除夕團圓守歲迎新年 . 今天是除夕,在外…


Reuniting on the eve to welcome the new year

Today is the eve of Lunar New Year. Those of you who have been working away from home, are you back with your parents yet?
Your parents are still waiting for you.

The reunion dinner on the eve of Lunar New Year is the most important dinner of the year. This is when the entire family get together to catch up with each other. What is nostalgic about this special day is not just the good food and drinks. Rather, it is the relaxed and joyful atmosphere created by family members caring for each other. The hard work and anticipation in the previous year seem to be well compensated and satisfied during this great meal of reunion.

There is another important custom for the reunion dinner – eating dumplings. The Chinese word for dumpling has the sound as the phrase that means the “change of year”. Dumplings are shaped like gold ingots to symbolize a steady stream of wealth in the new year. A coin will also be wrapped in one of the dumplings and the person who gets the dumpling with the coin will be blessed with good luck in the coming year. Some people also include pistachio nuts (symbolic of happiness), or sweets (symbolic of sweetness) in the dumplings to represent their wishes for the coming year.

After dinner, the children will surround the adults to ask for auspicious red packets. After that, the whole family will gather together to “shou sui” (the act of staying up the entire night on Lunar New Year eve).

On this last night of the year, the family reminisce together on the year that is about to pass and stand guard over the young ones who represents the family’s hopes and future. They wish that the coming year will be filled with good fortune, peace and ease. This is what family is all about.

On this Lunar New Year eve, I wish that everyone will have a joyous new year and that all families will be filled with joy, happiness, good fortune and safety!

#LunarNewYearEve, #ReunionDinner, #Reuniting, #StayingUpLate, #RedPacketMoney, #OfferingPrayersToAncestorsrnrn除夕團圓守歲迎新年

Reuniting on the eve to welcome the new year

Today is the eve of Lunar New Year. Those of you who have been working away from home, are you back with your parents yet?
Your parents are still waiting for you.

The reunion dinner on the eve of Lunar New Year is the most important dinner of the year. This is when the entire family get together to catch up with each other. What is nostalgic about this special day is not just the good food and drinks. Rather, it is the relaxed and joyful atmosphere created by family members caring for each other. The hard work and anticipation in the previous year seem to be well compensated and satisfied during this great meal of reunion.

There is another important custom for the reunion dinner – eating dumplings. The Chinese word for dumpling has the sound as the phrase that means the “change of year”. Dumplings are shaped like gold ingots to symbolize a steady stream of wealth in the new year. A coin will also be wrapped in one of the dumplings and the person who gets the dumpling with the coin will be blessed with good luck in the coming year. Some people also include pistachio nuts (symbolic of happiness), or sweets (symbolic of sweetness) in the dumplings to represent their wishes for the coming year.

After dinner, the children will surround the adults to ask for auspicious red packets. After that, the whole family will gather together to “shou sui” (the act of staying up the entire night on Lunar New Year eve).

On this last night of the year, the family reminisce together on the year that is about to pass and stand guard over the young ones who represents the family’s hopes and future. They wish that the coming year will be filled with good fortune, peace and ease. This is what family is all about.

On this Lunar New Year eve, I wish that everyone will have a joyous new year and that all families will be filled with joy, happiness, good fortune and safety!

#LunarNewYearEve, #ReunionDinner, #Reuniting, #StayingUpLate, #RedPacketMoney, #OfferingPrayersToAncestors

Reuniting on the eve to welcome the new year 
Today is the eve of Lunar New Year. Those of you who have been working away from home, are you back with your parents yet? 
Your parents are still waiting for you.
The reunion dinner on the eve of Lunar New Year is the most important dinner of the year. This is when the entire family get together to catch up with each other. What is nostalgic about this special day is not just the good food and drinks. Rather, it is the relaxed and joyful atmosphere created by family members caring for each other. The hard work and anticipation in the previous year seem to be well compensated and satisfied during this great meal of reunion.
There is another important custom for the reunion dinner – eating dumplings. The Chinese word for dumpling has the sound as the phrase that means the “change of year”. Dumplings are shaped like gold ingots to symbolize a steady stream of wealth in the new year. A coin will also be wrapped in one of the dumplings and the person who gets the dumpling with the coin will be blessed with good luck in the coming year. Some people also include pistachio nuts (symbolic of happiness), or sweets (symbolic of sweetness) in the dumplings to represent their wishes for the coming year. 
After dinner, the children will surround the adults to ask for auspicious red packets. After that, the whole family will gather together to “shou sui” (the act of staying up the entire night on Lunar New Year eve). 
On this last night of the year, the family reminisce together on the year that is about to pass and stand guard over the young ones who represents the family’s hopes and future. They wish that the coming year will be filled with good fortune, peace and ease. This is what family is all about. 
On this Lunar New Year eve, I wish that everyone will have a joyous new year and that all families will be filled with joy, happiness, good fortune and safety!
#LunarNewYearEve, #ReunionDinner, #Reuniting, #StayingUpLate, #RedPacketMoney, #OfferingPrayersToAncestorsrnrn除夕團圓守歲迎新年
Reuniting on the eve to welcome the new year 
Today is the eve of Lunar New Year. Those of you who have been working away from home, are you back with your parents yet? 
Your parents are still waiting for you.
The reunion dinner on the eve of Lunar New Year is the most important dinner of the year. This is when the entire family get together to catch up with each other. What is nostalgic about this special day is not just the good food and drinks. Rather, it is the relaxed and joyful atmosphere created by family members caring for each other. The hard work and anticipation in the previous year seem to be well compensated and satisfied during this great meal of reunion.
There is another important custom for the reunion dinner – eating dumplings. The Chinese word for dumpling has the sound as the phrase that means the “change of year”. Dumplings are shaped like gold ingots to symbolize a steady stream of wealth in the new year. A coin will also be wrapped in one of the dumplings and the person who gets the dumpling with the coin will be blessed with good luck in the coming year. Some people also include pistachio nuts (symbolic of happiness), or sweets (symbolic of sweetness) in the dumplings to represent their wishes for the coming year. 
After dinner, the children will surround the adults to ask for auspicious red packets. After that, the whole family will gather together to “shou sui” (the act of staying up the entire night on Lunar New Year eve). 
On this last night of the year, the family reminisce together on the year that is about to pass and stand guard over the young ones who represents the family’s hopes and future. They wish that the coming year will be filled with good fortune, peace and ease. This is what family is all about. 
On this Lunar New Year eve, I wish that everyone will have a joyous new year and that all families will be filled with joy, happiness, good fortune and safety!
#LunarNewYearEve, #ReunionDinner, #Reuniting, #StayingUpLate, #RedPacketMoney, #OfferingPrayersToAncestors


在〈除夕團圓守歲迎新年 . 今天是除夕,在外…〉中有 43 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!祝师父阖家团圆!新年快乐!谢谢师父为我们操劳!弟子叩拜师父!???

  2. 顶礼师父!今天是三十,给师父拜年了,恭祝师父新春快乐!法体安康!法轮常转!平安富贵吉祥!阖家团圆幸福美满!猪年诸事顺利!好运连连……!???

  3. 感恩师父!祝师父师母新年快乐,也祝菩提禅修所有同修们新年快乐、合家幸福美满、富贵安康!

  4. 感恩师父!祝师父师母新年快乐,也祝菩提禅修所有同修们新年快乐、合家幸福美满、富贵安康!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲大爱!叩拜恩师!祝福恩师新年快乐!法体安康!师父师母永远年轻美丽!全家幸福团聚快乐!吉祥如意!

  6. 感恩师父!祝师父祝母新年快乐、富寿安康!恭喜师父恭喜师母新年事事如意,喜盈门。心想事成!吉祥如意!???

  7. 师父师母!大年三十了!弟子给您们拜了!祝愿师父师母法体安康!快乐幸福美满!平安顺利!心想事成!吉祥如意!我们全家人和师父师母一起过大年!一起吃饺子!我用真诚的心祝愿所有的金刚弟兄们身体健康快乐幸福美满吉祥如意!感恩师父大恩大德!弟子代表我们全家顶礼叩拜恩师!

  8. 暄桥,暄港给师父师母拜年了!祝师父师母新年快乐!法体安康!阖家团圆!幸福美满!吉祥如意!师父我们想念您!

  9. 顶礼感恩师父!收到师父年三十的祝福!弟子跪拜给您拜年了!顶礼感恩师父,恭祝师父,阖家团圆!弘法大愿圆满,万事如意!

  10. 感恩师父赐福!恭祝师父新年快乐!吉祥如意!也祝全球菩提同修新年快乐!富贵平安!

  11. 师父师母早上好!我爱您师父!因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐!感恩师父佛菩萨慈悲加持和护佑!感恩师父慈悲赐福新年祝福!恭祝师父师母新年快乐!法体安康!弘法顺利!阖家幸福!富贵平安!吉祥如意!祝福老师和师兄师姐们以及亲人朋友们新年快乐!身体健康!阖家幸福!富贵平安!吉祥如意!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  12. 师父早上好!收到了!感恩师父祝福!恭祝师父师母新年快乐!幸福安康!吉祥如意!心想事成!

  13. 师父师母早上好 弟子给你们拜年了 祝师父师母新年快乐 法体安康 吉祥如意。

  14. 尊贵的师父,师母: 年除夕早安吉祥如意,弟子珉惠顶礼叩拜感恩师父的慈悲教化 及加持,恭贺师父师母新年快乐,万事如意,富贵花开,心想事成,东成西就,合家安康,幸福快乐!

  15. 师父好!

  16. 师父早上好!弟子给您拜年了,祝师父师母新年快乐,阖家幸福团圆,万事如意,猪年吉祥,富贵安康!感恩师父的慈悲呵护! 也祝金刚兄弟们春节快乐,吉祥如意!

  17. 收到!感恩师父!祝福师父师母新年快乐,全家幸福美满,吉祥如意,大吉大利!

  18. 师父师母!过年好!弟子唯荐和唯科给您们拜年了!祝福师父师母全家幸福美满!吉祥如意!平安顺利!顶礼师父师母!!!

  19. 师父师母全家过年好!弟子带全家给您拜年!祝师父师母全家吉祥!财源滚滚!欢喜自在!

  20. 师父吉祥!弟子给您拜年啦!!!

  21. 收到!感恩师父的祝福!??????
    祝愿师父阖家新年快乐!幸福安康!吉祥如意!心想事成 ❤?

  22. 感恩師父!弟子闔家給師父師母拜年了???敬祝師父師母新年快樂!闔家幸福!弘法順利!吉祥如意!祝願菩提法門在新的一年裡興旺昌盛!蒸蒸日上!佛光普照!眾生喜樂!

  23. 感恩师父!给师父拜年!祝师父法体安康!青春永住!吉祥如意!长住世间???

  24. 收到了,感恩师父!弟子唯询和家人给师父拜年了!祝师父师母新春快乐!法体安康!弘法顺利!吉祥如意!开心快乐每一天!???

  25. 收到,感恩师父!恭祝师父师母阖家新年快乐!吉祥如意!敬祝老师们金刚师兄们新年快乐!吉祥如意!祈愿师父法体安康!欢喜自在!

  26. 师父师母新年好,祝师父师母新年快乐。师父过年了弟子想你了,感恩师父的祝福加持护佑,弟子收到了。

  27. 感恩师父!祝师父师母新年快乐,也砚菩提禅修金刚兄弟,师兄师姐新年快乐,富贵安康!???

  28. 师父师母新年快乐!因为有您我增加了很多安慰,因为有您!我放的下想的开,我儿子一走就是好几年,每当过年,都在团圆的日子,总是非常的思念他,我想,是我的孽缘,生养了一个不恋家的儿。愿我的儿子生活得好就行。感恩师父!
