在〈英語聊八卦 中文翻譯: https://…〉中有 31 則留言

  1. 师父晚上好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲传授菩提八卦内功健康快乐!每天早上坚持走八卦!能量满满!轻松自在!弟子恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲大爱亲授八卦内功无上妙法!八卦内功生命能量!感恩师父的八卦内功让无数有缘人离苦得乐!找回健康快乐!幸福吉祥!八卦内功生命能量!願有缘人都来菩提禅修走八卦!恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  3. After I walked bagua, the whole body sweating and feeling relax. The whole day no more neck and back pain at my office.

  4. 师父晚上好!又能看到八卦直播好幸福快乐!感恩师父!感恩师兄师姐分享!随喜赞叹!?????

  5. My mum has walked Energy Bagua for more than 2 years and her diabetes and cholesterol level have all dropped significantly, the doc even reduced her medication. Thank you Master

  6. Bagua will definitely bring the rest heart rate. And as such , u will feel relax and more energetic go do another things.

  7. I have been walking bagua alone for 81 days and I aim to complete 108 days by end of this year. I hope I can make it ?

  8. My parents have started bagua for a month now. Previously my dad are not really keen but as he join my mum for a few time by chance and he join her almost everyday now. 感恩师父

  9. Just completed the 7-day Bagua course yesterday. It was a beautiful week. The mind and soul feeling at ease. The teachers are helpful and patience. 感恩师父????

  10. Ever since I started working, it’s hard for me to keep up with the bagua practice every day.. Unless, I wake up earlier at 6am..

  11. Good evening! what will be the right speed for bagua? How many people to walk around tree to be effective? Thanks
