被送走的孩子 . . 有一次上課,我讓大…


The child who was sent away

During one of my class, I wanted all participants to chant the name of Buddha for their parents. Almost all participants chanted sincerely except for a young lady who refused to open her mouth from the beginning to the end. After the class, I took the young lady aside and asked her why she had refused to chant earlier.

She told me: “Master, I really cannot think of anything that inspires feeling of gratitude toward my parents!”

I asked her: “Why is that so?”

She replied: “When I was born, my family was not well off financially. To save money, my parents sent me away to my granny who was staying in a village to take care of me. They only fetched me back when I was six or seven years old. However, at that point in time, my mother had just given birth to my younger sister. I did not understand why they only sent me away and not my sister? Probably they loved my sister more! I still remembered sharing with my mother excitedly about my excellent high school examination results. Unexpectedly, she asked me to give up my university studies and start working so that I could help to lighten the financial burden of my family and also enable my sister to have the opportunity to gain a good education.

I thought to myself then: “My results were obviously better than my sister’s. Why did my parents asked me to sacrifice my studies for my sister?” Hence I was more convinced my parents loved my sister more and even disliked me! In anger, I left home with all the money I could find in the house. I paid for my University school fees using the money I had taken from home and stopped all contacts with them because I hated them. I did not want to see them, not to mention chanting for them!”

After hearing her story, I asked her: “You seem to be doing well now. Do you have children?”

She replied: “Yes. I have two children, aged six and four years old.”

I told her: “Your children have good affinity with Buddha. Send one of them to me so that I can bring her around the world to spread dharma teachings!”

She responded angrily: “Are you joking? As a mother, how can I bear to part with my children?”

I asked her: “You cannot bear to part with your children but your mother had no qualms to part with you? If not for the fact that there was no other way out, which mother would willingly part with her children?” She thought about what I had just said and remained quiet. I continued: “Tell you what. Why not call your family now and vent out all your grievances.” Though she was not very willing, she still did what I told her to. Her mother was the one who picked up the telephone. She started to cry shortly after talking to her mother. Both mother and daughter cried throughout the conversation. As I was not paying close attention, I did not know what was the content of their conversation but I guessed they had cleared up their misunderstandings.

When I met her again after some time, I asked her whether she had patched up with her family? She happily answered: “We had cleared our misunderstandings. Some time back, I even brought my husband and children to visit my family! I sought clarification from my mother why she showed me less concern as compared to my younger sister. My mother explained that was because she felt I was more sensible and independent hence I needed less attention. It was definitely not because she did not love me.” Only then did I realize I had been mistaken about her! After our tele-conversation, I immediately lighted a lamp for my family and all hatred melted away. Now I chant for my family daily to repent for my past actions and accumulate karmic merits for them.”

In reality, the people who have the ability to hurt us the most are the ones we are closest to. This is especially so for parents and children.

All parents love their children. The only difference is their way of expressing their love. As children, we may not understand them. It is very normal to have conflicts within a family, just like our teeth may accidentally bite and hurt our lips. Hence as a family, whenever we face conflicts and unhappiness, we should talk with them calmly to avoid any misunderstandings. In this way, we will continue to love our family members and that is what makes family members special! The ability to talk with them openly resolves misunderstandings!

Treasure people around us because though conflicts may exist, our family members will still be the ones to accompany us through life at the end of the day!

Lastly, may all enjoy a harmonious and cohesive family relationship!!

#Parents, #Love, #FamilyMembers, #LightOffering, #Chanting, #Repentance


在〈被送走的孩子 . . 有一次上課,我讓大…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 感恩师父的慈悲开示!珍惜身边最亲近的人,因为家人之间,即便有了摩擦也会互相牵绊!我记住了!我想会努力去做的!顶礼金菩提上师!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!父母对我们的爱永远都是无私的。永远都是像佛菩萨一样的慈悲!天下没有狠心的父母,只有狠心的儿女!给父母家人多一点理解与爱!少些抱怨与责备!顶礼师父!

  3. 感恩佛师慈悲分享???手心手背都是肉,自立的孩子关爱的真是少。关键是有时被关爱的孩子总是被呵护,长大后也是自立能力查。独立做事暴怨多,以为别人总是难为她(他)。

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示!收到感恩师父!珍惜身邊最親近的人,因為家人之間,即使有了摩擦也會互相牽絆!和家人關係融洽、幸福、美滿!顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  5. 感恩师父关爱,师父爱弟子也像天下父母爱自己的孩子一样,无论在哪里都能感受到这种慈父般的爱,我们也爱慈父师父,祝慈父吉祥安康,祝我们菩提大家庭人人都家合万事兴!

  6. 感恩师父教诲。父母对子女爱是没有分别的,只是我们觉得父母不能满足我们的要求,就认为父母不爱我们,所以我们向父母索取的太多,又不能理解父母的心,只有孝顺父母我们的命运才会好,‘家有一老,如有一宝。’珍惜身边最亲的人,感恩他们给予我们的一切。

  7. 感恩师父慈悲分享!父母亲人的恩情要永远记得和感恩。可象这位小同修,她那么小的时候考上大学,母亲却不让她上,不说母亲对错,当面对亲人给予这样几乎决定人生命运的安排的时候,那么小的孩子该如何抉择?服从是对的,还是不服从是对的?不管自己现在面对怎样的生活都不去埋怨曾经的人和事。可是,面对现实的时候,那个母亲后来是怎样想的……?

  8. 师父,您好!哈哈!我小时候也被送到外婆家了,直到讀書的時候才回來,因為我的祖父祖母年纪大,無法照顧這么多孙子,我是老大,那时我有个妹妹和妹妹同齡的堂弟,所以要把我送到外婆家,我在外婆家,外公外婆和舅父們當我是掌上明珠看待,我很幸福。但是回家讀書時就想哭了,因為我全部讲我媽媽的家乡話,一出声同學就取我開玩笑,所以我做啞人很久直到改变我的口音才開始敢與同學聊天。我從來不为此事生氣,環境所迫是這樣了,谁人不想一家团聚在一起呢?謝謝師父上传分享!感恩师父!

  9. 感恩师父慈悲开示!弟子收到!感恩父母!感恩家人!忏悔自己的习性发生的错误与脾气!感恩佛菩萨和师父慈悲加持护佑!?叩拜

  10. 师父晚上好!感恩师父分享开示???在家庭里面每个成员都扮演着重要的角色,父母总是扮演着佛菩萨的化身时时刻刻都在无私呵护着孩子们成长,感恩所有的父母亲!愿他们都幸福健康快乐平安???

  11. 感恩师父教导“珍惜身边最近的亲人!”就在上周五,感恩师父的加持,一直在心里的心结,一直对儿子心里存着的愧疚终于终于能发出大的忏悔心,我心里呼喊着师父,呼喊着观世音菩萨,我真诚忏悔…忏悔的力量是不可思议的,直接导致思想行为的改变,这一直是我想要的一直而不得,现在我终于开始改变了!顶礼叩拜师父感恩师父慈悲的加持???!

  12. 师父好。感恩师父慈悲开示。可能人的二眼总是盯着一个地方,所以总是掉进执着的陷阱。人要是生出来就有五通,那该多好呀。人们之间就不会有误解了。???

  13. 感恩师父慈悲分享!珍惜身边最亲近的人,父母親是养育我们成长,天下没有狠心的父母,只因生活条件不好被迫分开,应该愿凉他们。感恩顺父引导!

  14. 感恩师父!让孩子从痛苦中解脱,跟母亲和好!太感动了!师父您太棒了!有方法让更多家人都得到幸福!健康快乐!美满!祝愿恩师吉祥如意!

  15. 什么情最伤人?

  16. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲教化!珍惜身邊最親近的人,因為家人之間,即使有了摩擦也會互相牽絆!顶礼感恩师父!祝愿师父法体安康!吉祥如意!
