【三月】一分辛勤,十分收穫! . 小和尚…

小和尚:「經常,我覺得自己付出很多,收穫卻很少 ?」

【March】 An ounce of effort reaps 10 pounds of harvest!

A little monk said to his master, “Master, there is one thing I don’t understand.”

“What is it?” asked the old monk.

“I realized that the effort I put in is usually much more than what I gain.” said the young monk.

“Tell me what is the effort you put in and what is your gain?”

“Well, I clean the inside and outside of the temple, fetch water from miles away daily, but I gain nothing in return at all.”

The old monk smiled and asked the young monk to step outside.

“What do you see on both sides of the path?” asked the old monk.

Beautiful blossoms decorated both sides of the path, fragrance filled the air and birds chirping along the way. Craning his head for a closer look, he saw a variety of fruit trees.

The old monk picked a fruit for the young monk and said “This fruit grow so well because you spilt water on the way back to the temple every day! You are too focused on the immediate gain and overlooked that you have actually harvested a pretty scenery of flowers and fruits!”

He continued “The reason why people can’t see the reward is because they care too much about the end result. The truth is, whenever we work wholeheartedly for one thing, we always reap more in return and benefit from the experience. These are priceless harvest!

Therefore, be grateful and you will realize that your reward is much more than your effort!

#March, #DeskCalendar, #EffortAndHarvest


捌月 . 「願望非一時衝動,而是長久的堅…


“Aspirations are not born from momentary impulse, but from enduring perseverance and effort.”

Aspiration is also known as “ideal or life goal”. With an ambitious and noble aspiration, we will conduct virtuous deeds.

Just like the Medicine Buddha, who avowed 12 aspirations even as he sought Buddhahood, with the following resolve – “to all compassionate sentient beings; your wishes will be realized” – in a bid to help all achieve every success.

Thus, following our practice, we should establish a similar aspiration like the Buddha, that is, “I’m blessed, but wish for more sentient beings to be blessed; my heart is illuminated, and I allow the illumination in me to radiate universally to illuminate all sentient beings”. In this manner, those who vowed with sincerity could realize the aspirations with ease. Greater aspirations will garner greater strength, and in turn, develop into greater power.

Having established our aspirations, we need a persevering and unwavering attitude to advance them, to execute (our plans). If there is no proactive effort with our aspirations, then all be in vain.

Ambitious aspirations, when matched with robust actions, provide us opportunities for positive changes within ourselves and in the world.

#DeskCalendar, #Aspiration, #Persevere, #Execute, #MedicineBuddharnrn捌月

“Aspirations are not born from momentary impulse, but from enduring perseverance and effort.”

Aspiration is also known as “ideal or life goal”. With an ambitious and noble aspiration, we will conduct virtuous deeds.

Just like the Medicine Buddha, who avowed 12 aspirations even as he sought Buddhahood, with the following resolve – “to all compassionate sentient beings; your wishes will be realized” – in a bid to help all achieve every success.

Thus, following our practice, we should establish a similar aspiration like the Buddha, that is, “I’m blessed, but wish for more sentient beings to be blessed; my heart is illuminated, and I allow the illumination in me to radiate universally to illuminate all sentient beings”. In this manner, those who vowed with sincerity could realize the aspirations with ease. Greater aspirations will garner greater strength, and in turn, develop into greater power.

Having established our aspirations, we need a persevering and unwavering attitude to advance them, to execute (our plans). If there is no proactive effort with our aspirations, then all be in vain.

Ambitious aspirations, when matched with robust actions, provide us opportunities for positive changes within ourselves and in the world.

#DeskCalendar, #Aspiration, #Persevere, #Execute, #MedicineBuddha


柒月 . 「看破是智慧 放下是解脫。」 …

「看破是智慧 放下是解脫。」
【To “see through” illusion is wisdom, to “let go” is liberation】

We all longed to be healthy, serene, happy and free; with no worries and stress. But how do we break free from the mire of worries to attain peace, tranquility, purity and ease?

Whether we live our life blissfully or not is not dependent on the amount of money we have but whether we go with the flow. Many situations are in a flux, changing between truth and delusion, what brings you happiness may be poisonous. It may allow you to enjoy the present moment but this feeling of bliss may be hell. In this case, happiness becomes a bad thing. Often, when we struggle through a trying situation, we feel excruciating pain. But once we pass the test, we can taste the sweet fruit of success. The pain is only momentary, part of the journey towards success, If we do not see through this truth, we will not be liberated from all situations and that is how worries arise.

See the truth and be liberated. We can only let go of things that we are especially obsessed with by seeing clearly the truth of this world. We have to let go of all things, the bad ones and the ones that look good and wonderful.

By letting go, we follow the flow of things and we are not trapped by our stress or worries. Only then can we attain a tranquil repose and a liberated soul.

Meditation allows us to achieve the ultimate liberation and being at ease.

#July, #DeskCalendar, #SeeThroughDisillusion, #LetGo, #Free, #Liberation, #Meditationrnrn柒月
「看破是智慧 放下是解脫。」
【To “see through” illusion is wisdom, to “let go” is liberation】

We all longed to be healthy, serene, happy and free; with no worries and stress. But how do we break free from the mire of worries to attain peace, tranquility, purity and ease?

Whether we live our life blissfully or not is not dependent on the amount of money we have but whether we go with the flow. Many situations are in a flux, changing between truth and delusion, what brings you happiness may be poisonous. It may allow you to enjoy the present moment but this feeling of bliss may be hell. In this case, happiness becomes a bad thing. Often, when we struggle through a trying situation, we feel excruciating pain. But once we pass the test, we can taste the sweet fruit of success. The pain is only momentary, part of the journey towards success, If we do not see through this truth, we will not be liberated from all situations and that is how worries arise.

See the truth and be liberated. We can only let go of things that we are especially obsessed with by seeing clearly the truth of this world. We have to let go of all things, the bad ones and the ones that look good and wonderful.

By letting go, we follow the flow of things and we are not trapped by our stress or worries. Only then can we attain a tranquil repose and a liberated soul.

Meditation allows us to achieve the ultimate liberation and being at ease.

#July, #DeskCalendar, #SeeThroughDisillusion, #LetGo, #Free, #Liberation, #Meditation


陸月 . 「八卦天天走,活到九十九,清晨…

可以的話,大家都能來跟我一起走108 天八卦,為自己的身體立下健康的根基。

【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold. Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】

Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages

Bagua is all about energy accumulation. Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame. All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.

#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarthrnrnJune

【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold. Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】

Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages

Bagua is all about energy accumulation. Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame. All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.

#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarth

可以的話,大家都能來跟我一起走108 天八卦,為自己的身體立下健康的根基。
【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold.   Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】
Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages
Bagua is all about energy accumulation.  Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame.  All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align  with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.
#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarthrnrnJune
【Practice Energy Bagua daily, live a good 99 years! Greeting the sunrise daily is better than staying within a house of gold.   Practice for 100 days and become a living celestial being!】
Energy Bagua is a meditation technique that is easy to learn and suitable for all ages
Bagua is all about energy accumulation.  Through the practice of Energy Bagua, one can regain energy and improve one’s health in a short time frame.  All it takes is a few simple steps; walk round a tree, turn your body and palms, and bear in mind the mantra, “Store your energy low at the base of your naval, allow the energy to flow through your entire body, with feet firmly on the ground, stand tall and mighty” as you align  with heaven and earth, as well as, the universe. In doing so, we achieve a healthy body and mind.
#June, #DeskCalendar, #EnergyBagua, #HealthyLiving, #BecomingOneWithHeavenAndEarth
