【夏至日──善調節、多靜坐】 . 夏至是…

Summer Solstice – maintain a pleasant disposition, more meditative practices

The summer solstice is one of the first of 24 solar terms in Chinese history. On this day, the sun orbits to 90 degrees longitude, and regions in the northern hemisphere experience the longest day of the year. Summer solstice falls on June 21st this year.

Summer is the season for nourishing one’s heart. The Journal of Health references, “.. (to) moderate and regain a relaxed mindset; maintain a cool and “icy” demeanor; diminish the effects of the searing heat; reduce, do not aggravate the heat”. In essence, it means that during the intense heat of summer, one should regulate the breathing, maintain a calm mind and spirit, and visualize in the mind “ice and snow at the heart” to moderate against the heat. Like the common phrase, “serenity arises from a tranquil mind”, our ancestors have since early times understood the use of visualization as a technique to achieve health and spiritual benefits.

After summer solstice when the temperature gradually rises, perspiration from our body also increases correspondingly, thereby necessitating more water consumption. It is appropriate then to consume green bean soup and drink water sprinkled mildly with salt to cool and reduce the heat, and replenish bodily fluids. One must not consume too much cold beverages to the detriment of the intestines and the stomach. The hot weather inhibits the digestive function, thus one can consume light and refreshing food, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits, or those that have higher water content as part of a suitable diet.
#SummerSolstice, #SummerHealthTips, #SerenityArisesFromTranquilMindrnrn【夏至日──善調節、多靜坐】
Summer Solstice – maintain a pleasant disposition, more meditative practices

The summer solstice is one of the first of 24 solar terms in Chinese history. On this day, the sun orbits to 90 degrees longitude, and regions in the northern hemisphere experience the longest day of the year. Summer solstice falls on June 21st this year.

Summer is the season for nourishing one’s heart. The Journal of Health references, “.. (to) moderate and regain a relaxed mindset; maintain a cool and “icy” demeanor; diminish the effects of the searing heat; reduce, do not aggravate the heat”. In essence, it means that during the intense heat of summer, one should regulate the breathing, maintain a calm mind and spirit, and visualize in the mind “ice and snow at the heart” to moderate against the heat. Like the common phrase, “serenity arises from a tranquil mind”, our ancestors have since early times understood the use of visualization as a technique to achieve health and spiritual benefits.

After summer solstice when the temperature gradually rises, perspiration from our body also increases correspondingly, thereby necessitating more water consumption. It is appropriate then to consume green bean soup and drink water sprinkled mildly with salt to cool and reduce the heat, and replenish bodily fluids. One must not consume too much cold beverages to the detriment of the intestines and the stomach. The hot weather inhibits the digestive function, thus one can consume light and refreshing food, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits, or those that have higher water content as part of a suitable diet.
#SummerSolstice, #SummerHealthTips, #SerenityArisesFromTranquilMind


在〈【夏至日──善調節、多靜坐】 . 夏至是…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 感恩师父?今年的夏至时间是中午12:24分,夏至这天是天气最长的一天,从此以后开始慢慢变短了。直到冬至结束。慢慢变长,年复一年的重复着,就像我们学佛修行一样,日复一日年复一年地跟随师父如法修行着……感恩师父?

  2. 感恩师父慈悲的开示!【夏至日──善調節、多靜坐】調整呼吸,心神安靜,如果能想像著心中存有冰雪,由觀想的方式來達到修身養心「心靜自然涼」感恩师父时时事事处处念念观照关心着我们!恭祝师父师母吉祥如意!法体安康!感恩叩拜恩师!!!

  3. 感恩师父慈悲开示与呵护!夏天是养心的季节,多吃清淡爽口的食物,绿叶菜、瓜果类等水份多的蔬菜水果,适当喝些绿豆汤,淡盐水,少吃冷食,多禅修多静坐,心静自然凉。感恩师父的慈悲关爱!!!

  4. 感恩师父慈悲开示!好美啊!看了这池莲花都清静多了!夏至应静心调息,多吃蔬菜与瓜果!哈哈哈做我们的清静观想法也是很棒噢!有师父太幸福了!懂得节气与养生!爱您师父!㊗️您法体安康!幸福美满!?叩拜

  5. 每年夏天,我出去都要吃雪糕,冰激凌,冰冰的,凉凉的好舒服,今年只能看着雪糕流口水了,雪糕里,都有糖,师父三令五申让大家不要吃糖,我可不敢抗旨不尊。叩拜师父!

  6. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父的慈悲大爱每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,感恩师父慈悲的教悔让我们夏至多静坐补充能量,心静自然凉,观想心中有冰雪,修身养心,喝绿豆汤解暑,多吃清淡爽口的食物,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,我们永远爱您师父,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  7. 师父早!感恩师父父亲般的呵护!收到了!以前每到夏季冰激凌、酸奶、牛奶、凉水果等都从冰箱里拿来就饮用。只图一时爽快。殊不知,寒气全拘留在肠胃里了,还导致关节疼痛。所以,听从恩师教诲:(一)无论春夏秋冬,杜绝吃冰箱里冷冻食品水果 (二)夏季常喝绿豆汤、淡盐水 (三)在炎热的高温夏季,心神安宁,淡然处之。以达到心静自然凉的目的。

  8. 师父,您好!现在又学会了一个节令__夏至了,谢谢师父!那么,在这节令期间,尽量少动多静,多饮些清淡汤补充水分了。感恩师父常常关心我们!

  9. 师父吉祥!在炎热的,应当调整呼吸,心神安静,如果能想像着心中存有冰雪,便不会感到天气那么炎热了。

  10. 感恩师父慈悲提示,夏至到,善调节、多静坐,心静自然凉,弟子明天刚好坐飞机回纽约,正值夏至日,好好静养调心,不失好时机,感恩师父时时和我们在一起!

  11. 师父,我放弃现在的工程,放弃过去对感情的执着,从湖北十堰市,(武当山所在的地方)明天的飞机去北京。去北京面试几家新公司。其中一家,是海元影视公司,他推出了七彩单车。我应聘做他的助理。我还有一个工作意向是聚美优品。但是我不知道我能不能被这两个单位录取。求师父保佑我吧。我愿意用努力的工作学习,换取我父母姐姐对我新的希望。求您今天给我拖个梦吧,告诉我下一步应该怎么做。

  12. 感恩上师开示!此时回国正是炎热的季节,德国的气候最宜人之时。但父亲生病不得不跑上一趟,带上您的书,可以睡上安稳的觉,走入滚滚红尘,相信药师佛的加持之力不可思议!把您的录音放于手机随身携带打坐时听,只觉得夏日滴入化骨之液,很透彻清凉,一定能静下来面对所有困境。感恩您!

  13. 顶礼叩拜恩师,感恩师父慈悲开示,弟子收到啦!永远爱你师父,祝师父师母永远幸福快乐~佛师的光芒慈悲大爱普照所有,天下众生吉祥平安幸福安康,永远幸福

  14. 感恩师父慈悲开示!

  15. 感恩师父分享,昨天看了看才知道是夏至,所以我觉着这个季节犯风湿的人特别多,肠道都有很多不好的人,我因为馋就吃了两天西瓜,结果肚子就开始不舒服了,宝宝这两天也有在拉肚子!昨天看到同修的身上贴了那么多风湿膏!好吓人啊!或许是因为这个月分阴雨天特别多的原因吧!
