臘二十四,除舊迎新歲! . 俗話說「臘月…


Out with the old and in with the new on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month!

As the saying goes, “24th of the twelfth lunar month is the time to do some spring cleaning around the house.” After offering prayers to the Kitchen God to the eve of the Lunar New Year, every household is busy with all kinds of preparation to welcome the new year.

First on the list is cleaning – dusting both the inside and outside of the house, taking down the curtains and bedsheets for laundry, and washing the cutlery, plates and cups. The Chinese words for “dust” and “old” sound similar, which is why the act of cleaning (clearing of dust) is symbolic of replacing the old things with the new. After the cleaning is complete, out comes the spring couplets, “Fu” word (means good fortune in Chinese), new year paintings, window decorations, images of door gods to be put up. At the end of it, both the inside and outside of the house sparkle with festive decorations.

The second task on the list is the preparation of food. In addition to many different varieties of delicious dishes, there are also special festive food such as nian gao(also known as New Year’s cake) and the flower buns. The white nian gao made from glutinous rice and its yellow version made from millet represent silver and gold respectively. It symbolizes the wishes of the people to be blessed with more riches in the coming year. Making the steamed flower buns, on the other hand, is an opportunity for the housewives to show off their skills. The buns in the shapes of different animals and flowers bring out the festive spirit during the reunion dinner.

Other than cleaning our living accommodation, shouldn’t we also clean our minds? Let us reflect on the mistakes that we have made and the bad habits that we have formed in the past year. Think about who we have fallen out with – give them a call or send them a simple text message. Whatever you have quarreled about, let it be water under the bridge. In the new year, as we are one year older, let us also be one year wiser. We ought to gain in maturity and be better able to handle things and events around us.

#TwentyFourthOfTwelfthLunarMonth, #ReplaceOldWithNew, #DustingAndCleaningrnrn臘二十四,除舊迎新歲!

Out with the old and in with the new on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month!

As the saying goes, “24th of the twelfth lunar month is the time to do some spring cleaning around the house.” After offering prayers to the Kitchen God to the eve of the Lunar New Year, every household is busy with all kinds of preparation to welcome the new year.

First on the list is cleaning – dusting both the inside and outside of the house, taking down the curtains and bedsheets for laundry, and washing the cutlery, plates and cups. The Chinese words for “dust” and “old” sound similar, which is why the act of cleaning (clearing of dust) is symbolic of replacing the old things with the new. After the cleaning is complete, out comes the spring couplets, “Fu” word (means good fortune in Chinese), new year paintings, window decorations, images of door gods to be put up. At the end of it, both the inside and outside of the house sparkle with festive decorations.

The second task on the list is the preparation of food. In addition to many different varieties of delicious dishes, there are also special festive food such as nian gao(also known as New Year’s cake) and the flower buns. The white nian gao made from glutinous rice and its yellow version made from millet represent silver and gold respectively. It symbolizes the wishes of the people to be blessed with more riches in the coming year. Making the steamed flower buns, on the other hand, is an opportunity for the housewives to show off their skills. The buns in the shapes of different animals and flowers bring out the festive spirit during the reunion dinner.

Other than cleaning our living accommodation, shouldn’t we also clean our minds? Let us reflect on the mistakes that we have made and the bad habits that we have formed in the past year. Think about who we have fallen out with – give them a call or send them a simple text message. Whatever you have quarreled about, let it be water under the bridge. In the new year, as we are one year older, let us also be one year wiser. We ought to gain in maturity and be better able to handle things and events around us.

#TwentyFourthOfTwelfthLunarMonth, #ReplaceOldWithNew, #DustingAndCleaning

Out with the old and in with the new on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month!
As the saying goes, “24th of the twelfth lunar month is the time to do some spring cleaning around the house.” After offering prayers to the Kitchen God to the eve of the Lunar New Year, every household is busy with all kinds of preparation to welcome the new year. 
First on the list is cleaning – dusting both the inside and outside of the house, taking down the curtains and bedsheets for laundry, and washing the cutlery, plates and cups. The Chinese words for “dust” and “old” sound similar, which is why the act of cleaning (clearing of dust) is symbolic of replacing the old things with the new. After the cleaning is complete, out comes the spring couplets, “Fu” word (means good fortune in Chinese), new year paintings, window decorations, images of door gods to be put up. At the end of it, both the inside and outside of the house sparkle with festive decorations. 

The second task on the list is the preparation of food. In addition to many different varieties of delicious dishes, there are also special festive food such as nian gao(also known as New Year’s cake) and the flower buns. The white nian gao made from glutinous rice and its yellow version made from millet represent silver and gold respectively. It symbolizes the wishes of the people to be blessed with more riches in the coming year. Making the steamed flower buns, on the other hand, is an opportunity for the housewives to show off their skills. The buns in the shapes of different animals and flowers bring out the festive spirit during the reunion dinner. 
Other than cleaning our living accommodation, shouldn’t we also clean our minds? Let us reflect on the mistakes that we have made and the bad habits that we have formed in the past year. Think about who we have fallen out with – give them a call or send them a simple text message. Whatever you have quarreled about, let it be water under the bridge. In the new year, as we are one year older, let us also be one year wiser. We ought to gain in maturity and be better able to handle things and events around us. 
#TwentyFourthOfTwelfthLunarMonth, #ReplaceOldWithNew, #DustingAndCleaningrnrn臘二十四,除舊迎新歲!
Out with the old and in with the new on the 24th of the twelfth lunar month!
As the saying goes, “24th of the twelfth lunar month is the time to do some spring cleaning around the house.” After offering prayers to the Kitchen God to the eve of the Lunar New Year, every household is busy with all kinds of preparation to welcome the new year. 
First on the list is cleaning – dusting both the inside and outside of the house, taking down the curtains and bedsheets for laundry, and washing the cutlery, plates and cups. The Chinese words for “dust” and “old” sound similar, which is why the act of cleaning (clearing of dust) is symbolic of replacing the old things with the new. After the cleaning is complete, out comes the spring couplets, “Fu” word (means good fortune in Chinese), new year paintings, window decorations, images of door gods to be put up. At the end of it, both the inside and outside of the house sparkle with festive decorations. 

The second task on the list is the preparation of food. In addition to many different varieties of delicious dishes, there are also special festive food such as nian gao(also known as New Year’s cake) and the flower buns. The white nian gao made from glutinous rice and its yellow version made from millet represent silver and gold respectively. It symbolizes the wishes of the people to be blessed with more riches in the coming year. Making the steamed flower buns, on the other hand, is an opportunity for the housewives to show off their skills. The buns in the shapes of different animals and flowers bring out the festive spirit during the reunion dinner. 
Other than cleaning our living accommodation, shouldn’t we also clean our minds? Let us reflect on the mistakes that we have made and the bad habits that we have formed in the past year. Think about who we have fallen out with – give them a call or send them a simple text message. Whatever you have quarreled about, let it be water under the bridge. In the new year, as we are one year older, let us also be one year wiser. We ought to gain in maturity and be better able to handle things and events around us. 
#TwentyFourthOfTwelfthLunarMonth, #ReplaceOldWithNew, #DustingAndCleaning


在〈臘二十四,除舊迎新歲! . 俗話說「臘月…〉中有 35 則留言

  1. 感恩慈悲的师父教化!腊月二十四到三十是正忙的时候。

  2. 我今天也收拾了一下,把佛堂收拾的干干净净,擦了那尊观音菩萨,一边擦一边想也把自己的身体擦的明亮光明!内心也光明,消除烦恼和障碍,心胸宽广,也消除疾病!我是这样想的师父!可是这样想的时候看着观音菩萨时突然想哭!

  3. 师父,下午好!新年要有新气象,不能虚长一岁,人要更成熟,处事要更圆满。OK,我记住了。师父,请先吃一个糖葫芦吧!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示,二十四开示打扫室内室外卫生,清洗床上物品,还要做好多的事情佛台也要清洗,忏悔我们一年哪些地方做的不好,感恩师父慈悲教化引领我们改变自己得到慈悲的提升!感恩师父慈悲大爱教诲!顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲教化与开示!收到!掃一掃內心哪些錯誤,修正,新年要有新氣象,不能虛長一歲,人也要更成熟、處事更加圓滿。恭祝师父师母过年开心幸福,吉祥如意!!!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子记住了!我今天正在清理卫生,清洗床单被罩,窗帘,打扫卫生!

  7. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示提醒!弟子马上行动,打扫卫生!一定也把内心打扫打扫!“新年要有新气象,不能虚长一岁,人也要更成熟,处事更加圆满”。心莲儿记住了,一定努力去做。感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  8. 师父好,师父吉祥,感恩师父慈悲开示,全都收到了,这两天除了修炼外正紧张的忙碌着,忙一天下来还挺累,晚上没事了做一遍化骨法,立即那个累就消失了,哈哈真好,感恩师父还送我们这么好的法,谢谢您师父,???

  9. 感恩师父慈悲的开示!是啊,该收拾的地方都收拾好了,旧貌换新颜,新年新气象,是觉得心里亮嘡起来,把心里的尘东西扫掉,让心干净,清净下来。谢谢师父!感恩师父!师父您费心了!

  10. 感恩师父!新的一年要有新的自己,把自己内心的负面的东西通通扫除掉。我们的人就美啦!实实在在的美,谁说的都不算,只有心说了才算。

  11. 师父好!感恩您慈悲开示除旧迎新岁,搞完卫生,就准备美味素食。满怀感恩期待心❤等师父新春祝福!

  12. 师父好!小年了,挺想念师父的,师父为了弘法普度众生远离了家乡。。。

  13. 感恩师父!师父吉祥如意!新年要有新氣象,不能虛長一歲,人也要更成熟、處事更加圓滿。

  14. 感恩师父!感恩有您!我爱您!祝愿您阖家一切吉祥!祝愿您法轮常转!愿生生世世遇到您,跟随您!永渡众生!

  15. 师父,感恩有您。谢谢您的教诲。当我踏入禅堂上完第一次的八天半健身班时就开始在清理心中的杂物与犯错,直到现在还是在清扫和忏悔,还在改进和努力中。???

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示除舊迎新歲!「臘月二十四,除塵掃房子。」除了居室環境的清潔,我們的內心也要掃一掃!想想今年犯過哪些錯誤,有哪個毛病需要修正,和誰有小矛盾,打個電話、發個短信,就此揮別過去!新年要有新氣象,激励自己变得更成熟、處事更加圓滿!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!???

  17. 感恩师父!新的一年我要把火爆的脾气收敛收敛再收敛,把慈悲宽阔包容的心放大放大再放大!洗心革面从头做起!从孩子身上找出优点,不要光看缺点。把孩子身上优点放大,缺点减少,这是我2019年要改变的。顶礼师父!

  18. 师父,您好!谢谢师父上传分享和教导我们的处世之道!让我现在明白了白年糕和黄年糕的代表意义。师父的Facebook 真好,令我学会很多知识。感恩师父!

  19. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!不能够虚长一发!更成熟处事更圆?️!恭祝师父节日快乐???!?叩拜

  20. 感恩最尊贵敬爱的师父,顶礼膜拜师父,祝福恩师合家吉祥如意,心想事成,法体安康,幸福美满,祝敬爱的师父永恒吉祥大圆满。

  21. 师父晚安,我的手指忽然痛流血了,不懂弄到什么,喉咙喝了西瓜汁好像被东西割那样,做事情很不顺,被别人围攻,很多负能量围绕着我

  22. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子谨记教导,给师父一提醒我还真的有不来往的人,我要主动发信息给她们。感恩伟大的师父!

  23. 新年要有新氣象, 孩子的房子已经装修好,大门贴上了“福”,明天就回家了,在经历了太多事情,磨练我们的心智,在将来人生的道路上我们会变的更成熟、處事更加圓滿滴o(∩_∩)o 感恩师父o(∩_∩)o !!
