心如海,承宇宙。 . 曾經,有一位中國皇…





A heart that is vast like the ocean bears the universe.

Once upon a time, there was a Chinese emperor’s mother. She slogged hard to help her son become the emperor. When she heard about the court officials trying to accumulate as much agricultural land as they could, she was afraid of losing out. So together with her brother, she too started to acquire agricultural land in the emperor’s name.

One day, the emperor said to her, “Mother, the world belongs to me. What use will these small plots of land be to me?”

The emperor’s mother replied, “The world may be yours, but you cannot grasp or touch it, only land that is listed in our names feel like they belong to us.”

The reason for her thinking is that her mindset is too narrow.

If we open up our narrow mindset, broaden our perspectives, have a magnanimous heart, we are no longer concerned over the small stuff that we were previously. That way, we find that we would not be subject to most of the frustrations, and could focus on achieving our big aspirations!

Welcome to click on the links to review:
【Inspirations from Skiing -Part 1】

【Inspirations from Skiing -Part 2】

【Inspirations from Skiing -Part 3】

#HeartLikeTheOceans #BearsTheUniversernrn心如海,承宇宙。




A heart that is vast like the ocean bears the universe.

Once upon a time, there was a Chinese emperor’s mother. She slogged hard to help her son become the emperor. When she heard about the court officials trying to accumulate as much agricultural land as they could, she was afraid of losing out. So together with her brother, she too started to acquire agricultural land in the emperor’s name.

One day, the emperor said to her, “Mother, the world belongs to me. What use will these small plots of land be to me?”

The emperor’s mother replied, “The world may be yours, but you cannot grasp or touch it, only land that is listed in our names feel like they belong to us.”

The reason for her thinking is that her mindset is too narrow.

If we open up our narrow mindset, broaden our perspectives, have a magnanimous heart, we are no longer concerned over the small stuff that we were previously. That way, we find that we would not be subject to most of the frustrations, and could focus on achieving our big aspirations!

Welcome to click on the links to review:
【Inspirations from Skiing -Part 1】

【Inspirations from Skiing -Part 2】

【Inspirations from Skiing -Part 3】

#HeartLikeTheOceans #BearsTheUniverse


在〈心如海,承宇宙。 . 曾經,有一位中國皇…〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 师父下午好,感恩师父慈悲呵护开示,谢谢师父教育我们心如大海,容纳一切,???

  2. 师父下午好,感恩师父慈悲呵护开示,谢谢师父教育我们心如大海,容纳一切,???

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示!人不能太自私,宽容大度才能得到成功!斤斤计较,做不了大事业!弟子感恩师父提醒,弟子叩拜恩师!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲教化开示分享!心如海,承宇宙!将狹隘的心打开,把目光放大,心胸博大了,才能不在意原来计较的小事,才不会受制於很多烦恼,才能成就大事业!谨记!感恩师父慈悲教诲!恭敬感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教导!將狹隘的心打開,把目光放大,心胸博大了,才能不在意原來計較的小事,才不會受制於很多煩惱,才能成就大事業!顶礼叩拜大慈大悲恩师!!!

  6. 痛苦的亲身经历:我当前的一切烦恼都来自于小心眼儿。如果心胸是一个肉眼可见的东西,我一定能把它撑大。现在,我不知道有力气该如何使,才能让心胸变大。也许一个个的坎坷历程,就是在心胸变大的过程吧!

  7. 感恩师父教诲!自己觉得,修行的过程就是开阔心胸的过程。想想看,引导词里的,我就是大海、我就是天空、我就是宇宙。。就是一个心胸融入的过程。真正得道觉悟的修行,就是将自己融于自然、融于万物、融于大道,而达到无我且又万物皆我的境界,这重要的就在于心胸的博大!只是,做到这一点是非常的不易,但是,我们已经在路上了。。。感恩师父!!

  8. 感恩師父 雖然 不能 心如大海 但是心胸博大 才能優遊自在 無謂的煩惱 等等來自 情緒控管不好的外人 可以敬而遠之 少說話不說話 但是對於其他 有時候不得不軟硬兼施 火燒功德林 重新來過

  9. 感恩师父,我们都在你的慈悲指引下成长,当小心眼蹦出来的时候.会想到师父说的话,感恩和布施,多舍多得,就会把自己教育一番,感恩师父,我们记住了

  10. 师父下午好:感恩师父慈悲教化,弟子就是爱在一些小事上纠结,小心眼,明知不对,是不慈悲不大度所致!但愿我心似佛心!但愿众生如心意!感恩师父慈悲加持呵护夸越自己,超越自我,战胜自己!?????

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!让我们开拓视野,敞开心胸做人做事。看得见摸得着的是有限的,有量的。看不见摸不着的是无限无量的。

  12. 只有博大的胸怀 才能容纳百川!感恩???顶礼???叩拜恩师???一语点破梦中人!再次 叩拜恩师???

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!心胸博大才能承载万物!不要看眼前的蝇头小利,而要学会站在高处看问题,要把目光放长远打错。也许现在发生的事情都是假象,好的还在后面呢!战胜自己高瞻远瞩看事情就会截然不同了!顶礼师父!

  14. 感恩师父?‍♀️的慈悲教化?每次面对工作都会起烦恼心,在学习着慈悲和宽容?让心像大海那样能容纳一却❤️感恩顶理叩拜师父?‍♀️

  15. 感恩佛师加被我们心如海,承宇宙。也就是说心有多宽多大,宇宙的能量就承受多宽多大。感恩佛师给预心灵法宝,如意宝。顶礼叩拜大恩师父!
