俗話說: 無冤不成夫妻,無仇不成父子?有…

俗話說: 無冤不成夫妻,無仇不成父子?有解藥嗎??


As the Chinese idiom goes: Foes are usually reincarnated as husband and wife while enemies are usually reborn as father-and-son. Is there a way to break this cycle?

Our dearest parents who love us the most are usually on the receiving end of our worst temper. We always show our worst side to our parents as if they are our debtors, when they are actually benefactors who gave life to us. What is it that makes us argue constantly with our parents? Why do we turn our homes into battlefields everyday?
Let us listen to the story of Brother Pan from Malaysia.
【I have lost my fiery temper and my relationship with my mother has improved tremendously】

My name is Rui-yu Pan I am a Malaysian and am 25 years old this year. I had a very bad temper before I started practicing meditation. Due to my bad temper, I used to have a terrible relationship with my mother – I was always quarreling with her and sometimes I would even flip the table in anger. This always made my mother very sad. In order not to stay at home with her, I would often make appointments to meet my friends for tea. Even when I am home, I would hide in my room to avoid her.

In July last year (2016), I came across some materials about Bodhi Meditation. I started to accompany my mother to the Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center occasionally. In August this year, while sending my mother to the center for her chanting class, I met a dharma brother who performed energy blessings on me. We chatted after the session and he shared with me what happened between him and his son. After the chat and the energy blessings, my temper improved. The next day, I turned up at the center again to chat with the other dharma brothers and sisters. They were very supportive and encouraged me to open up my heart.

On the third day, I noticed that the people at the meditation center greeted each other with “May you be blessed with good fortune”. This form of greeting sounded strange to me, but I still tried it on the few dharma brothers and sisters whom I knew. Gradually, my heart opened up. I was touched by the care and concern that the people here extended to me. I started to seek their guidance about meditation practice and started practicing prostration as well as the Meditation of Greater Illumination regularly.

As I visited the Meditation Center more often, I made many new friends who were all very helpful towards me. I started to volunteer in the center and my happiness level increased. Over time, I noticed that my temper improved. My attitude towards my mother also changed for the better. Meditation has also improved her; she nagged a lot less and even apologized to me once. Since then, our relationship has improved tremendously. Instead of quarreling, we chat and joke with each other freely these days, like good friends.
In August the same year, I signed up for the Health and Happiness retreat. On the fifth day of the retreat, while we were chanting for our mothers, I had a flashback of how I used to treat my mother and I broke down. As tears fell, I knelt before Buddha and repented sincerely for my treatment of my mother. I felt a lot more at ease after the chanting session. I even went onstage to share my story with the class. When I reached home that night, I apologized sincerely to my mother. I hugged my parents and told them: “I love you! Thank you so much everything that you have done for me!” They were very happy to hear that, and told me that they loved me as well. I am becoming a happier person day by day.

In the past, whenever I drew divination lots in the meditation center, I would always get neutral lots. Since my transformation, all the lots that I have drawn are auspicious ones!

Listening to Master’s teachings made me realize my good fortune. I have learned to be grateful for what I have and to be more understanding and forgiving towards others. I no longer fight for things with other people. In the past, I would spare no effort in fighting for what I wanted, without caring about other people’s feelings. Now, I would consider maybe that thing is not what I should have. I have learned to treasure and care for the people around me and my temper has also improved tremendously. I would definitely continue my practice!

For more real-life stories of the benefits gained from meditation practice: http://putihome.thegmc.com/bbs/viewthread.php…
#MeditationJournal, #Youth, #ParentalRelationship, #TemperImprove, #GettingRidOfBadHabits, #FilialPietyrnrn俗話說: 無冤不成夫妻,無仇不成父子?有解藥嗎??


As the Chinese idiom goes: Foes are usually reincarnated as husband and wife while enemies are usually reborn as father-and-son. Is there a way to break this cycle?

Our dearest parents who love us the most are usually on the receiving end of our worst temper. We always show our worst side to our parents as if they are our debtors, when they are actually benefactors who gave life to us. What is it that makes us argue constantly with our parents? Why do we turn our homes into battlefields everyday?
Let us listen to the story of Brother Pan from Malaysia.
【I have lost my fiery temper and my relationship with my mother has improved tremendously】

My name is Rui-yu Pan I am a Malaysian and am 25 years old this year. I had a very bad temper before I started practicing meditation. Due to my bad temper, I used to have a terrible relationship with my mother – I was always quarreling with her and sometimes I would even flip the table in anger. This always made my mother very sad. In order not to stay at home with her, I would often make appointments to meet my friends for tea. Even when I am home, I would hide in my room to avoid her.

In July last year (2016), I came across some materials about Bodhi Meditation. I started to accompany my mother to the Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center occasionally. In August this year, while sending my mother to the center for her chanting class, I met a dharma brother who performed energy blessings on me. We chatted after the session and he shared with me what happened between him and his son. After the chat and the energy blessings, my temper improved. The next day, I turned up at the center again to chat with the other dharma brothers and sisters. They were very supportive and encouraged me to open up my heart.

On the third day, I noticed that the people at the meditation center greeted each other with “May you be blessed with good fortune”. This form of greeting sounded strange to me, but I still tried it on the few dharma brothers and sisters whom I knew. Gradually, my heart opened up. I was touched by the care and concern that the people here extended to me. I started to seek their guidance about meditation practice and started practicing prostration as well as the Meditation of Greater Illumination regularly.

As I visited the Meditation Center more often, I made many new friends who were all very helpful towards me. I started to volunteer in the center and my happiness level increased. Over time, I noticed that my temper improved. My attitude towards my mother also changed for the better. Meditation has also improved her; she nagged a lot less and even apologized to me once. Since then, our relationship has improved tremendously. Instead of quarreling, we chat and joke with each other freely these days, like good friends.
In August the same year, I signed up for the Health and Happiness retreat. On the fifth day of the retreat, while we were chanting for our mothers, I had a flashback of how I used to treat my mother and I broke down. As tears fell, I knelt before Buddha and repented sincerely for my treatment of my mother. I felt a lot more at ease after the chanting session. I even went onstage to share my story with the class. When I reached home that night, I apologized sincerely to my mother. I hugged my parents and told them: “I love you! Thank you so much everything that you have done for me!” They were very happy to hear that, and told me that they loved me as well. I am becoming a happier person day by day.

In the past, whenever I drew divination lots in the meditation center, I would always get neutral lots. Since my transformation, all the lots that I have drawn are auspicious ones!

Listening to Master’s teachings made me realize my good fortune. I have learned to be grateful for what I have and to be more understanding and forgiving towards others. I no longer fight for things with other people. In the past, I would spare no effort in fighting for what I wanted, without caring about other people’s feelings. Now, I would consider maybe that thing is not what I should have. I have learned to treasure and care for the people around me and my temper has also improved tremendously. I would definitely continue my practice!

For more real-life stories of the benefits gained from meditation practice: http://putihome.thegmc.com/bbs/viewthread.php…
#MeditationJournal, #Youth, #ParentalRelationship, #TemperImprove, #GettingRidOfBadHabits, #FilialPiety


在〈俗話說: 無冤不成夫妻,無仇不成父子?有…〉中有 30 則留言

  1. Nicholas Andrew Foon 潘小弟,很高兴呀,我们一起见证了你刚来禅堂到现在的改变,恭喜你。我们都替你妈妈高兴。感恩师父的妙法

  2. 感恩师父慈悲分享!让我们很欣喜地看到了师兄迈向阳光灿烂的新生活!祝贺他,那时候,我也在龙泉禅堂,看着他一步步的进步。他跟我说,他目前的最大愿望是:能参加今年12底的青年领袖班,这也是他母亲的心愿!最后,祝福师兄 吉祥如意、心想事成、健康快乐!

  3. 之前小潘的脾气很大,跟她妈妈吵架会掀翻桌子,来到禅堂跟随师父诵念药师佛心咒,还有地藏王菩萨圣号,在诵念时流下了忏悔的泪水,对爸爸妈妈忏悔。之前他从来不做家务的,只要他妈妈让他做家务他就会发脾气,而禅修后他真的开始主动做家务了。

  4. 师父好!禅修真的太棒了,能迅速改变一个人,好神奇。朋友们你们赶快来禅修吧,说的再好不如来试一试,人生没有等待没有后悔药。如果您想更智慧,美丽,健康长寿赶快来禅修!

  5. 感恩师父慈悲分享!好开心看到这么多小同修都变得这么好这么懂事,希望自己的孩子也能参加青年班,希望能够见到师父。

  6. 感恩师父分享。潘小弟的见证再一次证明,菩提禅修会带给我们身心灵的转变。佛菩萨师父的慈悲教化,师兄姐们的关心帮助,温暖着他的心让他感动。特别是参加念佛班的修行,改善他与母亲的关系,学会了感恩和孝顺惜福。祝福师兄因菩提禅修而让自己的生命变得精彩。

  7. 祝福他,真的太好了!要感恩我们亲爱的师父!您太伟大了!师父我从禅修后其实也改变了很多,以前我有事都是不控制自己的情绪,想怎么做就怎么做,现在我知道了!虽然自己心里有时不高兴了!有点心里不舒服了!但是我会忍着不去发脾气了!能控制自己知道自己那样做是不对的!虽然如此我还是很不满意我自己,因为我觉着我做的不够好!偶尔总是习惯自寻烦恼!愿师父加持我会智慧,心胸博大,勇敢坚强!有正能量!也希望自己能够做的更好!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲开示与教化,感恩师父在生活的方方面面对我们的关爱呵护与引导,让我们获得了身心的健康,让我们懂得了为人处世的道理,让我们的心灵得到升华,让我们的生命绽放出精彩美丽的花朵。感恩您伟大的师父!永远地顶礼您伟大的佛陀!

  9. 感恩师父分享!随喜赞叹师兄!恭喜师兄重获正规生命轨道!感恩师父妙法!愿越来越多的有缘人都来禅修都来重新改变生命轨道!顶礼师父!

  10. 曾与小潘共修八天半健身班,每天他都会以笑容向迎面而来的同修致吉祥如意,他那活泼开朗和帅气,真不相信是位暴躁靑年。

  11. 感恩师父,常常是越是亲近的人越相互抵抗,禅修让年青人改变心态,懂得珍惜身边的亲人,由发气埋怨到感恩付出,真是太棒了,希望更多的青年人都应该来禅修!也希望更多的父母来禅修,增长智慧,懂的育人之道!

  12. 上过健身班后,他就改变自己脾气,去爱父母,去帮助需要帮助的人,去做义工。

  13. 太好了,祝福你生活美满。我的孩子就不大爱去禅堂,中秋节那天他们被我们父母要请到禅堂。她们去到茶香斋,被哪儿的环境吸引了,也对茶有了兴趣。我期望我的孩子也能像你改变更好。??

  14. Thank you so much for your time to reply my favor by translating in English ,now I do understand what is all about ,is,about the Meditation to calm yourself and become less angry for all the matter ,thank you .
