一輪明月的故事。 . 有一位小偷在夜晚悄…


#一輪明月、 #禪宗公案、 #透徹、 #良心rnrnThe story of the veritable moon
A thief quietly sneaked into the temple in the night. The temple is usually filled with thick incense offered by its followers. The thief thought that this temple must also be rich in donations, and contain bountiful treasures. As the social economy was in a downturn with many unemployed people, the thief felt that even if he stole a little of the donations, the Bodhisattva would forgive him. It was the dead of the night, and the spirits of the earth were particular sensitive. At that instant, the sound of the thief entering into the temple premise alerted the Abbot, who was well-aware that there was actually nothing in the temple that was worthy of theft.., because there was no donation box, no jewelry that adorns the Bodhisattva, so the thief had targeted the wrong temple.
The thief trespassed the entire temple grounds, yet unable to find the donation box, the gold jewelry or any treasure. Disappointed, he decided to abandon his mission and leave. As he headed to the temple entrance, he was astounded to find the Abbot by the door, clutching a set of Buddhist robe. The abbot said to the thief, “child, the night is cold, we do not have anything of value at the temple for you, may this robe keep you warm!”
The thief grabbed the robe, and dashed out of the temple without looking back. At that moment, the night was illuminated by the round and bright moon. The Abbot looked up at the luminous moon, sighed and remarked, “how I wish I can give you this veritable moon”.
At daybreak when the Abbot unlatched the temple door, he found the same robe that he had given the thief the previous night neatly folded by the doorway. He smiled, and made the statement, “I’d finally given you the veritable moon”.
Isn’t our lives often mired in such predicaments? Some people contemplate escape from their whirlpool; some are paralyzed and limp like a stricken bear. The luminous moon that we all once possessed, are unconsciously and slowly being obscured by the dark clouds, and eventually being swallowed completely. Desires are like thieves that steal our hearts; greed, anger, and delusion are like clouds of birds that devour our mind, and only through conscientious cultivation of the way/ truth can we re-discover the veritable moon in our heart.
#StoryOfTheVeritableMoon, #ZenParables, #Thorough, #Conscience


在〈一輪明月的故事。 . 有一位小偷在夜晚悄…〉中有 27 則留言

  1. 师父好,好爱师父讲的这个故事,佛总是用他最珍贵的东西,唤醒我们这些愚痴无明之心,我们没有理由去贪从来就不属于我们的东西.感恩师父慈悲警醒我们!

  2. 感恩师父慈悲开示!我们的心原本如明月般明镜,但是到了社会以后由贪嗔痴慢疑污染了,唯有真理灌溉才能找回心中明月!时时把持住内心,正心正念,真理灌溉才能找回心中明月。顶礼师父!

  3. 师父啊,好一个令人敬佩赞叹不已的寺庙住持禅师啊,真是大慈大悲的佛菩萨啊,佛菩萨的爱能使冰川融化、枯木开花,能使人顽愚钝开、脱胎换骨、弃恶从善。师父啊,弟子好羡慕好赞叹啊,真希望自己也能拥有一颗佛菩萨般的心胸与智慧,能随时随地、竭尽所能地服务大众啊,祈愿师父加持弟子早日实现心中的愿望!

  4. 感恩师父!我们每天聆听着师父的开示、教导,每天八卦修行中沐浴着师父如月光般慈悲大爱的法雨滋润…..,使我们干枯、贪嗔、灰暗的心灵得到一次又一次的滋养灌溉,我们也从一个不懂道理、不信因果没有未来的愚顽众生,逐步走上了一条解脱成就、充满希望的光明大道!我们是何等的幸运……,真诚的感恩师父!顶礼师父!!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲给我们讲的故事,佛心慈悲大爱教化无明愚人之心,一轮明月,使愚人开悟,走上正心正念!感恩师父恭敬顶礼叩拜恩师愿师父法体安康弘法顺利!吉祥如意!!!

  6. 感恩师父,非常有深意的故事。面对小偷,主持非但没有恶言相对,反倒以慈悲心相赠袈裟以御寒,…师父说“慈悲能征服一切”!包括贪念!主持的慈悲心就是那轮明月,温暖和照亮了小偷的心灵,…这两天也正忏悔自己私心重,不考虑他人的需要,…弟子会引以为戒,祈愿能在师父不倦的教导下,遇事以慈悲心做主,学着放下,再放下…!叩拜师父!

  7. 顶礼师父!真诚感恩佛师无私的大爱袈裟…!真诚感恩佛师赐于的那一轮明镜般的明月…!也真诚的感恩在清静光明美好的月光中祈祷让一切有缘众生都能获得美好光明的不知疲惫的行者!愿佛明月照大千,让一切有缘生命得吉祥!师父!祝您时时吉祥!自在!

  8. 师父好!又听到师父讲故事,好感动!感动故事里的住持多么慈悲多么智慧。对待来伤害他的人还是给予感化,太值得我学习了。感恩伟大的师父!您的故事多如浩瀚的星空,每一个故事都让弟子从中获益匪浅。爱您尊贵的师父!祝愿师父弘法顺利,永久住世!

  9. 感恩师父明示!欲望就像小偷一样偷走了我们的心,贪 ,嗔,痴就像乌云一样吞噬了我的心,唯有真理的灌溉才能找回心中的明月。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲开示!庙住持禅师真是佛菩萨,慈悲的大爱使冰川融化、枯木开花,我们时时刻刻沐浴师父如太阳和月光慈悲大爱,希望我们走向光明大道!顶礼叩拜师父!!!祝师父法体安康!恆久驻世!法輪常轉???

  11. 心中的那轮明月就是我们心中的莲花吗?记得师父说师父看月亮时看到的是莲花,我好好修时禅境或梦境中就容易出现清亮的明月闪闪放光。愿每位众生都找到自己心中的明月。

  12. 感恩师父慈悲开示!培养正向思考跳脫漩窩,用智慧扫除像鳥雲一樣的貪、嗔、癡,持續不間斷用真理灌溉一颗如月亮般透亮的心!然后也成为一位将明月送出的人,愿千江有水千江月!叩拜恩师!

  13. 感恩佛陀师父 给我们讲故事 您是用心良苦啊 生怕我们一不留神就走错路 弟子一定牢记 佛陀师父的 谆谆教导 记住您的嘱托 时时勤抚拭 务使若尘ai

  14. 禅师好慈悲!这位禅师让我想到我们的恩师。这位禅师送给了那个孩子一轮明月。我们的恩师也已将纯净的月光送给了我们每一个人,当你用心体会,你会知道,那轮明净的月就在你的心里。
