燈謎會解答 . 元宵節吉祥燈謎大家都猜中…

#元宵節 #燈謎會 #解答
Answers to Lantern Festival riddles

How many of the Lantern Festival riddles have you guessed correctly?
Take a look at the answers below!
May everyone be able to bring my blessings and good wishes home!
Have a prosperous and happy year ahead!

The answers below are also some Chinese idoms for well wishes:

1. 鱼跃龙门 Carp leaps beyond the dragon’s gate (it means to gain quick success, especially for students who are taking examinations )

2. 鹤立鸡群 Crane in a flock of chicken (it means way above the common)

3. 扬眉吐气 Aspirations that raise eyebrows (with pride and elation)

4. 五福临门 Five blessings bestow upon the household (the five blessings are longevity, fortune, health, virtue and peaceful passing)

5. 花开富贵 Blossom with fortune (abundance of wealth and noble honor)

6. 龙马精神 Vitality of dragon and horse (energized and full of vitality)rnrn燈謎會解答
#元宵節 #燈謎會 #解答
Answers to Lantern Festival riddles

How many of the Lantern Festival riddles have you guessed correctly?
Take a look at the answers below!
May everyone be able to bring my blessings and good wishes home!
Have a prosperous and happy year ahead!

The answers below are also some Chinese idoms for well wishes:

1. 鱼跃龙门 Carp leaps beyond the dragon’s gate (it means to gain quick success, especially for students who are taking examinations )

2. 鹤立鸡群 Crane in a flock of chicken (it means way above the common)

3. 扬眉吐气 Aspirations that raise eyebrows (with pride and elation)

4. 五福临门 Five blessings bestow upon the household (the five blessings are longevity, fortune, health, virtue and peaceful passing)

5. 花开富贵 Blossom with fortune (abundance of wealth and noble honor)

6. 龙马精神 Vitality of dragon and horse (energized and full of vitality)


在〈燈謎會解答 . 元宵節吉祥燈謎大家都猜中…〉中有 28 則留言

  1. 感恩上师!收到!把上师的㊗️福领受回来,红红火火!圆满顺心!……也让我们把天下最美好的㊗️福呈献给您……???❤️❤️❤️???

  2. 哈哈哈?我开始就没认真看内容,光想着感恩师父?今天上午八点多打开进来仔细一看,是猜灯谜,第一个我猜对了,第五个猜对了,第六个龙马两个图对应上,后面精神俩字觉得和图对应不上,还是悟性差吧!感恩师父?弟子全家收到师父的真心❤️祝福了,在新的一年里红红火火,吉祥圆满,感恩师父?

  3. 感恩师父吉祥祝福!鱼跃龙门凡转圣,鹤立鸡群唯我尊,花开富贵觉圆满,龙马精神誓秉承!真诚顶礼最尊贵的金菩提上师!

  4. 谜底揭晓了,恭喜答对的师兄们O(∩_∩)O,我这水平差早了,一看猜谜就蒙了O(∩_∩)O~,一个都没猜出来,看到师兄们的答案,好开心啊,要多学习学习了O(∩_∩)O~师父的美好祝福收到了O(∩_∩)O~感恩师父O(∩_∩)O~+

  5. 感恩师父祝福!师父的灯谜里,都是对弟子们的鞭策,在新的一年里,更要勤奋修炼,不懒惰,不等待,发扬龙马精神。祝师父每天开心快乐!!!

  6. 感恩师父!全猜对啦!今年要带着师父美好的祝愿信心百倍地过好每一天,珍惜时间,精进修行,多做善事,多帮人,做一个让师父放心又开心的好弟子!愿师父天天开心!!!

  7. 感恩师父!满满的祝福都收到了,师父慈悲呵护我们,加油按着上师期许努力新的一年正心正念正行,我心依旧我行依旧!感恩师父感恩一切!

  8. 感恩师父慈悲加持与呵护!恭祝师父健康快乐,菩提事业,红红火火,心想事成,鸡年大吉。祝福师兄姐们,健康平安,财源滚滚,勤奮精进,道业有成,愿望圆满。感恩合十!

  9. 信態叩拜最尊贵的上师!感恩上师的慈悲加持!在上师的护佑下,在新的一年里,我们都会五福临门,龙马精神,鹤立鸡群;事业上都会蒸蒸日上,鱼跃龙门,杨眉吐气,走出困境,走向辉煌!

  10. 感恩师父!弟子沒猜,但今天看到谜底,全是鼓励的美词,心里非常开心!弟子全收到!一定照办!在新的一年努力精进,实证实修,消除业力障碍,用龙马精神去奋进!实现师父对弟子的诚挚祝福和希望!~

  11. 感恩师父!这个星期去上观生禅师的新春转运念佛班,所以上网比较晚,不过早上6:32分,上网时都蒙对了。弟子收到师父的祝福了。

  12. 师父的祝福加持,弟子都领受到了。在新的一年里,弟子一定能:鱼跃龙门、鹤立鸡群、扬眉吐气、五福临门、花开富贵、龙马精神。祝师父师母开心顺意。

  13. 师父好,感恩师父慈悲赐福,我们永远爱您师父,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,功德圆满,愿佛光普照,众生得吉祥,健康快乐,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。
