空間魔法師教您改造居家 Space wi…

Space wizard teaches you to transform your home

In a land scarce big city, young people are unable to afford big houses. Thus, they have to settle for smaller ones. In Hong Kong, there are small houses that are only 8 square meters in size. Fortunately, there are people who design space saving furniture that can be “hidden” away when not in use and “transformed” back when you need it.

#Design, #Home
Video source: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=509806486045926&id=456898118003430


在〈空間魔法師教您改造居家 Space wi…〉中有 17 則留言

  1. 阿弥陀佛,太智慧了,真的是每个人都不简单,都是上天创造的精品啊,世上无难事只怕有心人,只有想不出来的,没有干不出来的,真的好赞叹啊,佛光普照,愿人人都能清静身心,都能智慧大开,都能事事顺心如愿。

  2. 感恩师父慈悲分享!多层次利用工间折叠试的设计!又有风格又整齐美观太?了!思维工间很丰富!太智慧啊!看来要和孩子多修开智功了??!?叩拜
