
【直播預告】補氣就好了! (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

[Livestream Announcement] Replenish Your Vital Energy!
Body aches, insomnia, allergies, skin disease, depression, evil energy and bad dreams…
Do you know that many of these conditions can be cured by replenishing your vital energy?
Bodhi Meditation and Energy Bagua are effective methods to replenish vital energy. These methods have helped many suffering from long-term illnesses to experience miraculous recovery!
Let us listen to some exciting stories from the Busan, Korea!


1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2023年04月16日 04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2023年04月16日 19:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2023年04月16日 07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2023年04月16日 11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2023年04月16日 13:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2023年04月16日 14:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2023年04月16日 17:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2023年04月16日 18:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2023年04月16日 20:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2023年04月16日 21:00開始
11.泰國曼谷時間:2023年04月16日 18:00開始
Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2023-04-16 04:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2023-04-16 19:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern Time: Start at 2023-04-16 07:00
4. London (England): Start at 2023-04-16 11:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Start at 2023-04-16 13:00
6. Romanian: Start at 2023-04-16 14:00
7. Myanmar Yangon: Start at 2023-04-16 17:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta: Start at 2023-04-16 18:00
9. Korea Seoul: Start at 2023-04-16 20:00
10.Australia Melbourne: Start at 2023-04-16 21:00
11.Thailand Bangkok: Start at 2023-04-16 18:00
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only

[Livestream Announcement] Replenish Your Vital Energy!
Body aches, insomnia, allergies, skin disease, depression, evil energy and bad dreams…
Do you know that many of these conditions can be cured by replenishing your vital energy?
Bodhi Meditation and Energy Bagua are effective methods to replenish vital energy. These methods have helped many suffering from long-term illnesses to experience miraculous recovery! 
Let us listen to some exciting stories from the Busan, Korea!
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2023年04月16日 04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2023年04月16日 19:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2023年04月16日 07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2023年04月16日 11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2023年04月16日 13:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2023年04月16日 14:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2023年04月16日 17:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2023年04月16日 18:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2023年04月16日 20:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2023年04月16日 21:00開始
11.泰國曼谷時間:2023年04月16日 18:00開始
Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2023-04-16 04:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2023-04-16 19:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern Time: Start at 2023-04-16 07:00
4. London (England): Start at 2023-04-16 11:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Start at 2023-04-16 13:00
6. Romanian: Start at 2023-04-16 14:00
7. Myanmar Yangon: Start at 2023-04-16 17:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta: Start at 2023-04-16 18:00
9. Korea Seoul: Start at 2023-04-16 20:00
10.Australia Melbourne: Start at 2023-04-16 21:00
11.Thailand Bangkok: Start at 2023-04-16 18:00
※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only



「菩提禪修2023暑期青年營」開始招生啦!🎉🎉🤗 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

🗓 課程時間:2023年8月2日-8月11日(10天)
🏬 地點:韓國釜山西面菩提禪修中心
🙍‍♂️ 年齡:13-25歲
🌏 招生地區:全球
💁‍♀ 報名截止日期:2023年6月30日
☎️ 咨詢電話:+1 626-877-8108
📩 咨詢郵箱:[email protected]
Bodhi Meditation 2023 Youth Summer Camp is now open for application! 🎉🎉🤗
Every young person has felt lost on their journey to adulthood, unable to see their future direction and lacking the drive to actively pursue their goals. Some may even be fearful of life and fall into depression and apathy, unable to break free of their state of mind.
Recognizing the educational needs of young people, Grandmaster JinBodhi launched the Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp to help the youth of today find their life direction, overcome internal obstacles, and become compassionate, filial and self-sufficient individuals who contribute to the wellbeing of society.
The slogan of the youth camp is “My Future Is in My Hands,” as we believe that everyone holds the power to shape their own future. Through Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, meditation training and a variety of fun-filled camp activities, the Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp encourages young people to dare to dream, persevere through obstacles, and create their own wonderful lives!
【Bodhi Meditation 2023 Youth Summer Camp】
🗓 Date: August 2nd – August 11th, 2023 (10 days)
🏬 Venue: Busan Seomyeon Bodhi Meditation Center, Korea
🙍‍♂️ Eligible Age: 13 – 25 years old
🌏 Worldwide recruitment
Contact your local Bodhi Meditation Center to apply.
💁‍♀️ Application Deadline: June 30th, 2023
☎️ Enquiry number:+1 626-877-8108
📩 Enquiry email: [email protected]



[Livestream Announcement] Lack of Vital Energy
Spinal issues, insomnia, tinnitus, incontinence, diabetes, depression….
Do you know that the root cause of many illnesses is the lack of vital energy?
Bodhi Meditation and Energy Bagua are effective methods to replenish vital energy. These methods have helped many suffering from long-term illnesses to experience miraculous recovery!
Let us listen to some stories from the Busan Haeundae Bodhi Meditation Center (Korea) ! 🇰🇷
中文 YouTube 鏈接:

English YouTube link:

Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :

You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:



【無糖降三高 露出小蠻腰】

【無糖降三高 露出小蠻腰】 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)

【無糖降三高 露出小蠻腰】
現代人對於吃糖的誘惑實在太大了,各種蛋糕,點心,冰淇淩,飲料 簡直讓人欲罷不能。人們經常說吃糖多了不好,但還是很難戒口。
1. 高糖飲食會直接引發高血糖,造成糖尿病。嚴重的糖尿病,會導致失明,腎臟衰竭,截肢等

2. 糖攝取過多,在體內會轉化成脂肪,導致肥胖。這些脂肪淤積在血管中,會直接造成心腦血管疾病,是全世界的第一殺手

3. 喝過多含糖飲料,還會導致痛風。每天兩杯果汁,痛風的風險增加 81%

4. 糖分攝入過度會影響人體對食物中鈣質的吸收,導致骨質疏鬆

5. 除此以外,攝取過多的糖還會引發蛀牙、皮膚斑點和皺紋等等

A Sugar-free diet for Health and Wellness!

Cake, snacks, ice-cream and bubble tea – we are constantly surrounded by temptations which make it difficult for us to limit our sugar intake. We often say that consuming too much sugar is not good for health, but still find it hard to control our diet.

Do you know the serious hazards of a high-sugar diet?

1. A high-sugar diet can directly cause high blood sugar, leading to diabetes. Severe diabetes can cause blindness, kidney failure, amputation, and many other life-threatening conditions

2. Excessive sugar is converted into fat in the body, leading to obesity. Accumulation of fat in the blood vessels can directly cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is the number one killer in the world.

3. Drinking too many sugary drinks can also cause gout. Drinking two cups of fruit juice a day can increase the risk of gout by 81%.

4. Excessive sugar intake can affect the body’s absorption of calcium, leading to osteoporosis.

5. In addition, excessive sugar intake can cause tooth decay, skin spots, wrinkles etc.

I highly recommend adopting a sugar-free diet. Combined with consistent Energy Bagua practice, we can regain better health and beauty!

【無糖降三高 露出小蠻腰】
現代人對於吃糖的誘惑實在太大了,各種蛋糕,點心,冰淇淩,飲料 簡直讓人欲罷不能。人們經常說吃糖多了不好,但還是很難戒口。
1. 高糖飲食會直接引發高血糖,造成糖尿病。嚴重的糖尿病,會導致失明,腎臟衰竭,截肢等

2. 糖攝取過多,在體內會轉化成脂肪,導致肥胖。這些脂肪淤積在血管中,會直接造成心腦血管疾病,是全世界的第一殺手

3. 喝過多含糖飲料,還會導致痛風。每天兩杯果汁,痛風的風險增加 81%

4. 糖分攝入過度會影響人體對食物中鈣質的吸收,導致骨質疏鬆

5. 除此以外,攝取過多的糖還會引發蛀牙、皮膚斑點和皺紋等等

A Sugar-free diet for Health and Wellness!

Cake, snacks, ice-cream and bubble tea – we are constantly surrounded by temptations which make it difficult for us to limit our sugar intake. We often say that consuming too much sugar is not good for health, but still find it hard to control our diet. 

Do you know the serious hazards of a high-sugar diet?

1. A high-sugar diet can directly cause high blood sugar, leading to diabetes. Severe diabetes can cause blindness, kidney failure, amputation, and many other life-threatening conditions

2. Excessive sugar is converted into fat in the body, leading to obesity. Accumulation of fat in the blood vessels can directly cause cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, which is the number one killer in the world.

3. Drinking too many sugary drinks can also cause gout. Drinking two cups of fruit juice a day can increase the risk of gout by 81%.

4. Excessive sugar intake can affect the body's absorption of calcium, leading to osteoporosis.

5. In addition, excessive sugar intake can cause tooth decay, skin spots, wrinkles etc.

I highly recommend adopting a sugar-free diet. Combined with consistent Energy Bagua practice, we can regain better health and beauty!



【直播預告】就是氣不足 (金菩提宗師 Facebook)


[Livestream Announcement] Lack of Vital Energy

Spinal issues, insomnia, tinnitus, incontinence, diabetes, depression….
Do you know that the root cause of many illnesses is the lack of vital energy?

Bodhi Meditation and Energy Bagua are effective methods to replenish vital energy. These methods have helped many suffering from long-term illnesses to experience miraculous recovery!

Let us listen to some stories from the Busan Haeundae Bodhi Meditation Center (Korea) ! 🇰🇷
中文 YouTube 鏈接:

English YouTube link:

1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2023年04月09日 04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2023年04月09日 19:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2023年04月09日 07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2023年04月09日 11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2023年04月09日 13:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2023年04月09日 14:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2023年04月09日 17:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2023年04月09日 18:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2023年04月09日 20:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2023年04月09日 21:00開始
11.泰國曼谷時間:2023年04月09日 18:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2023-04-09 04:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2023-04-09 19:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern Time: Start at 2023-04-09 07:00
4. London (England): Start at 2023-04-09 11:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Start at 2023-04-09 13:00
6. Romanian: Start at 2023-04-09 14:00
7. Myanmar Yangon: Start at 2023-04-09 17:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta: Start at 2023-04-09 18:00
9. Korea Seoul: Start at 2023-04-09 20:00
10.Australia Melbourne: Start at 2023-04-09 21:00
11.Thailand Bangkok: Start at 2023-04-09 18:00

※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


[Livestream Announcement] Lack of Vital Energy

Spinal issues, insomnia, tinnitus, incontinence, diabetes, depression….
Do you know that the root cause of many illnesses is the lack of vital energy?

Bodhi Meditation and Energy Bagua are effective methods to replenish vital energy. These methods have helped many suffering from long-term illnesses to experience miraculous recovery! 

Let us listen to some stories from the Busan Haeundae Bodhi Meditation Center (Korea) ! 🇰🇷
中文 YouTube 鏈接:
English YouTube link:
1. 溫哥華/西雅圖/波特蘭/矽谷/舊金山/洛杉磯/聖地亞哥
北美太平洋時間:2023年04月09日 04:00開始
2. 台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡/香港:
2023年04月09日 19:00開始
3. 多倫多/紐約/波士頓/華盛頓DC/邁阿密/亞特蘭大/奧蘭多:
北美東部時間:2023年04月09日 07:00開始
4. 英國倫敦時間:2023年04月09日 11:00開始
5. 巴黎/柏林/巴塞羅那/斯德哥爾摩時間:2023年04月09日 13:00開始
6. 羅馬尼亞時間:2023年04月09日 14:00開始
7. 緬甸仰光時間:2023年04月09日 17:30開始
8. 印尼雅加達時間:2023年04月09日 18:00開始
9. 韓國首爾時間:2023年04月09日 20:00開始
10.澳大利亞墨爾本時間:2023年04月09日 21:00開始
11.泰國曼谷時間:2023年04月09日 18:00開始

Live Stream Schedule
1. Vancouver/Seattle/Portland/Silicon Valley/San Francisco/Los Angeles/San Diego
North America Pacific Time:Start at 2023-04-09 04:00
2. Taipei/Beijing/Malaysia/Singapore/HongKong:
Start at 2023-04-09 19:00
3. Toronto/New York/Boston/Washington DC/Miami/Atlanta/Orlando:
North America Eastern Time: Start at 2023-04-09 07:00
4. London (England): Start at 2023-04-09 11:00
5. Paris/Berlin/Barcelona/Stockholm: Start at 2023-04-09 13:00
6. Romanian: Start at 2023-04-09 14:00
7. Myanmar Yangon: Start at 2023-04-09 17:30
8. Indonesia Jakarta: Start at 2023-04-09 18:00
9. Korea Seoul: Start at 2023-04-09 20:00
10.Australia Melbourne: Start at 2023-04-09 21:00
11.Thailand Bangkok: Start at 2023-04-09 18:00

※ Malaysia: For non-Muslims only


【最新直播】為祖先念佛 祭祖念佛班 第三天

【最新直播】為祖先念佛 祭祖念佛班 第三天
⏰3天 念佛班直播時間(每日1小時)
亞洲台北 2023年4月3日-5日 晚上 7點
北美溫哥華 2023年4月3日-5日 早上 4點
🎥 觀看直播:www.youtube.com/putihome
[Livestream Announcement] QingMing Festival: Honor our Ancestors Chanting Class
Sincerely chant and pray to Buddha for blessings for our ancestors. May the departed be guided by the light of Buddha, have their negative karma eliminated, and be reborn in the Pure Land! As our ancestors attain liberation, our lives will be even more auspicious!
⏰3-Day Chanting Class Livestream Schedule (1 hour daily)
Taipei Time: 3-5 April, 7pm-8pm daily
Vancouver Time: 3-5 April: 4am-5am daily
🎥Watch the Livestream:www.youtube.com/putihome
中文 YouTube 鏈接:

English YouTube link:


Youtube(Indonesian) :

Youtube(Thai) :

You are welcome to sponsor Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Online Classes,
Please refer to the following links for sponsorship:

