【幸福520】多倫多_浴佛嘉年華會 . …

【Happiness 520】 Toronto – Bathing the Buddha Carnival

On this Victorian weekend, more than 2,000 people participated in the Bathing the Buddha Carnival at the Bodhi Meditation Center in Toronto!

I was very happy to participate in the entire Bathing the Buddha Celebration. Our fellow Bodhi practitioners are very efficient, and quickly created an activity album. I also glad to be able to share this celebratory day with our fellow practitioners. It is indeed a joyful event atmosphere for all to enjoy together.

During the event, nearly 70 exhibition booths from all walks of life in Toronto were set up. They featured traditional arts activities such as Chinese paintings, calligraphy, oil paintings, and ancient Chinese technique of dyeing cloths.

Turning around the corner, we saw practitioners dressed as fairies in colorful costumes showcasing a dazzling performance for everyone. All performers were impressive and showcased their talented skills. They were similar to the the Eight Immortals who crossed the sea and displayed their supernatural powers, making the entire carnival more lively and interesting.

Our practitioners also made their national snacks such as pancakes, egg noodles, sushi, spring rolls, glutinous rice cakes, various kinds of dim-sums, fruit juices, milk teas, and cheese cakes popular in Toronto. Hoped that everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable time and connected with the Buddha during this festival. Bathing the Buddha helps to cleanse our mind and soul.

Wishing everyone a peaceful state of mind, health and happiness! !

#Toronto #BathingTheBuddhaFestival


在〈【幸福520】多倫多_浴佛嘉年華會 . …〉中有 24 則留言

  1. 感恩师父慈悲分享!赞叹!欢喜!太棒了!让弟子开了眼界!好不一样!场内场外非常棒!各种表演!哇开心幸福啊!与师父握手?️师父加持的!太?️福了!期待明年的浴佛节!祈请师父来纽约吧!?叩拜

  2. 收到~感恩师父分享,明天也会是我们马来西亚交来菩提禅修中心的浴佛节法会,敬祝大家身心潔淨,健康快乐,法喜充满??????

  3. 感恩『南無本師釋迦牟尼佛』
    【衛塞節】是紀念佛陀『釋迦牟尼佛』誕辰 、成道 、涅槃的節日 。世界各地的佛教徒都會在這一天慶祝這殊勝的重大日子,藉此佛吉祥日,敬請大家常憶念釋尊,廣發善心,多念佛孝親,多迴向感恩,多茹素放生,多佈施行善 。
    祈求釋尊加被一切有情眾生都能夠離苦得樂,世界和平,國泰民安,同仰佛恩 。

  4. 师父晚上?好,感恩师父慈悲分享视频,收到?看到幸福520多伦多浴佛嘉年华会,热闹非凡的场面真开心,百?花齐放,多才多艺,宛如八仙过海显神通有趣感人,,。顶礼感恩叩拜师父,幸福吉祥,平安顺利。

  5. 师父晚上?好,殊勝的浴佛节嘉年华庆典,感恩师父慈悲为大家带来天降舍利,看到舍利灵动佛的加持太激动了,感恩顶礼叩拜佛陀舍利灵动加持,。祝师父快乐吉祥,幸福安康,法喜充满。

  6. 欢喜浴佛节,感动无所不在,慈悲的能量加持护佑着一切众生。感恩师父带领我们走进佛的殿堂,沐浴佛光,让我们的身心灵洁白光明自在吉祥!多伦多禅堂的浴佛节,让世界各地的菩提同修共沾佛光,法喜充满。感恩顶礼大慈大悲法力无边的金菩提上师!
