身心靈健康是最大的寶 . 最近我聽到一位…


Healthy body and mind is the greatest treasure!

Recently, I heard of a story about the participant of a Malaysia’s Chanting class retreat. She underwent a lot of transformations which touched me deeply.

Let us listen to the story of Yougao…

The following is her meditation journal:

Ten years ago, I became afflicted with post natal depression after giving birth. As I had problems communicating with my mother-in-law, we had a huge misunderstanding and this affected my relationship with my husband. In fact, we almost divorced.

For the past ten years, I felt as if I was living in hell. I was often in a state of fear, anxiety and depression. I also detested my husband and mother- in-law. Due to financial constraints, my husband and I did not visit my mother-in-law for 6 years.

During November this year, I attended Bodhi’s Chanting class with my husband. During the class, the teacher taught us to chant for our parents and ancestors to express our gratitude. After the class, mixed feelings ran through our mind. Hence we decided to pay my mother-in-law a visit at Kedah, which is 800 miles away.

When I saw my mother-in-law, I saw that she had aged, her hair had turned white and her physical health had deteriorated— her right leg was swollen and pus constantly flowed from the wound inflicted by an ant bite. She looked frail and weak. The dislocation of her right shoulder led to her inability to raise her right hand high. When she slept at night, she experienced chest pain.

We did not know mother-in-law was going through such a hard life living alone! I regretted not paying her a visit earlier.

Looking at her health problems, I taught her the Meditation of Greater Illumination. After 8 days of practice, she can now raise her hand to her forehead. Previously, she could only raise her hand to her chest level. I also offered lights for her at Bodhi Meditation for a month.

Back at home, I called my mother-in-law regularly to ask after her health. She told me she felt more relaxed and comfortable as compared to before. Ten years of heart knot had been unlocked! Our relationship improved and we grew closer, as if we were mother and daughter.

Thanks to Bodhi Meditation I manage to regain my family happiness!

Now I am leading a happy life!


Healthy body and mind is the greatest treasure!

Recently, I heard of a story about the participant of a Malaysia’s Chanting class retreat. She underwent a lot of transformations which touched me deeply.

Let us listen to the story of Yougao…

The following is her meditation journal:

Ten years ago, I became afflicted with post natal depression after giving birth. As I had problems communicating with my mother-in-law, we had a huge misunderstanding and this affected my relationship with my husband. In fact, we almost divorced.

For the past ten years, I felt as if I was living in hell. I was often in a state of fear, anxiety and depression. I also detested my husband and mother- in-law. Due to financial constraints, my husband and I did not visit my mother-in-law for 6 years.

During November this year, I attended Bodhi’s Chanting class with my husband. During the class, the teacher taught us to chant for our parents and ancestors to express our gratitude. After the class, mixed feelings ran through our mind. Hence we decided to pay my mother-in-law a visit at Kedah, which is 800 miles away.

When I saw my mother-in-law, I saw that she had aged, her hair had turned white and her physical health had deteriorated— her right leg was swollen and pus constantly flowed from the wound inflicted by an ant bite. She looked frail and weak. The dislocation of her right shoulder led to her inability to raise her right hand high. When she slept at night, she experienced chest pain.

We did not know mother-in-law was going through such a hard life living alone! I regretted not paying her a visit earlier.

Looking at her health problems, I taught her the Meditation of Greater Illumination. After 8 days of practice, she can now raise her hand to her forehead. Previously, she could only raise her hand to her chest level. I also offered lights for her at Bodhi Meditation for a month.

Back at home, I called my mother-in-law regularly to ask after her health. She told me she felt more relaxed and comfortable as compared to before. Ten years of heart knot had been unlocked! Our relationship improved and we grew closer, as if we were mother and daughter.

Thanks to Bodhi Meditation I manage to regain my family happiness!

Now I am leading a happy life!


Healthy body and mind is the greatest treasure!
Recently, I heard of a story about the participant of a Malaysia’s Chanting class retreat. She underwent a lot of transformations which touched me deeply.
Let us listen to the story of Yougao...
The following is her meditation journal:
Ten years ago, I became afflicted with post natal depression after giving birth. As I had problems communicating with my mother-in-law, we had a huge misunderstanding and this affected my relationship with my husband. In fact, we almost divorced.
For the past ten years, I felt as if I was living in hell. I was often in a state of fear, anxiety and depression. I also detested my husband and mother- in-law. Due to financial constraints, my husband and I did not visit my mother-in-law for 6 years.
During November this year, I attended Bodhi’s Chanting class with my husband. During the class, the teacher taught us to chant for our parents and ancestors to express our gratitude. After the class, mixed feelings ran through our mind. Hence we decided to pay my mother-in-law a visit at Kedah, which is 800 miles away.
When I saw my mother-in-law, I saw that she had aged, her hair had turned white and her physical health had deteriorated— her right leg was swollen and pus constantly flowed from the wound inflicted by an ant bite. She looked frail and weak. The dislocation of her right shoulder led to her inability to raise her right hand high. When she slept at night, she experienced chest pain. 
We did not know mother-in-law was going through such a hard life living alone! I regretted not paying her a visit earlier.

Looking at her health problems, I taught her the Meditation of Greater Illumination. After 8 days of practice, she can now raise her hand to her forehead. Previously, she could only raise her hand to her chest level. I also offered lights for her at Bodhi Meditation for a month.
Back at home, I called my mother-in-law regularly to ask after her health. She told me she felt more relaxed and comfortable as compared to before. Ten years of heart knot had been unlocked! Our relationship improved and we grew closer, as if we were mother and daughter.
Thanks to Bodhi Meditation I manage to regain my family happiness! 
Now I am leading a happy life!

Healthy body and mind is the greatest treasure!
Recently, I heard of a story about the participant of a Malaysia’s Chanting class retreat. She underwent a lot of transformations which touched me deeply.
Let us listen to the story of Yougao...
The following is her meditation journal:
Ten years ago, I became afflicted with post natal depression after giving birth. As I had problems communicating with my mother-in-law, we had a huge misunderstanding and this affected my relationship with my husband. In fact, we almost divorced.
For the past ten years, I felt as if I was living in hell. I was often in a state of fear, anxiety and depression. I also detested my husband and mother- in-law. Due to financial constraints, my husband and I did not visit my mother-in-law for 6 years.
During November this year, I attended Bodhi’s Chanting class with my husband. During the class, the teacher taught us to chant for our parents and ancestors to express our gratitude. After the class, mixed feelings ran through our mind. Hence we decided to pay my mother-in-law a visit at Kedah, which is 800 miles away.
When I saw my mother-in-law, I saw that she had aged, her hair had turned white and her physical health had deteriorated— her right leg was swollen and pus constantly flowed from the wound inflicted by an ant bite. She looked frail and weak. The dislocation of her right shoulder led to her inability to raise her right hand high. When she slept at night, she experienced chest pain. 
We did not know mother-in-law was going through such a hard life living alone! I regretted not paying her a visit earlier.

Looking at her health problems, I taught her the Meditation of Greater Illumination. After 8 days of practice, she can now raise her hand to her forehead. Previously, she could only raise her hand to her chest level. I also offered lights for her at Bodhi Meditation for a month.
Back at home, I called my mother-in-law regularly to ask after her health. She told me she felt more relaxed and comfortable as compared to before. Ten years of heart knot had been unlocked! Our relationship improved and we grew closer, as if we were mother and daughter.
Thanks to Bodhi Meditation I manage to regain my family happiness! 
Now I am leading a happy life!



在〈身心靈健康是最大的寶 . 最近我聽到一位…〉中有 25 則留言

  1. 感恩深刻故事和分享!学习禅修不仅自己受益,还能让别人受益,减少疾病的痛苦,并领悟吃透师父教授每一法,能改变我们一切,让我们健康起来,让我们人生更幸福!感恩师父!谢谢师父!???

  2. 感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹!随喜赞叹师姐真棒真幸福健康快乐!

  3. 感恩师父,非常好。今天下午让修电脑师傅又给我重新装了一下系统,又续买了十三个月的软件服务费,(去年买的一年的没用几个月就不能用了)今年师父加持护佑网络畅通吧!我们变成游击队员啦哈哈哈!

  4. 感恩师父!感恩师父传授的无上妙法!使我们无数的有缘人得到了健康快乐!恭喜友高师姐!顶礼感恩师父!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜师姐家庭和睦,婆婆身体健康!愿越来越多的人都能受益于菩提,都能家庭和睦幸福!顶礼师父!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲教化,弟子我也是这样的亲身经历几乎相同,20多年的婆媳关系是非常痛苦煎熬的,我无论如何想不通婆婆为啥每次见我就吵闹摔打东西,最让我不能接受的是每年春节团聚7天婆婆闹7天算几十年的(家务账)。后来修行了有师姐告诉我也许是前世所欠吧!我呀就努力磕大头忏悔念佛108天忏悔,听师父教化慈悲宽容,原谅别人的错误与无知何况是我的长辈至亲好友们。今天鼓起勇气给您汇报,一喜是2018年我长工资了!二喜婆婆今年来我家过年了,她现在逢人就夸我孝顺。三喜,修行有法喜会用智慧宽容之心生活工作。常念它人之恩德,滴水之恩当涌泉相报。家和万事兴,感恩师父!

  7. 感恩师父!恭喜师姐家庭和睦,婆婆身体健康!感恩师父传授的无上妙法!使世界无数的有缘人得到了健康快乐!顶礼感恩师父!!!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲分享!看了很感动!师父慈悲的无上秒法救了无数的家庭!让师姐家婆媳关糸和睦相处!婆婆身体越来越好!感谢师姐分享!愿有缘众生都受益于菩提禅修!自利利他!健康快乐!幸福吉祥!感恩师父!叩拜恩师!

  9. 师父,您好!真是一个很感人的故事啊!很多人自从进入菩提禪修后,得到师父常常耐心的开示和师父传给我们的一切养生法宝,个个都脱胎换骨得到身心灵的健康了。感恩师父!

  10. 感恩师父加持护佑!我的家庭今年和睦幸福!老公关爱又体贴!让我生活在幸福的氛围里!从感恩开始!从付出开始!一切都会心想事成!美梦成真!

  11. 感恩师父加持护佑!我的家庭今年和睦幸福!老公关爱又体贴!让我生活在幸福的氛围里!从感恩开始!从付出开始!一切都会心想事成!美梦成真!

  12. 顶礼感恩师父!感恩师父传妙法,救度众生离苦得乐,化解怨恨,孝顺父母,一家人健康快乐!

  13. 谢谢师姐的分享!真心念佛消除婆媳间的怨恨关系而变成家庭幸福、合睦,婆媳关系变成母女太感人了!

  14. 恭喜师姐获得幸福、

  15. 恭喜师姐的生活从自已到家人,因为菩提禅修发生了巨大的变化,祝师姐一家幸福美满,感恩师父传授救人妙法!

  16. 师父在妈妈家这几天又招东西了!两次,头一次去我姨家兄弟姐妹聚会,我去了回来就难受心烦,我姨说去年我没去她都不高兴了!其实师父不是我不去,是我这身体真是不知道怎么回事!昨天她家小弟订婚我没去,但还是在家又那样了因为来回走人!一宿睡觉都是吓人的梦,醒了早起来就心烦的不行了!还困还难受的睡不着,眯了一下就一下看见我姥姥了!我在心里沟通了一下,强了!但还是心烦的不行了师父!浑身都紧,胸腔子里疼了好几天!师父我这总招东西不知道怎么办!问了两次同修姨了!

  17. 师姐见证故事太感人了,尤其与婆婆之间关系紧张变成婆媳之间如母女家庭和睦相处万事如意!隨喜赞叹?!
