【夏至日──善調節、多靜坐】 . 夏至是…

Summer Solstice – maintain a pleasant disposition, more meditative practices

The summer solstice is one of the first of 24 solar terms in Chinese history. On this day, the sun orbits to 90 degrees longitude, and regions in the northern hemisphere experience the longest day of the year. Summer solstice falls on June 21st this year.

Summer is the season for nourishing one’s heart. The Journal of Health references, “.. (to) moderate and regain a relaxed mindset; maintain a cool and “icy” demeanor; diminish the effects of the searing heat; reduce, do not aggravate the heat”. In essence, it means that during the intense heat of summer, one should regulate the breathing, maintain a calm mind and spirit, and visualize in the mind “ice and snow at the heart” to moderate against the heat. Like the common phrase, “serenity arises from a tranquil mind”, our ancestors have since early times understood the use of visualization as a technique to achieve health and spiritual benefits.

After summer solstice when the temperature gradually rises, perspiration from our body also increases correspondingly, thereby necessitating more water consumption. It is appropriate then to consume green bean soup and drink water sprinkled mildly with salt to cool and reduce the heat, and replenish bodily fluids. One must not consume too much cold beverages to the detriment of the intestines and the stomach. The hot weather inhibits the digestive function, thus one can consume light and refreshing food, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits, or those that have higher water content as part of a suitable diet.
#SummerSolstice, #SummerHealthTips, #SerenityArisesFromTranquilMindrnrn【夏至日──善調節、多靜坐】
Summer Solstice – maintain a pleasant disposition, more meditative practices

The summer solstice is one of the first of 24 solar terms in Chinese history. On this day, the sun orbits to 90 degrees longitude, and regions in the northern hemisphere experience the longest day of the year. Summer solstice falls on June 21st this year.

Summer is the season for nourishing one’s heart. The Journal of Health references, “.. (to) moderate and regain a relaxed mindset; maintain a cool and “icy” demeanor; diminish the effects of the searing heat; reduce, do not aggravate the heat”. In essence, it means that during the intense heat of summer, one should regulate the breathing, maintain a calm mind and spirit, and visualize in the mind “ice and snow at the heart” to moderate against the heat. Like the common phrase, “serenity arises from a tranquil mind”, our ancestors have since early times understood the use of visualization as a technique to achieve health and spiritual benefits.

After summer solstice when the temperature gradually rises, perspiration from our body also increases correspondingly, thereby necessitating more water consumption. It is appropriate then to consume green bean soup and drink water sprinkled mildly with salt to cool and reduce the heat, and replenish bodily fluids. One must not consume too much cold beverages to the detriment of the intestines and the stomach. The hot weather inhibits the digestive function, thus one can consume light and refreshing food, such as green leafy vegetables and fruits, or those that have higher water content as part of a suitable diet.
#SummerSolstice, #SummerHealthTips, #SerenityArisesFromTranquilMind


【菩提養生素食教室】──夏季涼拌麵 . …

1. 將花椒、八角煮開後關火。
2. 加碎薑,將水濾出。
3. 將花椒、八角水倒進芝麻醬裡,再倒入陳醋、鹽和香油。
4. 煮麵條,煮熟撈出過冷水。
5. 黃瓜洗淨切絲,碗裡放麵條、綠豆芽、黃瓜絲。
6. 加入調好的芝麻花椒八角水,喜歡辣口味的朋友可以加一點辣油哦。
Bodhi vegetarian health food recommendation – Cold Sesame Noodles for the Summer

There is a saying in Northern China – “Dumplings for the Winter Solstice, Noodles for the Summer Solstice” Eating cold noodles in summer helps to reduce heat in the body and increases one’s appetite. I would like to share with you a simple and delicious cold sesame noodles recipe here, which was recommended by a netizen.


Noodles, cucumber, blanched bean sprouts, sesame paste, pepper, star anise, sesame oil, ginger, vinegar, salt

Preparation method

1. Put pepper and star anise in water to boil and turn off the stove fire.
2. Add the shredded ginger and strain the stock.
3. Pour the pepper and star anise stock into the sesame paste and add vinegar, salt and sesame oil.
4. Cook the noodles and once cooked, rinse with cold water.
5. Wash and cut the cucumber into shreds. Place the noodles, bean sprouts and shredded cucumber into a bowl.
6. Add in the sesame paste that has been mixed with the pepper and star anise stock. For those of you who like it spicy, you may add in some chili oil.

#SummerSolstice, #SummerHealthAndWellbeing, #ACalmHeartKeepsYouCool, #ColdBoodles
