佛前點燈,為自己與家人添福加運! . 在…



Offer light before Buddha for more fortune and luck in 2019!

As we transit into the new year, would you like to “shed the old, and usher in new luck”? Let’s cast out the poor luck to welcome great fortune, auspiciousness and blessings; joyfully welcome 2019!

So how do we “enhance” our good fortune? We can make light offering before the Buddha, sincerely pray for peace and auspiciousness in the following year, and have both our and others’ lives and paths well-illuminated. We can also visit Bodhi Meditation Centers with our family and friends together to pray and make light offering so that everyone enjoys unlimited illumination in 2019!

Below are two testimonials sent by fellow practitioners.

1. Bingqing Wei’s light offering benefits for the nephew.

My brother had passed on due to stroke. As a result, a financially comfortable family had fallen in poor shape. In addition, my brother’s son was not sensible from young, causing trouble everywhere. To make matters worse, he became a professional gambler. I was worried, but there was nothing I could do to help.

Every month, he would buy expensive incense papers and ask that I help him offer it to his ancestors. He felt that he would benefit so long as his ancestors had received the generous offerings. I did not do so however. I consulted a senior at the Bodhi Meditation Center, who suggested that I help him make light offering.
Initially, I was not entirely convinced. After all, he was already 25 years old. Yet it was the only thing I could do – pray to Buddha and Master for help.

During an ancestral offering occasion, he told us that he has a normal lifestyle now and that he was saving to run some business. I was most surprised then, as the child had been living a dysfunctional life for 2-3 years; how could he change in such a short period of time? His prior sullen-looking appearance had gradually changed to that of his youth. I really appreciate Bodhi Meditation’s light offering; it really helped this child!

2. Rongtang’s pleasant grandson surprise after making light offering

My son graduated in first place from Harvard Medical School, and is also happily married. My daughter-in-law is also very capable, so I have no worry for their careers. The only concern is the constant delay to start a family. I did not interfere initially.

One day, my daughter-in-law suddenly came crying to me. She had to try IVF (in-vitro fertilization) after being diagnosed to have aged and had few eggs. However, it was not successful and she had to have an abortion. It could have been be due to her weak uterus constitution. The surgeon then extracted all her eggs so as to conduct the same process monthly.

During Thanksgiving, the doctors informed the couple that they were down to the last egg. If the procedure was not successful, the couple would need to use someone else’s eggs or uterus, which is a painful outcome for women. So I told them that it would not matter if they did not have children.

In December that year, at the last attempt, I decided since I had not done much for them in the past, I would make light offering on the couple’s behalf for 49 days. The light were specifically for my daughter-in-law and her egg. I also explained the merits of light offering to the couple. Whilst they do not understand Chinese, they had faith in the Buddha. I also moderated my expectation in their attempt. Eventually, my daughter-in-law successfully got pregnant and then gave birth to a healthy and lovely little grandson!

#BodhiMeditationLightOffering, #Pray, #Bless, #DispelObscurations


Offer light before Buddha for more fortune and luck in 2019!

As we transit into the new year, would you like to “shed the old, and usher in new luck”? Let’s cast out the poor luck to welcome great fortune, auspiciousness and blessings; joyfully welcome 2019!

So how do we “enhance” our good fortune? We can make light offering before the Buddha, sincerely pray for peace and auspiciousness in the following year, and have both our and others’ lives and paths well-illuminated. We can also visit Bodhi Meditation Centers with our family and friends together to pray and make light offering so that everyone enjoys unlimited illumination in 2019!

Below are two testimonials sent by fellow practitioners.

1. Bingqing Wei’s light offering benefits for the nephew.

My brother had passed on due to stroke. As a result, a financially comfortable family had fallen in poor shape. In addition, my brother’s son was not sensible from young, causing trouble everywhere. To make matters worse, he became a professional gambler. I was worried, but there was nothing I could do to help.

Every month, he would buy expensive incense papers and ask that I help him offer it to his ancestors. He felt that he would benefit so long as his ancestors had received the generous offerings. I did not do so however. I consulted a senior at the Bodhi Meditation Center, who suggested that I help him make light offering.
Initially, I was not entirely convinced. After all, he was already 25 years old. Yet it was the only thing I could do – pray to Buddha and Master for help.

During an ancestral offering occasion, he told us that he has a normal lifestyle now and that he was saving to run some business. I was most surprised then, as the child had been living a dysfunctional life for 2-3 years; how could he change in such a short period of time? His prior sullen-looking appearance had gradually changed to that of his youth. I really appreciate Bodhi Meditation’s light offering; it really helped this child!

2. Rongtang’s pleasant grandson surprise after making light offering

My son graduated in first place from Harvard Medical School, and is also happily married. My daughter-in-law is also very capable, so I have no worry for their careers. The only concern is the constant delay to start a family. I did not interfere initially.

One day, my daughter-in-law suddenly came crying to me. She had to try IVF (in-vitro fertilization) after being diagnosed to have aged and had few eggs. However, it was not successful and she had to have an abortion. It could have been be due to her weak uterus constitution. The surgeon then extracted all her eggs so as to conduct the same process monthly.

During Thanksgiving, the doctors informed the couple that they were down to the last egg. If the procedure was not successful, the couple would need to use someone else’s eggs or uterus, which is a painful outcome for women. So I told them that it would not matter if they did not have children.

In December that year, at the last attempt, I decided since I had not done much for them in the past, I would make light offering on the couple’s behalf for 49 days. The light were specifically for my daughter-in-law and her egg. I also explained the merits of light offering to the couple. Whilst they do not understand Chinese, they had faith in the Buddha. I also moderated my expectation in their attempt. Eventually, my daughter-in-law successfully got pregnant and then gave birth to a healthy and lovely little grandson!

#BodhiMeditationLightOffering, #Pray, #Bless, #DispelObscurations


在〈佛前點燈,為自己與家人添福加運! . 在…〉中有 44 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲大爱和神奇妙法!我们安师父提倡的去做,消灾解难,遇难呈祥,大事化小,小事化了。健康顺利!生活幸福!感恩师父慈悲的关心!弟子跪拜师父!???

  2. 感恩师父慈悲大爱和神奇妙法!弟子我有禪堂佛前為家人點了七七天色祈福燈,為祖先點超薦燈,祈請新的一年人人健康平安快樂吉祥。工作顺利!生活幸福!感恩师父慈悲的关心!弟子跪拜师父!???

  3. 师父 早上好 吉祥如意 感恩师父 佛前点灯为自己也为家人仰接新的一年 事事顺心 身心光明 好运连连 平安幸福 健康快乐 弟子 诚心诚意 的扣拜师父???

  4. 师父,您好!謝謝師父常常關心我們!感恩师父!以前我未加入菩提禪修之前,我和我的親人去佛堂供灯,自从我加入菩提禪修之后,我和我的親人来我們的禅堂供灯了。哈哈!我觉得每年化了這些錢,自己覺得很舒服啊!

  5. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑!感恩师父慈悲提醒我们佛前点灯,为自己与家人添福加运!弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  6. 师父好?感恩师父对我们的关心呵护,感恩师父在佛前点灯祈福,我们接到的是幸福,吉祥,快乐,谢谢师父???

  7. 感恩师父慈悲大爱!佛前點燈,為自己與家人添福加運!感恩师父!佛前点灯给予我们神奇不可思议的效果!获得了吉祥如意!心想事成!感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  8. 感恩师父!佛前供灯利益真的很殊胜。就拿我弟弟来说吧!我爸六年前去世了,因病花了很多钱,眼看着弟弟都30多了,可是还没个对象,有人介绍处一段时间就黄了,其实他处的那些根本就不是过日子的人,我们农村家庭哪能养得起公主啊?后来听别的师姐说在禅堂供灯利益很大,我就替我弟弟供灯了,2018年药师佛圣诞前夕我弟弟终于处了一个比较满意的对象。师父说过求姻缘最多一年满足心愿,真的没到一年就有了满意的对象。感恩师父!

  9. 恭敬感恩师父慈悲教授我们佛前点灯的殊胜妙法:为我们添福加运!照亮我们的前程!为我们消灾灭难,消除身心灵的尘垢!我们的身心灵得以畅通无碍的融于无限清净自在光明吉祥慈悲柔软的美妙境界之中!???

  10. 有一个师姐 得了一种很严重的病 婆家人都不喜欢她 只有年迈的婆婆安慰她宽她的心 后来婆婆往生了 这位师姐心里很难受 就和我讲因为她本人有病 没照顾婆婆一天 就连往生也没送他老人家一程。心里很惭愧,我就劝她给婆婆在佛前供灯 她就做了。过了一段时间 她做了一个梦 梦见她婆婆在空中跪在观世音菩萨面前说菩萨救救我家【**】就是这位师姐的名字 为别人在佛前宫灯自己也得利益 请大家多在佛前供灯吧 感恩上师教我们这殊胜的法宝

  11. 感恩师父!新的一年我也想辞旧迎新,脱去不好的一切烦恼障碍,迎来新的满意的自己!!?

  12. 感恩师父!佛前点灯也是我们本法门的一大法宝,佛前点灯心想事成,佛前点灯光明智慧,佛前点灯富贵吉祥。佛前点灯坏运去,好运来,佛师神仙陪我们天天开心,健康,平安,好运连年!

  13. 师父好!祝福师父法体安康!天天开心!吉祥如意!感恩师父开示佛前供灯的殊胜利益!佛前供灯照亮全家照亮一切众生!祝愿新的一年家人朋友同修和所有众生都身心光明!都健康快乐!平安自在!都智慧通达!吉祥如意!顶礼恩师!

  14. 去年,我妈住院十多天不能下床,我托人帮她在禅堂点了灯,第二天就能下床了。

  15. 感恩师父加持,佛前点灯,为自己和家人親朋好友新隣居添福加运,吉祥如意,感恩?

  16. 感恩师父的法宝点灯真的神奇灵验。我这里有个师姐被熟人骗去7万元,怎么要都是不给说没有钱。我知道以后说求师父啊?点最大的灯,能要回7万元,师姐照做了,2个月的时间,7万元被她全部要回。感恩师父!也感恩师姐对师父的真诚!还有一位朋友住在重症监护室,10天血压上不来,花去10几万,我让她赶快点灯,血压回复正常,过了4天时间,血压恢复正常了。这家人特感恩师父!老爸老妈还有老公都开始学师父的法了。感恩师父的菩提法宝点灯,救人无数啊??️?️?️

  17. 菩提禅堂供灯,会照亮好前程
    1. 前程似锦,福禄一生。
    2. 事业有成,蒸蒸日上。
    3. 聪慧超然,金榜题名。
    4. 身体健康,福寿延年。
    5. 姻缘美满,夫妻和合。
    6. 消灾除业,积功累德 。
    7. 吉祥如意,好运相伴。
    8. 心想事成,吉祥圆满。

  18. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!为自己和家人点灯!坏运去,好运来!添福加运!?叩拜

  19. 感恩师父???佛前点灯真的很灵验,很喜欢去禅堂为师父,为家人点灯????顶礼叩拜师父???祝师父法体安康,恒久驻世???

  20. 师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福那位师兄为自己的亲人点灯如愿!弟子叩拜恩师!

  21. 有一天禪堂歲末大掃除時接到我向她租車位的大姐打來的電話,憂心的說她的女兒是護理師,一天醫院病人過世了,當天她便出車禍了,說是騎車過馬路時完全無法煞車,加速直往前衝,直到摔倒在地。已經兩個星期了,腳腫遲遲未消,問我:在法門裡我們都怎麼做?我建議並說明了一天及三天的雙福燈,因為經濟她選了一天燈,隔天早上上燈,晚上便接到電話,她的女兒精神已較恢復,腳也消腫許多!大姐不可思議的說好神奇,開心的語氣感覺電話那頭的她在跳躍著呢。

  22. 感恩師父分享、點燈的殊勝、我也分享我家小女兒、2018年點了好幾組七彩燈、一天燈七組、三天燈五組、七天燈一組、幸運一整年、順利考上、國中高中教師證、又順利通過、碩士論文、順利考上國中代理教師、工作順利、她自己有收入、今年屬虎偏沖、春節討吉利、自己點一組七天、七彩燈、祈願新的一年、工作順利、健康快樂、出入平安。

  23. 感恩师父!祈请佛菩萨加持护佑!点灯供灯照亮整个三千大千世界!照亮天下有缘众生,照亮受苦受难的众生,都能走向光明!脱离苦海,祈请师父加持护佑!菩提弟子感恩师父!祝愿师父师母吉祥如意!弟子叩拜恩师!

  24. 感恩师父!佛前点灯,为自己也为家人添福加运!健康吉祥。求师父和禅堂老师们帮忙,为太岁年属虎,猴(王x明,外孙女2周半〉还有2个姐属猪,蛇,亲人们加持护佑,身体健康平安,家庭幸福顺利,遇难呈祥。祝海明生意兴隆红火,顺利,实现买楼房的愿望!感谢师父和禅堂老师辛苦的付出。弟子叩拜师父!???

  25. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲加持护佑!感恩师父慈悲指点我佛前点灯,为自己和家人佛前点灯!照亮我们全家健康快乐!平安顺利!幸福美满!吉祥如意!弟子代领家人叩拜恩师!
