使用嬰兒背巾需注意! . . 很多家長都…



「孩子的未來在於你?」 . . 有個同修…

1. 臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:2017年11月11日,上午9:00開始 
#念佛、 #週六共修預告、 #為子女念佛、#為親人念佛、#金菩提宗師開示、#親子教育、#健康、#快樂、#吉祥圓滿rnrn「Parents hold the key to the kid’s future」
A fellow practitioner wrote to me that they, husband and wife, were both unemployed. Their child was already 16 or 17 years old but very playful and poor in studies. Hoping that her child would be accepted into an ideal university, she offered incense and apples before Buddha and bodhisattvas on a daily basis and adhered to daily chanting ritual for several hours.
When result was released three months later, her son topped his cohort. The mother was happily surprised and burst into tears. She finally saw hope in life.
The son told his parents, “I was not nervous during the examinations because I was able to answer all the questions. I have never felt so relaxed before. I think I should be able to gain admission into university.”
So, in order for your descendants to have a better future, the most direct method is to chant sincerely and make offerings on their behalf.
Since today is near the auspicious birthday of the Medicine Buddha, let us chant for our children as well as for our love ones. Let us also explore how we and our children can lead a more wonderful and auspicious life.
If you like this post, please share it with your friends.
May you enjoy auspiciousness, peace and happiness!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei/ Beijing/ Malaysia/ Singapore: Nov 11, 2017, at 9:00hrs
2. Korea: Nov 11, 2017, at 10:00hrs
3. North America (Eastern Zone): Nov 10, 2017 at 21:00hrs 
4. North America (Pacific Zone): Nov 10, 2017 at 18:00hrs 
5. Melbourne (Australia): Nov 11, 2017, at 11:00hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Nov 11, 2017, at 8:00hrs
7. Romania: Nov 11, 2017, at 4:00hrs
8. London (United Kingdom): Nov 11, 2017, at 2:00hrs
9. Sydney (Australia): Nov 11, 2017, at 11:00hrs
10. Yangon (Myanmar): Nov 11, 2017, at 07:30hrs
(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)
#Chanting, #SaturdayOnlineGlobalGroupPractice#ChantForChildren, #MasterJinBodhisTeachings, #EducateChildren, #Health, #Happiness, #AuspiciousAndFulfilling


煩惱問與答!! . 最近有個同修提問: …

Problems – Q&A
Recently a fellow practitioner asked me: “How can we resolve our problems?”
My reply: “Regardless of how accomplished a person is in his or her practice, there will always be problems.”
In fact, eighty percent of a human’s problems arise due to emotions. These problems also stem from the complex intelligence of mankind which, when bereft of a direction, will go into confused state thereby causing the person to become mentally disturbed.
So how do we face our troubles and resolve them? I have a very good way that can handle most people’s problems:
「First, be content. Second, be grateful. 」
When you keep repeating this thought to yourself, you will find that certain ideas and opinions which you held on very tightly previously will begin to fade. When you begin to let go of certain thoughts, wisdom will naturally arise; once problems get resolved using that wisdom, troubles will naturally disappear.
#Q&A, #ChangingLives, #LiberationFromTroubles, #GoodHealth, #Longevity, #Happiness
#問與答、 #改變生活、 #解脫煩惱、 #健康、 #長壽、 #快樂rnrn煩惱問與答!!
Problems – Q&A
Recently a fellow practitioner asked me: “How can we resolve our problems?”
My reply: “Regardless of how accomplished a person is in his or her practice, there will always be problems.”
In fact, eighty percent of a human’s problems arise due to emotions. These problems also stem from the complex intelligence of mankind which, when bereft of a direction, will go into confused state thereby causing the person to become mentally disturbed.
So how do we face our troubles and resolve them? I have a very good way that can handle most people’s problems:
「First, be content. Second, be grateful. 」
When you keep repeating this thought to yourself, you will find that certain ideas and opinions which you held on very tightly previously will begin to fade. When you begin to let go of certain thoughts, wisdom will naturally arise; once problems get resolved using that wisdom, troubles will naturally disappear.
#Q&A, #ChangingLives, #LiberationFromTroubles, #GoodHealth, #Longevity, #Happiness
#問與答、 #改變生活、 #解脫煩惱、 #健康、 #長壽、 #快樂


一輪明月的故事。 . 有一位小偷在夜晚悄…


#一輪明月、 #禪宗公案、 #透徹、 #良心rnrnThe story of the veritable moon
A thief quietly sneaked into the temple in the night. The temple is usually filled with thick incense offered by its followers. The thief thought that this temple must also be rich in donations, and contain bountiful treasures. As the social economy was in a downturn with many unemployed people, the thief felt that even if he stole a little of the donations, the Bodhisattva would forgive him. It was the dead of the night, and the spirits of the earth were particular sensitive. At that instant, the sound of the thief entering into the temple premise alerted the Abbot, who was well-aware that there was actually nothing in the temple that was worthy of theft.., because there was no donation box, no jewelry that adorns the Bodhisattva, so the thief had targeted the wrong temple.
The thief trespassed the entire temple grounds, yet unable to find the donation box, the gold jewelry or any treasure. Disappointed, he decided to abandon his mission and leave. As he headed to the temple entrance, he was astounded to find the Abbot by the door, clutching a set of Buddhist robe. The abbot said to the thief, “child, the night is cold, we do not have anything of value at the temple for you, may this robe keep you warm!”
The thief grabbed the robe, and dashed out of the temple without looking back. At that moment, the night was illuminated by the round and bright moon. The Abbot looked up at the luminous moon, sighed and remarked, “how I wish I can give you this veritable moon”.
At daybreak when the Abbot unlatched the temple door, he found the same robe that he had given the thief the previous night neatly folded by the doorway. He smiled, and made the statement, “I’d finally given you the veritable moon”.
Isn’t our lives often mired in such predicaments? Some people contemplate escape from their whirlpool; some are paralyzed and limp like a stricken bear. The luminous moon that we all once possessed, are unconsciously and slowly being obscured by the dark clouds, and eventually being swallowed completely. Desires are like thieves that steal our hearts; greed, anger, and delusion are like clouds of birds that devour our mind, and only through conscientious cultivation of the way/ truth can we re-discover the veritable moon in our heart.
#StoryOfTheVeritableMoon, #ZenParables, #Thorough, #Conscience


八卦是什麼? . 大家都愛「八卦」, 大家…

#八卦 #健康 #快樂 #自信 #美麗
What is Bagua?

Everyone loves Bagua
Everyone is practicing Bagua .

Will Bagua lead you to become healthier ?
Will Bagua lead you to become more confidence ?
Will Bagua lead you to become more beautiful?

Let’s see why everyone is so obsessed about Bagua .

Feel free to share and like this post !

#Bagua, #Health, #Happiness, #Beautiful, #Confidence


放下貪念,迎來富貴。 . 其實佛法說的,…

Let go of greed and unlock your wisdom
Buddha Dharma is primarily about “The way of life”; followed by “The way to liberation”.
In order to live well, we must be magnanimous and overcome self-centeredness. We should analyze and do things irrespective of the constraints of space and time. Only then, can we access to wholesome and long term benefits, attaining beauty, prosperity, auspiciousness, longevity and health.
#ExcerptFromTheKeysToBuddhistPractice, #Liberation, #Prosperity, #Auspicious


秋冬怎麼吃出好體質? . . 立冬過後,…

一、 泉水蘿蔔:白蘿蔔去皮切厚片,用礦泉水(可用純淨水代替)煮軟煮透,瀝乾水份,在醬油中蘸一遍,在平底鍋中用油雙面香煎,清口又軟爛。

二、 拌蘿蔔皮:把蘿蔔洗淨後,皮削成約3至4毫米厚的小片,放入醬油、醋、鹽、辣椒油、香菜末,拌勻就行了。

三、 炸丸子:紅皮白心的大紅蘿蔔,含水量較少,適合用來做餡,也可以與麵和在一起,添加五香粉等調味料,炸成蘿蔔丸子。

四、 青蘿蔔粉絲湯:青蘿蔔切絲,粉絲泡發,油鍋放入蔥、薑爆香,倒入熱水(注意水是熱的),水開後,放入蘿蔔絲、粉絲,煮熟後加鹽、胡椒粉,大冷天的喝上一碗,渾身熱乎乎的,好舒服。


泉水蘿蔔的製作參考網址:http://www.douguo.com/cookbook/1053901.htmlrnrnHow to eat well to prepare for Autumn and Winter?

At the start of winter (Lidong solar term), the weather turns cold and many of us have difficulties getting out of bed. This is unfavorable for maintaining good health in winter. The body needs some appropriate exercise to enhance its immunity system and resistance to coldness. It is a common saying among folks, ” when radish soup is served at the start of winter, doctors do not need to prescribe medicine”. Today, I present a table of radish banquet for everyone.

1) Spring water radish: peel the white radish and cut into thick slices. Use mineral water (or pure water) to boil till soft. Drain the water, dip in soy sauce and pan -fry both sides of the radish, giving a refreshing and soft taste.
2) Mixing of radish skin: Wash the radish, peel the radish skin into small pieces of 3 to 4 mm thick each. Add soy sauce, vinegar, salt, chili oil, parsley and mix well.
3) Fried radish ball: The red radish which contains less water , are suitable to make fillings. It can be mixed with flour, spice powder and other seasonings to make fried radish balls.
4) Green radish soup with vermicelli: shred the green radish, soak the vermicelli ( the transparent noodle). Heat the oil and stir fry the onion, ginger to bring out the fragrance. Then pour in hot water. When the water is boiling hot, add radish, vermicelli. When cooked, add salt and pepper. Having a bowl of boiling hot soup during cold weather helps to keep the body warm and comfortable.

This year, Lidong falls on November 7 of the Gregorian calendar and it indicates the beginning of winter. If you are thinking of strengthening your body before winter, have some radish dishes. If you have other recipes of radish cuisine, please share it!

#Radish, #Winter
Source of Spring water radish recipe (website): http://www.douguo.com/cookbook/1053901.html


空間魔法師教您改造居家 Space wi…

Space wizard teaches you to transform your home

In a land scarce big city, young people are unable to afford big houses. Thus, they have to settle for smaller ones. In Hong Kong, there are small houses that are only 8 square meters in size. Fortunately, there are people who design space saving furniture that can be “hidden” away when not in use and “transformed” back when you need it.

#Design, #Home
Video source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=509806486045926&id=456898118003430


要吃食物,不要吃「食品」! . . 近年…

許多食品為了方便保存、增添風味及視覺美觀,往往會放入化學添加物,如 :香料、糖精、防腐劑、漂白劑、色素等等。
#食品安全、#食物、#果汁、#飲料、#加工食品rnrnEat natural food and not processed food!

In recent years, there have been several shocking revelations about food safety issues. This has create awareness on the dangers of processed food and the damages that additives can cause to the human health. People start to wonder: What should we eat in order to be healthy? Let me share some suggestion with all of you: Eat natural food and stay away from processed food!

Natural food refers to those which retain their natural look and have not been processed; “processed food” has been artificially processed with artificial additives added in them. Examples of processed food are canned food, pickled food, soft drinks and milk products.

Chemical additives are usually added to food for preservation, to intensify the flavors or to improve their aesthetic appeal. Examples of additives include: flavoring, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, bleaching agents and colorings etc.

Artificial beverages and artificial fruit juices, for example, usually contain preservatives. They may even contain additives that we do not know of, some of which – such as plasticizer which may have been added to increase the viscosity of the fruit juices – are carcinogenic.

Some children also like drinks with lots of bubbles in the containers. They find it fun to see the bubbles overflow from the bottles onto their hands like a tiny hill. What is it that actually caused these bubbles? Have you ever wondered what has been added into the drinks? Nobody seems to know; only the creator of the drink does.

What about canned food or pickled vegetables in glass bottles – are the additives spelt out clearly on the food labels? There are also ham and sausages – some of the business owners even add in pork from diseased pigs to increase their profit margins. Even those respectable-looking restaurants; can you really eat with confidence?

Hence, I would like to remind everyone to put in more effort to have more home-cooked meals instead of consuming processed food and drinks in restaurants. Eat more naturally-grown fruits and vegetables – as these are the safest and also the healthiest.

#FoodSafety, #Food, #FruitJuices, #SoftDrinks, #ProcessedFood
