【大家都為誰念佛?她,為那隻兔子。】 ….


【Who is everybody praying and chanting for? For her – it is for the rabbit.】

In the recent chanting class, one of my disciples shared a story which left a deep impression on me.

Her family was poor when she was young. For the health of their children, her parents would usually go hunting for wild rabbits.

“Once, my parents discovered that one of the rabbits they captured was pregnant. There were even rabbit babies in her tummy. My mother was shocked to learn that and she did not dare do anything to that rabbit, and released it eventually. “

“In this chanting class, memories of that mother rabbit, the baby rabbits and my own family came to mind and I prayed sincerely to Buddha to reduce their karmic debt. Wishing that they enjoy peace and auspiciousness.”

As I listened, I couldn’t help but feel sad. Our parents hunt and kill for the sake of us – their children’s health. But the animals that they kill have their own children as well. These actions will result in a never-ending cycle of karmic debt which can only be broken by compassion! The moment the notion of karma takes root in the heart, the sense of repentance for the wrongs committed will be there as well. Chanting at this time will be the most effective!

It is my wish that all of my disciples and fellow practitioners will gain exceptional energy due to the compassion that exists in their hearts! May their lives be filled with fulfillment, health and happiness!

#ChantingClass, #KarmicCycle, #Rabbit, #Kneecaps #HealthAndHappinessrnrn【大家都為誰念佛?她,為那隻兔子。】

【Who is everybody praying and chanting for? For her – it is for the rabbit.】

In the recent chanting class, one of my disciples shared a story which left a deep impression on me.

Her family was poor when she was young. For the health of their children, her parents would usually go hunting for wild rabbits.

“Once, my parents discovered that one of the rabbits they captured was pregnant. There were even rabbit babies in her tummy. My mother was shocked to learn that and she did not dare do anything to that rabbit, and released it eventually. “

“In this chanting class, memories of that mother rabbit, the baby rabbits and my own family came to mind and I prayed sincerely to Buddha to reduce their karmic debt. Wishing that they enjoy peace and auspiciousness.”

As I listened, I couldn’t help but feel sad. Our parents hunt and kill for the sake of us – their children’s health. But the animals that they kill have their own children as well. These actions will result in a never-ending cycle of karmic debt which can only be broken by compassion! The moment the notion of karma takes root in the heart, the sense of repentance for the wrongs committed will be there as well. Chanting at this time will be the most effective!

It is my wish that all of my disciples and fellow practitioners will gain exceptional energy due to the compassion that exists in their hearts! May their lives be filled with fulfillment, health and happiness!

#ChantingClass, #KarmicCycle, #Rabbit, #Kneecaps #HealthAndHappiness

【Who is everybody praying and chanting for? For her – it is for the rabbit.】
In the recent chanting class, one of my disciples shared a story which left a deep impression on me.
Her family was poor when she was young. For the health of their children, her parents would usually go hunting for wild rabbits.
“Once, my parents discovered that one of the rabbits they captured was pregnant. There were even rabbit babies in her tummy. My mother was shocked to learn that and she did not dare do anything to that rabbit, and released it eventually. “
“In this chanting class, memories of that mother rabbit, the baby rabbits and my own family came to mind and I prayed sincerely to Buddha to reduce their karmic debt. Wishing that they enjoy peace and auspiciousness.”
As I listened, I couldn’t help but feel sad. Our parents hunt and kill for the sake of us – their children’s health. But the animals that they kill have their own children as well. These actions will result in a never-ending cycle of karmic debt which can only be broken by compassion! The moment the notion of karma takes root in the heart, the sense of repentance for the wrongs committed will be there as well. Chanting at this time will be the most effective! 
It is my wish that all of my disciples and fellow practitioners will gain exceptional energy due to the compassion that exists in their hearts! May their lives be filled with fulfillment, health and happiness!
#ChantingClass, #KarmicCycle, #Rabbit, #Kneecaps  #HealthAndHappinessrnrn【大家都為誰念佛?她,為那隻兔子。】
【Who is everybody praying and chanting for? For her – it is for the rabbit.】
In the recent chanting class, one of my disciples shared a story which left a deep impression on me.
Her family was poor when she was young. For the health of their children, her parents would usually go hunting for wild rabbits.
“Once, my parents discovered that one of the rabbits they captured was pregnant. There were even rabbit babies in her tummy. My mother was shocked to learn that and she did not dare do anything to that rabbit, and released it eventually. “
“In this chanting class, memories of that mother rabbit, the baby rabbits and my own family came to mind and I prayed sincerely to Buddha to reduce their karmic debt. Wishing that they enjoy peace and auspiciousness.”
As I listened, I couldn’t help but feel sad. Our parents hunt and kill for the sake of us – their children’s health. But the animals that they kill have their own children as well. These actions will result in a never-ending cycle of karmic debt which can only be broken by compassion! The moment the notion of karma takes root in the heart, the sense of repentance for the wrongs committed will be there as well. Chanting at this time will be the most effective! 
It is my wish that all of my disciples and fellow practitioners will gain exceptional energy due to the compassion that exists in their hearts! May their lives be filled with fulfillment, health and happiness!
#ChantingClass, #KarmicCycle, #Rabbit, #Kneecaps  #HealthAndHappiness


在〈【大家都為誰念佛?她,為那隻兔子。】 ….〉中有 26 則留言

  1. 有师父您的经常提醒,弟子感觉好幸福啊!您是弟子人生路上的指路明灯,感恩有您!弟子叩拜您!

  2. 感恩师父!慈悲才能获得无上的能量!有慈悲心的人才是真正是佛的弟子,我们学佛的第一步就是将慈悲心落实到实际生活当中。让家人朋友都能感受到慈悲的能量,处理事情的时候也都能心怀慈悲善念,都能在利益面前退一步。顶礼师父!

  3. 感恩慈悲的师父教化!学佛修行人明白了杀生的害处就应该爱护众生!有慈悲心的人都不忍心去杀了。过去我见到蚊子、蟑螂都会消灭掉。现在蚊子都伤,开门窗子赶出去,不敢再杀了,少造恶业。让慈悲、不忍之心指导与管束自己的行为。

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子感恩父母的念佛,感恩父母生养了我,我才能遇见师父!感恩师父???

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享与教导!???慈悲而獲得無上的能量!人生圓滿、健康、快樂!忏悔為孩子的營養捕殺生物,為自己和孩子所伤害众生!真誠地為他們消業念佛,祈願,只要是至親至愛,都能過得吉祥平安……」顶礼叩拜感恩师父!阿密特!!

  6. 感恩師父,我每次在家要洗碗的時候,流理台上都會有螞蟻,於是我都會想到牠們也有生命、也有家人,所以就輕敲台面讓牠們可以有時間離開,我於5分鐘後才開始洗碗???

  7. 感恩师父教诲!我这几天都在为刚刚去世的母亲和去世二十一年父亲年佛,祈愿师父接引他们到东方琉璃世界!明天为曾经伤害的生命念佛,祈愿师父超拔它们,脱离六道之苦!感恩师父!愿我们的家人、亲人及所有的众生都安住吉祥!愿世界和平!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示教化!使得我们把内心深处隐藏的慈悲善念开发出来,而且落实到生活中,利益他人!

  9. 师父好!我要为婆婆念佛!愿婆婆健康长寿!吉祥如意!不在受疾病的折磨!感恩佛师加持!???

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!因為慈悲而獲得無上的能量!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!“當心中有因果報應的念頭,表示已有懺悔之意,這樣念佛才能產生最大的效用!”为有意无意伤害的众生念佛!???

  12. 感恩师父慈悲分享与教化!弟子谨记在心!都能因为慈悲而获得无上能量!因慈悲人生获得圆滿,健康,快乐!感恩师父慈悲教诲恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  13. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲教化!感恩父母的养育之恩,感恩身边的亲人,兄弟姐妹,祈愿天下太平!吉祥如意!顶礼叩拜感恩师父!

  14. 我们只要真心的忏悔,才能弥补做过那些错事,心才能软下来,真诚念佛,让爱心慈悲心做主,获得无上的能量,能圆满一切!我们才获得健康快乐幸福!感恩师父!???

  15. 感恩师父的慈悲教化。念佛要有目的性的去念,也就是你想为谁念佛,可以祈福式、惭悔式,感恩式的去诵念,每次念佛要用真诚心为一件事去诵念,就能与佛菩萨师父相应,就能产生最大最好的效用。念佛祈福消灾除业,惭悔我们累世所造下的恶业,深信因果不在造业,以慈悲之心感恩一切,并因慈悲而获得无尚的能量。

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲的教化和关怀护佑!感恩父母养育之恩!感恩帮助过我们的人!忏悔我们无知无明伤害的一切众生都能得师父佛菩萨的接引往生东方琉璃世界!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  17. 感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩父母!感恩帮助我人!伤害过我的人!感恩一切万事万物!感恩师父大慈大悲加持护佑!祝愿师父师母吉祥如意!叩拜恩师!

  18. 师父,您好!谢谢师父上传分享和教导!慈悲为怀获得无上的能量。感恩师父!
