【新品推出_聚合&花兒】 . 大家引頸期…

這兩件新品禪修服,之前我在「直播-禪修服裝發表會」 中介紹過,衣服即將於5月4日於「慈悲音CiBeiYin」網站正式開賣。

【New Product Releases_Reunion and Flowers】

The long-awaited meditation t-shirts of special designs – Reunion and Flowers – are here!

These new meditation t-shirts have been introduced a few days ago, during our live broadcast “Showcasing our meditation outfits”. They will be available for sale on the Cibeiyin online store from May 4.

Features of the t-shirts:
1. The “Reunion” t-shirt is especially eye-catching – enigmatic blue matched with red and yellow petal streaks resembling fiery balls erupting from the center; and we are standing in the center of the universe with energy expending to the boundless universe, which then gather at the center. It symbolizes the integration of the universe and me. The infinite energy of the universe fills the body with ease and relaxation, allowing us to enjoy good health and longevity. Wearing it not only makes you look at least 40 years younger, you will also be more energetic, with more vitality and youth.

2. The “Flowers” t-shirt, on the other hand, has a much deeper shade. The design features a hummingbird hovering in the air, engaging the vibrant flowers in an elegant dance of nature. Anyone wearing it will be as slim and nimble as the hummingbird, and beautiful like the flamboyant flowers.

Both styles will look good on everyone, regardless of your gender, age, or skin tone.

These t-shirts will be released for sale on Cibeiyin very soon… please stay tuned…
Alternatively, you may pre-order them from all Bodhi Meditation Centers around the world.

As there are limited quantities available, you better act fast!

For updates on Cibeiyin, please visit:

#Reunion, #Flowers, #Slim, #YouthAndVitality, #BeautifulCollisionBetweenMyArtAndCottonrnrn【新品推出_聚合&花兒】
這兩件新品禪修服,之前我在「直播-禪修服裝發表會」 中介紹過,衣服即將於5月4日於「慈悲音CiBeiYin」網站正式開賣。

【New Product Releases_Reunion and Flowers】

The long-awaited meditation t-shirts of special designs – Reunion and Flowers – are here!

These new meditation t-shirts have been introduced a few days ago, during our live broadcast “Showcasing our meditation outfits”. They will be available for sale on the Cibeiyin online store from May 4.

Features of the t-shirts:
1. The “Reunion” t-shirt is especially eye-catching – enigmatic blue matched with red and yellow petal streaks resembling fiery balls erupting from the center; and we are standing in the center of the universe with energy expending to the boundless universe, which then gather at the center. It symbolizes the integration of the universe and me. The infinite energy of the universe fills the body with ease and relaxation, allowing us to enjoy good health and longevity. Wearing it not only makes you look at least 40 years younger, you will also be more energetic, with more vitality and youth.

2. The “Flowers” t-shirt, on the other hand, has a much deeper shade. The design features a hummingbird hovering in the air, engaging the vibrant flowers in an elegant dance of nature. Anyone wearing it will be as slim and nimble as the hummingbird, and beautiful like the flamboyant flowers.

Both styles will look good on everyone, regardless of your gender, age, or skin tone.

These t-shirts will be released for sale on Cibeiyin very soon… please stay tuned…
Alternatively, you may pre-order them from all Bodhi Meditation Centers around the world.

As there are limited quantities available, you better act fast!

For updates on Cibeiyin, please visit:

#Reunion, #Flowers, #Slim, #YouthAndVitality, #BeautifulCollisionBetweenMyArtAndCotton

這兩件新品禪修服,之前我在「直播-禪修服裝發表會」 中介紹過,衣服即將於5月4日於「慈悲音CiBeiYin」網站正式開賣。
【New Product Releases_Reunion and Flowers】
The long-awaited meditation t-shirts of special designs – Reunion and Flowers – are here!  
These new meditation t-shirts have been introduced a few days ago, during our live broadcast “Showcasing our meditation outfits”. They will be available for sale on the Cibeiyin online store from May 4. 
Features of the t-shirts:
1. The “Reunion” t-shirt is especially eye-catching – enigmatic blue matched with red and yellow petal streaks resembling fiery balls erupting from the center; and we are standing in the center of the universe with energy expending to the boundless universe, which then gather at the center. It symbolizes the integration of the universe and me. The infinite energy of the universe fills the body with ease and relaxation, allowing us to enjoy good health and longevity. Wearing it not only makes you look at least 40 years younger, you will also be more energetic, with more vitality and youth. 
2. The “Flowers” t-shirt, on the other hand, has a much deeper shade. The design features a hummingbird hovering in the air, engaging the vibrant flowers in an elegant dance of nature. Anyone wearing it will be as slim and nimble as the hummingbird, and beautiful like the flamboyant flowers. 
Both styles will look good on everyone, regardless of your gender, age, or skin tone.
These t-shirts will be released for sale on Cibeiyin very soon… please stay tuned… 
Alternatively, you may pre-order them from all Bodhi Meditation Centers around the world.

As there are limited quantities available, you better act fast!


For updates on Cibeiyin, please visit:
#Reunion, #Flowers, #Slim, #YouthAndVitality, #BeautifulCollisionBetweenMyArtAndCottonrnrn【新品推出_聚合&花兒】
這兩件新品禪修服,之前我在「直播-禪修服裝發表會」 中介紹過,衣服即將於5月4日於「慈悲音CiBeiYin」網站正式開賣。
【New Product Releases_Reunion and Flowers】
The long-awaited meditation t-shirts of special designs – Reunion and Flowers – are here!  
These new meditation t-shirts have been introduced a few days ago, during our live broadcast “Showcasing our meditation outfits”. They will be available for sale on the Cibeiyin online store from May 4. 
Features of the t-shirts:
1. The “Reunion” t-shirt is especially eye-catching – enigmatic blue matched with red and yellow petal streaks resembling fiery balls erupting from the center; and we are standing in the center of the universe with energy expending to the boundless universe, which then gather at the center. It symbolizes the integration of the universe and me. The infinite energy of the universe fills the body with ease and relaxation, allowing us to enjoy good health and longevity. Wearing it not only makes you look at least 40 years younger, you will also be more energetic, with more vitality and youth. 
2. The “Flowers” t-shirt, on the other hand, has a much deeper shade. The design features a hummingbird hovering in the air, engaging the vibrant flowers in an elegant dance of nature. Anyone wearing it will be as slim and nimble as the hummingbird, and beautiful like the flamboyant flowers. 
Both styles will look good on everyone, regardless of your gender, age, or skin tone.
These t-shirts will be released for sale on Cibeiyin very soon… please stay tuned… 
Alternatively, you may pre-order them from all Bodhi Meditation Centers around the world.

As there are limited quantities available, you better act fast!


For updates on Cibeiyin, please visit:
#Reunion, #Flowers, #Slim, #YouthAndVitality, #BeautifulCollisionBetweenMyArtAndCotton


在〈【新品推出_聚合&花兒】 . 大家引頸期…〉中有 37 則留言

  1. 感恩师父分享!??

  2. 感恩师父,好美的丅恤,我们都请了聚合,穿着真的变年轻了许多,好美好喜欢,只是有一点点遗憾,帮师姐订的小了一个码,还好又可以请购啦!感恩师父,这次我会好好的订码数啦!

  3. 恩师父慈悲关爱能量的加持!为我们设置好美T恤衫非常喜欢!期待早日穿上美丽漂亮大能量加持的T恤衫!感恩师父我们一定好好珍惜好好修行!顶礼叩拜感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师师父!!!

  4. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲加持与呵护!期待早日请到#聚合、#花兒。顶礼感恩恩师!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享与呵护!好美的宝贝服饰!???期待能订购上。感恩师父!☕???????

  6. 感恩尊贵客的上师!我都请了五件!真的好有能量哦!感恩尊贵的上师!顶礼叩拜???

  7. 师父好?吉祥如意!聚合与花儿T恤很漂亮哦?好想要哦?期待着。感恩师父!设计漂亮的衣服,

  8. 感恩師父設計的最新T恤、聚合在臺灣閉關班已請好幾件、香港已有很多師登記訂好期待花兒到港??

  9. 恩师父慈悲关爱能量的加持!为我们设置好美T恤衫非常喜欢!期待早日穿上美丽漂亮大能量加持的T恤衫!感恩师父我们一定好好珍惜好好修行!顶礼叩拜感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师师父!!!

  10. 感恩师父!感恩有创意的师兄们,把师父的墨宝画,移到衣服上,成为护身能量服,好了不起,好智慧,菩提同修都喜爱,愿能请到,同时也献一份爱心。

  11. 师父,您好!师父設計的T-shirt,我一定会迎请,因為我想能量滿滿,我想充滿青春活力。感恩师父!

  12. 感恩师父无处不在的加持与呵护!每款都喜欢!让我们都如願以尝!期待中…。感恩师父!!!

  13. 師父您設計的衣服我們每個人都很喜歡?,有朋友公司同事想要訂購聚合,上慈悲音好像沒有了,不知道可以再出版嗎?感恩師父分享與慈悲大愛???

  14. 感恩师父!這兩件新品大能量加持吉祥祝福的禪修服大家非常喜欢,聚合已请购到,花儿在预定等待中。不但面料舒服,穿起来非常的好看。

  15. 感恩师父慈悲设计的禅服真美都喜欢!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  16. 感恩师父,衣服的设计很好看。

    Grateful to Master for allowing us to wear your beautiful drawings as tee shirts. Thus, letting us to feel your love, warm and energy whenever we are.
    Thank you.

  17. 师父好,我就瞎折腾O(∩_∩)O前几天在抖音上看广场舞鬼步很好看,就学跳了,没想到学了三天这腿膝盖有点难受,上下台阶有点不方便,眼看就要出去溜达了,希望膝盖早点好,能顺利旅游O(∩_∩),这旅游也缺衣服,希望有机会能请到师父设计的宽松套装到处溜达溜达O(∩_∩)O当然了,还有设计的旅游鞋O(∩_∩)O

  18. 师父师母好!师父禅静中设计的图案精美含义深远!美丽大方,爱不够!为什么那么好,那是菩提禅修的结晶!感恩师父!感恩诸佛菩萨!顶礼叩拜!

  19. 赞?

  20. 师父我感觉自从我跟师父说我太瘦了之后,突然发现自己从去年下半年时开始长体重了!现在有90斤了!以前我最瘦的时候才75斤,我婆婆和我公公都特别讨厌我那么瘦!可是我有病啊那时候,而且妈妈姥姥都是特别瘦的体质,她们都不知道我的痛苦!还给我施加了很多的压力!师父很感恩您!可能我所承受的生不如死的苦都是佛在帮我消业!〒_〒
