【春分到,蛋兒俏】 . 花紅柳綠,草長鶯…

春分習俗── 豎蛋、放風箏
春分習俗── 豎蛋、放風箏



1.台北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
4.北美太平洋時間:2017年3月17日,晚上 6:00開始
Online Global Group Practice (Saturday, March 18, 2017)

Energy Bagua is a unique walking meditation which benefits our physical and mental health. It is considered a blessing if one is able to learn Energy Bagua from Bodhi Meditation.

How does practicing Energy Bagua bring such good results? What are the areas we should be attentive to? How do we maximize our practice?

Please join me on Saturday and let me share stories as well as my understanding of how Energy Bagua can nourish our physical and mental health. Here’s wishing everyone health and happiness.

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:

1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore: 18 March 2017 at 9:00 hrs
2. Korea: 18 March 2017 at 10:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone): 17 March 2017 at 21:00 hrs
4. North America (Pacific zone): 17 March 2017 at 18:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): 18 March 2017 at 12:00 hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): 18 March 2017 at 8:00 hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)

#OnlineGlobalGroupPracticeOnSaturday, #MasterJinBodhiTeaching, #EnergyBagua, #PhysicalMentalHealthrnrnOnline Global Group Practice (Saturday, March 18, 2017)

Energy Bagua is a unique walking meditation which benefits our physical and mental health. It is considered a blessing if one is able to learn Energy Bagua from Bodhi Meditation.

How does practicing Energy Bagua bring such good results? What are the areas we should be attentive to? How do we maximize our practice?

Please join me on Saturday and let me share stories as well as my understanding of how Energy Bagua can nourish our physical and mental health. Here’s wishing everyone health and happiness.

Online Global Group Practice Schedules:

1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore: 18 March 2017 at 9:00 hrs
2. Korea: 18 March 2017 at 10:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone): 17 March 2017 at 21:00 hrs
4. North America (Pacific zone): 17 March 2017 at 18:00hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): 18 March 2017 at 12:00 hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): 18 March 2017 at 8:00 hrs

(Group practice generally starts at 9.00 a.m. in all Bodhi Meditation Centers. It is advisable to call your local center for confirmation.)

#OnlineGlobalGroupPracticeOnSaturday, #MasterJinBodhiTeaching, #EnergyBagua, #PhysicalMentalHealth


真誠,能夠驚天動地 母親曾經跟我去青海一…






#真誠、 #至誠感天、 #心誠則靈、 #健步如飛的秘密
Sincerity could have an efficacious impact.

My mother once visited a temple in Qinghai with me. At that time, I remember her legs and hands were injured.

At that temple in Qinghai, there is a rule that requires everyone to circumambulate the exterior of the temple grounds. As the magnificent and enormous temple is built on a hillside. Hence it will take at least two and a half hours to walk around the exterior temple grounds.

My mother, in her fifties then, was walking together with a few of us still in our twenties. On the way, we saw a statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva. My mother greeted Guanyin Bodhisattva respectfully with her palms together and said, “I feel Guanyin Bodhisattva smiling at me and I can sense her presence!” How is it so efficacious? It took us young men two and a half hours to circumambulate the whole temple, whereas my mother merely took one and a half hour to do the same! She was literally running!

All the young men were exhausted. I asked mother, “Mom, are you tired? You were running so fast!” Mother replied, “How could I be tired? Bodhisattva is supporting our legs as we walked!” We felt immensely guilty after hearing it.

The Secrets of efficacious blessings from Buddha and Bodhisattva is not a matter of how much money or power you offer. It is through utmost sincerity that one could move heaven and earth, and receive Buddha’s blessings.

#Sincerity #SincerityMovesTheGods #SecretsOfRunningAsFastAsFlyingrnrnSincerity could have an efficacious impact.

My mother once visited a temple in Qinghai with me. At that time, I remember her legs and hands were injured.

At that temple in Qinghai, there is a rule that requires everyone to circumambulate the exterior of the temple grounds. As the magnificent and enormous temple is built on a hillside. Hence it will take at least two and a half hours to walk around the exterior temple grounds.

My mother, in her fifties then, was walking together with a few of us still in our twenties. On the way, we saw a statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva. My mother greeted Guanyin Bodhisattva respectfully with her palms together and said, “I feel Guanyin Bodhisattva smiling at me and I can sense her presence!” How is it so efficacious? It took us young men two and a half hours to circumambulate the whole temple, whereas my mother merely took one and a half hour to do the same! She was literally running!

All the young men were exhausted. I asked mother, “Mom, are you tired? You were running so fast!” Mother replied, “How could I be tired? Bodhisattva is supporting our legs as we walked!” We felt immensely guilty after hearing it.

The Secrets of efficacious blessings from Buddha and Bodhisattva is not a matter of how much money or power you offer. It is through utmost sincerity that one could move heaven and earth, and receive Buddha’s blessings.

#Sincerity #SincerityMovesTheGods #SecretsOfRunningAsFastAsFlying


【至誠感恩觀世音菩薩】 . . 今天是一…


元魏時,有一個叫道泰的人,住在常山的衡唐精舍,曾經夢見有人告訴他說,他的壽命只有四十二歲。果然到了四十二歲的時候,他生起很重的病來,他憂慮自己必定如夢中所提示的會死,於是將他所有的衣食資產廣為佈施積福。有位朋友對他說:我聽過供養六十二億菩薩,和念一聲觀世音的人,得福報是一樣的,您何不皈依誦念觀世音菩薩?道泰猛然感悟,虔誠歸依誦念,不分日夜。精誠勤奮四天四夜後,忽然看見一道白光從戶外射進來,非常的耀眼,光芒中看見觀世音菩薩的金色雙腳,令全屋金光朗照。道泰馬上扯開帳子出來叩頭頂禮,一會兒光就消失了。他又悲又喜,周身流汗,全身輕鬆,所生的病也就一次都全好了。( 續高僧傳 第25卷)

1. 沐浴更衣,真誠誦念觀世音菩薩聖號。
2. 在家裡或是道場的觀世音菩薩像前,真誠供養、獻花、獻果、獻禮。
3. 參與共修誦念。因為共修的能量與感應是更強的。不在禪堂附近的同修可以晚上在我們約定的時間裡選一個時段一同誦念(晚上8:30-臨晨1:00)。

.# 觀世音菩薩聖誕、#念佛、#供養
Deepest gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Today is a very auspicious day, the birthday of the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva. Let me share with you a story from Chinese history in relation to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

During the Northern Wei dynasty there was a man named Dao-tai(道泰) who lived in the Changshan county. He had a dream in which he was told he had a lifespan of only forty-two years. True enough, he fell very sick on his forty-second birthday. Thinking that he was going to die, he donated all his wealth to the poor to gain karmic merits. One day, he heard from his friend that the karmic reward of calling out the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva with great sincerity is equivalent to making offerings to 6.2 billion Bodhisattvas. This inspired Dao-tai to chant reverently day and night. Suddenly, on the fourth night, he was enveloped by bright light shining in from the outside. In the blinding light, he could see the legs of Guanyin boddhisattva and immediately prostrated at the bodhisattva’s gold-sheathed feet. The light disappeared as fast as it came and Dao-tai found himself covered in perspiration. Amazingly, he was cured of all illnesses after that. (Continued in the 25th chapter of the Biographies of Eminent Monks).

Such miraculous blessings from Guanyin Bodhisattva are not uncommon. While I was growing up, Guanyin Bodhisattva was always by my side; holding my hand as I walked the path, giving me guidance on my practice. She taught me all about the Buddha dharma and the natural way of things. Till today, she is there at all the key events of my life, watching over me, bestowing blessings to all as I spread the Dharma.

The Bodhisattva’s compassion is like that of a loving mother who gives unconditionally: She will go through all means to ensure that we are safe and healthy, even at the expense of herself. Such deep love is what a mother will bear towards her own child. To the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva, all of us, all sentient beings are like her children. Such compassion and love are truly admirable!

The great compassion that the Bodhisattva bears for us can only be repaid with the deepest respect and sincerity. How do we express that on this sacred day?
1. Freshen ourselves and sincerely chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva.
2. Make sincere offerings of flowers, fruits and gifts to the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva.
3. Join the group chanting practice at the Bodhi Meditation Center. If you stay far away from the center, you can chant together with us in your home, anytime between 8.30 in the evening to 1 in the morning. Group practice is beneficial as it yields much stronger energy and builds a stronger connection with the merciful Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all sentient beings who call out to her, freeing them from suffering, pain, poverty and sickness. On this auspicious day, let us offer our sincerest gratitude and receive the blessings from the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!

#GuanyinBodhisattvaBirthday #chanting #sincereOfferingsrnrnDeepest gratitude to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

Today is a very auspicious day, the birthday of the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva. Let me share with you a story from Chinese history in relation to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

During the Northern Wei dynasty there was a man named Dao-tai(道泰) who lived in the Changshan county. He had a dream in which he was told he had a lifespan of only forty-two years. True enough, he fell very sick on his forty-second birthday. Thinking that he was going to die, he donated all his wealth to the poor to gain karmic merits. One day, he heard from his friend that the karmic reward of calling out the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva with great sincerity is equivalent to making offerings to 6.2 billion Bodhisattvas. This inspired Dao-tai to chant reverently day and night. Suddenly, on the fourth night, he was enveloped by bright light shining in from the outside. In the blinding light, he could see the legs of Guanyin boddhisattva and immediately prostrated at the bodhisattva’s gold-sheathed feet. The light disappeared as fast as it came and Dao-tai found himself covered in perspiration. Amazingly, he was cured of all illnesses after that. (Continued in the 25th chapter of the Biographies of Eminent Monks).

Such miraculous blessings from Guanyin Bodhisattva are not uncommon. While I was growing up, Guanyin Bodhisattva was always by my side; holding my hand as I walked the path, giving me guidance on my practice. She taught me all about the Buddha dharma and the natural way of things. Till today, she is there at all the key events of my life, watching over me, bestowing blessings to all as I spread the Dharma.

The Bodhisattva’s compassion is like that of a loving mother who gives unconditionally: She will go through all means to ensure that we are safe and healthy, even at the expense of herself. Such deep love is what a mother will bear towards her own child. To the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva, all of us, all sentient beings are like her children. Such compassion and love are truly admirable!

The great compassion that the Bodhisattva bears for us can only be repaid with the deepest respect and sincerity. How do we express that on this sacred day?
1. Freshen ourselves and sincerely chant the name of Guanyin Bodhisattva.
2. Make sincere offerings of flowers, fruits and gifts to the benevolent Guanyin Bodhisattva.
3. Join the group chanting practice at the Bodhi Meditation Center. If you stay far away from the center, you can chant together with us in your home, anytime between 8.30 in the evening to 1 in the morning. Group practice is beneficial as it yields much stronger energy and builds a stronger connection with the merciful Bodhisattva.

Guanyin Bodhisattva has vowed to help all sentient beings who call out to her, freeing them from suffering, pain, poverty and sickness. On this auspicious day, let us offer our sincerest gratitude and receive the blessings from the most compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva!

#GuanyinBodhisattvaBirthday #chanting #sincereOfferings


拾金不昧改變一生 幾年前某個鎮上有位流浪…









#拾金不昧、#善有善報、#知恩圖報、#人性的溫暖、#誠實的力量rnrnHonesty can dramatically change one’s life
There was a vagrant in the streets who begged for handouts some years back. No one paid much attention to him. Until one day, a kind-hearted lady donated some pennies. Thereafter, his life and fortunes changed.
As he prepared to set off later that day, he tallied his “takings” in the begging bowl habitually. Amongst money, there lay a glistening ring. He had low expectations of the ring, but decided to have it examined by a jeweler anyway. To his astonishment, it was a genuine diamond ring, and was valuable.
Upon realizing the value of the diamond ring, the vagrant struggled consciously. On the one hand, he knew that he would not have to worry about his meals for the next year or so should he trade off the diamond ring. On the other hand, he thought about the owner of the ring, who must be panic-stricken upon realizing the loss. Eventually, he decided against selling the diamond ring.
The following day, he returned to the same spot to beg. After a while, a young lady indeed hurriedly came up to him, inquiring about a diamond ring. Without hesitation, the vagrant nodded and handed the diamond ring over, urging the young lady to keep it safely. This lady was immensely grateful, but did not have extra cash to assist the vagrant. So after she returned home, she subsequently posted her positive encounter with the vagrant on the internet. At the same time, she registered a charity account on his behalf.
The young lady’s encounter with the honest vagrant sparked off an internet sensation, leading to meaningful online discussions. Reporters interviewed him. Many were touched by his honesty and sympathetic toward his plight, and donated generously to his charity account. Soon, funds in the account rose from a few thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Further, the news coverage allowed the vagrant’s family to locate him successfully. Soon, he was reunited with his family, and had a nice, warm home to return.
This story of honesty, and in not taking other’s belongings illustrate the kindness and warmth of human nature. In today’s society, there are some who resort to defraud others, and in the process, suffer a similar fate. It is obvious that the immediate gains through dishonesty would eventually be lost.
We should note that with kind intentions and thus actions, positive results would manifest. A considerate, grateful and compassionate person can reduce poor karma and accumulate deep virtues. In this manner, such a person and his loved ones can enjoy sustained blissful and smooth lives across generations.
#NotTakingOther’sBelongings, #OneGoodTurnDeservesAnother, #RepayOne’sGratitude, #WarmthOfHumanNature, #TheMeritOfHonesty


金菩提禪語 當是非發生的時候,我們要想到…



#金菩提禪語 #恩情 #知恩圖報 #感恩
【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】
Remember the other person’s kindness during conflicts. Do not overlook his good just because of a small mistake he has made.
#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #Kindness, #PayBackKindness, Gratitudernrn【 Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】
Remember the other person’s kindness during conflicts. Do not overlook his good just because of a small mistake he has made.
#MasterJinBodhi’sAphorism, #Kindness, #PayBackKindness, Gratitude


擺脫多重式文明病的方法 . 是什麽使她在…

Free from various modern ailments
Introduction to Min-cen’s Testimonial
What caused her eye floaters, frozen shoulders, and lumps on her foot to disappear and helped her shed 5kg at the same time?
Let’s hear from Min-cen’s on her magical journey to health.
#MeditationJournal, #Slimming, #RemediesToManyModernAilments


【請跟我一起真誠念佛、得美好祝願】 . …



那麼從3月11日晚上開始,我會從20:30左右開始一直到凌晨01:00誦念《觀世音菩薩聖號》,大家可以跟著我一起誦念。一共 12個晚上。每晚最少20分鐘,少了也都可以,我相信只要恭敬誦念都會有效果。如果在觀音菩薩聖誕附近這段時間裡,我們能常常有恭敬、誦念、觀想、供養等行為,是非常吉祥、非常殊勝、非常有功德的事情,希望大家都試著去做,或許會有不可思議的奇迹發生。



那麼從3月11日晚上開始,我會從20:30左右開始一直到凌晨01:00誦念《觀世音菩薩聖號》,大家可以跟著我一起誦念。一共 12個晚上。每晚最少20分鐘,少了也都可以,我相信只要恭敬誦念都會有效果。如果在觀音菩薩聖誕附近這段時間裡,我們能常常有恭敬、誦念、觀想、供養等行為,是非常吉祥、非常殊勝、非常有功德的事情,希望大家都試著去做,或許會有不可思議的奇迹發生。



【金菩提宗師問答系列】提問注意事項 . …


#金菩提宗師問答系列、 #專頁私訊、 #解答疑惑、 #學習成長、 #提問注意事項
[Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Q&A series] .
Points to take note when you raise questions
Hello everyone, I often received many questions through private messages on Facebook. However, you can also choose to directly post your questions in detail here in future.
When you do, please take note of the following:
1. Please do not disclose your actual name, age, address or any other personal data online so as to protect your privacy and for safety reasons.
2. I will select a few suitable topics to be posted here for everyone to share and discuss openly.
3. My answers to these questions will then be posted a few days later and hope they can be helpful to more people with similar problems.
I welcome all of you to be brave and open to raise questions and share your thoughts here. Your questions could very well be someone else’s doubts, and may benefit others in finding the answers. It is also good to learn from what other person are experiencing.
# MasterJinBodhiQ&ASeries, #LearnAndGrowrnrn[Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Q&A series] .
Points to take note when you raise questions
Hello everyone, I often received many questions through private messages on Facebook. However, you can also choose to directly post your questions in detail here in future.
When you do, please take note of the following:
1. Please do not disclose your actual name, age, address or any other personal data online so as to protect your privacy and for safety reasons.
2. I will select a few suitable topics to be posted here for everyone to share and discuss openly.
3. My answers to these questions will then be posted a few days later and hope they can be helpful to more people with similar problems.
I welcome all of you to be brave and open to raise questions and share your thoughts here. Your questions could very well be someone else’s doubts, and may benefit others in finding the answers. It is also good to learn from what other person are experiencing.
# MasterJinBodhiQ&ASeries, #LearnAndGrow


【今世修行,一世修成】 . 「人身難得,…

【Cultivate and attain enlightenment in this lifetime】
There is an ancient saying: our human body is scarcely available and Buddha dharma is difficult to chance upon. Now that we have the opportunity to listen to Buddha dharma as a human, we should treasure this rare opportunity and cultivate diligently.
My advice to my disciples is to cultivate diligently and clear your karmic debts so that you can attain liberation and enlightenment in this life. At the same time, you will be able to experience the fundamental state of meditation as described in the Heart Sutra. It is only then will you truly realize the Law of Nature and its inter-connectivity with body and mind.
#Cultivation, #BuddhaDharma, #DharmaTeachingFrom2014Taiwan-NewTaipeiAuspiciousChantClassrnrn【Cultivate and attain enlightenment in this lifetime】
There is an ancient saying: our human body is scarcely available and Buddha dharma is difficult to chance upon. Now that we have the opportunity to listen to Buddha dharma as a human, we should treasure this rare opportunity and cultivate diligently.
My advice to my disciples is to cultivate diligently and clear your karmic debts so that you can attain liberation and enlightenment in this life. At the same time, you will be able to experience the fundamental state of meditation as described in the Heart Sutra. It is only then will you truly realize the Law of Nature and its inter-connectivity with body and mind.
#Cultivation, #BuddhaDharma, #DharmaTeachingFrom2014Taiwan-NewTaipeiAuspiciousChantClass
