能讓你「吉祥」又「好命」的名字? . 曾…

#取名字、#親子關係、#心懷慈悲、#家庭糾紛、#吉祥好命rnrnA Name That Brings Good Luck And Auspiciousness?

One of my disciples just had a grandchild. Before I could congratulate her, she suddenly cried out loud with grief.

I said, “What happened? Tell me”.

She elaborated, “Ever since my husband and I knew about my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, we were very happy. We were so anxious to bring all the good things to them. When the grandchild was born, we look for a fortune-teller to come up with an auspicious name based on our grandchild’s birthdate. However, my son felt that it is the responsibility of the parents to give the child his name. Moreover, he deemed that the name we have chosen is unpleasant and old-fashioned. He went to register his chosen name for his child and this has really broken our hearts.

I consoled her, “Kids have their own blessing, there is no need to result in a family rivalry. Even if your grandchild adopts your chosen name, you are happy, but your son and daughter-in-law will be miserable. What good comes out of this for you or your grandchild? Alternatively, have a discussion with them. The name chosen by your son will be the formal name while the suggested name by the fortune-teller can be the nickname to be used only at home. This should work.”

She was happy after this conversation and went home to discuss with her son and daughter-in-law. The son and daughter-in-law realized that their parents were not happy over the child’s naming issue and decided to take a step back. They agreed to adopt the name the parents got from the fortune-teller as the child’s nickname. Thus, the family dispute was peacefully resolved.

In fact, a name does not determine one’s fate, it may only score some points. What determines one’s fate is whether he has compassion in his heart. If he has no compassion in his heart and keep doing evil acts, a good and auspicious name will not cover up his negativity from these actions. In contrast, if this child has a proper education, and was taught from young to do good deeds, an unpleasant name has very little effect on someone who has so much kindness.

#Naming, #FamilyRelationship, #CompassionateHeart, #FamilyDispute, #AuspiciousAndGoodLuck

#取名字、#親子關係、#心懷慈悲、#家庭糾紛、#吉祥好命rnrnA Name That Brings Good Luck And Auspiciousness?
One of my disciples just had a grandchild. Before I could congratulate her, she suddenly cried out loud with grief.
I said, “What happened? Tell me”.
She elaborated, “Ever since my husband and I knew about my daughter-in-law’s pregnancy, we were very happy. We were so anxious to bring all the good things to them. When the grandchild was born, we look for a fortune-teller to come up with an auspicious name based on our grandchild’s birthdate. However, my son felt that it is the responsibility of the parents to give the child his name. Moreover, he deemed that the name we have chosen is unpleasant and old-fashioned. He went to register his chosen name for his child and this has really broken our hearts.
I consoled her, “Kids have their own blessing, there is no need to result in a family rivalry. Even if  your grandchild adopts your chosen name, you are happy, but your son and daughter-in-law will be miserable. What good comes out of this for you or your grandchild? Alternatively, have a discussion with them. The name chosen by your son will be the formal name while the suggested name by the fortune-teller can be the nickname to be used only at home. This should work.”
She was happy after this conversation and went home to discuss with her son and daughter-in-law. The son and daughter-in-law realized that their parents were not happy over the child’s naming issue and decided to take a step back. They agreed to adopt the name the parents got from the fortune-teller as the child’s nickname. Thus, the family dispute was peacefully resolved.
In fact, a name does not determine one’s fate, it may only  score some points. What determines one’s fate is whether he has compassion in his heart.  If he has no compassion in his heart and keep doing evil acts, a good and auspicious name will not cover up his negativity from these actions. In contrast, if this child has a proper education, and was taught from young to do good deeds, an unpleasant name has very little effect on someone who has so much kindness.
#Naming, #FamilyRelationship, #CompassionateHeart, #FamilyDispute, #AuspiciousAndGoodLuck
