不需要花大把銀子也能瘦身變窈窕!!! ….

富足的生活中,人們每天吃大餐,甜品、美食。加上食物的加工過程日新月異,這些東西每天有進無出,自然容易就會累出病來,當身體負擔重了,健康與美麗也會離我們越來越遠 。

You don’t need to spend a fortune to lose weight and slim down!
The cause of obesity may be due to the accumulation of toxics in the body.
With a life filled with abundance, people tend to feast on food and desserts. Coupled with the ever changing ways of processing food, these are consumed daily and remains in the body, thus causing sickness over time. When the body becomes overly burdened with these, our health and beauty are affected.
However it is not difficult to regain our health and beauty. Lets hear from Chen Xiu-Zhen (Ning Juan) from Malaysia who shares on how she has achieved it!
She came to Bodhi Meditation with the intention to slim down;
In the process of practicing meditation, the pain on her body that she was suffering from gradually disappeared and she became healthier and prettier; her original intention of wanting a drop of water turned out to be receiving an ocean instead…
# Backache, # Leg pain, # Aches and pain, # Slimming, # Full Prostration, # Meditation of Greater Illumination, # Meditation of Purity


【愛情問答系列】—幸福的金鑰匙 . …


#愛情問答系列 、#湊合的幸福 、#幸福的金鑰匙 、#情人節
Q&A with Grandmaster JinBodhi on relationships: The Golden Key to Happiness

Today, Feb 14, is Valentine’s Day. It is a day of romance and to cherish love. On this day, we cherish our partners who accompany us faithfully in our life, whom we may often have differences with and yet, they relieve us from loneliness.

However, many marriages are also formed in baffling circumstances, and couples only start questioning their existence when they ponder over them later with clear minds.

Actually, the “fortuitous togetherness” is also a form of happiness!

#Q&A with Grandmaster JinBodhi on relationships, #Happiness through fortuitous togetherness, #The golden key to happiness, #Valentine’s Day
From the Video:
Title : The Golden Key to Happiness

Question :
I have questions with regards to what Master taught about relationships on Facebook some time back;
What is predestined affinity? Do you think any person you like should belong to you?
You mentioned,
“I think “fortuitous togetherness” is good enough, so long as the other party is of the opposite sex and of an acceptable age to you”
Master, I am confused and do not quite understand what “fortuitous togetherness” means.
Does it mean that if a person likes me or is nice to me, I should accept him/her as a potential partner?
Would that bring happiness to me?

The phrase “fortuitous togetherness” (湊和) is a colloquial Northern Chinese expression. What I meant is one does not make high demands and expectations on the potential life partner or spouse. The higher the expectations, the more likely one will be disappointed.

So when I mentioned the concept of “fortuitous togetherness”, I meant one should set a reasonable expectation of the other person’s looks, income, occupation, height, family background, etc. Do not deliberate too much, just go along with the flow and be at ease.

When we meet a suitable person of the opposite sex at a suitable time and feel comfortable or even happy; thereafter understanding further his age, occupation, character, etc., which more or less meet our expectations, we may progress to the next stage of marriage to spend our life with that person.

After marriage, the concept of fortuitous togetherness may sound perfunctory or even irresponsible. But it actually means not to expect too much from the other person, not be too rigid that he/she feels suffocated. We need to relax and be at ease, and not be greedy and keep wanting more from the other person. In this way the relationship can progress naturally with ease. Fortuitous togetherness in Northern Chinese language also implies partnership and collaboration to achieve common goals.

Therefore, if we come together through fortuitous encounter, we work together to build the family by complementing each other. So even if we may not be perfect, we can still create a happy and perfect life together. Even though the child we produce may not be perfect in height, look and luck, or as pretty, but we will have true love and we can create a family which is more fortunate, spontaneous, more blissful, unpretentious, undemanding and realistic in expectations.

In fact, one reason why couple divorce is due to unrealistic expectations. For example, if the husband is in business, the wife hopes he will prosper. If the husband is still not wealthy after 10 years of marriage, the wife divorces and leaves him. Is this right?
Another example is when a lady hopes to marry someone who is in a high position. After 10 years of marriage and the partner is still not promoted, his wife leaves him.
Yet another example, a girl wishes to marry a tall and strong man, but after being married for 10 years, he is still not tall and strong, she leaves him.

Many couples with high expectations of each other end up being separated. What if they adopt the fortuitous togetherness attitude I mentioned?

To a lady, is it better to stay married than not?
To a man, is it better to be married than remain single?

With this attitude in mind, one would be more spontaneous and would love and cherish his family and manage the marriage with care.

So fortuitous togetherness is definitely not deceiving or perfunctory. It is a relaxed and blissful natural state. We can also call this a collaborative mental state. With fortuitous togetherness, the couple may live a hundred years together. With fortuitous togetherness, we can create the most natural, happiest and blessed families.


幸福的階梯 . 快到了情人節,有些人就開…



燈謎會解答 . 元宵節吉祥燈謎大家都猜中…

#元宵節 #燈謎會 #解答
Answers to Lantern Festival riddles

How many of the Lantern Festival riddles have you guessed correctly?
Take a look at the answers below!
May everyone be able to bring my blessings and good wishes home!
Have a prosperous and happy year ahead!

The answers below are also some Chinese idoms for well wishes:

1. 鱼跃龙门 Carp leaps beyond the dragon’s gate (it means to gain quick success, especially for students who are taking examinations )

2. 鹤立鸡群 Crane in a flock of chicken (it means way above the common)

3. 扬眉吐气 Aspirations that raise eyebrows (with pride and elation)

4. 五福临门 Five blessings bestow upon the household (the five blessings are longevity, fortune, health, virtue and peaceful passing)

5. 花开富贵 Blossom with fortune (abundance of wealth and noble honor)

6. 龙马精神 Vitality of dragon and horse (energized and full of vitality)rnrn燈謎會解答
#元宵節 #燈謎會 #解答
Answers to Lantern Festival riddles

How many of the Lantern Festival riddles have you guessed correctly?
Take a look at the answers below!
May everyone be able to bring my blessings and good wishes home!
Have a prosperous and happy year ahead!

The answers below are also some Chinese idoms for well wishes:

1. 鱼跃龙门 Carp leaps beyond the dragon’s gate (it means to gain quick success, especially for students who are taking examinations )

2. 鹤立鸡群 Crane in a flock of chicken (it means way above the common)

3. 扬眉吐气 Aspirations that raise eyebrows (with pride and elation)

4. 五福临门 Five blessings bestow upon the household (the five blessings are longevity, fortune, health, virtue and peaceful passing)

5. 花开富贵 Blossom with fortune (abundance of wealth and noble honor)

6. 龙马精神 Vitality of dragon and horse (energized and full of vitality)


菩提之家! 這一晚,擊掌相敘! 2017…



2017年2月11日 於新加坡『菩提之家 新春大團圓』晚會
The Bodhi Family!

On this night where the palms touched and brought warmth to the sincere hearts, we look forward to our next reunion!

11th February 2017 – Bodhi Singapore Spring Reunion Dinnerrnrn菩提之家!


2017年2月11日 於新加坡『菩提之家 新春大團圓』晚會
The Bodhi Family!

On this night where the palms touched and brought warmth to the sincere hearts, we look forward to our next reunion!

11th February 2017 – Bodhi Singapore Spring Reunion Dinner
