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恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動 . 傳說中,…

恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動
#恭敬不如孝敬、 #孝敬不如行動、#烏鴉反哺、 #感恩、 #幸福
恭敬不如孝敬 孝敬不如行動
It is not sufficient to just be respectful or filial to our parents, rather it is how we treat them that is most important

Legend has it that mother crows are the ones who search for food for their babies. When they return, they will always feed the babies first regardless of how little food they find, even if it means that they themselves will have to go hungry. Eventually, under such tender care, the babies grow up into sturdy adults. By then, the mother crows are old and can no longer fly. They do not have the strength to fly out to look for food any more. This is when their children reciprocate what their mothers used to do for them and go out in search for food. When they return, they will feed their mothers patiently. This happens every day until the mama crows pass away. This is the story of the “Filial crows feeding the parents.”

Think of what our parents have done for us and think of the care and concern that they have showered on us. Some people think that the presents that they bought for their parents are sufficient repayment. But if you compare that to the unconditional love and tolerance that they have given us, you will understand that it is clearly not enough. Not to forget everything else that they have gone through in order to bring us up,

Instead of showering our parents with material goods, let us spend more time with them. Let us pray for them and seek Buddha’s blessings of health, happiness and good fortune for them. I hope to inspire all of you to reflect on what you have done for your parents lately. While we still have the opportunity, let us spend more time with them and help them with what they need.

Consider this Chinese saying…
“The trees would like to remain still but the winds will not stop;
The children would like to care for their parents but the parents are no longer around…”

As Mother’s Day approaches, I wish that you and your family will be blessed with happiness, good health and joy!

*According to records, it is the crows’ custom to reciprocate and feed their parents when they are old. In the classic volume “Compendium of Materia Medica”, crows are called “birds of compassion”. From the time the baby is born, its mother feeds it for 60 days. When the mother is old, its offspring also feeds it for 60 days. The filialness of the crows makes them role models for us in how we ought to treat our parents.

#FilialPietyIsBetterThanRespect, #HelpingThemIsBetterThanBeingFilial, #FilialCrowsFeedingTheParents, #Gratitude, #Joy


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【週六網路共修】_面對生活 . 如何讓身…

【Saturday Online Global Group Practice】 Facing Life

How do we nourish our body and mind with Nature’s nutrients?

As humans, we need to connect with Nature regularly to nourish ourselves with her nutrients.

Once I went to a park with a few of my disciples. When I sat down on the lawn, a fellow disciple came to me and said,“Master, let me give you a cushion as the ground is dirty.” Later on, when we were at the beach, the same disciple said, “Master, here is the cushion, the sand is not clean.” I asked. “How are the soil and sand dirty?”

In fact, if you look at donkeys, horses, cows and other work animals, they usually roll on the ground when tired. When they roll, they move their backs close to the earth, and in the process of flipping back and forth, the spinal muscles relax, and they receive the energy from the earth, sand and water.
Is this what humans need?

As humans, our natural response is to sit down in a natural environment with soil, sand or water when we are tired. Some people, especially children, may even roll around on the grass to play. Children are more in tune with their spiritual self than adults. As they roll, diseases are actually being expelled from their bodies. Children also love to step on the sand and soak their feet in sea water. All these are instinctive actions that they take to gain good health. As the children grow older, however, they become more conscious of their self-image and identity, and they never dare to do so again.

So how do we get onto the “Path of good health” offered by Nature?
I welcome all of you to join me in the discussion this Saturday, on how we can “Face Life”.
May all of you be healthier and happier!

Feel free to share this post.
More sharing, more blessings!

#BackToNature, #FaceLife, #RollingDonkey, #Sand, #Earth, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTalk


助人為樂成就非凡人生! . 因為不同的成…


Leading an Extraordinary Life and Gaining Happiness by Helping Others

Depending on the environment one grew up in, people develop different personalities. Some are more optimistic, while others tend to be timid and weak, and the different views they hold about life will also create different ways of living. Thus, is it possible to change the predetermined (is this ok?) way of life? Below is a real life story.
Have a fulfilling life helping others!
I started having frequent headaches in 2013 and had to be on painkillers. I knew that the frequent headaches were probably due to my lifestyle. During then, I would wash my hair late in the night at around 11pm, and laid in bed with my wet hair as I played with my tablet till 3 to 4am before dozing off.

In September 2013, I attended the 8.5 Day Health and Happiness Retreat in Singapore. On the 6th day of the class, my headache was gone. Thereafter, I only get occasional headaches due to lack of sleep, but did not need to take painkillers anymore.

I have also received other benefits through meditation besides getting rid of my frequent headaches. I used to be very impatient and would be unhappy whenever my mother said something that upset me. All these changed after learning meditation and receiving Grandmaster JinBodhi’s all compassionate love. I became kind and gentle towards my family and friends. Occasionally, whenever my mum scolded me, I was able to listen to her calmly. Upon seeing the change in me, my mother also started to be less harsh with me and our relationship improved as we grew closer.

Now I am a volunteer in the Bodhi Meditation Center in Jakarta, Indonesia, learning to spread the love and warmth that I’ve received to more people. Gradually, I am gaining more self confidence and am not afraid to speak in front of large groups. Little did I expect that the inferior me can also shine like the person I have become now.

(Note: The effect of meditation may vary for different individuals.). *Bodhi Meditation does not advocate self-discontinuation or drug reduction. Please follow medical advice.

#DharmaNameHuwen, #Compassion, #Kindness, #SelfConfidence, #Indonesia, #JakartaBodhiMeditationCentre, #RecoveryFromFrequentHeadachesrnrn助人為樂成就非凡人生!

Leading an Extraordinary Life and Gaining Happiness by Helping Others

Depending on the environment one grew up in, people develop different personalities. Some are more optimistic, while others tend to be timid and weak, and the different views they hold about life will also create different ways of living. Thus, is it possible to change the predetermined (is this ok?) way of life? Below is a real life story.
Have a fulfilling life helping others!
I started having frequent headaches in 2013 and had to be on painkillers. I knew that the frequent headaches were probably due to my lifestyle. During then, I would wash my hair late in the night at around 11pm, and laid in bed with my wet hair as I played with my tablet till 3 to 4am before dozing off.

In September 2013, I attended the 8.5 Day Health and Happiness Retreat in Singapore. On the 6th day of the class, my headache was gone. Thereafter, I only get occasional headaches due to lack of sleep, but did not need to take painkillers anymore.

I have also received other benefits through meditation besides getting rid of my frequent headaches. I used to be very impatient and would be unhappy whenever my mother said something that upset me. All these changed after learning meditation and receiving Grandmaster JinBodhi’s all compassionate love. I became kind and gentle towards my family and friends. Occasionally, whenever my mum scolded me, I was able to listen to her calmly. Upon seeing the change in me, my mother also started to be less harsh with me and our relationship improved as we grew closer.

Now I am a volunteer in the Bodhi Meditation Center in Jakarta, Indonesia, learning to spread the love and warmth that I’ve received to more people. Gradually, I am gaining more self confidence and am not afraid to speak in front of large groups. Little did I expect that the inferior me can also shine like the person I have become now.

(Note: The effect of meditation may vary for different individuals.). *Bodhi Meditation does not advocate self-discontinuation or drug reduction. Please follow medical advice.

#DharmaNameHuwen, #Compassion, #Kindness, #SelfConfidence, #Indonesia, #JakartaBodhiMeditationCentre, #RecoveryFromFrequentHeadaches
