【完整版】送你一輪明月 . 在山上的一間…


【Full version】The Gift Of A Bright Moon

In a small hut on the hill, there lived an accomplished old Zen master with many years of practice. One moonlit night, after a stroll in the woods, the Zen master returned to his little hut.

As he got to the door and pushed it, the old Zen master discovered a thief in his house.

The old Zen master was afraid that his sudden appearance might alarm the thief, so he stood outside the door waiting for the thief to go out. The thief did not find anything valuable in the house and had to leave reluctantly.

As the thief was leaving through the door, he sighted the old Zen master standing by the side smiling at him, and panicked instantly.

Seeing the frantic thief, the old Zen master spoke, “This mountain path is so remote, and since you have come so far to visit me, I can’t have you leave empty-handed! I don’t have anything valuable for you, but since it’s cold here at night, let me offer you this coat!” With that, the Zen master removed his coat and place it on the thief.

Draped in the Zen master’s coat, the thief slipped away in shame. Glancing at the departing thief, the old Zen master lamented, “Poor man! I wish I could give you a bright moon.”

Early next morning, when the old Zen master rose and opened his door, he was surprised to find the coat he had given the thief the night before neatly folded and placed on his doorway.

Seeing this sight, the old Zen master joyously exclaimed, “I had really given him a bright moon!”

The benevolence and compassion of the old Zen master had ‘awakened’ the thief’s innate goodness, causing him to repent and revert after regaining his life bearings.
In life, if we can also learn to be like the old Zen master – treat others with compassion and benevolence, and care sincerely – then it is likely that such good thoughts would enable many more people to embark on a illuminated path in life.

#TheGiftOfABrightMoon, #Compassion, #Forgiveness


在〈【完整版】送你一輪明月 . 在山上的一間…〉中有 12 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲引领和教化!弟子学习禅师的《宽容与仁爱》。叩拜感恩师父!???☕??????

  2. 感恩師父慈悲開示 貼文 小偷 只是一念之差或許是情勢所逼等等 可是暴力頃向 有時候 像中邪一樣 又像炸彈 隨時會爆炸一樣 那是難以溝通的 多費口舌 不忍心法律追溯 只有承受傷害

  3. 师父,您好!谢谢师父的谆谆教导!学会以宽容和仁爱之心去对待别人。感恩师父!

  4. 师父!太了不起呀!漫画版太棒了?我喜欢?,迟些就拍成短片…电影?,师父加油??????????

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示!慈悲与宽恕给人一个改过自新的机会。放下屠刀立地成佛!只要能有放下的决心,没有什么事是做不到的顶礼师父!

  6. 感恩师父所讲的一个修行者的公案,弟子能感受到师父的慈悲用心。我们会依止师父的教意,好好修行诸恶么做。给人微笑,给人温暖,给人真爱,给人阳光,千手奉献,共享极乐!

  7. 师父我也宽恕了!可不知道为什么却有了不信任和阴影!师父我多么想放下,不去纠结啊!可我自己一想就好像不行了控制不住内心里的那个难受,师父我好想把所有的事都做好!不让师父为我超心,可现在我也努力了!还控制不住做不到,天天身体难受的不行了!上来一阵师父我就难受的想从窗子跳下去!我好想也能和师父住同一个地方,这样我好的一定能快些!可这样我也知足了!因为我还活着能照顾孩子!〒_〒
