《六字大明咒》 神奇的咒語,是來自於菩薩…




《Six-Syllable Mantra》
This mysterious Mantra originates from the Bodhisattva’s blessings!
(The following is the meditation journal of Si-Si Chen, a Bodhi Meditation practitioner from Singapore.)

Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped my son’s broken arm heal quickly

Summary: My son underwent an arm surgery and was unable to sleep with the intense pain. One day, I decided to play the audio recording of the Six Syllable Mantra by Master Jin Bodhi for my son. Amazingly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night!

At the end of September last year, my son fell and broke two bones on his left arm. After the operation, he rested for two weeks in our home. However, his arm was so painful that he can hardly sleep every night.

Later, I played the Six Syllable Mantra chanted by Master Jin Bodhi, hoping that the auspicious chanting would bring him health and good fortune. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night! My son said that each time he hears the recording, he feels calmer and forgets the pain in his arm, allowing him to sleep soundly every night.

In the past, he would get stomach pain after taking painkillers. Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped to significantly reduce the pain in his arm and he does not need to take painkillers anymore! However, he is reluctant to move his left arm much or undergo physical therapy. Hence, his whole arm is quite stiff.

In the third week after surgery, I encouraged him to practice full prostration with me, hoping it would help with his recovery. At first, he was able to practice prostration for 20 minutes everyday (without turning his palms upwards). After a week, his arm was much more flexible. Now (at the end of November), he can practice prostration for 40 minutes (and also able to turn his palms facing upwards), and even play the piano again!

After witnessing our son’s rapid recovery, our family is very happy and grateful to Master Jin Bodhi.

#SixSyllableMantra, #FullProstrationrnrn《六字大明咒》



《Six-Syllable Mantra》
This mysterious Mantra originates from the Bodhisattva’s blessings!
(The following is the meditation journal of Si-Si Chen, a Bodhi Meditation practitioner from Singapore.)

Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped my son’s broken arm heal quickly

Summary: My son underwent an arm surgery and was unable to sleep with the intense pain. One day, I decided to play the audio recording of the Six Syllable Mantra by Master Jin Bodhi for my son. Amazingly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night!

At the end of September last year, my son fell and broke two bones on his left arm. After the operation, he rested for two weeks in our home. However, his arm was so painful that he can hardly sleep every night.

Later, I played the Six Syllable Mantra chanted by Master Jin Bodhi, hoping that the auspicious chanting would bring him health and good fortune. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night! My son said that each time he hears the recording, he feels calmer and forgets the pain in his arm, allowing him to sleep soundly every night.

In the past, he would get stomach pain after taking painkillers. Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped to significantly reduce the pain in his arm and he does not need to take painkillers anymore! However, he is reluctant to move his left arm much or undergo physical therapy. Hence, his whole arm is quite stiff.

In the third week after surgery, I encouraged him to practice full prostration with me, hoping it would help with his recovery. At first, he was able to practice prostration for 20 minutes everyday (without turning his palms upwards). After a week, his arm was much more flexible. Now (at the end of November), he can practice prostration for 40 minutes (and also able to turn his palms facing upwards), and even play the piano again!

After witnessing our son’s rapid recovery, our family is very happy and grateful to Master Jin Bodhi.

#SixSyllableMantra, #FullProstration



《Six-Syllable Mantra》
This mysterious Mantra originates from the Bodhisattva’s  blessings! 
 (The following is the meditation journal of Si-Si Chen, a Bodhi Meditation practitioner from Singapore.)
Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped my son's broken arm heal quickly
Summary: My son underwent an arm surgery and was unable to sleep with the intense pain.  One day, I decided to play the audio recording of the Six Syllable Mantra by Master Jin Bodhi for my son. Amazingly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night!
At the end of September last year, my son fell and broke two bones on his left arm.  After the operation, he rested for two weeks in our home. However, his arm was so painful that he can hardly sleep every night.
Later, I played the Six Syllable Mantra chanted by Master Jin Bodhi, hoping that the auspicious chanting would bring him health and good fortune. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night!  My son said that each time he hears the recording, he feels calmer and forgets the pain in his arm, allowing him to sleep soundly every night.
In the past, he would get stomach pain after taking painkillers. Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped to significantly reduce the pain in his arm and he does not need to take painkillers anymore! However, he is reluctant to move his left arm much or undergo physical therapy. Hence, his whole arm is quite stiff.
In the third week after surgery, I encouraged  him to practice full prostration with me, hoping it would help with his recovery.  At first, he was able to practice prostration for 20 minutes everyday (without turning his palms upwards). After a week, his arm was much more flexible.  Now (at the end of November), he can practice prostration for 40 minutes (and also able to turn his palms facing upwards), and even play the piano again!
After witnessing our son's rapid recovery, our family is very happy and grateful to Master Jin Bodhi. 
 #SixSyllableMantra, #FullProstrationrnrn《六字大明咒》


《Six-Syllable Mantra》
This mysterious Mantra originates from the Bodhisattva’s  blessings! 
 (The following is the meditation journal of Si-Si Chen, a Bodhi Meditation practitioner from Singapore.)
Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped my son's broken arm heal quickly
Summary: My son underwent an arm surgery and was unable to sleep with the intense pain.  One day, I decided to play the audio recording of the Six Syllable Mantra by Master Jin Bodhi for my son. Amazingly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night!
At the end of September last year, my son fell and broke two bones on his left arm.  After the operation, he rested for two weeks in our home. However, his arm was so painful that he can hardly sleep every night.
Later, I played the Six Syllable Mantra chanted by Master Jin Bodhi, hoping that the auspicious chanting would bring him health and good fortune. Unexpectedly, he fell asleep within half an hour that night!  My son said that each time he hears the recording, he feels calmer and forgets the pain in his arm, allowing him to sleep soundly every night.
In the past, he would get stomach pain after taking painkillers. Chanting the Six-Syllable Mantra helped to significantly reduce the pain in his arm and he does not need to take painkillers anymore! However, he is reluctant to move his left arm much or undergo physical therapy. Hence, his whole arm is quite stiff.
In the third week after surgery, I encouraged  him to practice full prostration with me, hoping it would help with his recovery.  At first, he was able to practice prostration for 20 minutes everyday (without turning his palms upwards). After a week, his arm was much more flexible.  Now (at the end of November), he can practice prostration for 40 minutes (and also able to turn his palms facing upwards), and even play the piano again!
After witnessing our son's rapid recovery, our family is very happy and grateful to Master Jin Bodhi. 
 #SixSyllableMantra, #FullProstration


在〈《六字大明咒》 神奇的咒語,是來自於菩薩…〉中有 22 則留言

  1. 师父师母早安:感恩祝福师父吉祥圆满欢喜自在!感恩师父所教授颂唱的《六字大明咒》聚有超威神力大慈悲愿力大吉祥能量!加持护佑每位有缘众都能获得健康快乐!幸福好运!真诚感恩师父!???????

  2. 师父师母早上好,我大姐在两个星期前动大手術取出胆襄后面的肿瘤,目前在家还体內还插着管子流进抗生素真的很痛苦,祈请师父给予加持调理,让彭盟明早日康復,則感恩不尽???

  3. 感恩師父 CD片呼喚 六字大明咒 當我在家 用心聆聽 兒子突然跑到我的房間 說師父 這張CD片 能量好強 跟別的 CD片不一樣 我在師父留言 我以 師父為榮 我兒子特別還按了一個讚

  4. 感恩师父!感恩师父慈悲加持与护佑! 感恩师父颂唱《六字大明咒》,聚有超威神力大慈悲大吉祥能量点加持!祝福感恩陳思思的見證分享!感恩师父!!!

  5. 師父,師母,早安吉祥如意,感恩師父保佑信女不幸中上子宮癌已經化療6次還要再接下來做電療一個月半請師父加持護佑,南無阿彌陀佛???

  6. 师父师母早安:感恩祝福师父吉祥圆满欢喜自在!感恩师父所教授颂唱的《六字大明咒》聚有超威神力大慈悲愿力大吉祥能量!加持护佑每位有缘众都能获得健康快乐!幸福好运!感恩親愛的師父????????????

  7. 感恩师父!我好喜欢师父赐给我们的六字大明咒,诵念时都会特别震撼、感动。?????

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑我们健康成长!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  9. 佛师的六字大明咒CD真棒棒哒??????

  10. 感恩师父慈悲加持与护佑!《六字大明咒》,有吉祥光明的咒语有很强的穿透力,能穿透一切障碍!走向吉祥光明!师父的每一个咒语都是无价之宝!顶礼师父!

  11. ?感恩师父!顶礼师父!感恩分享?师父诵唱的六字大明咒,大慈大悲的无边能量带给我们强大的加持和护佑,感恩!?????

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享!随喜师兄!我也喜欢跟师父一起颂念六字大明咒!能量加持强大!光明吉祥送给所有众生和所有人!

  13. 感恩慈悲博爱的上师!感恩您传授我们最珍贵的妙法,《六字大明咒》。按着您的传授方式,能使我们快速受益,感恩上师!

  14. 师父,您好!我認為凡是师父的歌声、咒語和属于师父的東西,都有神奇的作用了。謝謝師父大慈大悲呵护和加持我們!感恩师父!
