老天公不公? . . 宋朝的時候有一個清…

這個孩子挺有志氣的,也不抱怨,還是堅持著建橋,很快這座橋建成了。可是一天一場的大雷雨,這個孩子就在這個橋邊,『啪』一道閃電下來把他給劈死了。老天不公啊!包青天你要給我們斷這個案啊! 」
Are the Heavens Fair or Unfair?

During the Song Dynasty, there was an upright official known as Justice Bao. One day while he was patrolling his county, he was surrounded by a group of villagers who blocked his path and knelt in front of him. “Justice Bao, there is something which we do not understand! There is a young man in the village who was born with a disability and his parents passed away when he was very young. He had such a tough life, but had a good heart. Yet he was killed by lightning. Why were all the good deeds he did not enough to transform his tragic life?”

Feeling that something was amiss, Justice Bao asked the villagers: “Can you share with me the story of this young man?”

The villagers continued: “This child was born with a kind heart. Due to the lack of a bridge in our village, crossing the river was a treacherous affair and many of the villagers lost their lives doing it. He saw this and he had a wish to build a bridge to allow the villagers to cross the river safely. He started to pick small rocks using his little hands from a young age. By the time he was in his teens, he had accumulated a lot of rocks. His actions touched the villagers and everybody came to help him build the bridge. Sadly though, in the midst of building the bridge, he became blind in both eyes in an unfortunate accident.

But that did not dampen the child’s aspirations. Without any complaints, he insisted on completing the bridge. Very soon, the bridge was completed. But not long after that, the village was hit by a storm and the young man was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning next to the bridge! How unfair are the heavens! Justice Bao, you have to help give us a judgment!”

After listening to the story, Justice Bao exclaimed: “This is really unfair! Let me inscribe the words ‘The Heavens are unfair’ in memory of this young man!”

Not long after that, Justice Bao completed his patrols and returned to the palace where he met with the emperor. Upon seeing him, the emperor exclaimed: “My dear Justice Bao! Do I have good news to share with you! I just had a newborn son, let me show him to you.” When Justice Bao reached out to carry the little prince, the baby stretched his hands out towards Justice Bao, with the palms facing upwards. With shock, Justice Bao saw the words “The Heavens are unfair” inscribed on the baby’s tiny hands.
Upon seeing this, Justice Bao decided to use his heavenly sight to check on the baby’s past lives. He discovered that the little prince was actually the reincarnation of the young man who was killed by lightning in the village not long ago. He went back in time to check on the young man’s previous life and found that he was a bad person who had done many evil deeds in that lifetime. Due to these evil deeds, he had accumulated karmic debt that was to be repaid over three lifetimes. In his first lifetime, he would be born as an orphan, disabled and alone; in his second lifetime he would be born blind, living in darkness his whole life; in his third lifetime, he would be struck and killed by lightning at a young age. Only then would his karmic debt be fully repaid.

But because the young man had a kind heart and persevered in building the bridge to help all the villagers, the heavens allowed him to pay off his debt in one lifetime instead of three. In a span of a few decades, he repaid all his debt and managed to be reincarnated as the prince. Three lifetimes of bad karmic debt was compressed into one instead – how good a deal is that!
The moral of the story is that the justice of the heavens will be manifested slowly but surely. As long as you perform good deeds and have kind thoughts, you will get good recompense in return.

If you like this story, please share it out. The more you share, the more fortune you will receive!
#20170518FBLiveBroadcast, #KindnessGeneratesGoodRecompense, #JusticeBao, #BuildingBridgesPavingRoads
這個孩子挺有志氣的,也不抱怨,還是堅持著建橋,很快這座橋建成了。可是一天一場的大雷雨,這個孩子就在這個橋邊,『啪』一道閃電下來把他給劈死了。老天不公啊!包青天你要給我們斷這個案啊! 」
Are the Heavens Fair or Unfair?

During the Song Dynasty, there was an upright official known as Justice Bao. One day while he was patrolling his county, he was surrounded by a group of villagers who blocked his path and knelt in front of him. “Justice Bao, there is something which we do not understand! There is a young man in the village who was born with a disability and his parents passed away when he was very young. He had such a tough life, but had a good heart. Yet he was killed by lightning. Why were all the good deeds he did not enough to transform his tragic life?”

Feeling that something was amiss, Justice Bao asked the villagers: “Can you share with me the story of this young man?”

The villagers continued: “This child was born with a kind heart. Due to the lack of a bridge in our village, crossing the river was a treacherous affair and many of the villagers lost their lives doing it. He saw this and he had a wish to build a bridge to allow the villagers to cross the river safely. He started to pick small rocks using his little hands from a young age. By the time he was in his teens, he had accumulated a lot of rocks. His actions touched the villagers and everybody came to help him build the bridge. Sadly though, in the midst of building the bridge, he became blind in both eyes in an unfortunate accident.

But that did not dampen the child’s aspirations. Without any complaints, he insisted on completing the bridge. Very soon, the bridge was completed. But not long after that, the village was hit by a storm and the young man was struck and killed by a bolt of lightning next to the bridge! How unfair are the heavens! Justice Bao, you have to help give us a judgment!”

After listening to the story, Justice Bao exclaimed: “This is really unfair! Let me inscribe the words ‘The Heavens are unfair’ in memory of this young man!”

Not long after that, Justice Bao completed his patrols and returned to the palace where he met with the emperor. Upon seeing him, the emperor exclaimed: “My dear Justice Bao! Do I have good news to share with you! I just had a newborn son, let me show him to you.” When Justice Bao reached out to carry the little prince, the baby stretched his hands out towards Justice Bao, with the palms facing upwards. With shock, Justice Bao saw the words “The Heavens are unfair” inscribed on the baby’s tiny hands.
Upon seeing this, Justice Bao decided to use his heavenly sight to check on the baby’s past lives. He discovered that the little prince was actually the reincarnation of the young man who was killed by lightning in the village not long ago. He went back in time to check on the young man’s previous life and found that he was a bad person who had done many evil deeds in that lifetime. Due to these evil deeds, he had accumulated karmic debt that was to be repaid over three lifetimes. In his first lifetime, he would be born as an orphan, disabled and alone; in his second lifetime he would be born blind, living in darkness his whole life; in his third lifetime, he would be struck and killed by lightning at a young age. Only then would his karmic debt be fully repaid.

But because the young man had a kind heart and persevered in building the bridge to help all the villagers, the heavens allowed him to pay off his debt in one lifetime instead of three. In a span of a few decades, he repaid all his debt and managed to be reincarnated as the prince. Three lifetimes of bad karmic debt was compressed into one instead – how good a deal is that!
The moral of the story is that the justice of the heavens will be manifested slowly but surely. As long as you perform good deeds and have kind thoughts, you will get good recompense in return.

If you like this story, please share it out. The more you share, the more fortune you will receive!
#20170518FBLiveBroadcast, #KindnessGeneratesGoodRecompense, #JusticeBao, #BuildingBridgesPavingRoads


在〈老天公不公? . . 宋朝的時候有一個清…〉中有 37 則留言

  1. 感恩师父?老天爷什么时候都是公平的,这个故事充分说明了三世因果报应,杀人偿命 ,欠债还钱。父债子还,千真万确!佛陀为了成就这个这世慈悲善良的小孩子,就让他三世恶业一世还清了。感恩师父?

  2. 这一世修行可能就要受几世因果的果报,虽然苦,却要欢喜承受,师父传法给我们是既身成就的,既然想成就就不应埋怨修行的苦,应秉承慈悲之心去帮人,救人,慈悲引渡有缘众生,行菩萨之道,完成天赋的使命!

  3. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!老天是公平的。天理昭彰输而不漏!只要多行善,心存善意,善的果报就会来到。感恩叩拜师父!祝师父师母吉祥如意!幸福快乐!

  4. 师父好!老天爷是公平的,这个年轻人从小到大一直有大愿望要建桥,就这个愿望,老天爷把他三世恶业宿成一世全消了。所以我们要多做善事,多做功德。感恩师父开示!

  5. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!因果轮回转啊,懂因果的,就知道这是正常的,不懂因果的感觉这样子就不正常了。顶礼叩拜师父!祝福师父吉祥如意!???????❤???

  6. 是啊,我们凡人通常只是看到眼前的一些现象,有的觉得我们修行的比他们不修的人还倒霉、还不走运、还穷,所以这些虚假的现象都让他们不信佛、不来修佛法。。佛陀告诉我们宇宙的真相:一切皆因果。我们修行了、善心善行,一定是在消业,但不等于我们的罪业一下子就消完了,所以外在的表现,我们还会有不如意。。如果我们的发心越大,就越”业力现前“,累世罪业提前消完,表现出来,我们可能会更“倒霉”,就像这个故事中的小孩一样。。但从长远来看,我们善心善行一定是越来越吉祥、越来越往上走的。。所以,我们修行的过程中一定要坚定信心,不管发生了什么,要一直修下去,善的果报会使我们越来越吉祥的。

  7. 这个故事好感人,谢谢师父。有一颗善良的心就能减少自己的业力。真的特别好,感恩师父,其实很多时候自己心很善的时候觉得特别开心,当内心充满恶念的时候很累很痛苦。感恩师父的开示,也感恩师父自从遇到您我真的一直都很幸运。爱您,爱师母

  8. 师父师母早上好,吉祥幸福,健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲的教悔的关怀护佑,老天是公平的,相信因果,多做善事多种福田,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  9. 感恩师父分享故事,老天一定是公平的,不是做好事不报答,是因业力欠下的恶债要还,三世罪业一世还,还投身福贵之家,做好事最终得好报啊!

  10. 感恩师父! 记得师父在一次开示中说过:做一件善事的结果,会收到意想不到的无数倍的回报,做一件恶事的结果也同样.就像我们用种子或移植一棵苹果树,它可以繁?无数的果实,而这些果实又可以种植无数的苹果树.看视一件小小的善事,也许一个微笑,一句问候和一个真诚的关心,就可以救人一命呀!感恩师父的善教!??????言简意赅,很震撼!

  11. 感恩师父慈悲!老天爷最公平!我们的起心动念到一切的行为而种下的种子,老天爷都帮忙记着了!疏而不漏!我们的业力只能靠自己的善心善念善行才改过弥补!因果不虚!种好因得好果!一切都是正确合理安排!都是该受的,要知未来事,现在做者是!?叩拜

  12. 老天非常公平!!! 只是当不如意的事情发生在自己身上时, 刹那间容易会有”老天不公啊” 这样的疑惑, 我相信这也是因为自己的业力重加上智慧不够, 所以才会在瞬间会有这样疑惑。愿我们大家不管发生任何不顺心的事情时, 都能勇敢去面对和接受, 用正念正行去跨越他。同时还要转念, 相信老天是因为看得起我们, 才给我们这样量身定做的考验….. 正所谓 “天将大任于斯人也, 必苦其心智, 劳其体夫啊….”

  13. 师父早安!看完以后深受启发和教育啊。这叫因果报应真实不虚。由此感悟到:日行一善是每个人当务之急修行的重要课题。

  14. 师父午安,感恩师父慈悲的分享,老天是公平的,善有善报,恶有恶报,不是不报,时辰未到。若问前生事,今生受者是,若问后世事,今生做者是。?感恩顶礼叩拜师父。

  15. 我相信老天是很公平的。但是有一点不明白,这个孩子前世是个大恶人,为什么今世又一下变成个大善人了呢?有什么因缘吗?感恩师父分享!

  16. 哎!种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,三生苦业,一生报尽,苦尽甘来,转受福报,留字为证,警示后人,一念天堂,一念地狱 ,佛曰:一切众生皆具如来德性!前世恶人,今生行善,环境造人。感恩师父教化!

  17. 感恩师父分享!善恶终有报,不是不报而是时辰未到,时辰一到必然会报!做该做的事情,不求结果,佛菩萨自有安排!顶礼师父!

  18. 师父师母好!感恩师父的慈悲开示!老天是公平的!好,坏在一念之间!由自己的心做主!我有亲身体会!感恩师父师母!叩拜师父师母!祝师父师母吉祥如意!法体安康!永久驻世!永驻我心!

  19. 师父好!感恩师父教诲!我们因为看不到前世和未来世,所以不知道自己以前做了哪些恶事,也不知道未来将承受什么样的果报,只要当下深信因果,时时善心善念善行,老天不会亏待我们的!感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!!

  20. 感恩師父提示和教化及分享!弟子這兩天感受到行善.心存善念.慈悲的力量了! 感恩師父!祈願師父佛菩薩繼續加持護佑,讓一切有緣人離苦得樂!身心光明!心平氣和!感恩!

  21. 三世恶业一世消」,太值了啊!天理昭彰疏而不漏,老天太公平了!只要我行善,心存善念,善的果宝就会来到!感恩师父慈悲的开示!

  22. 感恩师父分享。只要你行善,心存善念,善的果报就会到来,不论你累世是十恶不赦,还是恶贯满盈,都会将恶业压缩到一世来偿还。所以要想消业, 就要行慈悲之道,布施帮人,积功累德,多做善事才能消除业障,改变命运,转世才会有善报,苍天有眼,天下为公。善恶到头终有报,只是时候未到。多做善事才能改命有好报。

  23. 感恩师父慈悲的教导!种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,感恩师父领导我们善心善行,多做慈悲事改变我们的命运,走向幸福光明!顶礼感恩师父!

  24. 感恩师父慈悲分享与开示!种善因得善果!眼前的不如意是我们应该承受的,也是警示我们更应该好好修行,多做善事,才会有好的果报。感恩师父慈悲教化!!!

  25. 感恩师父分享,善恶到头终有报!因果不虚,我有时一跟老公说前世因果的事!他就会说谁还管下辈子啊!活好这一辈子就行了!谁知道下辈子是谁啊!他一说这样话我就特别不爱听!所以我也不和他争论!可能师父所有不学佛的人都是那么想的吧!

  26. 感恩师父慈悲分享!

    祝愿师父法体安康 吉祥如意!
