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在〈【最新直播】自想自畫〉中有 48 則留言

  1. 师父早安,师父加持陈韋达合家平安健康快乐幸福生意兴隆,陈慧心合家平安健康喜乐生意兴隆,陈慧卿合家平安健康快乐生意兴隆,弟子金丹珠合家平安喜乐身体健康,弟子金丹珠叩首頂礼????❤?

  2. 师父好!老师们好!感恩师父慈悲开示加持护佑!祈愿佛师加持顿听的先生平安吉祥!身体早日康复!不做心脏支架!弟子真诚感恩叩拜恩师!

  3. Hello Sifu good morning ? Yesterday bought 9 big bottles of acrylic paints on promotion 1 for 1 thinking to play with my granddaughter haha coincidentally today your topic is on painting with acrylic. Feeling so blessed. Same frequency haha Thanks Sifu ?㊗️

  4. 感恩师父!弟子双手合十真诚顶礼叩拜!祈请伟大慈悲佛菩萨!佛师慈悲加持护佑!佛光普照愿王珊得到佛师加持!贵人帮助,心想事成七月份能回到原来是科室消化科工作。吉祥如意。感恩顶礼叩拜佛师!???

  5. Good morning/evening Sifu and everyone. Thank you Sifu for today’s My Thoughts My Creation. Wish Sifu and everyone a joyful and blessed day.

  6. 祈请尊贵金菩提宗师,慈悲护佑加持,弟子孙女郑雨晴,在日本8月29日考律师,顺利通过,长子郑爱民,平安顺利吉祥,次子郑为民,早日转运找到工作,平安吉祥,弟子跪拜顶礼感恩您!??????

  7. 师父好!弟子双手合十恭敬感恩祈请伟大的佛菩萨恩师的大慈悲大能量大加持下,使岳小翔得到佛光普照,疾病消除,不在发脾气不在有洁癖过上正常人的生活,身体健康快乐吉祥。感恩师父!!

  8. 师父好。吉祥如意。求佛菩萨,师父加持护佑弟子丹曙现在去Balaikota雅加达 打Astra Zeneca疫苗.求平安健康顺利。感恩佛菩萨和师父。

  9. 师父,,吉祥如意。祈求师父和佛菩萨保佑弟子陈合家团团圆圆,合家安康。生意顺利,工人做工精细,贵人相助。万分感恩师父??

  10. 师父加持廖有平,廖徫绅,廖珮同,廖彩倪,廖彩君,王志荣,杨光剑,王馨儿,Kayleigh Ong 身心识光明

  11. Sifu i m so happy . Your today’s topic is so suitable for me to teach my granddaughter who is 27 months. Looks like it s meant for her haha I just bought some acrylic paints and brushes yesterday GREAT!! AWESOME!! HAPPINESS!! FEELING SO BLESSED???㊗️❤️????????????????

  12. 师父的画色彩鲜艳!搭配合理!我们看不懂!一定是内涵丰富!意义非凡!待听师父讲解!感恩师父!

  13. 祈願全球疫情早日消散,人人吉祥平安!感恩師父慈悲加持護佑!??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️

  14. 看师父作画!心里一直感动,感恩!泪水不由自主的在流!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!!!

  15. Good morning Grandmaster JinBodhi ??? love the painting !! ❤❤ it gives sense of love, innocence, to enjoy the colors and beauty around us?

  16. Sifu … daily blessing is excellent. I feel so relax listening to your talk n gain lots of knowledge. ?‍♀️

  17. 深藍的底色承托着其它豐富明亮的色彩,充滿着和諧!溫暖和幸福!好感動!感恩師父??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️???

  18. I am Fan Shang. It is so peaceful & calm watching GrandMaster paints. The soothing music makes the whole scene more serene. My tears flow watching..must be due to Grandmaster’s compassionate energy. Gan Ern Sifu???

  19. 恭敬感恩尊贵佛师,慈慈赐给众有情(七宝池一七宝石水)沫浴无数无量苦难有缘人,获得健康重生吉祥,弟子跪拜顶礼感恩您!???

  20. 煩惱即菩提!菩提就是看破!放下和善用! 感恩師父慈悲教導!??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️???

  21. 师父的大智慧!点破人生真相 让我们真实接受,面对现实,溶于世界万物,包容一切,慈悲大爱,才能享受自在人生。感恩叩拜恩师给予我们方方面面的大智慧指引!真是——朝闻道,夕死可矣…

  22. Well received with heartfelt thanks Sifu’s blessings and wishes. Same wishes are wished upon Sifu. Take care and stay safe Sifu.

  23. 慈悲的體現是奉獻!原諒!引導!感恩師父慈悲教化!??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️???

  24. Good morning Sifu and everyone..have a blessed day..today is Cindy Gan ‘s birthday..may Sifu bless her with good health always. Gan Eng Sifu..thank you. ?
