找到遺忘已久的心靈秘境_遇見快樂 . 年…

清晨,我睜開眼睛看了看鬧鐘,五點二十分,「耶,太棒了! 」 我的心裡湧起一陣陣舒暢的喜悅。每天早上起床後,看到鬧鐘的時針指向五點,我就感到無比的開心和滿足。
也許是我內心的呼喚得到了回應,就在那一天的下午,我沒有目標的在街上游走,突然看到一個標語吸引住我:「菩提禪修帶給你健康、快樂。」 「健康、快樂!」,這不就是我一直在尋求的嗎?於是我走進菩提禪堂,並報名了菩提禪修健身班。


#美國紐約禪堂、 #憂鬱症、 #大光明、 #遇見快樂、 #找到快樂天堂
Finding back her forgotten self and also happiness in the process

This is the story of Nattalia from New York Meditation Centre. Despite only being in her twenties, she has long suffered from an extreme case of insomnia, which affected her life greatly. I am extremely happy that she has managed to regain her happiness, confidence and health through Bodhi Meditation and I sincerely hope that others like her can find happiness in their lives too.

At the ring of the alarm clock, I woke up and it was 5.20am. “Great! Great!” I exclaimed inside me with joy. When I wake up every morning and see that the hour hand of the clock points at 5, I will be overjoyed and my heart is filled with a sense of satisfaction and achievement.

At this point of reading, you must be thinking that I am and have been a very happy and blessed person. However, it was not like this before. In the past, I suffered from depression, worries, insomnia, so much sadness that one cannot imagine and I was not able to get myself out of it….

Prior to Bodhi Meditation, I had insomnia for a long time. Every night I would fall asleep till 3 am and thereafter I would toss in bed for almost 2 hours or more and many times not able to get back to sleep. I would stay wide awake till 5.30am where I would need to get ready for work. I was so troubled by insomnia and had the least idea or clue as to why I had to suffer from the pain of inability to sleep. I became depressed and felt helpless as well as hopeless about the state I was in.

My insomnia led to depression. The pain of suffering went beyond imagination that I started to use a blade to cut my wrist. The extreme manifestation of pain and frustration was not something anyone can comprehend and I found no one to confide to. I decided to keep myself busy at all times, may it be at work, social, exercise, dancing, traveling ……..

In the hope that I find happiness through these activities

However the results were not lasting. For instance when traveling was over, reality returned and I went back to my old self where I felt hopeless and would cry for no reasons. Happiness did not belong to me and I was totally helpless…

On the morning of March 10, I was feeling extremely rock bottom and was having difficulty in catching a decent breath. I almost gave up as the pain of suffering was unbearable. At that very moment, I was determined to find a solution to stop the prolonged suffering and I wondered who could really help me?

Maybe my internal calling got me a respond. On that very afternoon, I was drawn to a signage “Bodhi Meditation brings Health and Happiness”
It immediately attracted me to walk towards the Bodhi Meditation Centre to register for the class as I knew Health and Happiness is something I am in search of desperately.

On the 4th day of the class, I felt that my eyes sparkled and brightened. When home, I no longer cry or tear without reason. It came to my realization that the Great Illumination Meditation had helped to remove the depressed feeling and frustration I used to experience for a long period of time. On the 5th day of class, I felt that I have gotten the powerful energy of the Greater Illumination during the practice in class and it overwhelmed me. Upon reaching home that day, I went through the photographs of those people whom I had hurt or been hurt or even once hated, I realized that I no longer had that anger or hatred towards them anymore. In fact, looking at the smiles of their faces in the photographs brought back happy memories of moments I shared with them.

Once I decided to forgive and let bygones be bygones, My heart felt lighter and relaxes. The warmth that followed magically wiped out all feelings of depression bottled all these years in me. I felt relieved instantly and happiness filled my heart.

Now I could sleep soundly like a baby every night with sweet dreams.

The quality of my sleep improved tremendously. After attending the class, I am renewed. I accepted challenges in life with positive strife. My outlook in life, my mood, my thoughts changed for the better and I could be more receptive towards what life presents itself. I learnt to be positive, forgiving, thankful and handled situations and people with more compassion. I love myself and my life.
Being happy is simple. I begin to adopt a new perspective in life. I am thankful to benefit from the teachings of Master Jin.

Hope that my sharing will help everyone out there who may just be looking for that some sparkle of hope.

Please share so that more can benefit. Blessings to all.

#NewYorkBodhiMeditationCenter, #Depression, #GreaterIllumination, #FoundHappiness, #ParadiseToHappinessrnrn找到遺忘已久的心靈秘境_遇見快樂
清晨,我睜開眼睛看了看鬧鐘,五點二十分,「耶,太棒了! 」 我的心裡湧起一陣陣舒暢的喜悅。每天早上起床後,看到鬧鐘的時針指向五點,我就感到無比的開心和滿足。
也許是我內心的呼喚得到了回應,就在那一天的下午,我沒有目標的在街上游走,突然看到一個標語吸引住我:「菩提禪修帶給你健康、快樂。」 「健康、快樂!」,這不就是我一直在尋求的嗎?於是我走進菩提禪堂,並報名了菩提禪修健身班。


#美國紐約禪堂、 #憂鬱症、 #大光明、 #遇見快樂、 #找到快樂天堂
Finding back her forgotten self and also happiness in the process

This is the story of Nattalia from New York Meditation Centre. Despite only being in her twenties, she has long suffered from an extreme case of insomnia, which affected her life greatly. I am extremely happy that she has managed to regain her happiness, confidence and health through Bodhi Meditation and I sincerely hope that others like her can find happiness in their lives too.

At the ring of the alarm clock, I woke up and it was 5.20am. “Great! Great!” I exclaimed inside me with joy. When I wake up every morning and see that the hour hand of the clock points at 5, I will be overjoyed and my heart is filled with a sense of satisfaction and achievement.

At this point of reading, you must be thinking that I am and have been a very happy and blessed person. However, it was not like this before. In the past, I suffered from depression, worries, insomnia, so much sadness that one cannot imagine and I was not able to get myself out of it….

Prior to Bodhi Meditation, I had insomnia for a long time. Every night I would fall asleep till 3 am and thereafter I would toss in bed for almost 2 hours or more and many times not able to get back to sleep. I would stay wide awake till 5.30am where I would need to get ready for work. I was so troubled by insomnia and had the least idea or clue as to why I had to suffer from the pain of inability to sleep. I became depressed and felt helpless as well as hopeless about the state I was in.

My insomnia led to depression. The pain of suffering went beyond imagination that I started to use a blade to cut my wrist. The extreme manifestation of pain and frustration was not something anyone can comprehend and I found no one to confide to. I decided to keep myself busy at all times, may it be at work, social, exercise, dancing, traveling ……..

In the hope that I find happiness through these activities

However the results were not lasting. For instance when traveling was over, reality returned and I went back to my old self where I felt hopeless and would cry for no reasons. Happiness did not belong to me and I was totally helpless…

On the morning of March 10, I was feeling extremely rock bottom and was having difficulty in catching a decent breath. I almost gave up as the pain of suffering was unbearable. At that very moment, I was determined to find a solution to stop the prolonged suffering and I wondered who could really help me?

Maybe my internal calling got me a respond. On that very afternoon, I was drawn to a signage “Bodhi Meditation brings Health and Happiness”
It immediately attracted me to walk towards the Bodhi Meditation Centre to register for the class as I knew Health and Happiness is something I am in search of desperately.

On the 4th day of the class, I felt that my eyes sparkled and brightened. When home, I no longer cry or tear without reason. It came to my realization that the Great Illumination Meditation had helped to remove the depressed feeling and frustration I used to experience for a long period of time. On the 5th day of class, I felt that I have gotten the powerful energy of the Greater Illumination during the practice in class and it overwhelmed me. Upon reaching home that day, I went through the photographs of those people whom I had hurt or been hurt or even once hated, I realized that I no longer had that anger or hatred towards them anymore. In fact, looking at the smiles of their faces in the photographs brought back happy memories of moments I shared with them.

Once I decided to forgive and let bygones be bygones, My heart felt lighter and relaxes. The warmth that followed magically wiped out all feelings of depression bottled all these years in me. I felt relieved instantly and happiness filled my heart.

Now I could sleep soundly like a baby every night with sweet dreams.

The quality of my sleep improved tremendously. After attending the class, I am renewed. I accepted challenges in life with positive strife. My outlook in life, my mood, my thoughts changed for the better and I could be more receptive towards what life presents itself. I learnt to be positive, forgiving, thankful and handled situations and people with more compassion. I love myself and my life.
Being happy is simple. I begin to adopt a new perspective in life. I am thankful to benefit from the teachings of Master Jin.

Hope that my sharing will help everyone out there who may just be looking for that some sparkle of hope.

Please share so that more can benefit. Blessings to all.

#NewYorkBodhiMeditationCenter, #Depression, #GreaterIllumination, #FoundHappiness, #ParadiseToHappiness


在〈找到遺忘已久的心靈秘境_遇見快樂 . 年…〉中有 42 則留言

  1. 感恩師父,從文章中就能感受到她轉變的喜悅與感動,熱淚盈眶,或許就是因為大家都是這樣的心路歷程,因此就更容易感同身受,永遠要記得這樣的感覺與悸動,再把愛與光明傳遞出去。

  2. 师父早上好,吉祥如意???



  3. 感恩师父分享!我前段时间也抑郁来着,跟着师父精进百日禅修,每天念《金菩提圣经》,许多事情都想开了,现在我心情很开朗了,也很自信了。感恩师父!我觉得我抑郁是因为我心胸太狭隘了,别人都对我那么好,我却不知足感恩。

  4. 师父师母早上好!祝师父师母法体安康!幸福快乐!菩提禅修会给我们代来身心灵的健康!我们都是受益者!感恩师父!愿菩提法门传遍世界!让更多的人受益!

  5. 师父好!感恩师姐的分享!看到她摆脱忧郁疾病恢复健康,真为她感到高兴。从前的我和她感同身受,饱受失眠的痛苦。禅修后,每天能正常睡眠。早晨醒来之后,心情特别愉快。神奇的禅修能使人重获新生。愿更多的人走进菩提禅修,收获健康快乐!感恩师父创编的神奇的妙法!!!

  6. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲分享!祝福师姐健康快乐!吉祥如意!感恩师父传授的妙法,让无数的有缘人从痛苦中解脱出来,得到了身心灵的健康!愿更多的有缘人走进菩提来获得吉祥,离苦得乐!顶礼感恩恩师!

  7. 师父好!感恩师父分享见证禅修!祝福师姐菩提禅修让她找回了健康与快乐!真为她感到高兴??!随喜赞叹!??????,感恩大慈大悲的师父给我们和一切有缘众生带来了健康与快乐!从黑暗走向了光明,教会我们懂得感恩、怎样做一个慈悲善良的人。感恩师父!顶礼叩拜师父!??????????❤???

  8. 师父早上好!感恩师父慈悲分享!???

  9. 快樂其實很簡單,感謝禪修讓这位师姐學會了感恩,,讓她身心受益,让她學會了用一種新的態度看待人生。。感恩师父!?️?

  10. 师父好!感恩师父分享!太棒了!随喜赞叹!感恩这一位师姐的分享,能让更多有缘人走出黑暗,點然光明與希望,感恩师父传授大光明修持法,让我们找光明,健康快乐!弟子顶礼叩拜师父!!!

  11. 师父,您好!我曾经見过这位师姐,性格和精神都很好,如果不看了這篇文章,都不知道她之前有這麼多的毛病和痛苦。师父的菩提婵修好棒啊!感恩师父!

  12. 感恩师父分享,我在纽约禅堂见到的nattallia,她是最爱笑的人,她总是带着发自内心的微笑,一点看不出她曾经历过那仫痛苦的经历,是师父,是师父的法救了她,祝贺她,感恩师父,希望更多有缘人重回欢乐幸福之中。

  13. 我今天在温哥华终于见到师父啦!好激动啊!!!师父太幽默了!讲法的时间好短,好快就过去了!!感恩师父!我太爱你了!

  14. 祝福师姐身心光明!获得健康快乐!想要身体健康和快乐的朋友,请来菩提菩提禅修!禅修让我们健康长寿和吉祥快乐!感恩慈悲伟大的金菩提佛师!??????

  15. 感恩师父慈悲分享!祝贺美國紐約禪堂nattallia获得健康!随喜赞叹,菩提禅修,健康快乐,还在经受着病痛折磨的人们,赶快来菩提禅修吧!顶礼感恩师父!!!

  16. 师父好!苦了您师父,幸福了我们千千万万的人,是您的大慈大悲佛光普照,是您的法语甘露滋润着我们受益者干渴的心灵,您的功德无与伦比,感恩您最尊贵的上师!祝师父师母开心快乐,幸福安康,顺心如意,恒时吉祥。恭敬顶礼!感恩叩拜!

  17. 感恩师父慈悲把妙法甘露带到人间,让有缘众生脱离苦海,希望以后能有越来越多的人都能加入菩提禅修得到永久的健康快乐!永远脱离病痛的苦海!顶礼师父!

  18. 看了突然想哭!觉着人生其实真的不容易!真的感恩师父能让我们再次拥有健康快乐和自信心还有勇敢的心!感恩师父救了无数人的生命!???

  19. 我们这走八卦的也有一个抑郁症的人!同修说她以前再家就总和她老公打架!关上门都脱了衣服打架的!而且不出门不接触外人不接电话!现在她说从走八卦以后好多了!也看到她开心的笑了!就连她血糖也降下去了!以前她是打太极健身的,打了好几年血糖还是高!走了八卦就这么两个月好像药都快停了!所以她现在挺有信心的!每天都去走八卦!连她老公都参加八卦了!真是好!感恩师父

  20. 师父下午好!感恩师父慈悲分享,祝这位师姐幸福快乐,愿菩捉法门传遍世界各地,让更多的有缘人都能收益。感恩敬爱的佛师!弟子顶立叩拜恩师!

  21. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲分享见证菩提禅修的奇迹,一定分享出去让大家都来菩提禅修健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲传授菩提神圣妙法—菩提禅修健康快乐,感恩师父慈悲救了我一家人的命和无数众生的命,让我们无数家庭找回幸福健康快乐生活,随喜赞叹忧郁症师姐受益菩提禅修健康快乐,充满幸福开心快乐生活,失眠症都好了,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,愿望圆满,愿佛光普照,愿更多有缘人都能早日受益菩提禅修健康快乐,多传多福,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  22. 尊貴的師父:您好!感恩師父大慈大悲恩賜的大光明修持法讓只要修的人都能在很短時間身心光明,獲得健康快樂!我参加健身班無數期只要有班我都上,我每一期第一天见到臉差不多都是黑口黑臉,師父賜的妙法太殊勝啦!到了第三天開始每張臉開始發光發亮露出燦爛的笑容,到第八天分享時更是法喜充滿每個人的身心靈都到了改善,有病的恢復了健康!有煩惱的變得快樂起來這時真的好感動很感恩師父的大光明救了每一期的同修!我對師父也是無賮的感恩除了感恩還是感恩…我感恩師父讓我由糊塗,心胸狹窄,小心眼,小氣,火爆,急,自私自利,懶惰的我像撥洋蔥皮一層一層撥…我以前非常不孝順氣得爸媽要命,但是自從和師父實修實証之後,我媽現在叫我菩薩女兒說感恩師父讓我重生變了一個人!我的先生到禪堂见師姐師兄感恩師父說我變化太太!我的兒子女兒每天上學前,放學後,睡覺前都會主動抱我親親我還會說媽媽我愛您晚安!(以前聽到我声音都怕,我打罵孩子,自從跟師父修大光明和聽師父慈悲的開示,我開始懺悔,每天堅持修大光明,我開始一點一點改變,循序漸進的變化,現在的我孩子升氣我不但不生氣,反而覺得要理解孩子幫助孩子引導孩子.)我真的很感恩師傅???我現在心變寬了,不和人斤斤計較了(和人斤斤計較很痛苦),我開心了,身體也健康了!家庭也和睦了!祈願天下有緣有福的人都能参加大光明健身班,找回健康,快樂!最重要的是找回自我,心性光明?尊師重妙法!勤修得安康!祝願我所有的菩提金剛兄弟們好好加油!努力!堅持天天修大光明身心光明!別辜負師父對我們菩提弟子的一片苦心啊!祝人人健康!吉祥如意!祝師父闔家安康!幸福美滿!祝菩提法門能讓全世界家喻戶曉!頂禮叩拜尊貴,大慈大悲,大威大德的金菩提師!

  23. 感恩师父分享!太开心看到师姐有缘得师父慈悲加持,我们禅堂边的健身房,看到我们的路标而进来的不知受益了多少人!更有缘的可以梦到禅堂,可从来没有来过!慈悲的师父呀您听到痛苦的声音求救的人,您不知让他们有缘进菩提救了多少苦难的众生!感恩大慈大悲的师父!愿所有在苦难中挣扎的人们,都来菩提走上健康快乐幸福的人生!?叩拜

  24. Congratulations Nattalia, you are saved from desperation by Bodhi Meditation and Master. Yes, many even hurt themselves physically to sought relief from suffering but in the end, they hurt even more. Bodhi Meditation is like an oasis in the middle of desert, where one can find help. Let’s hope the light of Bodhi shines on in this world so that many who are desperate and suffering will be able to find help. Just imagine that they are our family members who are in pain. We would definitely want to help them overcome their pain and sufferings.

  25. 感恩师父 感恩菩提禅修让每一个参与的人受益 正是师父救众生祛病得乐的大愿 大光明照亮了你 我的身心 希望更多的有缘人走进大光明 走进健康快乐?

  26. 感恩师父!感恩菩提禅法!Nattalia同修深刻的生命重生受益分享,字字句句打动人心,深深感染着人。曾经有多少类似命运的人,幸遇菩提死而后生,使自己、家庭和亲人也从此走出阴霾,走向欢乐!只有经历过生命绝境的人,才能体会出重生的幸福!深深感恩!深深祝福!也很乐意将这种吉祥幸运分享给更多的人!

  27. 感恩師父分享,師姐的分享菩提禅修让他走出优郁症,大光明修持法帶走他的痛苦优郁,禅修让他找回健康,希望更多有缘人能看到這个見证,來学習禅修,感恩師父。

  28. 祝福同修获得了健康快乐!感恩师父的慈悲大爱!希望更多有缘人来菩提禅修,获得吉祥快乐,获得身心灵解脱!

  29. 感恩师父!师父的慈悲,法语甘露,让干歇的心灵得到滋润,从而重现生命的光彩,师父的这句话“找到遺忘已久的心靈秘境”,再上二个星期听的《唤醒慈悲》,让人又有想哭的感觉。上天赋予美好的自己,却因愚味从未去关照、察看、感恩过,从而得到唤醒,找回慈悲及美好的自己。感恩师父的慈悲智慧之光,驱散了人们心灵的雾霾,找回自信,笑出美丽,光彩照人,闪烁了流年及人间的美好!Nattalia是我们的同修,喜欢她灿烂的笑容,还有她春节参加禅堂的舞蹈《过大年》,西方人的面容,秀出东方人的风韵,特别喜庆!感恩师父的慈悲大爱,让春色满人间!感恩顶礼叩拜师父!
