與青年人聊天 (之一) . 青年朋友最常…

與青年人聊天 (之一)

A chat with the youths (Part 1)

One of the most common questions I get from youths is: “I have fallen out of love. What can I do?”

Question: “I fell out of love last year. I was so devastated then that I even considered committing suicide. The only thing that stopped me was my love for my parents… I could not bear to leave them. The reason why we broke up was not because something went wrong in our relationship, but his family did not approve of us being together. I felt terrible and could not accept it. I could not sleep for many nights because of this.”

My reply: “Break-ups… isn’t that a trivial thing? I know of a girl who fell out of love and told herself ‘So be it!’ after a sleepless night. Thinking this way is actually very liberating!”

Think of it this way: “He may not be suitable for you. No matter how good-looking or rich he is, how happy will you be if his empress dowager nags at you constantly or meddles in your affairs once you are married?”

Trust that your soul mate is waiting for you out there. Your future mother-in-law may be the nicest lady in the world who is not only virtuous and reasonable, but also a highly accomplished Buddhist practitioner. She may take one look at you and exclaim: “Oh wow! Isn’t this Guanyin Bodhisattva’s reincarnate?” She will dote on you, preparing meals for you every day and even give you a foot massage once a week. Will you still be troubled by your current heartbreak then?

As someone who is blessed with good fortune, you will definitely have an equally fortuitous soul mate waiting for you. What is there to worry about?

Just as a businessman needs to be mentally prepared for the risks that are intrinsic to investments, falling out of love is a risk that you need to be prepared for whenever you embark on a relationship. Similarly, every marriage carries the risk of a divorce. We need to be prepared for that even as we resolve not to go for a divorce easily.

Once you understand and accept this law of nature, you will have greater control over your life.

Buddhist practitioners get hurt just like anybody else. They are just more accepting and receptive of events that happen to them. Do not waste time railing at heaven or earth. Search for perspectives that will make you feel better. Even if these are foolish in the eyes of others, it is a wise and courageous thing to do as long as it helps to liberate you from the pain.

Understanding this law of nature helps to liberate us and make us feel more at ease.

#ChatWithTheYouths #ChatWithYouthsPart1, #Heartbreak, #SeeThroughTheLawOfNature, #Liberationrnrn與青年人聊天 (之一)

A chat with the youths (Part 1)

One of the most common questions I get from youths is: “I have fallen out of love. What can I do?”

Question: “I fell out of love last year. I was so devastated then that I even considered committing suicide. The only thing that stopped me was my love for my parents… I could not bear to leave them. The reason why we broke up was not because something went wrong in our relationship, but his family did not approve of us being together. I felt terrible and could not accept it. I could not sleep for many nights because of this.”

My reply: “Break-ups… isn’t that a trivial thing? I know of a girl who fell out of love and told herself ‘So be it!’ after a sleepless night. Thinking this way is actually very liberating!”

Think of it this way: “He may not be suitable for you. No matter how good-looking or rich he is, how happy will you be if his empress dowager nags at you constantly or meddles in your affairs once you are married?”

Trust that your soul mate is waiting for you out there. Your future mother-in-law may be the nicest lady in the world who is not only virtuous and reasonable, but also a highly accomplished Buddhist practitioner. She may take one look at you and exclaim: “Oh wow! Isn’t this Guanyin Bodhisattva’s reincarnate?” She will dote on you, preparing meals for you every day and even give you a foot massage once a week. Will you still be troubled by your current heartbreak then?

As someone who is blessed with good fortune, you will definitely have an equally fortuitous soul mate waiting for you. What is there to worry about?

Just as a businessman needs to be mentally prepared for the risks that are intrinsic to investments, falling out of love is a risk that you need to be prepared for whenever you embark on a relationship. Similarly, every marriage carries the risk of a divorce. We need to be prepared for that even as we resolve not to go for a divorce easily.

Once you understand and accept this law of nature, you will have greater control over your life.

Buddhist practitioners get hurt just like anybody else. They are just more accepting and receptive of events that happen to them. Do not waste time railing at heaven or earth. Search for perspectives that will make you feel better. Even if these are foolish in the eyes of others, it is a wise and courageous thing to do as long as it helps to liberate you from the pain.

Understanding this law of nature helps to liberate us and make us feel more at ease.

#ChatWithTheYouths #ChatWithYouthsPart1, #Heartbreak, #SeeThroughTheLawOfNature, #Liberation

與青年人聊天 (之一)
A chat with the youths (Part 1)
One of the most common questions I get from youths is: “I have fallen out of love. What can I do?”
Question: “I fell out of love last year. I was so devastated then that I even considered committing suicide. The only thing that stopped me was my love for my parents… I could not bear to leave them. The reason why we broke up was not because something went wrong in our relationship, but his family did not approve of us being together. I felt terrible and could not accept it. I could not sleep for many nights because of this.”
My reply: “Break-ups… isn’t that a trivial thing? I know of a girl who fell out of love and told herself ‘So be it!’ after a sleepless night. Thinking this way is actually very liberating!”
Think of it this way: “He may not be suitable for you. No matter how good-looking or rich he is, how happy will you be if his empress dowager nags at you constantly or meddles in your affairs once you are married?”
Trust that your soul mate is waiting for you out there. Your future mother-in-law may be the nicest lady in the world who is not only virtuous and reasonable, but also a highly accomplished Buddhist practitioner. She may take one look at you and exclaim: “Oh wow! Isn’t this Guanyin Bodhisattva’s reincarnate?” She will dote on you, preparing meals for you every day and even give you a foot massage once a week. Will you still be troubled by your current heartbreak then?
As someone who is blessed with good fortune, you will definitely have an equally fortuitous soul mate waiting for you. What is there to worry about?
Just as a businessman needs to be mentally prepared for the risks that are intrinsic to investments, falling out of love is a risk that you need to be prepared for whenever you embark on a relationship. Similarly, every marriage carries the risk of a divorce. We need to be prepared for that even as we resolve not to go for a divorce easily. 
Once you understand and accept this law of nature, you will have greater control over your life. 
Buddhist practitioners get hurt just like anybody else. They are just more accepting and receptive of events that happen to them. Do not waste time railing at heaven or earth. Search for perspectives that will make you feel better. Even if these are foolish in the eyes of others, it is a wise and courageous thing to do as long as it helps to liberate you from the pain. 
Understanding this law of nature helps to liberate us and make us feel more at ease. 
#ChatWithTheYouths  #ChatWithYouthsPart1, #Heartbreak, #SeeThroughTheLawOfNature, #Liberationrnrn與青年人聊天 (之一)
A chat with the youths (Part 1)
One of the most common questions I get from youths is: “I have fallen out of love. What can I do?”
Question: “I fell out of love last year. I was so devastated then that I even considered committing suicide. The only thing that stopped me was my love for my parents… I could not bear to leave them. The reason why we broke up was not because something went wrong in our relationship, but his family did not approve of us being together. I felt terrible and could not accept it. I could not sleep for many nights because of this.”
My reply: “Break-ups… isn’t that a trivial thing? I know of a girl who fell out of love and told herself ‘So be it!’ after a sleepless night. Thinking this way is actually very liberating!”
Think of it this way: “He may not be suitable for you. No matter how good-looking or rich he is, how happy will you be if his empress dowager nags at you constantly or meddles in your affairs once you are married?”
Trust that your soul mate is waiting for you out there. Your future mother-in-law may be the nicest lady in the world who is not only virtuous and reasonable, but also a highly accomplished Buddhist practitioner. She may take one look at you and exclaim: “Oh wow! Isn’t this Guanyin Bodhisattva’s reincarnate?” She will dote on you, preparing meals for you every day and even give you a foot massage once a week. Will you still be troubled by your current heartbreak then?
As someone who is blessed with good fortune, you will definitely have an equally fortuitous soul mate waiting for you. What is there to worry about?
Just as a businessman needs to be mentally prepared for the risks that are intrinsic to investments, falling out of love is a risk that you need to be prepared for whenever you embark on a relationship. Similarly, every marriage carries the risk of a divorce. We need to be prepared for that even as we resolve not to go for a divorce easily. 
Once you understand and accept this law of nature, you will have greater control over your life. 
Buddhist practitioners get hurt just like anybody else. They are just more accepting and receptive of events that happen to them. Do not waste time railing at heaven or earth. Search for perspectives that will make you feel better. Even if these are foolish in the eyes of others, it is a wise and courageous thing to do as long as it helps to liberate you from the pain. 
Understanding this law of nature helps to liberate us and make us feel more at ease. 
#ChatWithTheYouths  #ChatWithYouthsPart1, #Heartbreak, #SeeThroughTheLawOfNature, #Liberation


在〈與青年人聊天 (之一) . 青年朋友最常…〉中有 31 則留言

  1. Good morning Shi Fu! ?
    Agreed with what Shi Fu said ??!
    Think positive that there is much better person for you out there ?!

    If you keep on & continue with the person, you won’t be happiness & end up with suffering, argument, etc.

    Why you want to suffer, when u can get better & more happiness in future with another better person & live with blissful & more harmony & peace life ??☺️?? ???…

  2. Shi Fu,
    Very good sharing & guidance ! ?☺️ Gan En ?


  3. 感恩師父慈悲開示 青年人戀愛 失戀問題很多是在課本上學不到的 沒有適當的 給予開導 會造成很嚴重的身心問題以及家庭的困擾

  4. 因為孩子病了 一次再次沒完沒了 心中的痛 不止是孩子的痛 也是父母心中的痛 感恩師父 重視這個問題

  5. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!祈愿世界的青年朋友们看透這個規律,學习佛法看破並認識到這個規律而不痛,學會去接受!顶礼感恩师父慈悲的教导与开示!

  6. 师父 是我跟您的倾诉您听到了吗?我前几天跟女朋友分手了 真的很痛 几天吃不好睡不好 心被撕裂的感觉把我折磨的精疲力尽,您今天就发出这条消息 师父我感谢您 感谢您的加持

  7. 师父早上好,吉祥如意?

    祝愿师父:法体安康 常转法轮 恒久驻世

  8. 感恩师父!青少年失恋的问题很常见,父母们又没有智慧引导和解决,所以这是家庭最痛苦的事情。

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开解!青年人的婚恋涉及到两个家庭中多个成员的意见,因为家长不赞成造成分手是常有的事。结婚后『太上老君』總給念咒,家中的『慈禧太后』垂簾聽政也会常见。这时年轻人要坚信:“如果自己真是一個有福氣的人,自有福氣的另一半在等著,怕什麼?”想戀愛,就要準備好應對失戀的心理準備,将主動權掌握在自己手裡。举一反三,生活中的其它问题也一样。当遇到分离、分手这样的境遇时,學佛的人不是不痛,而是學會去接受。給自己在心裡找個出路,哪怕是傻子的出路,讓自己心裡解脫了,就是英雄,就是智慧。真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!???

  10. 师父好!青年人面临的困惑与压力都是很大的,有慈悲大智慧的上师指导人生无常,认识生活本身总是有苦与烦恼出现,如何面对,化解和接受,看破放下,即解脱。无论是小孩子还是年轻人或是老人都会经历苦和磨难,只要跟随师父修行,开启智慧,就会拥有健康快乐幸福美好的人生。感恩师父慈悲指引!祝师父天天快乐???

  11. 有些人永远放不下喔!道理都明白,心却受不了。也许,在明白道理的基础上,时间是最好的疗愈良药。感恩师父慈悲开示道理!祝愿失恋的人都能早日走出伤痛,遇到你最合适的另一半。

  12. 师父,您好!谢谢师父的开示!感恩师父!我非常赞成师父的建议。如果因对方家里不同意而分手的朋友,我也不留恋了,长痛不如短痛,尽早结束最好。

  13. 这些大道理都是不好使的。

  14. 师父好!吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!您教我们学会接受,学会转念,我们相信有师父,有佛菩萨加持护佑!一切都是最好的安排,这次失恋了,过些日子,会有更好的另一半出现对吧?师父,顶礼师父!

  15. 跟师父学佛真好!师父告诉我们:生活中遇到任何困难,我们都在心里给自己找出一个出路,哪怕是傻子的出路,也是解脱。感恩师父!弟子也心里解脱一些了!今天开心啦!祝福恩师!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!我也曾经失恋过,真是痛不欲生。那时候我采取的措施就是去上网聊天打发时间。跟陌生人讲诉心里的苦闷,时间是最好的解药恋爱五个月,痛苦五年!那个时候傻没学佛不懂得转念死心眼,现在就不会那样了。顶礼师父!

  17. 感恩师父智慧的转念思考,年青人遇到师父,好大的福份,一定好命,何愁没有!

  18. 感恩师父分享、失恋? ..休息再展开一段新的啊……??? 问题是粉粹了的心如何缝补….

  19. 转到ToneWOW预付!

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