最有彈性的復健──八卦內功 . . 問:…

A most flexible form of rehabilitation ─ ─ Energy Bagua
Someone asked : “I had a serious accident a few years ago and broke my leg in 3 areas. After a long period of rehabilitation, I have no problem walking. However, when the weather changes, my leg is so sore and painful even to get out of bed. Every step felt like drilling several nails into my leg. The pain is so unbearable, let alone practice Energy Bagua?
I said: “When you practice Energy Bagua, apart from perseverance, please take note of the following. Should there be intense discomfort or pain after 5 to 10 minutes of Energy Bagua, stop for a rest and continue when you feel better. ”
He asked again: “if I stop and continue and stop and continue, would there be any benefit?
I said: “No matter what you do, it is not good to go beyond your limits. You have to adjust according to your own physical conditions while practicing Energy Bagua , so it doesn’t matter how many times you stop, the most important thing to having good results is to align your moves and positions as accurately as possible. ”
Subsequently, he followed my suggestions, he would stop and rest whenever he feels tired, resuming when he is better. With diligent and consistent practice, he progressed slowly from few minutes to two hours of practice within a year. Furthermore, his injured leg is no longer in any pain when the weather changes.
So, even if you have a good method, it is important to apply correctly. Energy Bagua can bring us good health. Above all, it is important for everyone to practice Energy Bagua in a most relaxed and comfortable state.My purpose of teaching Energy Bagua is to provide everyone with an effective method to obtain good health with happiness and joy.
#EnergyBagua, #InjuredLimbs, #WithinOurLimits, #ApplyTheMethodCorrectly, #Relax
