早安,願你每天都知足常樂! . 一個知足…


Good morning, may everyday of yours be filled with contentment!

If a person is contented, even simple acts such as lying on the ground or on the turf will make him feel very happy and contented. Those who aren’t contented will feel that even if they are in paradise or heaven, life is unsatisfactory and there is always something missing.

Therefore, a person’s sense of well-being is not determined by how rich or poor he is, or the amount of material possessions he has, it is dependent on his perception of the world.

When you are contented and filled with gratitude, you will not be bounded by external material desires. Naturally, you will not encounter obstacle, and will become a rich and prosperous person.


Good morning, may everyday of yours be filled with contentment!

If a person is contented, even simple acts such as lying on the ground or on the turf will make him feel very happy and contented. Those who aren’t contented will feel that even if they are in paradise or heaven, life is unsatisfactory and there is always something missing.

Therefore, a person’s sense of well-being is not determined by how rich or poor he is, or the amount of material possessions he has, it is dependent on his perception of the world.

When you are contented and filled with gratitude, you will not be bounded by external material desires. Naturally, you will not encounter obstacle, and will become a rich and prosperous person.


Good morning, may everyday of yours be filled with contentment! 
If a person is contented, even simple acts such as lying on the ground or on the turf will make him feel very happy and contented. Those who aren't contented will feel that even if they are in paradise or heaven, life is unsatisfactory and there is always something missing. 
Therefore, a person's sense of well-being is not determined by how rich or poor he is, or the amount of material possessions he has, it is dependent on his perception of the world. 
When you are contented and filled with gratitude, you will not be bounded by external material desires. Naturally, you will not encounter obstacle, and will become a rich and prosperous person. 
Good morning, may everyday of yours be filled with contentment! 
If a person is contented, even simple acts such as lying on the ground or on the turf will make him feel very happy and contented. Those who aren't contented will feel that even if they are in paradise or heaven, life is unsatisfactory and there is always something missing. 
Therefore, a person's sense of well-being is not determined by how rich or poor he is, or the amount of material possessions he has, it is dependent on his perception of the world. 
When you are contented and filled with gratitude, you will not be bounded by external material desires. Naturally, you will not encounter obstacle, and will become a rich and prosperous person. 


在〈早安,願你每天都知足常樂! . 一個知足…〉中有 35 則留言

  1. 感恩師父

  2. 師父早安 感恩師父 慈悲開示 知恩感恩報恩知福惜福 一直是我努力學習的方向 有的時候如同師父的貼文 知足常樂感覺 身邊的人事物 是那麼的美好

  3. 收到师父!我是您的弟子—金通懂。感恩有你!我才有了帮众生的能力!我要多帮人,早日到您身边工作。爱您追随您永远永远!

  4. 师父早上好!走八卦才回来。今天早上沙尘暴时时飘起,大风把树枝吹得嘎嘎作响。防止心中的沙尘暴升起,要像您说的心中时时知足感恩才行。

  5. 师父早上好,我一直觉得一个人有了基本的物质生活保障,她的精神生活更重要,在现在这个有些浮躁的世界,知足常乐尤为重要。

  6. 早上好师父,走完八卦就想上来看看,呵呵,知足常乐,感恩师父,一起来吃早饭啦师父,?

  7. 尊贵的上师?

  8. 收到!感恩尊贵的大慈大悲的金菩提上师的开示与教化!祝福您安康喜乐!如意吉祥!???

  9. Good morning, Master Jinbodhi !
    I feel the same and love the words you says that “ If a person is contented, even simple acts such as lying on the ground or on the turf will make him feel very happy and contented. “ Happiness comes from the unhindered heart!
    Very thankful to Master Jinbodhi !

  10. 师父师母早安:真诚感恩祝福师父师母法体安康吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲祝福加持呵护!?????

  11. 感恩师父!之足感恩佛菩萨!之足就是快乐幸福美满吉祥如意!感恩一切万事万物!叩拜恩师!

  12. 親愛的師父早上好!因為有師父非常幸福美滿?很之足的感佛陀感恩師父?每天想念師父就特別開心?有師父天天都開心快樂??????????

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!有知足感恩心的人天天活在天堂里,就是世界上最富有的人。没有知足感恩心的人即使他家财万贯顶多也就是个富有的穷光蛋而已!愿大家都能知足感恩都是“家财万贯”的富有人!感恩师父赐给我们富有的妙法!顶礼师父!

  14. 发愁没机会做义工?

  15. 感恩师父慈悲加持!一個人的幸福感,並不是來自於貧富的差別,外在物質的多寡,而在於內心對事物的看法!每天知足感恩,学做富贵之人!???

  16. 师父师母早上好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲教化分享!今早走八卦,回来又大礼拜!身轻气爽啊!看到|师父开示高兴快乐幸福!每天实修就知足常乐!身体健康,心情愉快的干好每一天!感恩师父慈悲大爱加持护佑!顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  17. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子这些年在师父的慈悲教化下,放下了好多,有房子?住有简单的生活费就足够了,每天不耽搁好好精进修行,是我最幸福的事了,在《知足常乐》下不被更多的欲望所困扰,真的感觉到幸福开心快乐!感恩师父!☕???????????

  18. 師父,師母早上好,感恩師父今早慈悲開示,常有知足感恩心,慈悲心,知足常樂,身体健康,快樂每一天,就是最富有的人,感恩有師父,感恩一切 !
    祝願全世界的人都是最富有的人,世界和平,天下無災難,人人健康,快樂,幸福每一天 !

  19. 感恩上师的智慧法语。知足常乐加上感恩的心,心中自然会油然生起幸福无比的感觉不停的环繞着。这感觉无关于你是否在物質上富有!

  20. 感恩师父慈悲开示!师父弟子心里有一事不知该怎么选择,请师父帮帮我!师父弟子现在和朋友一起做茶,实际是朋友的店,我现在就只是个店员,拿着微薄的收入,当时也是比较喜欢茶才去的,但是面对着现实心里比较矛盾,如果做个其他的工作要比现在好的多,弟子不知道茶继续做会不会有好的转变,值不值得继续?请师父开示!感恩师父!

  21. 师父好!吉祥如意!

  22. 感恩师父的分享,祝愿—切众生也得到师父的祝福,每天知足常乐,天下無災難,人人身心安健,吉祥,幸福!
