減肥,吃「無油飲食」正確嗎? . 現代人…

來源:https://health.udn.com/health/story/6032/2359966rnrnIs it advisable to adopt an oil free diet in order to lose weight?

The busy lives of many modern folks has led to the development of a culture where people consume their three meals outside their homes. In order to make the food taste better, food stall holders usually add excessive oil, salt and seasonings to the food, making it too oily. In the long run, it is inevitably harmful to our bodies and might cause one to develop the ‘three highs’ – high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar and obesity issues. Therefore, many ladies who wish to look beautiful will choose to adopt an oil-free diet and choose to boiled their food in order to lose weight. However, is adopting an oil-free diet beneficial to our health?

Extensive research and analysis by doctors indicate that eating oil-free boiled meals for a long time might cause one to have insufficient body fats. In addition, you will often feel hungry and have a desire to eat more. However, adopting an oil-free diet will mean that your stomach is not lubricated with oil and you might develop constipation problems. In the long term, lacking essential oils on the body will cause estrogen levels to decline and in serious cases may even lead to infertility. These are important health tips that we should take note!

In general, the boiling method of cooking is indeed healthier than frying and roasting. It is recommended that you eat a boiled meal once a day but it must be balanced and contain vegetables, meat and starch. In addition, when preparing a boiled meal, it is advisable to use high-quality oil to prepare your food, such as: tea seed oil and linseed oil, etc. as they provide adequate nutrition for your body. Do regularly remind your friends to adopt the right eating habits to keep fit and healthy!

#HealthTips #OilFreeFood #BalancedDiet
Source: https://health.udn.com/health/story/6032/2359966

來源:https://health.udn.com/health/story/6032/2359966rnrnIs it advisable to adopt an oil free diet in order to lose weight?

The busy lives of many modern folks has led to the development of a culture where people consume their three meals outside their homes. In order to make the food taste better, food stall holders usually add excessive oil, salt and seasonings to the food, making it too oily. In the long run, it is inevitably harmful to our bodies and might cause one to develop the 'three highs' - high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar and obesity issues. Therefore, many ladies who wish to look beautiful will choose to adopt an oil-free diet and choose to boiled their food in order to lose weight. However, is adopting an oil-free diet beneficial to our health? 
Extensive research and analysis by doctors indicate that eating oil-free boiled meals for a long time might cause one to have insufficient body fats. In addition, you will often feel hungry and have a desire to eat more. However, adopting an oil-free diet will mean that your stomach is not lubricated with oil and you might develop constipation problems. In the long term, lacking essential oils on the body will cause estrogen levels to decline and in serious cases may even lead to infertility. These are important health tips that we should take note! 
In general, the boiling method of cooking is indeed healthier than frying and roasting. It is  recommended that you eat a boiled meal once a day but it must be balanced and  contain vegetables, meat and starch. In addition, when preparing a boiled meal, it is advisable to use high-quality oil to prepare your food, such as: tea seed oil and linseed oil, etc. as they provide adequate nutrition for your body. Do regularly remind your friends to adopt the right eating habits to keep fit and healthy!
#HealthTips #OilFreeFood #BalancedDiet 
Source: https://health.udn.com/health/story/6032/2359966


在〈減肥,吃「無油飲食」正確嗎? . 現代人…〉中有 18 則留言

  1. 师父好!感恩师父让大家懂得,什么是健康合理的饮食。提醒正确饮食习惯,才能保持好的身体和健康。顶礼感恩师父!

  2. 感恩师父分享正确的饮食习惯:比较建议的方式是一天选择一餐吃水煮食物就好,就算要吃水煮料理,但那一餐也要有菜、有肉、有淀粉才能均衡营养。再者,准备水煮餐时要使用优质的油脂来拌均匀食物,像是:苦茶油、亚麻仁油等等都是不错的选择,可以提供身体足够的营养。提醒朋友们正确的饮食习惯,才能让你保持好身材与兼顾健康喔!感恩师父慈悲想着弟子们!祝师父青春潇洒,快乐自在!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教导!什么都要把握一定的度,吃过油腻的食物不利于身体健康,不吃油也不利于身体的健康。感恩师父提供正确的饮食方法,祝福一切有缘都能身体健康、平安快乐、幸福吉祥。

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享!怎样正确健康饮食又上了一课,收获满满!感恩师父!?叩拜

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享与关怀!让大家知道正确的饮食习惯,这样才能拥有健康的身体!???

  6. 师父,您好!原来不吃油也不健康啊!谢谢师父大慈大悲在百忙之中常常提醒我们!感恩师父!

  7. 無油飲食會引起脂溶性維生素缺乏,導致賀爾蒙缺乏、皮膚蠟黃跟掉髮等問題!



  8. 感恩师父呵护,让外食单身一族注意饮食。也让自己注意饮食均衡,不要过多挑食和或随意,毕竟,食补最重要。师父说的苦茶油、亞麻仁油都是极好的油,以后自己可多吃这油,没有师父提醒,都忘了这油的美好。这油坚持食用,效果可以看得见。感恩师父,让懒的自己不要更”懒“,好的习惯需要有意识和保持,有时是举手之劳,贵在“意识”。感恩顶礼师父!??????

  9. 感恩佛陀师父 温馨提示 关键是 外面吃的油 哪有 真的 好油 还有食品添加剂 这个提示太好了 感恩佛陀师父 时刻关爱着我们 看电视上讲了 这么个故事 说 有个大学生 被公安录取 通知他 面试 各方面都及格 结果 通知他 不能录取你 他说 为什么 回答 你有吸毒使 他说 我从来不吸毒 可检测不会有假 他回到家 这个窝囊 反复想 突然 想起 面试的时候 路过一家面馆 在哪吃了碗面 他立马跑到公安局 反应了 这个情况 公安局跟着他 到了这家面馆 在这家仓库 找出好多罂粟又 查了好几家 结果 都有罂粟 都被查封了 大家能自己做最好 一菜洗的干净 各方面都卫生 感恩佛陀师父 吉祥如意

  10. 天天琢磨减肥O(∩_∩)O,喜欢的食物都不敢多吃,特别是那个烤面筋,我最喜欢吃的,一想到减肥,就控制那欲望,不去买吃O(∩_∩,就买点水果黄瓜吃O(∩_∩)O
