為世界點燃一盞燈 . . 漆黑的夜晚,有…

#禪學故事 #眼盲心不盲 #照亮自己也照亮他人 #自覺覺他rnrnLight a lamp for the world

In a dark night, a monk walked into an alley and notice a fuzzy yellow light at the end of the lane. A villager commented, “Here comes the blind man.” The monk asked, “The blind man carries a lamp?”

The monk could not understand as a blind man carrying a lamp was just too quirky. The monk asked the blind man, “Are you not able to see anything?” The blind man replied, “Yes, I was born a blind man.”

Monk asked, “Why are you carrying a lamp since you are not able to see anything?” The blind man replied, “I heard that there is no light at night and all the people in the world would be like me, unable to see; so I carry a lamp.”

Monk nodded his head and said, “So you are carrying a lamp to light up other people’s paths.” However the blind man said, “No, it is for myself!”. “For yourself?”, the monk was dumbfounded. The blind man laughed and said, “Did you collide with anyone just now when you came from the other end of the alley?” Monk replied, “Yes! I bumped into someone just now.”

Blind man said, “Even though I can’t see, by carrying a lamp, I light up the path for others and others in turn will be able to see me and avoid colliding with me.”

The monk laughed and said, “I have been searching for the Truth all these years and the Truth is akin to the lamp carried by the blind man. So long as I light the lamp and even though I cannot see, it will still radiate light and illuminate the paths in front for others”.

We need to learn to love our lives and cherish all things and circumstances. In this way, we will feel warmth and happiness! For the sake of ourselves and for the love of others, light up our lives now! In this way, we will be able to find peace and joy in the darkness.

#ZenStory, #BlindInTheEyesButNotInTheHeart, #LightUpYourselfAndOthersAtTheSameTime #EnlightenTheSelfAndOthers

#禪學故事 #眼盲心不盲 #照亮自己也照亮他人 #自覺覺他rnrnLight a lamp for the world
In a dark night, a monk walked into an alley and notice a fuzzy yellow light at the end of the lane. A villager commented, “Here comes the blind man.” The monk asked, “The blind man carries a lamp?” 
The monk could not understand as a blind man carrying a lamp was just too quirky. The monk asked the blind man, “Are you not able to see anything?” The blind man replied, “Yes, I was born a blind man.”
Monk asked, “Why are you carrying a lamp since you are not able to see anything?” The blind man replied, “I heard that there is no light at night and all the people in the world would be like me, unable to see; so I carry a lamp.”
Monk nodded his head and said, “So you are carrying a lamp to light up other people’s paths.” However the blind man said, “No, it is for myself!”. “For yourself?”, the monk was dumbfounded. The blind man laughed and said, “Did you collide with anyone just now when you came from the other end of the alley?” Monk replied, “Yes! I bumped into someone just now.”
Blind man said, “Even though I can’t see, by carrying a lamp, I light up the path for others and others in turn will be able to see me and avoid colliding with me.”  
The monk laughed and said, “I have been searching for the Truth all these years and the Truth is akin to the lamp carried by the blind man. So long as I light the lamp and even though I cannot see, it will still radiate light and illuminate the paths in front for others”.  
We need to learn to love our lives and cherish all things and circumstances. In this way, we will feel warmth and happiness! For the sake of ourselves and for the love of others, light up our lives now! In this way, we will be able to find peace and joy in the darkness.   
#ZenStory, #BlindInTheEyesButNotInTheHeart, #LightUpYourselfAndOthersAtTheSameTime #EnlightenTheSelfAndOthers


在〈為世界點燃一盞燈 . . 漆黑的夜晚,有…〉中有 39 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享!

  2. 啊~超級需要的啊!為世界,也為自己點上明燈,別再撞牆啦!!!!感謝恩師提醒~

  3. 感恩師父慈悲!

  4. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,为世界点燃一盏灯,照亮黑夜行走的人,点燃生命之灯,照亮自己也照亮别人,寻找到平安和喜乐!感恩师父慈悲的教悔和关怀护佑,感恩慈父恩师就是我们的指路明灯,因为有您我们真幸福健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  5. 感恩师父开示分享!点燃一盞明灯,照亮人間,帶来平安喜乐!人人健康幸褔!世界和平!???午安吉祥

  6. 师父好感恩师父!为世界点燃一盏灯。为了我们自己,也为了我们所有的人,点燃生命之灯,在朦胧夜色里,寻找到平安和喜乐!顶礼叩拜师父!

  7. 是的,这样,一个风刀霜剑严相逼的世界就变得温暖而和煦起来。对你们好,就是对我自己好。

  8. 感謝師父精彩開示 如此美好的故事 世界不是只有自己 凡事都從自己角度思考就會是痛苦的來源 多用別人的角度思考 將心比心 隨時釋出善意 一但做到就會有意外驚喜喔 感恩!!!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示和教化!為世界點燃一盞燈,在生活中,學習熱愛生命,並且珍惜一切,就會感受到,對方回饋的溫暖與快樂!為了我們自己,也是為了我們所有人,點燃生命之燈吧!在朦朧夜色裡,尋找到平安和喜樂!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  10. 感恩师父慈悲分享為世界點燃一盞燈!在漆黑的夜晚,全世界的人都看不見道路,难免和他人发生碰撞,真理就像盲人手上的一盞燈,點燃了它,即使我看不見它,它也會發出光芒,照耀前方!在生活中,學習熱愛生命,珍惜一切,在朦朧夜色裡,尋找到平安和喜樂!真诚顶礼尊贵的佛师!

  11. 感恩上师慈悲分享:盲人点灯助人也利己。小故事蕴含大道理。菩提禅修就是点燃我心里的一盏明灯,我看到了人生的希望。做为菩提弟子,以一灯燃百灯,自觉觉他是我们的责任。南无大慈大悲金菩提上师!

  12. 你梦想,是想世界人可以快乐,你这样做视频,我一看便知道,我想问一下你,你快乐吗,佛菩萨真的存在,希望你可真正快乐,。

  13. 真正成佛的人,心空空,生气一定有,但一下就不生气,永远就是这样的心,成道,。無明空,爱你,。

  14. 師父好,感恩師父,慈悲的開始,這正是身為現代人所欠缺的,所有的金鋼師兄,師姐們,可不能學半套喔!

  15. 感恩师父讲的故事,当我们也点亮一盏灯,照亮别人的同时,也为自己照亮前进无阻的路!世界美好,自己也会快乐!

  16. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!把心灯点亮!照亮他人其实是照明自己!受益的也是自己!?叩拜

  17. No matter how darkness is I can see the light of the universe as it takes it’s course in life. Thank you Buddha.

  18. 謝謝和感恩佛師父您的大慈悲為懷&心語意&和無限無私大慈大悲的愛奉獻給我們這些無知的眾人。

  19. 感恩上师慈悲分享:盲人点灯助人也利己。小故事蕴含大道理。菩提禅修就是点燃我心里的一盏明灯,我看到了人生的希望。做为菩提弟子,以一灯燃百灯,自觉觉他是我们的责任。南无大慈大悲金菩提上师!師父真傅学能让世上千千万人找回生命的出路,弟子在远方合十感恩叩拜顶礼,,,,,,,,

  20. 感恩师父慈悲分享!为世界点然一盏灯,照亮自己,也照亮了别人。这就是师父给我们的指路明灯!

  21. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!为世界点燃一盏灯,为了我们自己,也为了我们所有的人,点燃生命之灯吧!在朦胧夜色里,寻找到平安和喜乐!顶礼感恩师父!

  22. 从盲人的身上我们看到了与人为善、利人利己的品质。人就是要设身处地为他人着想。人生在世,难免会有旦夕祸福,要想走好漫长的人生道路,就应该向提着灯笼的盲人那样点亮一盏明灯,不但为别人照路,也将自己的心照亮。如果我们每个人都能站在别人的角度去思考问题,多替别人着想,真诚地关爱别人,我们就能融洽、友善地与人相处,也会得到别人的关心和帮助,这就是慈悲能量的传递。珍惜生命感恩一切,让我们點燃生命之燈,一灯燃百灯,百灯燃灯千千万,自明明他他更明。

  23. 师父晚上?好,感恩师父慈悲开示为世界点燃一盏燈,收到?。师父您就是我们指路的明燈,一燈燃百燈,百燈燃燈千千万,自觉觉他,他更明。。感恩顶礼叩拜师父你心辛苦?了,祝师父幸福?快乐,平安吉祥,法体安康,法喜充满,吉祥如意

  24. 感恩佛陀师父 总是以最巧妙的方法 时刻教导 我们引领我们 去为 众生 奉献 佛陀师父的言行 就是 一轮 散发着金色 光芒的 金莲花 每天都为 这个世界 为一切有缘众生照亮 前行的路 程 感恩大慈大悲的佛陀师父 吉祥如意

  25. I lighted a lamp for myself yst after 祈福 to find peace and joy in my darkness. Blessed by dear buddhas and Master.
