【金菩提禪語】 . 好的命運來自「佈施」…

【Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】

To have good fortune, practice compassion and charitable giving.
#Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism,#Charitable Giving, #Compassionrnrn【金菩提禪語】
【Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism】

To have good fortune, practice compassion and charitable giving.
#Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism,#Charitable Giving, #Compassion



「人之衰老始於足,足血盈則身心健。 」《黃帝內經》

How did a stroke patient managed to regain hope towards life, and able to walk at a fast speed?

“Aging begins from one’s feet; good blood circulation from the feet brings about good health and strong mind.” [Esoteric Scripture of the Yellow Emperor】

This ancient Chinese medical text clearly states that if one wants to be healthy, one needs to first take care of one’s legs.

Since legs are most distal from the body, we tend to neglect them. Do a simple calculation on the average time you spend each week to care of your face and hair and you will realize how much you have neglected your legs.

A slow progress holds promise but a standstill foreshadows failure. Start taking care of your feet now before it is too late.

Let’s watch a video from Malaysia’s Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center, on Dehua Yu’s meditation journey.
【I’ve finally cast off my walking stick】
Stroke made him realize how important health is. His movement was restricted and this made his day-to-day living impossible. Only he himself fully understand that feeling of helplessness he had experienced.

Meditation has helped him regain his health, given him hope for the future and vastly increased his confidence. Come try and experience it for yourself too!
#Meditation Journal, #Klang (Dragon Spring) Bodhi Meditation Center, #Energy Bagua, #Foothealth


【金菩提禪語】 . 有時候福和禍是相依存…

[ Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism ]

There are times when fortune and misfortune are correlated.
Everyone needs to face them and handle them with the right approach.
Regard blessing and calamity with a calm mind.
Life will then be wonderful.
#金菩提禪語. #平常心. #福禍相倚rnrn【金菩提禪語】
[ Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism ]

There are times when fortune and misfortune are correlated.
Everyone needs to face them and handle them with the right approach.
Regard blessing and calamity with a calm mind.
Life will then be wonderful.
#金菩提禪語. #平常心. #福禍相倚


直播預告: 今天,2017年2月19日,…

1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
2017年2月19日下午 2:00 開始
2.韓國時間:2017年2月19日,下午 3:00 開始
3.北美東部時間:2017年2月19日,凌晨 1:00 開始
4.北美太平洋時間: 2017年2月18日,晚上 10:00 開始
5.澳洲墨爾本時間:2017年2月19日,下午 5:00 開始
6.印尼雅加達時間:2017年2月19日,下午 1:00 開始
Live Broadcast Notice:
We will begin our live broadcast tomorrow on February 19th, 2017 in Taipei/ Singapore/ Malaysia/ Beijing time zone at 14:00 hrs
Topic: Moonlight
All are welcomed to join us!
Global Live Broadcast schedules:
1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore: Feb 19, 2017 at 14 :00 hrs
2. Korea: Feb 19, 2017 at 15:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone): Feb 19, 2017 at 1:00 hrs
4. North America (Pacific zone): Feb 18, 2017 at 22:00 hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Feb 19, 2017 at 17:00 hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Feb 19, 2017 at 13:00 hrsrnrn直播預告:
1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
2017年2月19日下午 2:00 開始
2.韓國時間:2017年2月19日,下午 3:00 開始
3.北美東部時間:2017年2月19日,凌晨 1:00 開始
4.北美太平洋時間: 2017年2月18日,晚上 10:00 開始
5.澳洲墨爾本時間:2017年2月19日,下午 5:00 開始
6.印尼雅加達時間:2017年2月19日,下午 1:00 開始
Live Broadcast Notice:
We will begin our live broadcast tomorrow on February 19th, 2017 in Taipei/ Singapore/ Malaysia/ Beijing time zone at 14:00 hrs
Topic: Moonlight
All are welcomed to join us!
Global Live Broadcast schedules:
1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore: Feb 19, 2017 at 14 :00 hrs
2. Korea: Feb 19, 2017 at 15:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone): Feb 19, 2017 at 1:00 hrs
4. North America (Pacific zone): Feb 18, 2017 at 22:00 hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Feb 19, 2017 at 17:00 hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Feb 19, 2017 at 13:00 hrs


因為我還活著,所以我很快樂。 . . 我…

弟子問:「師父您為何這麼快樂?瞧您餓了這麼多天,我們特地來迎接您 出關。(大家都知道那個徒弟有點笨,肯定搞得師父筋疲力盡了。所以特地來迎請師父出關)
「看到我們有什麼高興的呀?」 弟子問
「對!」師父說:「人身難得,如果我還證明自己活著的話,我已經很快樂了」 。
因為覺得「我很快樂」,這個原因就是「我還活著」 。
I am so happy to be ALIVE!

I remember a Buddhist master who went on an extended meditation retreat in a cave by himself. As this was a secretive spiritual retreat, he only brought along a disciple to attend to him during the retreat. However, the disciple that came along was a lazy and foolish person. When the master went into a meditative state, he found himself a hide-out to laze around. So when the master had a break from his meditation and needed some drinking water, he was not able to locate his disciple. As such, he had no choice but to endure his thirst.
This lasted for several days. When it was finally time for him to leave his meditation state, several other disciples came to the cave to greet him. When they found him still in a deep sleep, they tried to wake him up.
The moment the master woke up, he grinned, “I’m very happy to be awake.”
The disciples could not comprehend and one of them asked, “Master, how can you be happy when you have starved for so many days?”
The master simply rose up, smiled and repeated what he said earlier, “Indeed, I am very happy.”
Another asked, “Master, have you attained the bliss in meditation?”
The master responded, “Yes but the bliss was already over.”
“Was it a good dream that you just had?” another followed.
“No”, the master replied.
“Why are you so happy then?”
The master said, “I am happy because I see all of you!”
“What’s there to be happy about when you see us?” one asked.
The master said: “That means I am still alive!”
The disciples, with eyes wide-opened, asked, “You’re grinning from ear to ear just because you proved that you are still alive?”
“Indeed! The human form is precious and because I can prove that I am still alive, I am very happy.” said the master.
“I am happy because I’m still alive”
When you wake up in the morning, give yourself a thought – I am happy because I am still alive. Cherish every day as you open your eyes. Be thankful that you are still healthy. Greet the sunshine and enjoy the day. If you can do this, every day of your life will be filled with happiness, gratitude and zest!!

.# I’m still alive, # Dharma story, # Meditative practicernrn因為我還活著,所以我很快樂。
弟子問:「師父您為何這麼快樂?瞧您餓了這麼多天,我們特地來迎接您 出關。(大家都知道那個徒弟有點笨,肯定搞得師父筋疲力盡了。所以特地來迎請師父出關)
「看到我們有什麼高興的呀?」 弟子問
「對!」師父說:「人身難得,如果我還證明自己活著的話,我已經很快樂了」 。
因為覺得「我很快樂」,這個原因就是「我還活著」 。
I am so happy to be ALIVE!

I remember a Buddhist master who went on an extended meditation retreat in a cave by himself. As this was a secretive spiritual retreat, he only brought along a disciple to attend to him during the retreat. However, the disciple that came along was a lazy and foolish person. When the master went into a meditative state, he found himself a hide-out to laze around. So when the master had a break from his meditation and needed some drinking water, he was not able to locate his disciple. As such, he had no choice but to endure his thirst.
This lasted for several days. When it was finally time for him to leave his meditation state, several other disciples came to the cave to greet him. When they found him still in a deep sleep, they tried to wake him up.
The moment the master woke up, he grinned, “I’m very happy to be awake.”
The disciples could not comprehend and one of them asked, “Master, how can you be happy when you have starved for so many days?”
The master simply rose up, smiled and repeated what he said earlier, “Indeed, I am very happy.”
Another asked, “Master, have you attained the bliss in meditation?”
The master responded, “Yes but the bliss was already over.”
“Was it a good dream that you just had?” another followed.
“No”, the master replied.
“Why are you so happy then?”
The master said, “I am happy because I see all of you!”
“What’s there to be happy about when you see us?” one asked.
The master said: “That means I am still alive!”
The disciples, with eyes wide-opened, asked, “You’re grinning from ear to ear just because you proved that you are still alive?”
“Indeed! The human form is precious and because I can prove that I am still alive, I am very happy.” said the master.
“I am happy because I’m still alive”
When you wake up in the morning, give yourself a thought – I am happy because I am still alive. Cherish every day as you open your eyes. Be thankful that you are still healthy. Greet the sunshine and enjoy the day. If you can do this, every day of your life will be filled with happiness, gratitude and zest!!

.# I’m still alive, # Dharma story, # Meditative practice


返璞歸真 #禪的境界 . 「修行」與「修…


就像嬰兒的大腦,是不受汙染的,也是能量最強的,直覺反應是非常強、非常真實的——彰顯了人本性當中最直截了當、最清淨的狀態,歸真到極致的狀態 。

就像嬰兒的大腦,是不受汙染的,也是能量最強的,直覺反應是非常強、非常真實的——彰顯了人本性當中最直截了當、最清淨的狀態,歸真到極致的狀態 。


週六共修預告(2017年2月18日) #…


1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
4.北美太平洋時間: 2017年2月17日,晚上5:00開始


Online Global Group Practice on Saturday, February 18th, 2017
Singapore Live Broadcast Dharma teaching
When one practices the Way, the whole family can benefit.
Does it mean only bosses or the awakened ones could do charity work? There’s a secret for ordinary people who wish to break away from poverty, become wealthy and overcome obstacles. In fact, Buddha has taught us the way that will bring out the compassion in our hearts so wealth and auspiciousness shines bright like the sun.
What is that secret taught by Buddha?”
I have mentioned the method in my live broadcast in Singapore last week. Those of you who are unsure how to go about doing it or do not understand my teaching, are welcomed to listen in to the group practice this Saturday. I will continue to explain the secret of attaining “wealth and auspiciousness” through the Buddha’s way!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore: Feb 18, 2017 at 9:00 hrs
2. Korea: Feb 18, 2017 at 10:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone): Feb 17, 2017 at 20:00 hrs
4. North America (Pacific zone): Feb 17, 2017 at 17:00 hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Feb 18, 2017 at 12:00 hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Feb 18, 2017 at 8:00 hrs
(Live broadcast generally starts at 9.00am in your local center. It is advisable to call the Center for confirmation.)

#Grandmaster JinBodhi Teaching, #Online Global Group Practice on Saturday, #Singapore Live Broadcast, #Wealth and Auspiciousrnrn週六共修預告(2017年2月18日)

1.臺北/北京/馬來西亞/新加坡 時間:
4.北美太平洋時間: 2017年2月17日,晚上5:00開始


Online Global Group Practice on Saturday, February 18th, 2017
Singapore Live Broadcast Dharma teaching
When one practices the Way, the whole family can benefit.
Does it mean only bosses or the awakened ones could do charity work? There’s a secret for ordinary people who wish to break away from poverty, become wealthy and overcome obstacles. In fact, Buddha has taught us the way that will bring out the compassion in our hearts so wealth and auspiciousness shines bright like the sun.
What is that secret taught by Buddha?”
I have mentioned the method in my live broadcast in Singapore last week. Those of you who are unsure how to go about doing it or do not understand my teaching, are welcomed to listen in to the group practice this Saturday. I will continue to explain the secret of attaining “wealth and auspiciousness” through the Buddha’s way!
Online Global Group Practice Schedules:
1. Taipei / Beijing / Malaysia / Singapore: Feb 18, 2017 at 9:00 hrs
2. Korea: Feb 18, 2017 at 10:00 hrs
3. North America (Eastern zone): Feb 17, 2017 at 20:00 hrs
4. North America (Pacific zone): Feb 17, 2017 at 17:00 hrs
5. Melbourne (Australia): Feb 18, 2017 at 12:00 hrs
6. Jakarta (Indonesia): Feb 18, 2017 at 8:00 hrs
(Live broadcast generally starts at 9.00am in your local center. It is advisable to call the Center for confirmation.)

#Grandmaster JinBodhi Teaching, #Online Global Group Practice on Saturday, #Singapore Live Broadcast, #Wealth and Auspicious


【金菩提禪語】 . 要想成為一個真正有思…

[ Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism ] .
To become a responsible, introspective and driven person,
transform your thoughts into actions.
Do not let laziness overcome you.
In this way, you can develop and fulfill your magnanimous self.
[ Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Aphorism ] .
To become a responsible, introspective and driven person,
transform your thoughts into actions.
Do not let laziness overcome you.
In this way, you can develop and fulfill your magnanimous self.
