孝敬父母,為父母做功德。 . 親恩,莫大…



《三世因果》 . 談到遺傳基因,很少有人…



從恐懼到歡喜 ──台灣製簫名家的特殊經歷…

#靈感見證、#菩提供燈、#功德、#加持寶珠、# 歐陽明仁


【改變命運的最大能量】 . 行善,像是救…



【點燈利益】消災延壽,遂願滿足! . 藥…




兩個官員的不同命運?! . 有些人生來好…

The Different Fates of Two Officials
Some people are born with good fortune, while some are always down on their luck;
Some people achieve success with ease, while some may never succeed regardless of how much effort they put in.
Is this due to fate or is it due to the occasional stroke of good fortune?
If it’s fate – can it be changed?
What can I do if I want a blessed life?
Listen to find out!
#Fate, #Merits, #Energy, #DoingGoodDeeds, #TransformingDestiny, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTalk #命運、#功德、#能量、#行善、#改運、#金菩提宗師開示


傳家之寶 . . 問:「請問世界上什麼功…


The Inheritance
Question: “What has the greatest merit in this world?”
Reply of the Zen master: “A drop of water.”
Question: “Emptiness encompasses everything in the universe. What can hold the emptiness in return?”
Reply of the Zen master: “A drop of water.”
According to legend, an accomplished Zen Master lived on the Mountain of Yi. One night, the Zen Master was about to take a bath and found the bath water to be scalding hot. Hence, he called out to his little disciple to bring in a pail of cold water to mix into the bath water so as to bring the temperature down. When he has finished his task, the little disciple proceeded to discard the remaining cold water.
The Zen Master gave the disciple a knock on the head: “How can you be so wasteful? Everything in this world has its purpose and value, even a single drop of water. If the drop of water is given to a little sapling that is withering on parched land, the life of the sapling will be saved. That may also be the beginning of the formation of a forest. It may have been just one drop of water, but its value is infinite.”
The little disciple was ashamed after hearing this. This was a valuable lesson to him and from then on, he took on the Dharma name “Water Drop”. This little disciple later grew up to be the renowned and well-respected monk known as the “Water Drop Monk”.
The amount of blessings and good fortune that a person enjoys on Earth is actually limited. As the saying goes: “An inheritance of morality will last for more than ten generations; An inheritance of wealth will not last beyond three.” The amount of possessions, wealth, good fortune and longevity that a person has in his or her lifetime is limited. It is analogous to the savings in your bank account – if you keep spending more than what you are earning, eventually all your savings will run out.
Rich and prosperous people are where they are today because of the karmic merits accumulated in previous lives. For that to last through generations, it is important to cultivate morality and accumulate merits. Be thankful for what we have, be prudent with our resources, and do not waste even a drop of water. A drop of water may seem insignificant, but the collective energy of millions of them is very substantial.
I give my blessings to all of you, and hope that you can pass on an inheritance of morality to your descendants, so that they will be blessed with good fortune, prosperity and wealth, generation after generation!
If you like this post, please feel free to share it with your friends and family. The more you share, the more blessings you will accumulate!
#aDropOfWater #karmicMerits #InheritanceOfMorality #goodFortune #prosperity


[最美的供養]—貧女施燈 . 願望是…

在佛陀時代,舍衛國中 有一個貧困孤苦的貧女,由於她生活貧窮,因此以流浪乞討維生。生命對她而言,只有卑微與貧賤,以及毫無希望的明天。
#貧女施燈 #供養 #功德 #願望
The most beautiful offering — A Poor Woman’s Light Offering
Aspiration gives strength and is the driving force; it’s magnitude can gives unfathomable results.

Aspiration can resist karmic force, eliminate all resentment and illuminate all.
During the Buddha’s time, in the city of Sravasti, there lived a impoverished lonely woman. As she was poor, she lived a vagrant life begging for food or spare change and there was no hope for her future.
However, a predestined relationship changes her life.
One day in the midst of a fiercely cold wind, using her weak and trembling hands, she begged for an entire day, finally receiving one small coin. With this coin she could only afford to buy a small morsel of food to support her life.
However, the news of offering light to the Buddha inspired her. Seeing everyone in the city, including the royal family, officials, and commoners using all kinds of valuable oil and exquisite decorated lamps to make light offerings to Buddha with devotion and sincerity, she couldn’t help but joyously praised all the devotees; the wish to make an offering to the Buddha also arose in her mind.
She thought, “The manifestation of the Buddha in this world is so rare and precious. I should really make use of this opportunity to make an offering to the Buddha”.

Such a desire resembles a young seeding quickly growing in her heart. “What a shame, because in my past I did not cultivate any merit, so in this life I am poor and miserable. Even if I would really like to make an offering, I don’t have anything special to offer!”

As she looked at the lone coin sitting in her hand, she knew that if she didn’t spend it on food for herself she would have to pass another long, endless night in hunger and cold. And yet, her vow to make a light offering to the Buddha remained strong and resolute.

Using that one small coin, she could only afford to buy the smallest amount of the crudest oil. However, her sincerity was much brighter than the light emitting from any lamps.

When the shopkeeper who was selling the oil saw how she was willing to suffer through another long and cold night in order to make an offering to the Buddha, he became so moved that he could not resist giving her several times more oil than what she had paid for, so as to help her achieve her dream.

As darkness descended upon the city, all the townsfolk, from the lords up in the imperial palace down to the commoners on the streets, with their hearts full of sincerity, illuminated their lamps for the Buddha. The lamps dazzled like a sparkling river and lit up the entire city of Sravasti. The penniless women was in the midst of that crowd, respectfully lighting her oil lamp.
When the very ordinary oil lamp of hers lighted up in the middle of the night, it was as if her own low and insignificant life was also being lit up. At that moment, she experienced an extraordinary feeling of richness and happiness. In her heart, she made a great vow: “I wish that this light may pervade through the ten directions, guiding every sentient beings out of the miserable sea of birth and death to the path of supreme peace and happiness.”
With the arrival of dawn, an unimaginable thing happened! All the oil lamps, no matter how precious, had already been extinguished from burning throughout the night or were blown out by Maudgalyayana, who was in charge of keeping watch on the lamps. However, the lamp offered by the penniless woman was still shining brightly. Even after exhausting every type of method for extinguishing the light, Maudgalyayana, who had the greatest supernatural powers out of all Buddha’s disciples, still could not put it out. He was astonished: “Whose lamp is this that is still burning? Even with my supernatural powers, I cannot put it out!”

The Buddha, who was present at the time said: “Maudgalyayana, the person who offered this lamp made a great vow to save all sentient beings. Even if you used all the water in the four great oceans, you would still not be able to extinguish this lamp. This lamp was lit using a great, compassionate vow, and because she was full of sincerity, the light radiating from this lamp is inexhaustible.”

#APoorWoman’sLightOffering, #Offerings, #Merit, #GreatVowrnrn[最美的供養]—貧女施燈
在佛陀時代,舍衛國中 有一個貧困孤苦的貧女,由於她生活貧窮,因此以流浪乞討維生。生命對她而言,只有卑微與貧賤,以及毫無希望的明天。
#貧女施燈 #供養 #功德 #願望
The most beautiful offering — A Poor Woman’s Light Offering
Aspiration gives strength and is the driving force; it’s magnitude can gives unfathomable results.

Aspiration can resist karmic force, eliminate all resentment and illuminate all.
During the Buddha’s time, in the city of Sravasti, there lived a impoverished lonely woman. As she was poor, she lived a vagrant life begging for food or spare change and there was no hope for her future.
However, a predestined relationship changes her life.
One day in the midst of a fiercely cold wind, using her weak and trembling hands, she begged for an entire day, finally receiving one small coin. With this coin she could only afford to buy a small morsel of food to support her life.
However, the news of offering light to the Buddha inspired her. Seeing everyone in the city, including the royal family, officials, and commoners using all kinds of valuable oil and exquisite decorated lamps to make light offerings to Buddha with devotion and sincerity, she couldn’t help but joyously praised all the devotees; the wish to make an offering to the Buddha also arose in her mind.
She thought, “The manifestation of the Buddha in this world is so rare and precious. I should really make use of this opportunity to make an offering to the Buddha”.

Such a desire resembles a young seeding quickly growing in her heart. “What a shame, because in my past I did not cultivate any merit, so in this life I am poor and miserable. Even if I would really like to make an offering, I don’t have anything special to offer!”

As she looked at the lone coin sitting in her hand, she knew that if she didn’t spend it on food for herself she would have to pass another long, endless night in hunger and cold. And yet, her vow to make a light offering to the Buddha remained strong and resolute.

Using that one small coin, she could only afford to buy the smallest amount of the crudest oil. However, her sincerity was much brighter than the light emitting from any lamps.

When the shopkeeper who was selling the oil saw how she was willing to suffer through another long and cold night in order to make an offering to the Buddha, he became so moved that he could not resist giving her several times more oil than what she had paid for, so as to help her achieve her dream.

As darkness descended upon the city, all the townsfolk, from the lords up in the imperial palace down to the commoners on the streets, with their hearts full of sincerity, illuminated their lamps for the Buddha. The lamps dazzled like a sparkling river and lit up the entire city of Sravasti. The penniless women was in the midst of that crowd, respectfully lighting her oil lamp.
When the very ordinary oil lamp of hers lighted up in the middle of the night, it was as if her own low and insignificant life was also being lit up. At that moment, she experienced an extraordinary feeling of richness and happiness. In her heart, she made a great vow: “I wish that this light may pervade through the ten directions, guiding every sentient beings out of the miserable sea of birth and death to the path of supreme peace and happiness.”
With the arrival of dawn, an unimaginable thing happened! All the oil lamps, no matter how precious, had already been extinguished from burning throughout the night or were blown out by Maudgalyayana, who was in charge of keeping watch on the lamps. However, the lamp offered by the penniless woman was still shining brightly. Even after exhausting every type of method for extinguishing the light, Maudgalyayana, who had the greatest supernatural powers out of all Buddha’s disciples, still could not put it out. He was astonished: “Whose lamp is this that is still burning? Even with my supernatural powers, I cannot put it out!”

The Buddha, who was present at the time said: “Maudgalyayana, the person who offered this lamp made a great vow to save all sentient beings. Even if you used all the water in the four great oceans, you would still not be able to extinguish this lamp. This lamp was lit using a great, compassionate vow, and because she was full of sincerity, the light radiating from this lamp is inexhaustible.”

#APoorWoman’sLightOffering, #Offerings, #Merit, #GreatVow


【金菩提禪語】 . . 不求回報、不圖功…

【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】

Giving with no expectation or attachment is real generosity.

#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #noAttachement, #Generosityrnrn【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】

Giving with no expectation or attachment is real generosity.

#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #noAttachement, #Generosity
