return, they will always feed the babies first regardless of how little food they find, even if it means that they themselves will have to go hungry. Eventually, under such tender care, the babies grow up into sturdy adults. By then, the mother crows are old and can no longer fly. They do not have the strength to fly out to look for food any more. This is when their children reciprocate what their mothers used to do for them and go out in search for food. When they return, they will feed their mothers patiently. This happens every day until the mama crows pass away. This is the story of the “Filial crows feeding the parents.”

Think of what our parents have done for us and think of the care and concern that they have showered on us. Some people think that the presents that they bought for their parents are sufficient repayment. But if you compare that to the unconditional love and tolerance that they have given us, you will understand that it is clearly not enough. Not to forget everything else that they have gone through in order to bring us up,

Instead of showering our parents with material goods, let us spend more time with them. Let us pray for them and seek Buddha’s blessings of health, happiness and good fortune for them. I hope to inspire all of you to reflect on what you have done for your parents lately. While we still have the opportunity, let us spend more time with them and help them with what they need.

Consider this Chinese saying…
“The trees would like to remain still but the winds will not stop;
The children would like to care for their parents but the parents are no longer around…”

As Mother’s Day approaches, I wish that you and your family will be blessed with happiness, good health and joy!

*According to records, it is the crows’ custom to reciprocate and feed their parents when they are old. In the classic volume “Compendium of Materia Medica”, crows are called “birds of compassion”. From the time the baby is born, its mother feeds it for 60 days. When the mother is old, its offspring also feeds it for 60 days. The filialness of the crows makes them role models for us in how we ought to treat our parents.

#FilialPietyIsBetterThanRespect, #HelpingThemIsBetterThanBeingFilial, #FilialCrowsFeedingTheParents, #Gratitude, #Joy
