


Global Group Practice On Saturday (26 November 2016)

[ Understanding Meditation ] .
To be healthy, we must first learn to relax.
We work hard every day and a thorough rest at night is essential. Through resting and relaxing, our cells enter a “self-recovery process,” healing problematic areas of our body and revitalizing our spirit and health. This enables us to continue working hard for the next brand new day.
Besides sleeping and resting to rejuvenate, another way is [ Meditation ].
Meditation helps us to relax more effectively, lets our body gain energy quickly, allows us to develop better predictive ability, and enhances our decision-making and implementations skills. Our body is always either in a “reconstruction” or “destruction” mode. When we relax, the brain waves are in alpha mode and the body cells will self-repair and regenerate. If we are in a constant state of tension, the body’s immune system will be easily weaken, accelerating our aging, and in severe cases developing diseases.
Some may ask, “Is the purpose of Meditation solely for relaxation?” In actually fact, its purpose goes far beyond that. A relaxed person has a quiet heart and a clear mind. With peace, purity and ease can then one receive the highest energy and attain physical and mental health.
Meditation is one of the comprehensive ways to help us stay healthy. There is a saying: “When eating, I am the emperor”. I think it would be better to say: “When meditating, I am the emperor.” For those yet to personally experience Meditation may find this concept difficult to understand. Hence, instead of just listening to me, experience Meditation yourself.
This Saturday, let us explore the topic of [ Understanding Meditation ]. I welcome everyone to meet me online. Here’s wishing everyone auspiciousness and happiness.
1.臺北 北京/馬來西亞/新加坡時間:
2.韓國時間: 2016年11月26日,上午10:00開始
3.北美東部時間: 2016年11月25日,晚上8:00開始
4.北美太平洋時間: 2016年11月25日,晚上5:00開始



Global Group Practice On Saturday (26 November 2016)

[ Understanding Meditation ] .
To be healthy, we must first learn to relax.
We work hard every day and a thorough rest at night is essential. Through resting and relaxing, our cells enter a “self-recovery process,” healing problematic areas of our body and revitalizing our spirit and health. This enables us to continue working hard for the next brand new day.
Besides sleeping and resting to rejuvenate, another way is [ Meditation ].
Meditation helps us to relax more effectively, lets our body gain energy quickly, allows us to develop better predictive ability, and enhances our decision-making and implementations skills. Our body is always either in a “reconstruction” or “destruction” mode. When we relax, the brain waves are in alpha mode and the body cells will self-repair and regenerate. If we are in a constant state of tension, the body’s immune system will be easily weaken, accelerating our aging, and in severe cases developing diseases.
Some may ask, “Is the purpose of Meditation solely for relaxation?” In actually fact, its purpose goes far beyond that. A relaxed person has a quiet heart and a clear mind. With peace, purity and ease can then one receive the highest energy and attain physical and mental health.
Meditation is one of the comprehensive ways to help us stay healthy. There is a saying: “When eating, I am the emperor”. I think it would be better to say: “When meditating, I am the emperor.” For those yet to personally experience Meditation may find this concept difficult to understand. Hence, instead of just listening to me, experience Meditation yourself.
This Saturday, let us explore the topic of [ Understanding Meditation ]. I welcome everyone to meet me online. Here’s wishing everyone auspiciousness and happiness.
1.臺北 北京/馬來西亞/新加坡時間:
2.韓國時間: 2016年11月26日,上午10:00開始
3.北美東部時間: 2016年11月25日,晚上8:00開始
4.北美太平洋時間: 2016年11月25日,晚上5:00開始



在〈週六網路共修預告(2016年11月26日…〉中有 31 則留言

  1. 师父好!禅修让我们健康快乐开心?!禅修让我们全身心的放松下来,每天禅修,让我们能量满满的,浑身轻松,干活也有劲啦!感恩师父教给大家的妙法!想让身体健康的朋友,请来菩提禅修!健康快乐在等您!???

  2. ?

  3. 师父,您好!您不辞辛苦地时时关心我们,为我们着想,弟子无限感激,弟子会尽力去修练师父传给我们的妙法,感恩师父!谢谢师父!

  4. 感恩师父相约,禅修是对身心最好的放松与修复,而且也是提高个人心性,增长智慧不可少的修行方法,我们会一起倾听师父为我们唠叨的,更加深认识禅修,叩谢师父!

  5. 師父早上好,每聽到師父話自己嘮嘮叨叨,就是一种加持,弟子麟瑾總滿喜悅,能量充滿,今星期六有唸佛班第一堂,要在課堂,應.未能聽到師父開示,師父好想你。

  6. 現在的人真的好需要學習放鬆,生活壓力大,工作壓力大,憂鬱症不孕等,好多疾病因此變成了現在的文明病,感恩禪修讓我與我的母親都能健康快樂!!!

  7. 师父好!期待周六与您相约,聆听师父认识禅修的开示。每天禅修,身体轻松自在,心情愉快,大脑聪明智慧。感恩师父传授的妙法,让更多的人获得健康快乐。

  8. 师父早上好,吉祥如意!

  9. 我们无明众生有师父真是太幸福了,在佛前,不管年龄有多大,我们都是不懂事的小孩子,婴儿,我们有这么尊贵伟大的佛师搀扶着我们一步一步的成长,真是几世福报所致,甜蜜蜜,甜蜜蜜,真的甜蜜蜜???

  10. 师父好!感恩师父慈悲开示!禅修能使我们身心放松,身心放松能使我们全方位的接受到大自然的能量补充,接受到大自然的能量补充能使我们疾病消除,身心健康。愿越来越多的有缘者早日参加禅修,早日沐浴佛光,早日身心健康、快乐吉祥!祝福一切有缘!

  11. 师父好,感恩师父每时每刻慈悲加持和护佑我们健康成长,感恩师父菩提禅修健康快乐,幸福吉祥,祝愿师父师母每天开心快乐,幸福吉祥,愿佛光普照,弟子感恩顶礼叩拜恩师。

  12. 感恩师父的盛情邀请,不来都有点不好意思O(∩_∩)O~,禅修让我们获得身体健康的同时,也带来了意想不到的收获,每天啥事不做,也要把禅修先完成O(∩_∩)O~,让心灵像雪一样纯洁,美丽。师父周六见 O(∩_∩)O~

  13. 謝师父,时时刻刻关心着弟子,您就像慈父為了弟子成長總是操不完的心,嘮嘮叨叨的千叮嚀萬叮嘱,一次一次的開示護佑加持着弟子向前走,弟子感激不盡恩师的大慈大悲。

  14. 认识禅修才知道了世界之大,宇宙和人类的自然规律。感觉认识禅修之前的我,真的是井底之蛙,见识都局限在一个小小的范围内,在这个世界上,就像一个不懂比赛规则的人去盲目参赛,一个不懂行路规则的人在人生的路上乱闯,愚蛮无知害人害己。

  15. 为什么要禅修、禅修带给我们啥利益、如何禅修?我也想请我的新同修来听听。我自己也想更深刻地感悟一下,我的悟性差,还有很多禅理理解不到位,希望自己通过听师父的开示悟性、境界得到提升。。感恩师父!

  16. 感恩师父教会我们了禅修,禅修健身去病的效果极佳,禅修给予我们的是全方位的帮助,禅修会让我们感受到甚深禅境的美妙与自在。期待周六共修聆听师父为我们详尽认识禅修的开示。

  17. 師父好 聴您開示自然軽鬆自在 能量滿滿 師父妙法誏弟子學習很多 常常覺得好幸福快樂 師父我們進步很多 感恩您 祝福師父和家人身體健康 平安喜樂
