如何圓滿一個,或多個願望,改變命運? ….

How do we fulfill one or even multiple wishes and transform our destinies?
Filled with immense gratitude to Medicine Buddha for his twelve compassionate and perfect great vows!
Blessed by his all-encompassing warmth and care, which is like that of the parents for their children!
Life comes with its share of troubles, which may be in areas of health, finances, career, relationships, marriage, children’s education and socialization. There may be so many troubles that we cannot handle all of them at the same time. In the “Medicine Buddha Sutra”, Buddha taught us that accumulating more merits will help to quickly resolve the problems that we have.
【Secrets to having your wishes fulfilled】
1. Make light offerings to Buddha.
As we make our light offerings, we ought to focus on our wish: I wish for Buddha and the Bodhisattvas to bless my child with good results so that he can get into a good college. When we make the second light offering we can think of another wish: I wish for good health and longevity for myself. Making light offerings is a good place to start.
2. Accumulate merits and practice the six perfections.
What are the six perfections? They are six methods that we practice to gain enlightenment. How does that happen? From this shore where we are a selfish person, as we practice, we will be transported across the river where we will become a great and honorable person who is able to illuminate those around us. In other words, the six perfections can guide us from our current world that is full of extensive troubles into one that is filled with brightness and happiness. We will also have the wisdom to solve all our problems and overcome all obstacles. This is the true purpose of dharma cultivation.
3. Be stalwart and persistent in your cultivation – be diligent with actual practice.
In order to transform our lives and destinies, we need to practice the most important method in the six perfections – meditation. When we reach a certain age, our physical bodies will not be able to catch up with our mental strength. For instance, you may trip and fall when you try to run after your grandchild. Anyone who is over the age of 60 will have a high tendency to fracture a hand or a leg in a fall. He or she may also be suffering from osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes or mental deterioration. Only when we practice diligently will we be able to maintain our health and attain longevity. Hence, we need to remind ourselves to be diligent in our practice.
I wish for all the attendees of the Medicine Buddha’s Birthday Blessings ceremonies, and all of you who are reading this, to be blessed with good fortune, great health and longevity!!
Note: Please click on the below to understand more about the wisdom behind the six perfections: generosity, morality, tolerance, diligence, meditation and wisdom. Let us work towards fulfilling one or more of our wishes and transform our destinies!
#2018MedicineBuddhaBlessingCeremony, #TaiwanTaipeiCeremony, #WishFulfillment, #GreatBlessings, #GreatEnergy

How do we fulfill one or even multiple wishes and transform our destinies?
Filled with immense gratitude to Medicine Buddha for his twelve compassionate and perfect great vows!
Blessed by his all-encompassing warmth and care, which is like that of the parents for their children!
Life comes with its share of troubles, which may be in areas of health, finances, career, relationships, marriage, children’s education and socialization. There may be so many troubles that we cannot handle all of them at the same time. In the “Medicine Buddha Sutra”, Buddha taught us that accumulating more merits will help to quickly resolve the problems that we have. 
【Secrets to having your wishes fulfilled】
1. Make light offerings to Buddha. 
As we make our light offerings, we ought to focus on our wish: I wish for Buddha and the Bodhisattvas to bless my child with good results so that he can get into a good college. When we make the second light offering we can think of another wish: I wish for good health and longevity for myself. Making light offerings is a good place to start.
2. Accumulate merits and practice the six perfections. 
What are the six perfections? They are six methods that we practice to gain enlightenment. How does that happen? From this shore where we are a selfish person, as we practice, we will be transported across the river where we will become a great and honorable person who is able to illuminate those around us. In other words, the six perfections can guide us from our current world that is full of extensive troubles into one that is filled with brightness and happiness. We will also have the wisdom to solve all our problems and overcome all obstacles. This is the true purpose of dharma cultivation. 
3. Be stalwart and persistent in your cultivation – be diligent with actual practice.
In order to transform our lives and destinies, we need to practice the most important method in the six perfections – meditation. When we reach a certain age, our physical bodies will not be able to catch up with our mental strength. For instance, you may trip and fall when you try to run after your grandchild. Anyone who is over the age of 60 will have a high tendency to fracture a hand or a leg in a fall. He or she may also be suffering from osteoporosis, high blood pressure, diabetes or mental deterioration. Only when we practice diligently will we be able to maintain our health and attain longevity. Hence, we need to remind ourselves to be diligent in our practice. 
I wish for all the attendees of the Medicine Buddha’s Birthday Blessings ceremonies, and all of you who are reading this, to be blessed with good fortune, great health and longevity!!
Note: Please click on the below to understand more about the wisdom behind the six perfections: generosity, morality, tolerance, diligence, meditation and wisdom. Let us work towards fulfilling one or more of our wishes and transform our destinies! 
#2018MedicineBuddhaBlessingCeremony, #TaiwanTaipeiCeremony, #WishFulfillment, #GreatBlessings, #GreatEnergy


在〈如何圓滿一個,或多個願望,改變命運? ….〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 師父好,馬來西亞的藥師佛法會之後也有好多非常棒的分享:1028 药师佛圣诞法会(之一):
    我们Kota Kemuning八卦点的怀课师兄分享说,他如果拿重的东西的时候,他的手臂就会痛,这样的情况已经有半年了。昨天当六字大明咒加持时,他感觉到他的手臂正在抽痛,好像在举重东西—样的痛,不—会儿这种抽痛沒有了,当加持完毕,他感觉手臂轻松多了,他尝试拿重的东西,想不到疼痛已经消失了。

  2. 顶礼感恩师父慈悲开示!感恩收到师父祝福!感恩师父传秘法!让世界所有朋友健康长寿!

  3. 感恩師父???藥師佛聖誕法會那天,真的是殊勝無比,我們都很幸福,感恩尊貴的金菩提上師???

  4. 感恩师父!弟子一直跟随您,听您的话是我这么多年坚持禅修的唯一信念,感恩师父的教化,感恩师父的大慈大悲!???

  5. 师父,早上好,吉祥如意?


    多舍多得 正心正念 实修实证

    恭祝师父 : 法体安康 常转法轮 恒久驻世

  6. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!真诚顶礼叩拜尊贵的佛师!❤️?????????

  7. 收到!感恩大慈大悲金菩提上师!?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️

  8. 感恩师父赐予我们圓滿願望的秘訣。在佛前點燈,做功德,行六度,實修——堅定、堅持。我们只有按照师父教的去做,我们的命运就会得以改变,人生将会变得健康快乐幸福,吉祥圆满自在。

  9. 我感觉,我虽然没有达到我最高境界的理想程度,但是我都做了我一生当中最大的努力,去将佛陀的慈悲、大爱、善良,已经尽可能的去告诉了更多的人,尽可能的让更多的人能得到它、领会它、吸收它。

  10. 师父早上好。祝福师父“吉祥如意,阖家幸福”。感恩师父慈悲的教化,让天下无数众生都得到“健康和快乐”。???

  11. 师父,听说您昨天下午在福寿禅堂。我很有福气、晚上值班喝到您加持的普洱茶。感恩您、希望在这星期天会在药师佛法会上见到您一面?

  12. 师父早上好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父慈悲开示!恭祝顶礼叩拜师父!弟子永远永远爱您伟大尊贵的慈父佛师???????????????

  13. 師父師母早上好, 台灣的藥師佛 法會,原来師父 親自為 弟子点燈, 是這樣 一盞一盞點亮燈, 台灣的弟有福,師父辛苦了, 我 誤會了,还以為師父身在 台灣, 為全部 弟子点上特别大大燈,無倫在何方,都能接受到師父点上燈火,光明使大家發 光發亮。 下次伦马来西亞,師父可以吗?感恩師父。???

  14. 收到!感恩师父慈悲赐予我们圆满願望的秘诀!願将师的无上妙法传递给更多有缘人!共同沐浴佛光!健康幸福快乐智慧!圆满成就!感恩师父!!!

  15. 师父好,马来西亚的药师佛法会之后也有好多非常棒的分享:10.28药师佛圣诞法会(之二):

    胡福添:当天的药师佛法会,我有念六字大明咒的最佳分享。法会开始前,我突然胸口痛,坐在了轮椅上,被医护人员送到了医院。 在诵念六字大明咒环节的时候,我们“八卦”点的师兄师姐们一起在药师佛法会现场为我诵念。法会吉祥圆满后,我从医院回到“蓝屋顶”时,是自己走入会场的,胸口没有任何疼痛感或者不舒服。可见6000人诵念六字大明咒的能量是多么强!??????

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑我们健康成长,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  17. 感恩师父慈悲开示!圆满愿望的秘诀1.在佛前点灯。2.做功德,行六度。3实修–坚定、坚持。顶礼师父!

  18. 师父好!感恩师父!我儿妻夫在11月3一4日考试工务员!我点一盏灯让她考试通过!祈请师父加持护佑过关!祈请药师佛满足愿望!我代表我们全家感恩师父!感恩十方诸佛菩萨!弟子叩拜恩师!

  19. 感恩师父慈悲分享!圆滿愿望的秘决!愿有缘参加药师法会所有朋友,和看见帖文的您都能够得到吉祥如意,健康长寿!感恩师父!愿师父法体安康!弘法顺利!吉祥如意!!!恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师!!!

  20. 师父好,马来西亚的药师佛法会之后也有好多非常棒的分享:10.28药师佛圣诞法会(之四):
    来自马来西亚古来禅堂: 李送玲


  21. 感恩師父赐予我們圓滿願望的秘訣。在佛前點燈,做功德,行六度,實修——堅定、堅持。我們只有按照師父教的去做,我们的命運就会得以改變,人生將得健康快樂幸福,吉祥圆满自在,頂禮尊貴的上師 !???

  22. 将“布施、持戒、忍辱、精进、禅定、智慧、般若”,落实到行动中!感恩师父慈悲开示!

  23. 感恩藥師佛慈悲圓滿的十二大願!

  24. 感恩师父慈悲开示!让我认识[六度]修行願望和秘诀,如何精进修行、坚持、实修。感恩师父!
