
🗓 課程時間:2023年8月2日-8月11日(10天)
🏬 地點:韓國釜山西面菩提禪修中心
🙍‍♂️ 年齡:13-25歲
🌏 招生地區:全球
💁‍♀ 報名截止日期:2023年6月30日
☎️ 咨詢電話:+1 626-877-8108
📩 咨詢郵箱:[email protected]
Bodhi Meditation 2023 Youth Summer Camp is now open for application! 🎉🎉🤗
Every young person has felt lost on their journey to adulthood, unable to see their future direction and lacking the drive to actively pursue their goals. Some may even be fearful of life and fall into depression and apathy, unable to break free of their state of mind.
Recognizing the educational needs of young people, Grandmaster JinBodhi launched the Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp to help the youth of today find their life direction, overcome internal obstacles, and become compassionate, filial and self-sufficient individuals who contribute to the wellbeing of society.
The slogan of the youth camp is “My Future Is in My Hands,” as we believe that everyone holds the power to shape their own future. Through Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings, meditation training and a variety of fun-filled camp activities, the Bodhi Meditation Youth Camp encourages young people to dare to dream, persevere through obstacles, and create their own wonderful lives!
【Bodhi Meditation 2023 Youth Summer Camp】
🗓 Date: August 2nd – August 11th, 2023 (10 days)
🏬 Venue: Busan Seomyeon Bodhi Meditation Center, Korea
🙍‍♂️ Eligible Age: 13 – 25 years old
🌏 Worldwide recruitment
Contact your local Bodhi Meditation Center to apply.
💁‍♀️ Application Deadline: June 30th, 2023
☎️ Enquiry number:+1 626-877-8108
📩 Enquiry email: [email protected]


在〈「菩提禪修2023暑期青年營」開始招生啦!🎉🎉🤗〉中有 19 則留言

  1. 期待,等待恭祝青年营胜利召開开,祝福有缘分的年輕人勇越加入,感恩師父,师父辛苦了,🙏🙏🙏

  2. 太好了😍希望有更多孩子有機會跟著師父學習,把握人生的方向,非常感恩師父🙏🙏🙏

  3. 感恩师父慈悲,今年儿子考完O水准考试后一定让他参加青年营。这是每个小孩人生中必须上的重要课程。非常感恩师父的引领和教诲,大女儿之前上过了青年营,收获满满,至今都非常感恩师父的加持,护佑和爱护,感恩师父🙏💖

  4. 感恩师父!我的未来我创造!望青年朋友们跟师父学习!.把握机会!自己有一个美好的未来!🙏🙏🙏

  5. 恭敬顶礼叩拜尊贵金菩提宗师师母吉祥如意!佛师我的心智才十八岁呢?我们也可以参加多好呀!佛师什么时候照顾我们老大不小了吗?

  6. 菩提喜讯!盼望好久的青年菩提禅修班就要开班了,为之高兴,为之祝福!感恩师父!🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏😄
