
🪔 清明祭祖超薦燈12天:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
Qingming Festival is an important day to honor our ancestors. Offering lights and praying for blessings for deceased loved ones and ancestors allows them to receive the protection and guidance of Buddha and bodhisattvas, enabling them to escape from the sea of suffering and enter the pure land of Buddha. But not only that – these kind acts also have significant meaning for living relatives. Ancestors who share our bloodline can be freed from suffering and enjoy happiness, which in turn allows future generations to live and work in peace and enjoy happy and long lives.
🪔 The Qingming Festival Honor Ancestors 12-Day Light:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0

🪔 清明祭祖超薦燈12天:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0
Qingming Festival is an important day to honor our ancestors. Offering lights and praying for blessings for deceased loved ones and ancestors allows them to receive the protection and guidance of Buddha and bodhisattvas, enabling them to escape from the sea of suffering and enter the pure land of Buddha. But not only that – these kind acts also have significant meaning for living relatives. Ancestors who share our bloodline can be freed from suffering and enjoy happiness, which in turn allows future generations to live and work in peace and enjoy happy and long lives.
🪔 The Qingming Festival Honor Ancestors 12-Day Light:https://www.puticollege.com/offerexpress/0


在〈【清明祭祖超薦燈】〉中有 13 則留言

  1. 感恩师父的慈悲让我们有了为祖宗做功德的机会。祖宗能从苦海中解脱出来,我们也才能健康、平安!救祖宗就是帮我们自己!🙏

  2. 弟子顶礼扣拜尊贵的佛师为我们的祖先做超度我们为祖先点灯祈福愿祖先往生极乐世界

  3. 师父师母好!吉祥如意,法体安康!

  4. 感恩师父!修行不停,祭祖永续!修行祭祖,功在当代、利在千秋!感恩师父慈悲引领、加持护佑!🙏🙏🙏🌷🌷🌷

  5. 感恩师父慈悲让我们能够为祖先做功德的机会,祈愿往生的历代宗亲和往生的亲人都得到药师佛陀接引往生东方琉璃世界!顶礼叩拜大慈大悲的佛师🙏🙏🙏

  6. 感恩师父慈悲大爱!给我们做功德的机会!祈愿佛光普照所有已逝的亲人都能离苦得乐!得师父师母佛菩萨接引往生极乐世界不再受苦!永驻安详之地!浇树浇根,要想我们的孩子好祖先首先得离苦得乐!帮他们就是帮我们自己!顶礼叩拜师父师母佛菩萨!

  7. 清明祭祖佛前供灯,为祖先照亮往生极乐世界之路,得佛菩萨护佑接引永脱轮回之苦!同时也会让在世的亲人安居乐业幸福长寿!感恩师父的教化!🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  8. 感恩师父慈悲善良的大加持为大众。佛光普照,请求南无大愿地藏王菩萨引接往生父母,亲人,歷代祖先,七世父母,一切众生,幽灵,前世仇人,有意无意伤害的大小动物生命往生极乐净土世界,脱离苦海,离苦得乐 ,永住光明。
