氣度成就人生! 總是覺得自己的人生很辛苦…


Magnanimity determines whether we will succeed in life!

Why do some people feel that life is full of hardships, regardless of how hard they work, they cannot accomplish much in life? I would like to share with all an interesting story that I once heard…

A great master had a disciple who loved to complain about everything in life. One day, the master asked the disciple to buy a packet of salt. After buying the salt, he asked his disciple to add some salt into a glass of water and drank some. The master asked his disciple: “How is the taste?” The disciple frowned and replied: “So salty that one feels miserable just by drinking it!”

Next, the master brought the disciple to the side of a lake and told him to pour the remaining glass of salted water into the lake. Again, he asked his disciple to taste the water in the lake. The disciple did as he was told and his master asked again: “How does the water taste?” This time round, the disciple smiled and praised: “Clean, pure and sweet!”

The master smilingly told his disciple: “Hardships in life is similar to salt. Whether it is salty or bland depends on the size of the container.” The greater the capacity, the more water a container can carry. Even after adding salt, we will not taste any saltiness or bitterness in a big container. On the contrary, the water may even taste sweet.

Hence if a person is magnanimous and has a magnanimous heart, he will smile and not feel miserable even when he faces obstacles in life! Moreover, he will put himself in the shoes of others and think from their perspective to share and lighten the burden of others.

Even when he is engaged in a heated argument with others, he will still take a step back and think from the other’s perspective.

Therefore, people who are broad-minded get through adversities in life without getting affected easily. As our minds broadens, we will not be easily troubled over mundane problems in life!

As the saying goes: [A person of good virtue will always be surrounded by friends and neighbors]. In this way, we will achieve more in life and good fortune and blessings will naturally come to us.

#ZenStory, #MagnanimityAttractsGoodFortune, #DoNotComplain, #VirtueAttractsNeighbors


在〈氣度成就人生! 總是覺得自己的人生很辛苦…〉中有 22 則留言

  1. 感恩师父!還能為別人著想、分擔別人的辛勞;和別人發生爭執時也能退一步,總是站在他人的立場想問題。收到!越是寬宏大量,越是能正向面對困難,也就越不容易被逆境所干擾。擁有大器量的人格特質,這些煩惱和痛苦也就影響不了我,自然人生的成就與福報,將會隨之而來囉。

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!德不孤必有邻!度量越大,越没烦恼!人生越能成就!?叩拜

  3. 感恩師父提醒“氣度成就人生”~修~修~修~~

  4. 感恩师父慈悲分享好故事和开示!气度成就人生。在师父的教化下,我比以前心胸不知大了多少倍,觉得自己也智慧了,也慈悲了。前些天和同学聚会,有位同学说我的裙子好看,另一位同学很不屑地看了看我的裙子和我。要在以前,看到那样鄙视的眼神我会很难过,可是我现在一点难过的感觉都没有,只是知道:“噢,她觉得不好看呢!后来,我还赞美她的衣服好看。觉得内心很慈悲了,没有嗔恨。

  5. 感恩师父慈悲开示和教化!通过师父的慈悲教化和加持,弟子这颗狭小的心❤变得也大了好多,但是还是不够还要继续努力。感恩师父!叩拜师父!?❤???

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!一个人器度宽宏、心胸阔达,遇到不如意也就一笑置之,就不觉得苦了!而且还能为別人着想、分担別人的辛劳,和別人发生争执時也能退一步,总是站在他人的立场想问题,这些烦恼和痛苦也就影响不了我们!弟子感恩叩谢师父!

  7. 感恩师父慈悲教化!努力学习擁有大器量的人格特質,让煩惱和痛苦不能影响我們!所謂:「德不孤必有鄰」!开启新的人生!拥抱自然人生的成就與福報!顶礼叩拜恩师!???

  8. 感恩师父的慈悲分享,让我获益良多!弟子将努力迈向宽容慈悲,有大度的人生????

  9. 感恩师父教化,师父讲的故事好引人深思,盐因杯小而咸苦,因湖大而甘甜,仅取决于容器,用打开的心胸,烦恼也就淡化了,用一颗宽容的心对待一切,就是快乐,就是福报!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示!心有多大舞台就有多大!心胸要宽广!心胸开阔人生就广阔无边!顶礼师父!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲开示!心有多大舞台就有多大!心胸要宽广!心胸开阔人生就广阔无边!顶礼师父!

  12. 师父早!“德不孤必有邻”,之前在看“论语”时这句话就非常印象深刻,今天再次出现在师父的facebook上,又给了自己一次提醒。道理很简单,但是需要努力去执行。

  13. 师父晚上?好,感恩师父慈悲分享故事,收到?,一个器度宽宏,心胸阔达的人不管遇到任何事情,好与坏都能盛受不去计较和抱怨,并能站在别人的立场为别人着想去做更多的事,还能担当,。德不孤必有鄰???。感恩顶礼跪拜金菩提禅师。

  14. 顶礼叩拜尊贵的师父,中午好!感恩大慈大悲师父的开示及引导学习!弟子受益不淺!
