與青年人聊天 (之一)
A chat with the youths (Part 1)
One of the most common questions I get from youths is: “I have fallen out of love. What can I do?”
Question: “I fell out of love last year. I was so devastated then that I even considered committing suicide. The only thing that stopped me was my love for my parents… I could not bear to leave them. The reason why we broke up was not because something went wrong in our relationship, but his family did not approve of us being together. I felt terrible and could not accept it. I could not sleep for many nights because of this.”
My reply: “Break-ups… isn’t that a trivial thing? I know of a girl who fell out of love and told herself ‘So be it!’ after a sleepless night. Thinking this way is actually very liberating!”
Think of it this way: “He may not be suitable for you. No matter how good-looking or rich he is, how happy will you be if his empress dowager nags at you constantly or meddles in your affairs once you are married?”
Trust that your soul mate is waiting for you out there. Your future mother-in-law may be the nicest lady in the world who is not only virtuous and reasonable, but also a highly accomplished Buddhist practitioner. She may take one look at you and exclaim: “Oh wow! Isn’t this Guanyin Bodhisattva’s reincarnate?” She will dote on you, preparing meals for you every day and even give you a foot massage once a week. Will you still be troubled by your current heartbreak then?
As someone who is blessed with good fortune, you will definitely have an equally fortuitous soul mate waiting for you. What is there to worry about?
Just as a businessman needs to be mentally prepared for the risks that are intrinsic to investments, falling out of love is a risk that you need to be prepared for whenever you embark on a relationship. Similarly, every marriage carries the risk of a divorce. We need to be prepared for that even as we resolve not to go for a divorce easily.
Once you understand and accept this law of nature, you will have greater control over your life.
Buddhist practitioners get hurt just like anybody else. They are just more accepting and receptive of events that happen to them. Do not waste time railing at heaven or earth. Search for perspectives that will make you feel better. Even if these are foolish in the eyes of others, it is a wise and courageous thing to do as long as it helps to liberate you from the pain.
Understanding this law of nature helps to liberate us and make us feel more at ease.
#ChatWithTheYouths #ChatWithYouthsPart1, #Heartbreak, #SeeThroughTheLawOfNature, #Liberationrnrn與青年人聊天 (之一)
A chat with the youths (Part 1)
One of the most common questions I get from youths is: “I have fallen out of love. What can I do?”
Question: “I fell out of love last year. I was so devastated then that I even considered committing suicide. The only thing that stopped me was my love for my parents… I could not bear to leave them. The reason why we broke up was not because something went wrong in our relationship, but his family did not approve of us being together. I felt terrible and could not accept it. I could not sleep for many nights because of this.”
My reply: “Break-ups… isn’t that a trivial thing? I know of a girl who fell out of love and told herself ‘So be it!’ after a sleepless night. Thinking this way is actually very liberating!”
Think of it this way: “He may not be suitable for you. No matter how good-looking or rich he is, how happy will you be if his empress dowager nags at you constantly or meddles in your affairs once you are married?”
Trust that your soul mate is waiting for you out there. Your future mother-in-law may be the nicest lady in the world who is not only virtuous and reasonable, but also a highly accomplished Buddhist practitioner. She may take one look at you and exclaim: “Oh wow! Isn’t this Guanyin Bodhisattva’s reincarnate?” She will dote on you, preparing meals for you every day and even give you a foot massage once a week. Will you still be troubled by your current heartbreak then?
As someone who is blessed with good fortune, you will definitely have an equally fortuitous soul mate waiting for you. What is there to worry about?
Just as a businessman needs to be mentally prepared for the risks that are intrinsic to investments, falling out of love is a risk that you need to be prepared for whenever you embark on a relationship. Similarly, every marriage carries the risk of a divorce. We need to be prepared for that even as we resolve not to go for a divorce easily.
Once you understand and accept this law of nature, you will have greater control over your life.
Buddhist practitioners get hurt just like anybody else. They are just more accepting and receptive of events that happen to them. Do not waste time railing at heaven or earth. Search for perspectives that will make you feel better. Even if these are foolish in the eyes of others, it is a wise and courageous thing to do as long as it helps to liberate you from the pain.
Understanding this law of nature helps to liberate us and make us feel more at ease.
#ChatWithTheYouths #ChatWithYouthsPart1, #Heartbreak, #SeeThroughTheLawOfNature, #Liberation