在〈新春初到,莫忘感恩,养育之恩,永生难报,…〉中有 40 則留言

  1. 感动的流下眼泪,很思念我的父母。感恩父母的养育之恩! 感恩师父誏我认识菩提法门,祝福师父人日快乐,吉祥如意,法体安康。

  2. 感恩师父 感恩生身菩萨我的父母 感恩因你们的功德是我今生得遇慈悲的金菩提上师 走出愚痴 获得觉悟的人生 顶礼叩拜恩师 求师父加持我往生的父母安住东方琉璃世界永享清福 永不轮回叩拜 叩拜 叩拜

  3. 师父师母早上好!感恩我的父母!感恩师父像慈父慈母一样给予众生一切的关爱!师父辛苦了!弟子五体投地顶礼叩拜恩师!感恩!感恩!感恩!

  4. 感恩父母,感恩他们含辛茹苦养育我,毫无条件毫无保留爱着我,无论我做什么都包容我,想念你们爱你们!!祝福全天下的父母健康长寿,快乐平安,吉祥如意!!感恩最尊贵的师父教会我懂得感恩,叩拜师父!!!

  5. 在此首先感恩我的慈父—金菩提上师!是您养育了我们精神世界的成长并在生活中由您的慈悲教诲更加懂得了修行是在日常的言行中。关爱亲人孝敬父母,祝全天下的父母亲健康快乐,清静自在,吉祥如意。

  6. This is worth reading.
    A young man went to seek an important position at a large printing company. He passed the initial interview and went to meet the director for the final interview.
    The director looked at his resumé, and asked, “Have you ever received a scholarship for school?”
    “No,” the man replied.
    “It was your father who paid for your studies?”
    “Where does your father work?”
    “My father is a blacksmith.”
    Then, the director asked the young man to show him his hands. They were soft and perfect.
    “Have you ever helped your parents at their job?” the director continued.
    “Never. My parents always wanted me to study and read more books. Besides, he can do the job better than I can.”
    “I have a request for you,” said the director. “When you go home today, go and wash the hands of your father, and then come see me tomorrow morning.”
    The young man left feeling good about the interview.
    That night, when he returned home, he asked his father if he would allow him to wash his hands.
    His father felt rather strange about the request, but agreed.
    The young man washed his father’s hands, little by little. It was the first time that he noticed all the wrinkles and scars on his father’s hands.
    Some bruises on his hands were so painful that his skin shuddered upon being touched.
    It was the first time that the young man recognized what it meant for this pair of hands to have worked every day to be able to pay for his studies.
    The bruises on his father’s hands were the price that he paid for his child’s education and future.
    After cleaning his father’s hands, the young man stood in silence, then began to tidy up his father’s workshop. That night, the father and son talked for a long time.
    The next morning, the young man returned to the director’s office. The director noticed the tears in his eyes.
    “Can you tell me what you did, and what you learned yesterday?” he asked the young man.
    “I washed my father’s hands. When I finished, I stayed and cleaned his workshop.” He continued, “Now I know what it is to appreciate and recognize that, without my parents, I would not be who I am today. By helping my father, I now realize how difficult it is to do something on my own. I have come to appreciate the importance and the value in helping the family.”
    The director looked at him with an earnest expression.
    “This is what I look for in my people. I want to hire someone who can appreciate the help of others, a person who knows the hardship of others. You are hired.”
    A child who has been coddled constantly usually develops a self-righteous mentality, and will always put himself first, ignoring the efforts of his parents.
    You can give your child a big house, good food, computer classes, and a flat-screen TV. But when you’re washing the floor or re-painting a wall, please let him experience that, too.
    The most important thing is that your children learn to appreciate the lives you have given them, and to experience the difficulties of life, to have the ability to work with others to get things done.
    If you agree with the lesson in this story, please share with family and friends.
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  7. 感恩师父!原来母亲在的时候毛病很多,大便排不出,要下手去抠,每天一次,吃饭好不容易喂下去有时喷出来弄一身.尿不出来,记得有一次一上午抱了十几次,总想着小时候她抚养我的种种辛苦和她的痛苦不忍发火,脾气大的我跑出去顶墙,但正是母亲让我认识到了种种的痛苦,理解了人的不容易。父亲也老了,前段时间出门回来去看他,一进屋他很开心,给了我100元都是一元的让我坐车,然后说他心口不舒服,可能是这段修得多,一下子调好了也没再犯,还是要好好的修,有时间多陪他,有能力才帮得到他。感恩师父!感恩父母!在我的心里他们都特别特别的好!祈愿天下所有的父母都健康长寿!

  8. 谢谢师父,感恩师父,在新年里每天都有师父的祝福语和教化,让我们收获多多。

  9. 感恩师父的教导。虽然母亲往生了但是在弟子心中母亲永远都是我的导师,永远都是那个慈悲有爱心的母亲。请师父加持弟子, 愿弟子在修行的道路上无障碍。愿师父法体安康 吉祥如意。

  10. 今天是妈妈生日,看到师父的帖子,心里空荡荡的,在一起的时候不懂真正的孝顺,直到走进菩提,才开始学会孝敬父母,却又没有更多时间陪伴,愿天下父母都老有所养,健康长寿!感恩师父,感恩妈妈爸爸!

  11. 感恩父母养育我,无条件爱我,包容我,遗憾陪伴父母不够多,想念你们爱你们!!!祝福全天下父母健康长寿,快乐平安,吉祥如意!!!感恩尊贵的师父,叩拜师父!!!

  12. 感恩师父!感恩父母亲!弟子以至真至诚之心顶礼至尊的上师!父母亲给予弟子身命,师父却给予弟子慧命,师父和父母亲都是弟子生命中不可缺少的。

  13. 感恩父母养育我,无条件爱我,包容我,遗憾陪伴父母不够多,想念你们爱你们!!!祝福全天下父母健康长寿,快乐平安,吉祥如意!!!感恩尊贵的师父,叩拜师父!!!

  14. 弟子叩拜佛师您好!看了您制作的短片真的好感动,心里也好酸楚,感动的是父母对我们真的是这么好,酸楚的是我们做的真不好!真的不够孝顺,谢谢佛师的再次提醒,要想过的好,把父母伺候好!感恩感谢佛师!祝您永远年轻英俊潇洒!

  15. 师父感恩您!是我也父亲老了,这次回来发现他,不愿动老胡思乱想,开始教他念佛,带他作抱球,改变现状有好转了。

  16. 感恩父母!感念父母的养育之恩!父母含辛茹苦地把我们养大,真是太不容易了,如今父母早往生了,每当想起父母的恩德,我的眼泪就会溢满眼眶。师父说孝敬孝顺、是为人根本,我们不能忘本,要好好念佛,给父母最好的孝敬!感恩上师的时时提醒!

  17. 感恩师父分享这短片~感谢父母恩。

  18. 感恩师父的教诲,让我们更加要感恩父母亲,化解好多孩子对父母的慎恨。父母就是家中两尊活佛,他们能让我们得到命运的改善,得到家庭美满。
