助人為樂成就非凡人生! . 因為不同的成…


Leading an Extraordinary Life and Gaining Happiness by Helping Others

Depending on the environment one grew up in, people develop different personalities. Some are more optimistic, while others tend to be timid and weak, and the different views they hold about life will also create different ways of living. Thus, is it possible to change the predetermined (is this ok?) way of life? Below is a real life story.
Have a fulfilling life helping others!
I started having frequent headaches in 2013 and had to be on painkillers. I knew that the frequent headaches were probably due to my lifestyle. During then, I would wash my hair late in the night at around 11pm, and laid in bed with my wet hair as I played with my tablet till 3 to 4am before dozing off.

In September 2013, I attended the 8.5 Day Health and Happiness Retreat in Singapore. On the 6th day of the class, my headache was gone. Thereafter, I only get occasional headaches due to lack of sleep, but did not need to take painkillers anymore.

I have also received other benefits through meditation besides getting rid of my frequent headaches. I used to be very impatient and would be unhappy whenever my mother said something that upset me. All these changed after learning meditation and receiving Grandmaster JinBodhi’s all compassionate love. I became kind and gentle towards my family and friends. Occasionally, whenever my mum scolded me, I was able to listen to her calmly. Upon seeing the change in me, my mother also started to be less harsh with me and our relationship improved as we grew closer.

Now I am a volunteer in the Bodhi Meditation Center in Jakarta, Indonesia, learning to spread the love and warmth that I’ve received to more people. Gradually, I am gaining more self confidence and am not afraid to speak in front of large groups. Little did I expect that the inferior me can also shine like the person I have become now.

(Note: The effect of meditation may vary for different individuals.). *Bodhi Meditation does not advocate self-discontinuation or drug reduction. Please follow medical advice.

#DharmaNameHuwen, #Compassion, #Kindness, #SelfConfidence, #Indonesia, #JakartaBodhiMeditationCentre, #RecoveryFromFrequentHeadachesrnrn助人為樂成就非凡人生!

Leading an Extraordinary Life and Gaining Happiness by Helping Others

Depending on the environment one grew up in, people develop different personalities. Some are more optimistic, while others tend to be timid and weak, and the different views they hold about life will also create different ways of living. Thus, is it possible to change the predetermined (is this ok?) way of life? Below is a real life story.
Have a fulfilling life helping others!
I started having frequent headaches in 2013 and had to be on painkillers. I knew that the frequent headaches were probably due to my lifestyle. During then, I would wash my hair late in the night at around 11pm, and laid in bed with my wet hair as I played with my tablet till 3 to 4am before dozing off.

In September 2013, I attended the 8.5 Day Health and Happiness Retreat in Singapore. On the 6th day of the class, my headache was gone. Thereafter, I only get occasional headaches due to lack of sleep, but did not need to take painkillers anymore.

I have also received other benefits through meditation besides getting rid of my frequent headaches. I used to be very impatient and would be unhappy whenever my mother said something that upset me. All these changed after learning meditation and receiving Grandmaster JinBodhi’s all compassionate love. I became kind and gentle towards my family and friends. Occasionally, whenever my mum scolded me, I was able to listen to her calmly. Upon seeing the change in me, my mother also started to be less harsh with me and our relationship improved as we grew closer.

Now I am a volunteer in the Bodhi Meditation Center in Jakarta, Indonesia, learning to spread the love and warmth that I’ve received to more people. Gradually, I am gaining more self confidence and am not afraid to speak in front of large groups. Little did I expect that the inferior me can also shine like the person I have become now.

(Note: The effect of meditation may vary for different individuals.). *Bodhi Meditation does not advocate self-discontinuation or drug reduction. Please follow medical advice.

#DharmaNameHuwen, #Compassion, #Kindness, #SelfConfidence, #Indonesia, #JakartaBodhiMeditationCentre, #RecoveryFromFrequentHeadaches


在〈助人為樂成就非凡人生! . 因為不同的成…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 師父早上吉祥,金修闊收到師父教誨,”助人為樂,成就非凡人生“,作為今後修行上的格言,弟子恭敬,真誠,頂礼叩拜師父 !

  2. 19岁的护闻师姐在雅加达菩提道场,跟随师兄们一起播撒师父的禅法,禅理和智慧过程中,如她所分享她原害羞胆怯她,在师父创办菩提禅修的大午台脱颖而出,成为今天的雅加达禅堂的青年领袖。

  3. 向护闻师姐学习,助人为乐,成就非凡人生!感恩师父的妙法,让更多的人受益,从痛苦中解脱出来!让我们的菩提禅修走向世界走进家家户户!感恩师父赐予我们新的生命!

  4. 感恩师父!感恩师父的妙法,菩提禅修让我们一切痛苦解脱出来!感恩师父慈悲分享!感恩师父赐予我们无数人新的生命!!!

  5. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修健康快乐的奇迹,随喜赞叹师姐真棒真幸福健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲赐妙法—菩提禅修健康快乐,让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师!

  6. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福这位可爱的师姐!回头想一想,跟随师父禅修后,自己的变化那么大,各方面都变得越来越好了,非常感恩师父!怎么有时会觉得生活和与人相处其实好象很简单?放下了很多以前放不下的,面对过去烦恼的事情,现在坦然很多。但自己却不想在这种简单中越走越远,还是想好好修好好修……觉得迷惘……

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!恭喜师姐!功德无量!禅修变得越来越健康快乐幸福!帮人助人幸福的是自己!受益更多!人生更精彩!?叩拜

  8. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!弟子真诚顶礼叩拜我最敬爱的根本上师金菩提上师!
