《六度之智慧》 . 所謂不吃虧的是聰明人…


The Six Perfections: Wisdom

As the saying goes, “.. those who do not lose out (be disadvantaged) are known as the clever ones; those who can afford to lose are the wise ones”.
Why is that so??
Actually, while it is difficult to be smart, it is even harder to be “foolish”.
This is because it takes a wise person to be “appropriately foolish”. Thus, we can appreciate that it is rare to be “wise” just as it is rare to be “foolish”.

So what kind of state is “wisdom”?
What is the benefit of wisdom in our lives?
I welcome all to listen to my view!

#SixPerfections, #SixParamitas, #Wisdom, #Prajna, #PerceivingOne’sMindAndSelfNature, #SelfAwareness, #Serene, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTeachings


《六度之禪定》 . . 宋朝大學士蘇東坡…


The Six Perfections – Meditation

During the Song Dynasty, there was a talented and knowledgeable statesman called Su Dongpo. He was a devout Buddhist and was good friends with Master Fo Yin who lived in the Jinshan Temple across the river. They got together very often to engage in philosophical discussions.

One day, Su Dongpo had an inspiration and wrote a poem:
“As I pay my deepest respect to the great Buddha,
His bright illumination lights up innumerable worlds in the universe;
I am seated firmly on the golden purple lotus,
And nothing can move me, including the eight winds.”

He was very proud of it and wanted to share his creation with his good friend. So he wrote down the poem and dispatched his errand boy to deliver it to Master Fo Yin.

When the boy returned, he took the letter eagerly, expecting to see praises for his brilliance. To his dismay, there was only one big word on the letter: “Bullshit!” He was outraged. Immediately he set off on his boat to dispute with the Master.

As the boat approached, Su Dongpo saw Master Fo Yin standing at the shore smiling at him. “My great statesman! Didn’t you say that you are unmoved even by the eight winds? Why is it that with a single word, I managed to move you across the river?” At that moment, Su Dongpo realized his folly and felt ashamed by his arrogance.

Those of us who are aspiring to master the skill of serenity and be able to remain unperturbed by external factors (what is called “unmovable by the eight winds”), please take some time to listen to what I have to say about the importance and benefits of meditation.

(Note: “Eight winds” refers to eight worldly conditions that we go through in our daily lives: praise, blame, fame, disgrace, gain, loss, suffering and happiness.)

#SixPerfections, #Meditation, #MeditationPractice, #GoodHealth, #Wisdom, #Persistence, #MasterJinBodhiDharmaTalk


人為什麼會有貧窮、富貴的差別? . 從前…

Why are there differences in people – some live in poverty; others in great wealth?

Once upon a time, the princess of a country had a whim. She decided to wear casual clothes and explore outside the palace with her maids. When the princess reached the crowded city centre, she saw many beggars on both sides of the street. Feeling sorry for them, she returned to the palace and requested the king to order part of the country’s wealth to be distributed to the poor so that everyone has the same wealth. But not long after, the poor remained as poor as before, and the rich were still rich. The princess wondered why it was so.

This is because the rich carry “rich” genes, and the poor carry “poor” genes.
How does the so-called “gene” evolve, and how do we resolve it?
You are welcome to join in my discussion relating to one of the Six Perfections – giving – to explore its true meaning.

Please share if you like.
More sharing, more blessings!

#SixPerfections, #Giving, #ToHelpOvercomeGreed, #MakeOffering, #WayOfNature, #WealthGenes


《六度之二:持戒》 . 什麼是「戒」,對…


The Second of the Six Perfections: Morality
What are “precepts”? How do they help us?
“Precepts” are like law of a country. For a law-abiding person, no amount of rules is superfluous as he will not offend it. Instead, he will live a more comfortable life because of the protection the law provides.
So what is the difference between observing precepts in our cultivation and obeying the law of a country? Let’s listen to what I have to say!
#MasterJinBodhiBuddhadharmaOnMorality, #ObservingPrecepts, #Comply, #SixPerfections
