陸月 . 「八卦天天走,活到九十九,清晨…

可以的話,大家都能來跟我一起走108 天八卦,為自己的身體立下健康的根基。

【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold. Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】

Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages

Bagua is all about energy accumulation. Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame. All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.

#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarthrnrnJune

【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold. Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】

Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages

Bagua is all about energy accumulation. Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame. All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.

#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarth

可以的話,大家都能來跟我一起走108 天八卦,為自己的身體立下健康的根基。
【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold.   Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】
Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages
Bagua is all about energy accumulation.  Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame.  All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align  with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.
#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarthrnrnJune
【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold.   Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】
Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages
Bagua is all about energy accumulation.  Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame.  All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align  with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.
#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarth


在〈陸月 . 「八卦天天走,活到九十九,清晨…〉中有 44 則留言

  1. 感恩师父传授我们简单易学、且超级实用的八卦内功妙法,对我们身体健康的改善、帮助效果,只要是坚持走下去的,人人都是受益的见证者!希望有缘见到这个帖子的你,给自己一次尝试的勇气和机会,学一学,走一走,为自己的健康加加油!大家一起快乐走八卦,享受八卦的快乐!

  2. 师父好!八卦天天走,活到九十九,清晨迎日出,勝過黃金屋,堅持一百天,就是活神仙!」‘大家都能來跟我一起走108 天八卦,為自己的身體立下健康的根基。’师父从那-天开始?祘我-個。

  3. 感恩师父!我以在走八卦今天是54天了!身心健康了,又长出了很多新发!就是在做大光明两小时以后‘,两小腿有发胀,一按小腿有个坑,百日注基我一天不接坚持到今天了,感恩师父!顶礼扣拜祝师父法体安康,法轮长转!恒久注世!愿世界和平风条雨顺!国泰民安!

  4. 哇!幸福到极点!看来要买?去!真的受不了了!一定在家息!小也要修!呵呵呵我的佛父啊您又辛苦了!幸福呀!开心呀!噢耶!❤️您!?叩拜

  5. 师父好!师父吉祥如意!感恩师父传授给我们简单易学超级健身的八卦内功妙法!对我们的身体健康特别有好处。但是这必须得坚持,有毅力的人才能做好。感恩师父传授的妙法!!!

  6. 从去年师父带领108天八卦,一直走到现在,天天走。觉得走八卦是一种享受,虽然我也没有达到天人合一,也没有在走的过程中进入禅境,可是我就是觉得走着很舒服,很喜欢走,反正身体健康了,内心快乐了。感恩师父!!!

  7. 八卦内功真的补“气”很好,以前我总是无精打采、容易疲倦;现在走八卦5、6年后感觉精力充沛、经常熬夜第二天还很精神。。修習八卦內功,能在短時間快速補充能量、改善健康狀況。在舉手投足之間,融於天地、融於大自然,達到「天地人合一」,還我們一個健康的身心。

  8. 师父好!坚持走八卦,腰不痛了,有气力了,走路两腿轻松。活到九十九。感恩师父传授给我们八卦内功,大家都来在走八卦。

  9. 八卦天天走,活到九十九,我每天走八卦的公园里培养出了十一个新学员,真正坚持下来的有五个人,还有两个人他家附近有树?就在自己家附近走,有时候忘记了要领和口诀就来请叫我,他、她们中有上班的、有退休的,每个人都有大小不同的感受,大家都说,这个健身方法真好,稳稳当当的,不花钱还治病,早上五点多走完一小时,什么都不影响真好!感恩师父传授的神奇妙法?

  10. 感恩师父!响应师父108天八卦内功共修倡议,天天修炼不间断,学习掌握正确的方法不马虎,用心领悟师父真传和要旨不走样,讲求实效真帮人,学以致用自利利他,延年益寿,感悟宇宙天地自然之道!

  11. 感恩师父!太高兴了,师父带领我们走八卦108天!又能和师父一起共修,感激涕零!师父的慈悲让我泪如泉涌!弟子一定跟随恩师精进修行!顶礼叩拜最最尊贵的恩师!南无大慈大悲法力无边金菩提上师!!!

  12. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲开示,感恩师父慈悲传授菩提禅修健康快乐,八卦天天走,活到九十九,补充元气能量,强身健体,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  13. 感恩师父慈悲教诲!八卦天天走,活到九十九,清晨迎日出,胜过黄金屋,坚持一百天,就是活神仙!跟随师父精进修行,祝师父师母法体安康!顶礼叩拜恩师!

  14. 自从2015年接触了禅修已经两年多不再去针灸了,以前身体一点疼痛总是找中医针灸和推拿,自从学了禅修心念也很大的改变,不在执着身体的感受,只要精进修行走八卦,修大光明和大礼拜。身体健康越来越好、身心灵平静快乐了。感恩师父?

  15. 八卦内功真是好,简单放便把病治好。感恩师父传授给我们的妙法,每天围着大树走心情愉快,身体轻松,年老的越来越年青,年青的越来越漂亮:感恩我们的恩师祝愿您和师母吉祥如意,幸福平安叩拜。

  16. 感恩~恩师,慈悲传授八卦内功,八卦天天走,活到九十九,让众生受益,恭祝恩师~诸事圆满,事事顺意,顶礼合十尊敬恩师~法体安康,吉祥如意!

  17. 感恩师父!八卦内功带来身心灵的健康快乐!万物有情,前几天下雨到原来走八卦的地方,这里很静,只是现在不太方便。刚一走近就像久别重逢的老友,特别开心。自然想到让疲劳烦恼都消失,然后感觉就像扯下东西,从头到脚,身体特别轻松。现在也不用定闹钟了,四点多有只小鸟太准时了,反复叫着快练吧,晚起一会都不行,再不起的话,清脆的叫声闹得你耳朵疼。有时想看看谁呀,今一早它落在树上,很漂亮的一只鸟,毛色很好看。

  18. 师父好!感恩师父传授的八卦内功。使无数的人恢复健康。就连我丈夫对佛法一点认知都没有的人,现在也加人了走八卦的修炼之中。他在外地工作,早上4点多钟一人走八卦,非常认真的再走。他的变化使我深受感动,师父的妙法打动了他固执的心,终于明白走八卦都能恢复健康。愿更多的人都来走八卦,健康快乐!感恩师父!!!

  19. 金菩提上师师父您好早上好早安!感恩师父教导出一门八卦内功妙法,让我走了八卦内功之后我的双脚关节炎疼痛也好了很多很多,失眠也消失了大经包也没有了!感恩师父八卦内功妙法,双脚关节炎不能跳动的脚也在师父的视频加持法让我能够跳起来了,万份感恩师父您慈悲的加持法!…

  20. 很感恩师父教给我们这么好的八卦內功,天天走八卦可以找回健康,精神好身体好,而且还有很多师兄姐都很有愛心分享给大家走八卦的好處。

  21. 走八卦迎着清晨第一缕阳光,感觉很有希望,不再有危机感,而是走入天地之间,融入光中。感恩上师!朋友们也受感染,带着孩子不离八卦。。。。

  22. 感恩師父!弟子平日在禅堂走。昨天刚好在第一次随師父108那棵公司的樹走第一天,感恩師父带领!又可随師父一起共修第二个108了,太幸福了!顶礼叩拜師父

  23. ,..tpi kaki yg Kanan ngiLu! Apa yg Salah tuh? Xie2 .CiXiangRuJi. Yudi sx Indonesia Sukabumi Vest java.
