「求道以誠,修行以恆。」 . 在歷代禪宗…


Pursue the truth with sincerity; practice the Dharma with perseverance.

In the history of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng travelled all the way to HuangMei to learn Dharma from the Fifth Patriarch, Hongren. The Fifth Patriarch asked: “You are of the Lingnan lineage and also a barbarian from the south, so how can you become a Buddha?”

The Sixth Patriarch replied: “Although people are differentiated by their place of birth, but their Buddha nature have no disparity. Everyone has the potential to become a Buddha!” Subsequently, Huineng was sent to the shed to pound rice for more than 8 months.

Finally, when the Fifth Patriarch was choosing the candidate to pass down his robe and teachings, Huineng’s verse: “The Bodhi is not the form of a tree,
The bright mirror has no stand; When originally there is nothing, How could dust have gathered” –won him the Fifth Patriarch’s robe and teachings. Subsequently, to escape from being killed for his robe, Huineng lived a secluded life among the hunters. Eventually he was enlightened and founded the Chan Buddhism, leaving behind a spectacular Chan Buddhism history.

In reality, intelligence is not the essential factor for life’s success.

Regardless of your aspiration, the key to success lies in sincerity and perseverance.

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #SincerityAndPerserverance, #TheMethodOfSuccessrnrn「求道以誠,修行以恆。」

Pursue the truth with sincerity; practice the Dharma with perseverance.

In the history of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng travelled all the way to HuangMei to learn Dharma from the Fifth Patriarch, Hongren. The Fifth Patriarch asked: “You are of the Lingnan lineage and also a barbarian from the south, so how can you become a Buddha?”

The Sixth Patriarch replied: “Although people are differentiated by their place of birth, but their Buddha nature have no disparity. Everyone has the potential to become a Buddha!” Subsequently, Huineng was sent to the shed to pound rice for more than 8 months.

Finally, when the Fifth Patriarch was choosing the candidate to pass down his robe and teachings, Huineng’s verse: “The Bodhi is not the form of a tree,
The bright mirror has no stand; When originally there is nothing, How could dust have gathered” –won him the Fifth Patriarch’s robe and teachings. Subsequently, to escape from being killed for his robe, Huineng lived a secluded life among the hunters. Eventually he was enlightened and founded the Chan Buddhism, leaving behind a spectacular Chan Buddhism history.

In reality, intelligence is not the essential factor for life’s success.

Regardless of your aspiration, the key to success lies in sincerity and perseverance.

#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #SincerityAndPerserverance, #TheMethodOfSuccess

Pursue the truth with sincerity; practice the Dharma with perseverance.
In the history of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng travelled all the way to HuangMei to learn Dharma from the Fifth Patriarch, Hongren. The Fifth Patriarch asked: “You are of the Lingnan lineage and also a barbarian from the south, so how can you become a Buddha?”
The Sixth Patriarch replied: “Although people are differentiated by their place of birth, but their Buddha nature have no disparity. Everyone has the potential to become a Buddha!” Subsequently, Huineng was sent to the shed to pound rice for more than 8 months.
Finally, when the Fifth Patriarch was choosing the candidate to pass down his robe and teachings, Huineng’s verse: “The Bodhi is not the form of a tree,
The bright mirror has no stand; When originally there is nothing, How could dust have gathered” --won him the Fifth Patriarch’s robe and teachings. Subsequently, to escape from being killed for his robe, Huineng lived a secluded life among the hunters. Eventually he was enlightened and founded the Chan Buddhism, leaving behind a spectacular Chan Buddhism history.
In reality, intelligence is not the essential factor for life’s success.
Regardless of your aspiration, the key to success lies in sincerity and perseverance.
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #SincerityAndPerserverance, #TheMethodOfSuccessrnrn「求道以誠,修行以恆。」
Pursue the truth with sincerity; practice the Dharma with perseverance.
In the history of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, the Sixth Patriarch, Huineng travelled all the way to HuangMei to learn Dharma from the Fifth Patriarch, Hongren. The Fifth Patriarch asked: “You are of the Lingnan lineage and also a barbarian from the south, so how can you become a Buddha?”
The Sixth Patriarch replied: “Although people are differentiated by their place of birth, but their Buddha nature have no disparity. Everyone has the potential to become a Buddha!” Subsequently, Huineng was sent to the shed to pound rice for more than 8 months.
Finally, when the Fifth Patriarch was choosing the candidate to pass down his robe and teachings, Huineng’s verse: “The Bodhi is not the form of a tree,
The bright mirror has no stand; When originally there is nothing, How could dust have gathered” --won him the Fifth Patriarch’s robe and teachings. Subsequently, to escape from being killed for his robe, Huineng lived a secluded life among the hunters. Eventually he was enlightened and founded the Chan Buddhism, leaving behind a spectacular Chan Buddhism history.
In reality, intelligence is not the essential factor for life’s success.
Regardless of your aspiration, the key to success lies in sincerity and perseverance.
#AphorismFromMasterJinBodhi, #SincerityAndPerserverance, #TheMethodOfSuccess


在〈「求道以誠,修行以恆。」 . 在歷代禪宗…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲开示!精诚所至金石为开!有恒心真诚心没有做不成的事!顶礼师父!

  2. 师父!今天看了二个小时的视频嘴巴是一直笑着合不住的,嘴角都痛了还是合不住………师父设计的短袖衫真是太美啦!我喜欢花儿!我们群里263位师兄的都非常非常想要(还有好多要给儿女买的)!有新颖师兄帮忙上慈悲音网站购买!期待着我们能梦想成真!师父一定要加持我们哟!

  3. 师父!今天看了二个小时的视频嘴巴是一直笑着合不住的,嘴角都痛了还是合不住………师父设计的短袖衫真是太美啦!我喜欢花儿!我们群里的师兄都非常非常想要(还有好多要给儿女买的)!期待着我们能梦想成真!师父一定要加持我们哟!

  4. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示《求道以诚,修行以恒》,弟子去执行。感恩师父!☕???????

  5. 生活中的一切,唯心所造,有了目标,配以誠心和持之以恆的行動,有实現不了的吗?

  6. 师父,您传播了佛陀教法,一切众生离苦得乐解脱之法,记住师父的教导,真诚与恒心。我们学到了超级法宝,一定学习师父的无私美德,帮人,助人,愿一方人水土平安吉祥。

  7. 感恩师父慈悲开示“求道以诚,修行以恆。”
    五祖以作偈方式选拔”衣缽“傅人,慧能在神秀大师偈语的基础上呈偈: “菩提本无树,明镜亦非台;本来无一物,何处惹尘埃?”被五祖选中心傅衣缽。之后,因嫉妒被另一派追杀,隐居猎人隊伍中多年,“最后终于了悟禅法,开创了禅宗一花开五叶的辉煌禅史。…
    用六祖慧能祖师的故事,慈悲的师父告诉我们,实现人生大願的条件很多最重要的是两点: 唯有一份”真诚“与”恆心”这两点就是关键的关键,非常重要缺一不可!”才是真正成功的关键。“

  8. 感恩怖父分享。学每一样东西都必须要有持之有恆的信念方能明明確確的掌握它,加上恭敬,真诚=戌就。
